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9 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


You forgot to call me a fascist and/or a nazi for not being in lockstep with your left leaning opinion on your preferred candidate.  You really want to call me a Conservative and/or MAGA Republican even though you know I'm not.  You know more about Faux News these days than I do, yet you use it like an insult.



I don't ignore the obvious signs of major decline of a guy who I've watched on television many times over the last few decades.


Both of them. 


Neither geriatric is anywhere near what they once were.  Fortunately for Biden, he started at a higher point as far as intellect goes.

Wrong poster 😉

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34 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Here's the thing...I'm not ignoring anything. As people get older they tend to forget things. Biden has always struggled with stuttering, so that exacerbates the problem. However, that isn't the same thing as claiming that he can only function coherently if he is under the influence of drugs.


It's good that you note that both candidates are experiencing age-related decline, however I didn't see you suggest that semi-coherent Trump must be on drugs. Seems like despite your protests to the contrary, the majority of your criticism is directed squarely at Joe Biden. You're also on record saying you enjoy "getting a rise" out of the anti-Trump crowd. That's fine, but if your aim is to provoke a reaction, you shouldn't act surprised and offended when you get one.....


As far as the "Nazi" thing goes, you have me confused with someone else. All I'm doing here is calling out a couple of posters who seem to think they are medical professionals and that they "know" someone is on drugs, based on what they have seen on TV....



I'm no trump supporter but something does seem off to me with Joe as well. He seems stiffer and more out of it than usual at times. Not to be accused of being Dr. Internet, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was dealing with something like early Parkinson's.


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42 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

It's good that you note that both candidates are experiencing age-related decline, however I didn't see you suggest that semi-coherent Trump must be on drugs.


The thing about those drugs is that, in the elderly, they lose their effectiveness sooner or later.  Trump isn't yet at the stage where he needs them.  His problem is his verbal filter insofar is that he doesn't have one.  He could cover for his lack of both a filter and comparative lack of intellect with some quickness.  He's getting naturally slower with age and he realizes it, but is no longer quick enough to cover for his misspeaking so he rambles until he gets frustrated and gives up. 



Seems like despite your protests to the contrary, the majority of your criticism is directed squarely at Joe Biden.


He's the POTUS so they will continue to be directed at him.  If he wasn't POTUS, I wouldn't say a word if he was sitting on his home's front porch crapping his pants.  That would be his family's problem, not the country's.


If Trump gets re-elected, I will call him out on his mental issues if/when they crop up.


Moscow Mitch McConnell needs to retire.  Propping him up in the Senate is just flat out elder abuse at this point.  Though I'd imagine he's more of a figurehead at this point.



You're also on record saying you enjoy "getting a rise" out of the anti-Trump crowd. That's fine, but if your aim is to provoke a reaction, you shouldn't act surprised and offended when you get one.....


Like the last time I did it a couple weeks ago, I've decided to flat out announce when I'm messing with people in order to get a rise out of them.  That's why I don't do it as much anymore.  And when I did it a couple weeks ago to everyone, I even made mention I came to that decision on outting myself immediately after a past discussion you and I had on that subject.


I think there's a need to pierce the echo chamber on occasion.  That's why I am one of the few who posts the articles that the pro-Democrat people would prefer I didn't.  I don't do it often, because I usually just stumble across the articles and am not actively looking for them.



As far as the "Nazi" thing goes, you have me confused with someone else. All I'm doing here is calling out a couple of posters who seem to think they are medical professionals and that they "know" someone is on drugs, based on what they have seen on TV....


Apologies.  I was being too flippant by making that point to you in particular.  I know there are people here that want to say that about me, but I do actually know that you aren't one of the overly-emotional ones that do.

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55 minutes ago, Gnarcore said:

Wrong poster 😉


I know.  I just apologized to him in my above post.  I posted that late at night before bed and was apparently being emo.


It's the chance you take when you post as you are fighting against a bout of insomnia.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

I'm no trump supporter but something does seem off to me with Joe as well. He seems stiffer and more out of it than usual at times. Not to be accused of being Dr. Internet, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was dealing with something like early Parkinson's.


I've noticed the same thing....but that wasn't what the debate was about.


The difference with me is, I wouldn't state that I know it for a a fact that Biden is on drugs any time he appears to be sharp. That would assume that his occasional gaffes were his default state and only ever mitigated by the effect of some kind of medication. My position is that his state of the union condition is his normal state, while the occasional "stiffness" and verbal gaffes are the exception.


The reason you notice them "more than usual" is because Republicans want you to notice them and make a point out of producing edited videos designed to highlight those occasions at every opportunity. At the same time, they attempt to promote the narrative that he can't possibly be the person he was at the SOTU speech without chemical assistance.....


....and it appears as though they've been successful of convincing some people in this forum....

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23 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I've noticed the same thing....but that wasn't what the debate was about.


The difference with me is, I wouldn't state that I know it for a a fact that Biden is on drugs any time he appears to be sharp. That would assume that his occasional gaffes were his default state and only ever mitigated by the effect of some kind of medication. My position is that his state of the union condition is his normal state, while the occasional "stiffness" and verbal gaffes are the exception.


The reason you notice them "more than usual" is because Republicans want you to notice them and make a point out of producing edited videos designed to highlight those occasions at every opportunity. At the same time, they attempt to promote the narrative that he can't possibly be the person he was at the SOTU speech without chemical assistance.....


....and it appears as though they've been successful of convincing some people in this forum....


Oh for sure, I don't care about the repug spin. 

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


Oh for sure, I don't care about the repug spin. 



And I only really learn about Republican spin because it gets brought up to me on this board when I say something some people don't like. 


Otherwise, I watch occasional clips on YouTube and mostly ignore the "carefully curated" ones on Twitter/X because I get annoyed with the sloppy attempts at editing to fit a narrative.

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31 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



And I only really learn about Republican spin because it gets brought up to me on this board when I say something some people don't like. 


Otherwise, I watch occasional clips on YouTube and mostly ignore the "carefully curated" ones on Twitter/X because I get annoyed with the sloppy attempts at editing to fit a narrative.


I think there's a big difference between the remaining moderate republicans, and the ones I think should be labelled "repugs" - the MAGAs and other crap humans who spread disinformation or cozy up to Putin's spin.


Unfortunately they seem to be a dying breed under the trump regime. If he loses, I wonder how long the maga cult can last? 

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38 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Just got my renewed NEXUS card. America owns me now. 

I'm debating renewing mine, I believe it's expiring in the spring '25. Did the price go up as well? I thought I heard they were.

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5 minutes ago, DSVII said:

Politics and Policy aside. At what point is it considered elder abuse to have a 77 and 80 year old man run for the most stressful job on the planet. 

Elementary school bus driver?

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Anew Republican candidate has been accused of lying about his military service in Vietnam, the Navajo County GOP said in a letter released on Sunday. It wants him to drop out of he race.

Rolling Stone reported that the letter claims Steve Slaton provided an “altered DD-214 claiming combat veteran status and showing qualifications and awards which you have not earned.”


much more at link.

seems 2 other organizations that keep tabs on 'stolen valour' agree that the rep is bullshitting

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3 minutes ago, DSVII said:

Politics and Policy aside. At what point is it considered elder abuse to have a 77 and 80 year old man run for the most stressful job on the planet. 

Biden will be 82 in November fwiw.... 86 by the end of the next 4 year term.... hard to fathom really lol

Trump is 78... both these dinosaurs have no business leading the biggest economy in the world. They should be relaxing in a retirement home.

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2 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

Let's be honest if he didn't go into politics none of these lawsuits or legal troubles would have come to fruition. nasty business it can be. 

But he did, and he needs to answer for his crimes against humanity.  He's lucky he isn't in Guantanamo Bay.

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16 minutes ago, DSVII said:

Politics and Policy aside. At what point is it considered elder abuse to have a 77 and 80 year old man run for the most stressful job on the planet. 


Does cab driver in Hong Kong count?  A good number of cab drivers there are octogenarians and can't afford not to work those roads, as shitty as the pay is there.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


I think there's a big difference between the remaining moderate republicans, and the ones I think should be labelled "repugs" - the MAGAs and other crap humans who spread disinformation or cozy up to Putin's spin.


Unfortunately they seem to be a dying breed under the trump regime. If he loses, I wonder how long the maga cult can last? 


If Trump turns into a 2-time loser.  MAGA is dead and Trump better hope that the country has no appetite to jail him in NY.


It's insane how much Trump has riding on this election.  Future history books will talk about it in detail.

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11 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

Biden will be 82 in November fwiw.... 86 by the end of the next 4 year term.... hard to fathom really lol

Trump is 78... both these dinosaurs have no business leading the biggest economy in the world. They should be relaxing in a retirement home.


For me, it's not a question of which will be more qualified to run that economy than it is which one can be counted on to put someone (or someones) competent in position to do so....


I have confidence that one of them will do just that, while the other will appoint people who will do exactly what he thinks best.....

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