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2 hours ago, Alflives said:

This is huge, especially coming from CNN. Who would the Democrats replace Biden with at this late date? The Vice President? 

The drugs that Biden was allegedly taking to stay sharp didn’t kick in soon enough.


Right now he’s sharp as a tack and talking a mile a minute.


Too bad that Biden elbowed everyone aside and took the nomination. 
Some possible replacements:

Pete Buttigege, Gavin Newsome, Gretchen Whitmer.


I’m pretty sure that “possible Biden replacements” is trending on search engines right now.

Edited by PistolPete13
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1 minute ago, PistolPete13 said:

The drugs that Biden was allegedly taking to stay sharp didn’t kick in soon enough.


Right now he’s sharp as a tack and talking a mile a minute.


Too bad that Biden elbowed everyone aside and took the nomination. 
Some possible replacements:

Pete Buttigege, Gavin Newsome, Gretchen Whitmer.


I’m pretty sure that “possible Biden replacements” is trending on search engines right now.


Yeah, Biden was getting better shortly after the debate was over.  The change was obvious in both his voice and his actions.


Newsom has been trending since the middle of the debate.  Not sure that the Democrats like his polling any better than they like Biden's polls though.  They ended that little test with him 6 months or so ago after like 2 or 3 weeks.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I really thought that with the restrictions in place, Joe had a chance to crush Trump.  I did not see this poor Biden performance coming.

The silent mikes actually worked in Trump’s favour. Biden did way better four years ago when Trump was constantly trying to talk over him.

Tonight Biden had too much freedom to speak his mind, and it did not work out for him. 

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5 minutes ago, PistolPete13 said:

The silent mikes actually worked in Trump’s favour. Biden did way better four years ago when Trump was constantly trying to talk over him.

Tonight Biden had too much freedom to speak his mind, and it did not work out for him. 


The muted mics hurt Trump like I predicted, but what I didn't see coming was it hurting Biden much worse.


Same with the strict time limits.  That didn't do Biden any favours either.

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23 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Wow.  Dude can’t even walk down a flight of stairs without help…



My notes concur. Trump stomped off stage promptly, Biden wandered over to thank moderators, wife guided him slowly down 2 steps. Segment win: trump.


Reminded me of great advice I think from Seinfeld: "when you get the answer you want, hang up " Trump got the win he wanted and cut out fast, Biden had to Oppie it up a notch more for some clumsy reason.


My wife is incredible, she taught at the Royal Military College in her ultimate year after being secretary to Engineering Dept's Dr. Barton for years. She went on to clerk at the Supreme Court before ending up in Veterans affairs after being recruited by Retired General Romeo Dallaire. So I turned to her 30 mins in and asked, "are they trying to play the 'you can't be mad at grampa joe' card??" And she flat out said no way, he is just shittin there losing this election"

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Watching the post debate show on CNN. John King pulled no punches. The Democrats are in full panic mode. Van Jones was pale and shaken.


Trump lied his ass off, as usual. But Biden was unable too pounce on Trump and score the many points that were in the table. Dems need to make some tough choices or Biden needs to regroup big time. Fingers are crossed.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Yeah, Biden was getting better shortly after the debate was over.  The change was obvious in both his voice and his actions.


Newsom has been trending since the middle of the debate.  Not sure that the Democrats like his polling any better than they like Biden's polls though.  They ended that little test with him 6 months or so ago after like 2 or 3 weeks.

They might be open to rethinking that, after tonight’s debacle. 

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The muted mics hurt Trump like I predicted, but what I didn't see coming was it hurting Biden much worse.


Same with the strict time limits.  That didn't do Biden any favours either.

At times Biden was incapable of filling the time. He didn’t speak more than a minute in his answer about Black voters. 

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4 hours ago, Petey O said:

Trump didn't even have any of his "gotcha" moments like he did during 2016 that the masses ate up. No "cause you'd be in jail", no real shots at Biden's condition, no heavy ad hom attacks. Yet he still won because Biden is a geriatric old man who just showed tens of millions of people he might not even make it to the election, health wise. That will be what people will remember. It was the biggest self own possible.


The way he acts, his mannerisms, etc remind me of someone at the very latter stages of their life. Like, a year to live if you're lucky kind of behavior.


If the Democrats don't replace him soon, Trump is going to win again.


People were saying this years ago. Yet were considered crazy by some progressives for pointing it out.


Biden showing himself as mentally incapable of the job is the least surprising thing ever. And the worst part for Dems is he made Trump look like the sharpest person on the planet in comparison. 


I swear the Democrats basically want Trump to win with the candidates they've run against him.

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4 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:


People were saying this years ago. Yet were considered crazy by some progressives for pointing it out.


Biden showing himself as mentally incapable of the job is the least surprising thing ever. And the worst part for Dems is he made Trump look like the sharpest person on the planet in comparison. 


I swear the Democrats basically want Trump to win with the candidates they've run against him.

American politics hit a new low in that 'debate'. Trump got points simply because he could speak clearly. What has happened to the USA that these two were the best they could nominate? The debate stumbled to conclusion and then the 12 on the CNN panel pulled their knives out and finished Joe off. Unbelievable. People laugh at Trump because he runs the White House like the Apprentice TV show. How was the CNN lynch mob on Biden any different? One has to wonder who is really running the Presidency behind closed doors. It is obviously not Joe Biden. Is that why they are propping Joe up so that they can continue to run things? 


Canadians should be very worried. Come November Trump will be re-elected if Biden does not step away. While Biden is a luke warm friend of Canada, Trump is not even that. He will grind Canada into the ground and take whatever he wants for 10 cents on the dollar.  

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10 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

American politics hit a new low in that 'debate'. Trump got points simply because he could speak clearly. What has happened to the USA that these two were the best they could nominate? The debate stumbled to conclusion and then the 12 on the CNN panel pulled their knives out and finished Joe off. Unbelievable. People laugh at Trump because he runs the White House like the Apprentice TV show. How was the CNN lynch mob on Biden any different? One has to wonder who is really running the Presidency behind closed doors. It is obviously not Joe Biden. Is that why they are propping Joe up so that they can continue to run things? 


Whatever the truth is, that was so bad just from the clips that people are going to reasonably have a lot of doubts. I expect Bidens numbers to crater. 


10 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Canadians should be very worried. Come November Trump will be re-elected if Biden does not step away. While Biden is a luke warm friend of Canada, Trump is not even that. He will grind Canada into the ground and take whatever he wants for 10 cents on the dollar.  


No, he won't. Our importance to individual states is too high, and he and his staff are not this capable.


Canada has been planning for a trump win for a while now. 

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7 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Whatever the truth is, that was so bad just from the clips that people are going to reasonably have a lot of doubts. I expect Bidens numbers to crater. 



No, he won't. Our importance to individual states is too high, and he and his staff are not this capable.


Canada has been planning for a trump win for a while now. 

We had better hope the Dems retain the House then. Clips from that debate will be re-ran ad nauseam. You have far more confidence in our American friends than I do. Canadian interests are discounted by both the DEMs and the GOP. 

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2 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

We had better hope the Dems retain the House then. Clips from that debate will be re-ran ad nauseam. You have far more confidence in our American friends than I do. Canadian interests are discounted by both the DEMs and the GOP. 


It's not about friends, it's about being a key economic partner at the state level.


We have so much experience with this, it doesn't really matter which POTUS is in.


I know you don't want to acknowledge it, but we did do a good job dealing with trump last time, on economic issues. Nothing has changed to shift this.


Trump is going to be far more focused on his revenge tour.

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26 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's not about friends, it's about being a key economic partner at the state level.


We have so much experience with this, it doesn't really matter which POTUS is in.


I know you don't want to acknowledge it, but we did do a good job dealing with trump last time, on economic issues. Nothing has changed to shift this.


Trump is going to be far more focused on his revenge tour.

What happened last time? If memory serves Trump put a 25% tariff on Canadian aluminum. He is already talking of a across the board 10% tariff on imports. It won't matter what individual states think. The mantra being pursued by both USA parties is bringing industry back to the USA. Smoot Hawley ring any bells?

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2 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

What happened last time? If memory serves Trump put a 25% tariff on Canadian aluminum. He is already talking of a across the board 10% tariff on imports. It won't matter what individual states think. The mantra being pursued by both USA parties is bringing industry back to the USA. Smoot Hawley ring any bells?


But what was the actual outcome? 


There were all kinds of fear stories for NAFTA 1.0, then 2.0 and we will see it again. 

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