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27 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

What happened last time? If memory serves Trump put a 25% tariff on Canadian aluminum. He is already talking of a across the board 10% tariff on imports. It won't matter what individual states think. The mantra being pursued by both USA parties is bringing industry back to the USA. Smoot Hawley ring any bells?


its also important to remember new nafta isn't dead until long after Trump is gone. Sure he might push a tariff, or get some loud "win" of some kind on one topic, but the agreement isn't going anywhere under his next term.



Its rules require countries to start meeting in 2026 and every year after, where they have two options: renew the agreement, or start negotiating changes.

The countries then get 10 years to renew the pact, known in the U.S. as USMCA. If they fail to do so, the agreement sunsets in 2036 — meaning, it's dead.




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Could be a real win for the dems.


ALL the right wing talking points have been about Bidens age. 

That's because Biden has been waaay better than Trump was as a POTUS.

If you could understand the mumbling of the ancient Biden last night, he was schooling Trump on most points. However, he was showing that he might fall over dead at any minute. THAT, is Trumps only win.


If they switch out Biden with anyone that can put a sentence together....the short-attention-span masses might see that person as the hero that has come to save the day. 

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In popular opinion, Donald Trump won the presidential debate against Joe Biden. According to a poll conducted by CNN, which organized the debate, as many as two-thirds of viewers indicated him as the winner. And although Trump gained in appearance, his statements again contained many lies and misinformation.

Journalists from The New York Times analyzed Trump's statements. They classified 14 statements as false. Among other things, he accused Joe Biden of failing to stop Putin and encouraging Russia to start the invasion.



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It's really too bad that Joe didn't stick to the original script, which was to beat Trump, serve a term and then step aside for a new leader.


If we'd had several months of Gavin Newsome, or Gretchen Whitmer in front of the camera, the convicted felon would not look like a viable choice outside of MAGA circles....

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:

Could be a real win for the dems.


ALL the right wing talking points have been about Bidens age. 

That's because Biden has been waaay better than Trump was as a POTUS.

If you could understand the mumbling of the ancient Biden last night, he was schooling Trump on most points. However, he was showing that he might fall over dead at any minute. THAT, is Trumps only win.


If they switch out Biden with anyone that can put a sentence together....the short-attention-span masses might see that person as the hero that has come to save the day. 

Pretty much. Been so confused to why maga keep wanting and dreaming of Biden dropping out. If anything they should be proping Biden up as the only person Trump can win against is Biden. 


Trump is toast if the Dem run anyone younger. 

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They need to impose age limits on politicians. After 65, yearly cognitive and health checks until age 70. At 70, sit your asses down and enjoy your retirement. These elderly politicians have no grasp of what the world is really like anymore. They've lived privileged lives and have lost touch with the majority of the people. Politics as a whole need to be overhauled. Not saying I have the answers, I just know that we have major issues.

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14 minutes ago, Fantomex said:

They need to impose age limits on politicians. After 65, yearly cognitive and health checks until age 70. At 70, sit your asses down and enjoy your retirement. These elderly politicians have no grasp of what the world is really like anymore. They've lived privileged lives and have lost touch with the majority of the people. Politics as a whole need to be overhauled. Not saying I have the answers, I just know that we have major issues.

What’s even more important is not allowing a convicted felon to run in the first place

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8 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

What’s even more important is not allowing a convicted felon to run in the first place


That is a complete different topic. You hate Trump, along with many others here, we get it. The entire establishment is corrupt, and it starts with the life-time politicians. Age and term limits, more transparency. I dislike both (Biden and Trump), but I think many if not all of the long time politicians are corrupt. Countless politicians have lied under oath, made fortunes out of thin air and so on. But if you're part of the old boys club, you get a free pass. Pelosi with her insider trading has been well documented, yet nothing is done. The Bush/Chenney bullshit with Halliburton bullshit in Iraq. I could go on, but it's just not worth it. The point of my post was that our beloved senior citizens are doing more damage to our systems by remaining in politics far too long. After you reach the age of "retirement", you shouldn't be in politics anymore.

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2 hours ago, chris12345 said:

Those two idiots arguing about golf was disgusting. Who would have thought the biggest lie was Biden saying he could play.


Biden did play years ago back when he was a senator and during his early time as VP.  I doubt that he has had the balance to play meaningfully for a handful of years now. 

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1 hour ago, CBH1926 said:

They asked Melania if she wanted to join golf game between Trump and Biden.

Melania declined, she said she was tired of Trump balls hitting her in the face,


It's been reported lately that Melania is refusing to join Trump on the campaign trail until he renegotiates their prenup again.  She apparently wants some of that social media windfall Trump has coming sooner or later.


I don't know what kind of leverage she has however.  She wasn't hugely popular as the first lady outside of MAGA.

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1 hour ago, 24K said:

To no one surprise scotus legalized insurrection and criminalized homelessness. 


The Chevron Doctrine case is much more impactful than the Jan 6 ruling.  That's a huge shift in national power that will affect the economy and especially the environment.

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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The Chevron case is much more impactful than the Jan 6 ruling.  That's a huge shift in national power that will affect the economy and especially the environment.

Oh right forgot about that one.

We are so f*cked.

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3 minutes ago, 24K said:

Oh right forgot about that one.

We are so f*cked.


Technically the homeless ruling was the Supreme Court kicking the issue back to the states and the localities.  The majority even said that an argument could be made in court over a necessity defense.


It will be up to communities to take care of the homeless problem.  If places can give money and homes to illegal migrants, they can do the same for actual citizens in an effort to get them back on their feet.


Rebuilding institutions for people with serious mental issues would also help tremendously.  The Reagan Administration and subsequent presidents made the homeless problem worse when they closed down mental institutions that helped treat those people.  An inordinate percentage of homeless are chronically mentally ill.

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23 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

But from the start of all of the criminal proceedings the principal of not jailing your political opponent resonates with me. I hate Trump as he is a total piece of shit human, but he was the POTUS and indicating all along he would run again or wasn't done litigating his loss... To jail even this walking trash heap of an opponent is the kind of thing Putin will point to and other Dictators for the rest of time that "America does it, everyone does it, get over it". Bad call from the outset and as we have seen, it only made him more popular. "Any press is good press' is being proven right now in spades. 

I understand the political ramifications of jailing your political opponent but where do you draw the line?  I don’t think you can compare what happens in a dictatorship like Russia to that of a democracy.  

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29 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

But from the start of all of the criminal proceedings the principal of not jailing your political opponent resonates with me. I hate Trump as he is a total piece of shit human, but he was the POTUS and indicating all along he would run again or wasn't done litigating his loss... To jail even this walking trash heap of an opponent is the kind of thing Putin will point to and other Dictators for the rest of time that "America does it, everyone does it, get over it". Bad call from the outset and as we have seen, it only made him more popular. "Any press is good press' is being proven right now in spades. 


It's gonna be interesting when Trump goes to prison in July how the Democrats are going to spin things and what the fallout will be.  IMO, the shitshow is going to start after July 11.  Trump in prison, Dems looking to replace Biden.  Republican convention will be held WHILE Trump is in prison.  All hell is going to break loose IMO.  We haven't seen anything yet.  The MAGA Republican base is gonna go bananas...

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6 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Technically the homeless ruling was the Supreme Court kicking the issue back to the states and the localities.  The majority even said that an argument could be made in court over a necessity defense.


It will be up to communities to take care of the homeless problem.  If places can give money and homes to illegal migrants, they can do the same for actual citizens in an effort to get them back on their feet.


Rebuilding institutions for people with serious mental issues would also help tremendously.  The Reagan Administration and subsequent presidents made the homeless problem worse when they closed down mental institutions that helped treat those people.  An inordinate percentage of homeless are chronically mentally ill.

All good sentiment but we all know what is going to happen. 


Homeless are going to be send directly to prison feeding the private prison system. 

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1 hour ago, Fantomex said:

They need to impose age limits on politicians. After 65, yearly cognitive and health checks until age 70. At 70, sit your asses down and enjoy your retirement. These elderly politicians have no grasp of what the world is really like anymore. They've lived privileged lives and have lost touch with the majority of the people. Politics as a whole need to be overhauled. Not saying I have the answers, I just know that we have major issues.


The founding fathers intended for political office to be a duty rather than a career.  That's one of the reasons why Washington left after 2 terms even though there were calls for him to run for a third term.


These days, politics are looked at as a get rich and powerful quickly scheme.  I'll bet the Bronx bartender even has quite the fat bank account these days.  When she started in politics several years ago, she had to borrow money for her rent in Washington.

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1 minute ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The founding fathers intended for political office to be a duty rather than a career.  That's one of the reasons why Washington left after 2 terms even though there were calls for him to run for a third term.


These days, politics are looked at as a get rich and power quickly scheme.  I'll bet the Bronx bartender even has quite the fat bank account these days.  When she started in politics several years ago, she had to borrow money for her rent in Washington.

I say it might be better to just forgo election and just do a random lottery for congress and state houses each year. 


The state house themselves can then sort out who to send to the senate.

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