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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:





True, but that just makes the already rich here even richer while single mothers are struggling to feed their kids because the groceries continue to go up in price.


The economy is growing here in the US, but it's not contributing to the every day American's bottom line.  Millions of people are still starving in the "land of plenty".




Never mind D.T. or J.B., I say Sabrefan1 for President. I always hope more of my taxes would go to help people in need. This truly is a thoughtful  statement.

Edited by Joe King
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3 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Yeah, I think it's insane that Canada doesn't use it's own raw materials to benefit itself and have said as much here on the board more than once.  However that doesn't change the fact that it's the US that primarily and heavily benefits from Canada's poor economic decisions.  We in the US have a vested interest in things staying exactly as they are.


we don't have a great situation up here to attract enough capital to do that. We do some, but nowhere near what we could. 


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9 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

we don't have a great situation up here to attract enough capital to do that. We do some, but nowhere near what we could.


If/When Canada becomes a corporatocracy like here in the US, you'll suddenly find trillions of dollars pouring in, but you'll end up kissing a lot of what you hold dear in your country, goodbye. 

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4 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


If/When Canada becomes a corporatocracy like here in the US, you'll suddenly find trillions of dollars pouring in, but you'll end up kissing a lot of what you hold dear in your country, goodbye. 


its a balance for sure. I don't see much changing on the horizon to really shift things a whole heck of a lot. We'll probably just ship you guys rare earth metals more than oil at some point but thats about it. 


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2 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump unhappy he's not getting enough praise for his 'fantastic' debate performance




Then he complained because too much attention was paid to Biden in the aftermath.


Good lord man, read the room.  That attention was not positive attention.  It benefited you.


When did Trump become a high school teenage girl?  🤦‍♂️   Narcissists gonna narcissist I suppose.

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2 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Live from the Penitentiary,  

   The President of the United States. 



Be interesting to see what the (Rep) SCOTUS does . Lol


SCOTUS won't touch his NY cases until they've gone through the state courts.   That could take 2-3 years if NY purposely slow walks it.  The immunity ruling, if it goes his way, isn't going to help his NY cases either.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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22 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


SCOTUS won't touch his NY cases until they've gone through the state courts.   That could take 2-3 years if NY purposely slow walks it.  The immunity ruling, if it goes his way, isn't going to help his NY cases either.

Isn't the NY case a state case. There's no immunity, it's not a federal charge correct?

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1 hour ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Isn't the NY case a state case. There's no immunity, it's not a federal charge correct?


Correct.  The only way it makes it's way to the federal courts is if they take his case after the NYS appeals courts are exhausted.


NYS can slow walk the appeals process or zip it through.  Whichever the people in charge decide to do.

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It took them this long to essentially say that official acts while POTUS are official.  And illegal, unofficial, acts are illegal.  Like really?  Months and months when they reacted much much quicker in the Colorado case.


Means we are unlikely to see any other trials before the election.  Job done.



Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for core acts only

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37 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

It took them this long to essentially say that official acts while POTUS are official.  And illegal, unofficial, acts are illegal.  Like really?  Months and months when they reacted much much quicker in the Colorado case.


Means we are unlikely to see any other trials before the election.  Job done.



Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for core acts only



This in all likelihood will help Trump and could potentially unravel the federal cases against him.  SCOTUS just gave guidance to the lower courts on how to proceed.


I'm not thrilled though that it essentially codifies the AG as the president's legal b*tch even though that's been the case now with Obama, Trump, and Biden.


I'm only part way through the ruling, but this is my interpretation of it so far.  I haven't even gotten to the dissent opinion yet though.

Edited by Sabrefan1
Repeated myself in the first sentence
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1 minute ago, Sabrefan1 said:

As far as I can tell, Trump is in all likelihood still in trouble in Georgia.


The federal court cases with Jack Smith are going to litigate the bejesus out of this new "official act" doctrine that the SCOTUS just introduced.


What a clusterf*ck. 

Kinda what was expected. They split the difference and delay the bejebus out of it. 

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1 minute ago, 24K said:

Kinda what was expected. They split the difference and delay the bejebus out of it. 


It was already delayed enough with the postponements.  The cases were never going to beat the November election.


This just sets the stage for a whole lotta lawyering now.  If Trump somehow loses the election, and the DoJ doesn't give up, his lawyers are going to cost him tens of millions of dollars a year.  He'll be paying that out of his pocket though and not with PAC or RNC cash.

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12 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


It was already delayed enough with the postponements.  The cases were never going to beat the November election.


This just sets the stage for a whole lotta lawyering now.  If Trump somehow loses the election, and the DoJ doesn't give up, his lawyers are going to cost him tens of millions of dollars a year.  He'll be paying that out of his pocket though and not with PAC or RNC cash.

Nah if Trump loses, he will just continue the grift and start running for 2028 immediately.

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Man, people are worried about Trump turning the US into a dictatorship, SCOTUS says hold my beer, we already are.
They basically stole most regulatory power from the government last week and this week set themselves as the arbiter of the legality of everything the president does.

They already told women they don’t have a right to privacy. 


Biden needs to go, not because he is too old and demented (they both are) but because he has failed to standup to a rogue court who first openly called for the cases they wanted to see, then ignored the wide open corruption as business as usual and then gutted the power of the US government and it’s citizens.  It isn’t Trump that is going to be the end of that democracy it is Roberts and Thomas. 

Amazing how the Republicans continue to hold the significant minority of opinion but significant majority of power and horribly destructive to the entire world that they can’t figure that out. They are barely even considered a democracy anymore IMHO.

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