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27 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump Talks VP Selection Criteria Ahead of GOP Convention: ‘Sophisticated Version of The Apprentice’


Trump should organize hunger games for his VP’s, only way for them to prove unwavering support to their idol.

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I know Biden is getting criticized, but when will we get a 30 minute press conference on policy from TRUMP?   Not asking for much.  



Critics: Where’s Trump’s hour-long press conference with policy questions from reporters?

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2 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I know Biden is getting criticized, but when will we get a 30 minute press conference on policy from TRUMP?   Not asking for much.  



Critics: Where’s Trump’s hour-long press conference with policy questions from reporters?

Trump supporters don’t want nor need it. 

He’s playing on a different ice surface, and the Refs don’t give any fucks. 

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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I'd pay serious money on PPV to watch that. 😂


And that’s the problem with many for a lot of the Murican electorate. 

It’s a spectator sport. 

They want blood. 

Elections are a blood sport. The ignorant masses want to see blood. It entertains them. 

Rome, showed this. 

Times may change but not much else has changed when it comes to Politics. 

This is the canary in the coal mine for most ‘Empires’. 

They usually devour themselves for various reasons. Over-reach. Too many ‘fat’ years. A military that has no immediate threats. A populace that has enjoyed peace for too long. 

It’s the same story time and time again, for eons. 

The mighty always fall. Usually due to self inflicted wounds. 


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2 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:


And that’s the problem with many for a lot of the Murican electorate. 

It’s a spectator sport. 

They want blood. 

Elections are a blood sport. The ignorant masses want to see blood. It entertains them. 

Rome, showed this. 

Times may change but not much else has changed when it comes to Politics. 

This is the canary in the coal mine for most ‘Empires’. 

They usually devour themselves for various reasons. Over-reach. Too many ‘fat’ years. A military that has no immediate threats. A populace that has enjoyed peace for too long. 

It’s the same story time and time again, for eons. 

The mighty always fall. Usually due to self inflicted wounds. 



You definitely are taking a lazy throw-away comment meant to generate a chuckle quite seriously. 



We're falling as a defacto empire because we are slowly going broke and our politicians are being allowed to carve up the country and it's people to the highest bidders, foreign and domestic.


The US populace is also getting dumber and lazier and losing any semblance of "toughness" that previous generations had.  That's going to come back to haunt us sooner or later.



The blood sport is mostly against ourselves, not our politicians.  They are controlling the populace like puppet masters, telling their "team" who to like and who to hate.


They almost always get away mostly unscathed and are further insulated by their ill-gained accumulated wealth gathered while they were in power. 


You're wrong.  The current election isn't a blood sport.  Far from it.  It's a huge embarrassment that only emphasizes how ridiculous we've become as a society.




There are 2 major parties and 2 major ideologies that want to destroy each other instead of finding common ground.


As people here have said, Canada is not much better.  The evidence is even in the pages of this thread.  It's jammed packed with a few Original MAGA and even more Blue MAGA and most aren't even American and yet some have a burning dislike for the people who don't follow and agree with their world view.  It's not just concern about how it will affect Canada like some claim when others have brought it up.




A house divided cannot stand.  The West is getting more divided by the day and when the US finally does fall, the rest of the West will likely soon follow because they are still hitching their wagon to a dying, more corrupted by the day super power.


I believe the end will come when our debt finally gets so out of hand, that the US will just flat out stop paying on it.  That will plunge most of the world into a deep depression.  When the next phase of society kicks in, the US will be greatly diminished and will no longer have credibility.


Fortunately I'll be quite dead if/when that day comes to fruition.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


You definitely are taking a lazy throw-away comment meant to generate a chuckle quite seriously. 



We're falling as a defacto empire because we are slowly going broke and our politicians are being allowed to carve up the country and it's people to the highest bidders, foreign and domestic.


The US populace is also getting dumber and lazier and losing any semblance of "toughness" that previous generations had.  That's going to come back to haunt us sooner or later.



The blood sport is mostly against ourselves, not our politicians.  They are controlling the populace like puppet masters, telling their "team" who to like and who to hate.


They almost always get away mostly unscathed and are further insulated by their ill-gained accumulated wealth gathered while they were in power. 


You're wrong.  The current election isn't a blood sport.  Far from it.  It's a huge embarrassment that only emphasizes how ridiculous we've become as a society.




There are 2 major parties and 2 major ideologies that want to destroy each other instead of finding common ground.


As people here have said, Canada is not much better.  The evidence is even in the pages of this thread.  It's jammed packed with a few Original MAGA and even more Blue MAGA and most aren't even American and yet some have a burning dislike for the people who don't follow and agree with their world view.  It's not just concern about how it will affect Canada like some claim when others have brought it up.




A house divided cannot stand.  The West is getting more divided by the day and when the US finally does fall, the rest of the West will likely soon follow because they are still hitching their wagon to a dying, more corrupted by the day super power.


I believe the end will come when our debt finally gets so out of hand, that the US will just flat out stop paying on it.  That will plunge most of the world into a deep depression.  When the next phase of society kicks in, the US will be greatly diminished and will no longer have credibility.


Fortunately I'll be quite dead if/when that day comes to fruition.

I took your lazy throw away comment to expound on something larger than that. 

I do tend to do that from time to time. 

Mea Culpa. 

Admittedly, I used a trope. Apologies. 

However, I stand by the crux of most of my opinion. 

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2 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

I took your lazy throw away comment to expound on something larger than that. 

I do tend to do that from time to time. 

Mea Culpa. 

Admittedly, I used a trope. Apologies. 

However, I stand by the crux of most of my opinion. 



Nothing to apologize for.  I enjoy back and forth with you and others.  If I'm bored enough, I'll even occasionally push for it.  I was amused that you took a lazy throw away comment and really went to town. 😂


If we agreed on everything, this would not be an enjoyable thread to discuss politics in.

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8 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


His days of late filings, incomplete filings while he lives it up financially are over. His assets can now be seized and his creditors paid.


He better have set himself up with a good retirement fund.  No bank will lend him a penny now that everything he owns will either soon be liquidated or will be 9 figures under water through liens.


I wonder what the law is on luxury home furnishings and if they can be repossessed if they reach a certain value limit... 


He played stupid games with the court and as the saying goes, won stupid prizes.



Edited by Sabrefan1
I goofed. Had to restructure a sentence.
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On 7/11/2024 at 6:17 PM, the destroyer of worlds said:

They're both old as crap.  Both struggling.


Yet, only one has his name all over thr Epstien documents. 


Only one is a felon.


Yet for some reason, the calls to drop out are deafening for Biden. 


I can't imagine that any good-faith person who has *even vaguely* paid attention to US politics in the last 2 weeks doesn't understand why.


I would love for the Epstein documents to be gotten to the bottom of, but there's more powerful forces than Trump preventing that. So unfortunately its not going to be possible, but I agree lets get all of them including Trump if he's guilty, 110%.


Edited by Smashian Kassian
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On 7/11/2024 at 3:56 PM, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Most countries have elections, whether or not they are free and fair is the question. Trump has already demonstrated that he cannot be trusted in this regard. 

On 7/11/2024 at 4:05 PM, Satchmo said:

I think the problem is that no one can be absolutely sure.   If the Democrats win I would have no doubt there would be a 2028 election but if Trump and project 2025 win Vegas would be posting different odds.

On 7/11/2024 at 4:59 PM, King Heffy said:

Not a legitimate one.

On 7/11/2024 at 4:08 PM, RupertKBD said:

I think there probably would be an election....however, with the way Republicans have been stacking the deck with election board appointments, I'd be worried about shenanigans, should the result not favor the Republican candidate....

On 7/11/2024 at 4:31 PM, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I'm not a big conspiracy guy but this is something I could see happening. Trump has been telling his sychophants that their election has been stolen from them for the last 3 1/2 years. I'm sure enough of them believe it, and believe that they would be justified in doing anything to right that wrong. Then, if trump wins, and their are voting irregularities discovered, and democrats call foul,  I'm sure we'll be told that the democrats did the exact same thing when republicans claimed the election was stolen, so they can ignore the whole thing anyway. It's literally their entire playbook. 


Interesting. Sounds like alot of conspiratorial thinking going on here, as if the groundwork is pre-emptively being laid... And here I was told progressives fight against all 'conspiracies'. 


The problem with this is Trump was already in office, and he already left office with the power being peacefully transitioned, despite him simultaneously contesting the results.


So we already have irrefutable proof that 'the powers that be' are stronger than Trump. (Plus the result of that attempt by Trumps has been the 'powers that be' are trying to lock him up & prevent him from being a legitimate candidate for 2024 on top of his attempt just not working on its face)


So logically I just don't see how he'd realistically prevent legitimate elections indefinitely. He'd likely be killed (Thx Kootney) before he'd be in a position to consolidate power enough to run a dictatorship, which he wouldn't even be a position to obtain in the first place.    


On 7/11/2024 at 3:59 PM, Kootenay Gold said:

If Drump wins in 2024; he will be assassinated long before 2028. I would bet money on that.



I definitely agree with this as a legit possibility. Which would be absolutely insane if it happened. 


Hopefully it doesn't happen, it could turn things nasty. Peaceful fragmentation is far more preferable imo. 

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3 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:


The problem with this is Trump was already in office, and he already left office with the power being peacefully transitioned, despite him simultaneously contesting the results.


So we already have irrefutable proof that 'the powers that be' are stronger than Trump. (Plus the result of that attempt by Trumps has been the 'powers that be' are trying to lock him up & prevent him from being a legitimate candidate for 2024 .    


Hang on. What part of Jan 6 was a peaceful transference of power to you? Or do you think a gallows, armed rioters in government halls, and upwards of 12 dead as a direct result of actions that day peaceful? Just because it didn't work doesn't mean it wasn't violent, or wasn't an act of insurrection. 

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5 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:


Interesting. Sounds like alot of conspiratorial thinking going on here, as if the groundwork is pre-emptively being laid... And here I was told progressives fight against all 'conspiracies'. 


The problem with this is Trump was already in office, and he already left office with the power being peacefully transitioned, despite him simultaneously contesting the results.


So we already have irrefutable proof that 'the powers that be' are stronger than Trump. (Plus the result of that attempt by Trumps has been the 'powers that be' are trying to lock him up & prevent him from being a legitimate candidate for 2024 on top of his attempt just not working on its face)


So logically I just don't see how he'd realistically prevent legitimate elections indefinitely. He'd likely be killed (Thx Kootney) before he'd be in a position to consolidate power enough to run a dictatorship, which he wouldn't even be a position to obtain in the first place.    




I definitely agree with this as a legit possibility. Which would be absolutely insane if it happened. 


Hopefully it doesn't happen, it could turn things nasty. Peaceful fragmentation is far more preferable imo. 

What Stray Dog said about 'power being peacefully transitioned' while also wondering why the term progressive is so often misused these days. 

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11 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:


And that’s the problem with many for a lot of the Murican electorate. 

It’s a spectator sport. 

They want blood. 

Elections are a blood sport. The ignorant masses want to see blood. It entertains them. 

Rome, showed this. 

Times may change but not much else has changed when it comes to Politics. 

This is the canary in the coal mine for most ‘Empires’. 

They usually devour themselves for various reasons. Over-reach. Too many ‘fat’ years. A military that has no immediate threats. A populace that has enjoyed peace for too long. 

It’s the same story time and time again, for eons. 

The mighty always fall. Usually due to self inflicted wounds. 



The most disturbing part is a segment of the population want to bring this to Canada.


We've already seen how some treat the conservatives projected win as a sport and cheer them as if they are the Canucks beating the Leafs to rub it in the faces of the libs rather than talk or be concerned about actual policy or how it may affect the country.

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12 minutes ago, DSVII said:


The most disturbing part is a segment of the population want to bring this to Canada.


We've already seen how some treat the conservatives projected win as a sport and cheer them as if they are the Canucks beating the Leafs to rub it in the faces of the libs rather than talk or be concerned about actual policy or how it may affect the country.


It's already here. Only question left is do we want to give it real power next fall.


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21 hours ago, bolt said:

Remember when it was a conspiracy theory (despite the vast evicence) to call Biden having severe cognitive decline.  Vivek called this out in March and was labeled as a madman.  I remember when Bush was deemed as a joke and now we're left with Biden and Trump having the nuclear codes.


I'm sure you are giving equal weight then to the times a few months ago when Trump name swapped Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, or the multiple times he referred to Joe Biden as President Obama.


This is a vote for their administrations, not the persons. I don't think either of them will serve their full term due to age.


As for Trump, we all know where the Nuclear codes will end up. In some Mar-a-lago bathroom where any foreign visitor can just peruse them. I'm surprised that isn't a bigger concern among anyone that takes national defense seriously. 




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