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1 minute ago, Odd. said:

ABC saying shooter is dead, possibly 3 bystanders dead. Trump head grazed.

Havent seen the video too many times.


Didnt remember much disturbance in the stands behind afterwards...wonder if the guy was off to the side or close up front?


Any news on where the shot were coming from yet?

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1 minute ago, Kootenay Gold said:

How do we know just how many of the shots were his?


I don’t… purely speculating at possibilities. For trump to get clipped in the ear and no one else to get hit with the way that setup looked would be pretty difficult. If indeed someone else or multiple people did get hit that makes more sense. 

Could also be like you suggest, multiple shots and a chunk of them going back at the original shooter… although just based on the sound it sounded like one firearm… would be pretty hard to tell through camera audio though. 

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Just now, Odd. said:


Literally confirmed 1 shooter dead, 2 bystanders killed.

By whom?   I've been looking for info on the shooter.  Only Skye News is reporting that as far as I can see. (and they do not have my trust)

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2 minutes ago, Dizzle said:

One problem with that is lines of division don’t follow state lines. Land mass wise, republican leaning individuals would have far more holding I think… the major democratic areas are generally (generally) coastal populated areas in the northeast and west. 


I think it would start with 1 or 2 states declaring succession, and its not like it has to be 50/50, it could just be different areas splintering.


Look at in the USA how many people have migrated from California to places like Texas & Nashville, people can & would move. 


I could see Texas going first then a few more following. 


1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


There's always been political violence. Remember Lincoln?


A national divorce is such a silly concept. Theres no way to make that happen.


The current situation is entirely untenable & cannot be reconciled. That has to be acknowledged. 


There's many examples throughout history of it happening peacefully. Czechslovakia for example, after they gained their independence from the USSR they had a few more years intact & then decided to go their separate ways.


Pretending the status quo is going to magically improve when the cultures have only become more & more divided is silly imo. 

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3 minutes ago, bolt said:

"It's staged"


"Yah, have someone shoot your ear and hope they don’t miss and kill you by accident, brilliant plan."




"Too bad"


Yeah classy comments



Hey, tak my comment out of thre, I was being sarcastic And pointing out the stupidity of the “it’s staged” comment.

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

Sad day in history,


This is gonna ratchet up the nonsense to a fever pitch. 


I fear you are probably right. 

The fact that even here this kind of thing isn’t receiving unilateral condemnation is sad. And I’m not trying to pick sides with that statement… it would likely be the same if it happened to Biden as well. the fact that this is where we find ourselves in the west is mind boggling.  

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3 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

By whom?   I've been looking for info on the shooter.  Only Skye News is reporting that as far as I can see. (and they do not have my trust)

ABC News which I’m watching live has said 2 killed. CBC is saying 1. 

Shooter is dead.

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2 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:


I think it would start with 1 or 2 states declaring succession, and its not like it has to be 50/50, it could just be different areas splintering.


Look at in the USA how many people have migrated from California to places like Texas & Nashville, people can & would move. 


I could see Texas going first then a few more following. 



The current situation is entirely untenable & cannot be reconciled. That has to be acknowledged. 


There's many examples throughout history of it happening peacefully. Czechslovakia for example, after they gained their independence from the USSR they had a few more years intact & then decided to go their separate ways.


Pretending the status quo is going to magically improve when the cultures have only become more & more divided is silly imo. 


Politics isn't ethnicity. 


Ok explain to me what you do with people that don't want to separate and be forced to leave a state. 


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4 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:


I think it would start with 1 or 2 states declaring succession, and its not like it has to be 50/50, it could just be different areas splintering.


Look at in the USA how many people have migrated from California to places like Texas & Nashville, people can & would move. 


I could see Texas going first then a few more following. 



The current situation is entirely untenable & cannot be reconciled. That has to be acknowledged. 


There's many examples throughout history of it happening peacefully. Czechslovakia for example, after they gained their independence from the USSR they had a few more years intact & then decided to go their separate ways.


Pretending the status quo is going to magically improve when the cultures have only become more & more divided is silly imo. 


The culture lines are not as clean as you suggest. More likely than not you're looking at a rural vs urban separation.


And also, the US has dealt with political violence worse than this before. The question of secession was settled in the 19th century.


This is really the long term culmination of the failure of the government to truly regulate the social media platforms and news organizations. 

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