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US Politics Thread


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13 hours ago, Riddikulus said:

Maybe a less cynical person could look at the diagram as something to encourage more young people to run for election and oust some of these career politicians. You know be the change that you want to see, rather than rely upon those who are controlled by lobbyists and special interests. 


I do agree with you that both sides are not the same but young voters regardless of political beliefs are dealing with the same common problems, and 'scaring the right wing' or 'owning the left' doesn't help to pay the bills.


the fact is - and it is a fact - in US politics right now the millennials and Z's could be by far the most powerful voting group. These folks need to get organized and get people elected to help them. Bitching about it with no action isn't going to help, or Venn diagrams. Get out and vote. 

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2 hours ago, Playoff Beered said:

Proof by assertion is the practice of repeating an argument or proposition until challenges to it "dry up", thus creating a logical fallacy, and often a filibuster or stonewall effect.

Uh. No.


I posted the dunb memes over and over because people kept jumping in half way though the comvo missing what was previously established and explained. Because of the way this message board works it's extremely difficult to supply previous context.


And it's pretty funny you say that.  Coming from you ESPECIALLY.


You're so hard fought not to discuss the political system itself AND THE GLARING SIMILIARITES BETWEEN THE PARTIES you keep STONEWALLING and pumping info how they are oh so totally different with zero recognition to the argument itself.


Talk about the pot calling the fucking   kettle black, bud.

Edited by Canuckle
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24 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


the fact is - and it is a fact - in US politics right now the millennials and Z's could be by far the most powerful voting group. These folks need to get organized and get people elected to help them. Bitching about it with no action isn't going to help, or Venn diagrams. Get out and vote. 


Who said anything about "no action?" I'm a direct action enthusiast.




Yes. Get organized. Agitate, educate, organize is the mantra.

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7 minutes ago, Canuckle said:


Who said anything about "no action?" I'm a direct action enthusiast.




Yes. Get organized. Agitate, educate, organize is the mantra.


I applaud the effort. I hope young US voters do go shake the damn thing up, otherwise it really will be the same old crap. 

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9 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Dude, you were the one that posted something that wasn't correct about American political history. Just own it lol


Im confused, I also thought that consevative and liberals shuffled support between republicans and democrats in the US history..

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9 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Dude, you were the one that posted something that wasn't correct about American political history. Just own it lol


Please, as if you don't know that conservatives and liberals switched support between the republican and democrat parties...like I pointed out earlier you don't debate in good faith because you intentionally mis translate the message.



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2 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:




Please, as if you don't know that conservatives and liberals switched support between the republican and democrat parties...like I pointed out earlier you don't debate in good faith because you intentionally mis translate the message.




1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

Enjoy blocking yourself, but I wish you wouldn't

Last post until the election. Happy Thanksgiving guys.

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11 hours ago, Calamity K said:

Wow. I always thought Abe Lincoln was a Republican. Live and learn I guess. Next thing you know I will find out the KKK wasn't the Dems.


OK what am I missing? 
Conservative does not necessarily ≠ Republican and liberal does not necessarily ≠ Democrat.

Am I to believe that small c conservatives wanted to abolish slavery and social justice libs wanted to keep it?

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1 hour ago, 4petesake said:

Conservative does not necessarily ≠ Republican and liberal does not necessarily ≠ Democrat.


Winner winner chicken dinner!


Red and blue is a false dichotomy both in terms of ideology and especially in terms of economy.


Just wait til we get to the section of the textbook about "lobbying." Lol

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One of my favourite moments from this current manifestation of the trump thread or the original CDC US election/Trump thread is how there is a poster here literally showing and proving to people that no matter WHO is in charge in the US (and canada for that matter) that the system that has been created is literally built against the people and no matter who is in charge things will not change for the better in the ways that the part du jour promises.


You have outliers in both parties who seem to walk the walk and genuinely care and genuinely are tryint to effect a change.  but by and large you have people who are fully enmeshed in the system so much that they have convinced people they are trying to change things when they're actually propagating it and making things worse.


The truth is very simple.  Democrat or Republican/. Lib or Con.  The bottom line is that people can live and act as both.  Believe and dislike both while wearing the hat of a different party than their statements may present.  That at the end of the day, changing the ass in the seat means does and changes nothing because the party in power will continue to do what the system they've created wants to their own betterment no matter how much lip service is paid.


Quite literally going back 100 years, both parties have flipped and flopped on issues so much that they've both been right wing.  they've both been left wing.  They've both effectively done nothing but screw the people and while they promise to change and fix it, in fact always get in to power and change absolutely nothing.


All while people believe the lies that their choice of pony is somehow fighting for them.


This is my new favourite thing because it's literally so clear, so obvious and so blatant that it should be common knowledge.  Instead, ironically people are arguing that this individual is wrong while pretending that somehow one party is better than the other in that the party they follow is believed to magically finding their way in to power and changing things for the better when they haven't changed much of anything except the diapers of their older decades long seated senators and congress people 


Love this for y'all

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Why is Jordan B Peterson so hated by the dumb left?

I think Jordan B Peterson is one of the most misunderstood people of the planet.

If woman get too fat, it will have catastrophic implications for people kind.

Thats all he is saying here.



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I can agree that both parties are similar in many ways and have shed and regrown their skins in new and different colours over the years.


Still, people have to vote for somebody.


It's the fringes and tactics of each that worry me most, all the while keeping an eye on policies.   The fringes can and do influence policy.


Which fringe is more likely to turn congress into (more) chaos?    Gaetz and the freedom caucus or AOC and the squad?   Don't think much of either one but it looks like Gaetz  et al are the greatest worry right now.  I support Ukraine.   Who is the greatest threat to their existence?   Who is the greatest threat to academic freedom, women's rights, the right to not meet an assault rifle at a mall or school? 


Whose tactics are the most worrisome?  Who is more likely to promote storming the Capitol or at lease condone it as "legitimate political discourse" after it occurs?   Who is going to question the  results of the next election or condone those who do?  Who likes automatic rifles more than the others?   The list could go on but I'm already being longwinded enough.


So yeah, all parties are the same in many ways, and yes the political system sucks in many ways, yes capitalism is greedy and cruel,  but what's a boy to do?  


And before anybody tells me I could get out there and try to change things I'll just say no, I'm getting older now and don't really leave the house that much anymore.  Shoulda seen me protest against nuclear arms in the 80's though.

Edited by Satchmo
typos never sleep
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31 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I can agree that both parties are similar in many ways and have shed and regrown their skins in new and different colours over the years.


Still, people have to vote for somebody.


It's the fringes and tactics of each that worry me most, all the while keeping an eye on policies.   The fringes can and do influence policy.


Which fringe is more likely to turn congress into (more) chaos?    Gaetz and the freedom caucus or AOC and the squad?   Don't think much of either one but it looks like Gaetz  et al are the greatest worry right now.  I support Ukraine.   Who is the greatest threat to their existence?   Who is the greatest threat to academic freedom, women's rights, the right to not meet an assault rifle at a mall or school? 


Whose tactics are the most worrisome?  Who is more likely to promote storming the Capitol or at lease condone it as "legitimate political discourse" after it occurs?   Who is going to question the  results of the next election or condone those who do?  Who likes automatic rifles more then the others?   The list could go on but I'm already being longwinded enough.


So yeah, all parties are the same in many ways, and yes the political system sucks in many ways, yes capitalism is greedy and cruel,  but what's a boy to do?  


And before anybody tells me I could get out there and try to change things I'll just say no, I'm getting older now and don't really leave the house that much anymore.  Shoulda seen me protest against nuclear arms in the 80's though.


 I agree with @Canuckle that the wealthy are gaming the system and have made similar points myself in the past. They have everything to gain by keeping the focus on right/left hostility so I’m happy to see conversations like repeal citizens united etc.


At the same I’ll still take part in the ridiculous both sides are the same argument because it’s such nonsense bullshit.





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Sen. Tommy Tuberville won't lift his military blockade amid Israel-Hamas conflict

For months, the Alabama Republican has held up more than 300 military nominees, including top officers who would command forces in the Middle East.
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12 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:


I'm not going to sit here and argue with a guy that's just a triple A junior.


Because comment karma has anything to do with education on socioeconomic/sociopolitical issues? hahaha

Are you fucking for real right now? And if you are, I can certainly see why Jordan the lobsterman would appeal to you.


Yes, Jordan Peterson is a cancer on society and should be thrown in a solitary confinement. What a ghoul.



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3 minutes ago, Canuckle said:


Because comment karma has anything to do with education on socioeconomic/sociopolitical issues? hahaha

Are you fucking for real right now? And if you are, I can certainly see why Jordan the lobsterman would appeal to you.


Yes, Jordan Peterson is a cancer on society and should be thrown in a solitary confinement. What a ghoul.



And Peterson touts his all beef (with salt and water) diet as healthy. I wonder if there are any who are stupid enough to follow that guy’s diet of choice. 


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