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Just now, Kootenay Gold said:

IMO; If Canadians were allowed to vote in the US election, Biden would win in a landslide.

Hopefully it never happens. Not that I want to inject logic into American politics. I just don't want be a part of American politics. We've got our own things to sort out.

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6 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

You post intrigued me so I looked it up.   You exaggerate.   He was not called Hitler, or a Nazi, or a fascist.   They pointed out some similarities in terms used in speeches by both Trump and Hitler.


How Trump’s rhetoric compares with Hitler’s




5 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Where is it written with EI, Welfare, Healthcare we give up our right to vote? Many democracies have subsidized Healthcare.

Don't paint socialism as communism. We also still have a free market economy. Funny people attack policies like Healthcare, but don't say a thing when governments help bail out banks, and big business, which is a form of corporate welfare.

I said nothing of health care. 

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6 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Still smells fishy to me.


Like you’re telling me that they wouldn’t have police/secret service guarding buildings with clear sight lines to where Trump was speaking?


With security measures taken today I just don’t believe this was an oversight unless it was allowed to happen.


All you have to do is look back to the JFK assassination to see the measures that country will go to in order to make sure certain people aren’t in power. Only this time they didn’t have a second shooter to make sure they hit him.

Are you actually serious? An innocent person was killed. This fucking conspiracy garbage is insane. You sound no better than Alex Jones with that conspiracy garbage 

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1 minute ago, stawns said:


I agree, hence my Reichstag fire comment earlier.  That said, it's sounding mord and more like it was a young, disgruntled kid with an ar-15 looking for posthumous fame in his suicide by cop scenario

I mean it’s always the same story isn’t it?


Still doesn’t change the fact that someone like that doesn’t just wander into a high security area unopposed and climb a building unless they’re allowed to.


Ive seen the security measures they take when politicians are in town. They have blockades and police checkpoints for miles around. Number one thing they look for is sight lines for potential shooters. No way they would look past that.

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1 minute ago, Optimist Prime said:

In a lot of ways the 'skirmishes at the rallies' are exactly a Live Action Role Play of the off topic forums here: folks will scream at each other and push a bit, but at the end of the day, it is just a few outliers taking things way too far with far too much free time on their hands. 




I know... that you know.


You have been there, first hand, in countries where they have real strife. Not this soap opera drama in a cushy rich and powerful country. 



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1 minute ago, dannydog said:

You could justify this. Just the mention of said monster  relating speeches inaccurately will draw pictures in people’s minds of both hitler and trump in like minds. Did you see the imagery? Not unintentional.

The imagery?


The issue with symbolism is it carries.





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5 minutes ago, dannydog said:

You could justify this. Just the mention of said monster  relating speeches inaccurately will draw pictures in people’s minds of both hitler and trump in like minds. Did you see the imagery? Not unintentional.


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11 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Where is it written with EI, Welfare, Healthcare we give up our right to vote? Many democracies have subsidized Healthcare.

Don't paint socialism as communism. We also still have a free market economy. Funny people attack policies like Healthcare, but don't say a thing when governments help bail out banks, and big business, which is a form of corporate welfare.

As asinine as painting social conservatism to facism (imho).

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Are you actually serious? An innocent person was killed. This fucking conspiracy garbage is insane. You sound no better than Alex Jones with that conspiracy garbage 

Learn history or be doomed to repeat it. I suggest you read up on JFK. 😉


I feel sad for people that accept the narrative that’s fed to them and don’t ask questions. That’s dangerous to society and give people in power complete control.


Saying “an innocent person was killed” as a reason to not question things is completely asinine. The fact that an innocent person was killed is reason to ask every question possible. 


Edited by DeNiro
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15 minutes ago, dannydog said:

You’d prefer socialism over democracy?

If you think about it, they are actually very entwined. The 40 hr work week brought to you by labor unions which are socialist in nature. Safety standards and minimum age requirements for entering the labor force were not something that big business wanted. No more 14 yr old's working in the mills, mines and factories here in Canada all courtesy of socialist labor unions. CPP and OAS, universal medical care etc. Not sure there is a pure democracy in existence in the world anymore. Most developed countries with democracies have many of these Socialist ideals as part of their social fabric.

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6 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I think it is simple, you can't shoot someone for standing on a roof. The few seconds it would take to pull out the weapon and aim it and pull the trigger are the few seconds that it took the protection force to down the shooter. I am not sure many of you folks have been in a firefight outside of video games. This was no conspiracy, it was a lunatic with a gun. There is no way to stop a spur of the moment lunatic with a gun other than what happened, sorry to be the one to tell you all. 


U serious? 🤣

Actually you can stop someone from climbing a building when it poses a threat to a former president. Especially when you know they have a rifle in their hands. 🤦‍♂️


You don’t actually believe that people in the crowd spotted this guy before elite security professionals did do you? 🤣


Again I’ll say read up on JFK.

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14 minutes ago, Bob Long said:



It’s interesting that you said 30% and @stawns posted that in his opinion he would get the same number of votes  as PPC. I had to look it up and in 2019, PPC got 1.67% of the votes in Canada. I know that Trump would get votes in Alberta and other rural parts of Canada but I can’t see him getting lot of support in large cities. It would be interesting to see imo.


Edited by CBH1926
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Just now, CBH1926 said:

It’s interesting that you said 30% and @stawns posted that in his opinion he would get the same number of votes  as PPC.

I had to look it up and in 2019, PPC got 1.67% of the votes in Canada. I know that Trump would get votes in Alberta and other rural parts of Canada but I can’t see him getting lot of support in large cities. It would be interesting to see imo.



Oh he'd get most of our CPC supporters.

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:


U serious? 🤣

Actually you can stop someone from climbing a building when it poses a threat to a former president. Especially when you know they have a rifle in their hands. 🤦‍♂️


You don’t actually believe that people in the crowd spotted this guy before elite security professionals did do you? 🤣


Again I’ll say read up on JFK.


The thought is the shooter was in the area assigned to local law enforcement in the overall security detail anc it was probably local law enforcement who dropped the ball

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2 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

It’s interesting that you said 30% and @stawns posted that in his opinion he would get the same number of votes  as PPC.

I had to look it up and in 2019, PPC got 1.67% of the votes in Canada. I know that Trump would get votes in Alberta and other rural parts of Canada but I can’t see him getting lot of support in large cities. It would be interesting to see imo.



Most Con voters I know despise Trump as much as those on the left.

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If there's any sort of conspiracy here it's the question of whether or not security was intentionally negligent.


That is a real possibility but impossible to prove.


The idea that Trump personally arranged an attempt on his life or that his party did, in order to gain him votes is ridiculous and would never be kept silent.


The idea that the democratic party would attempt this is even more insane as they know the martyr syndrome among voters means an almost immediate loss regardless of any success in an assassination attempt.


The question comes down to motive on the killer and nothing more.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

The imagery?


The issue with symbolism is it carries.





Totally taken out of context. A couple of idiots and an image shot to represent Hitler. HAHA ok yet mainstream media and publicized TV are what drive this narrative. Show me the facts. Watch trumps speech before Jan6 and then watch the video put together at the trial. Clips and snippets . 

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Just now, Bob Long said:


They hate Biden more.


Granted, I can only talk about the people I know who vote Con, and most of them are relatively well informed, but they wouldn't vote trump if he was the last politician on earth

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