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1 minute ago, Petey O said:

The founding fathers of Canada had a white only immigration policy for a reason. As did America. As did Australia. As did pretty much every other non geographic European western nation.


Canada was formed as a white nation. Canada was intended to be a white nation. This was common sense in those times, and for many years after.


The labour party unionists in Australia were overwhelmingly in support of the "White Australia Policy" because they understood the gravity of changing it, and the effect it would have on not only the economy but the social and cultural fabric of the nation.


I want to return to when this was common sense. Every other race has common sense but white people these days.

As I sit here staring at a mural of Chinese immigrants building our national railway. I want to ask you to tell me more about this stuff because obviously we learned a very different history

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

White settlers creating a civilization out of a land of vicious warring tribes (some of which actually allied themselves with these settlers) is incredible, not something to look down upon.


You wouldn't exist without this. Start showing some respect to your ancestors if you're white.

My ancestors came here to the USA well after the slaughter of the native tribes (but good job pushing the trope of the savage red man and the heroic white settler!), so my ancestors didn't take part in the many campaigns against the indigenous people. And those ancestors, being Irish, were met with quite the rude welcome in the early 20th century. Something something not white something something....

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5 minutes ago, Petey O said:

The founding fathers of Canada had a white only immigration policy for a reason. As did America. As did Australia. As did pretty much every other non geographic European western nation.


Canada was formed as a white nation. Canada was intended to be a white nation. This was common sense in those times, and for many years after.


The labour party unionists in Australia were overwhelmingly in support of the "White Australia Policy" because they understood the gravity of changing it, and the effect it would have on not only the economy but the social and cultural fabric of the nation.


I want to return to when this was common sense. Every other race has common sense but white people these days.

I'm going to need you to explain all the black folks who were forcibly emigrated to these lands, and whose descendants are still here. Some of them as (GASP!) mixed race.

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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

We are not going backwards because we've already done that and it was awful so you need to either live in the now or go extinct.




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31 minutes ago, Petey O said:

It's not extremist to not want your people completely replaced.


it's not extremist to want a homeland for your people.


This is happening in Europe too.


Why are white people the only people that have to put up with this?


When Indians say "India for the Indians" or the Japanese say "Japan for the Japanese", are they being extremists?


If you tried this replacement literally anywhere else you'd be slaughtered. End of story.


No other group of people has caused more bloodshed, more chaos, more grief, more displacement, more exploitation of people and resources than those with European DNA.  It's just chickens coming home tk roost and happen to be the generation who have to shoulder that responsibility.

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

The ones who were sold by black people to mostly jewish slave traders and then sold to WASPs?


I think slavery was a mistake and they shouldn't have ever been brought to North America in the first place. An entire Civil War where an indescribable amount of white men died in assured their existence in America. I don't think this is the argument you want it to be.



So…slavery was bad because a bunch of white people died in a war over it?

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Just now, Petey O said:

The ones who were sold by black people to mostly jewish slave traders and then sold to WASPs?


I think slavery was a mistake and they shouldn't have ever been brought to North America in the first place. An entire Civil War where an indescribable amount of white men died in assured their existence in America. I don't think this is the argument you want it to be.



So now slavery is the fault of the Jews? And those WASPs are the people you think are fully ethnic Canadian/ American.

White AND black people died during that war, as well as the American Revolution. To say anything otherwise does a disservice to those dead.

What argument do you think it is?

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3 minutes ago, Petey O said:

Look up what "sojourner" means. Canada was a Christian nation. It allowed sojourners to settle if they provided value to the nation. I.e, helping build the railroad.

The idea of the sojourner is a wholly Christian concept, and this is what Canadians believed the Chinese rail workers to be. They didn't suddenly become Canadian ethnically because they were working and maintaining the railroads. I don't know why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp.


Also, they were so small in number their impact was negligible, and they were respectful to the host population.


This is absolutely not the same as what is happening today. Acting like it is, is lying.


I'm glad it isn't anymore. No religion in the government.  Do what you like at home.


I recall having Bible prayers during lunch time at a public elementary school in Richmond in the 80s. The principal got on the PA system and broadcast it aloud. I always chuckled, and thought what a strange thing people believe in. It was just as weird as reciting stuff with my grandma, who was a Buddhist.  





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Just now, StrayDog said:

So now slavery is the fault of the Jews? And those WASPs are the people you think are fully ethnic Canadian/ American.

White AND black people died during that war, as well as the American Revolution. To say anything otherwise does a disservice to those dead.

What argument do you think it is?


I feel like he has a racist dart board in his basement and is just throwing darts here

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4 minutes ago, Petey O said:

The ones who were sold by black people to mostly jewish slave traders and then sold to WASPs?


I think slavery was a mistake and they shouldn't have ever been brought to North America in the first place. An entire Civil War where an indescribable amount of white men died in assured their existence in America. I don't think this is the argument you want it to be.



I'm tempted to reply with just Bollocks but I can't help but type Holy Fuck!  What a deluded post.

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Just now, StrayDog said:

So now slavery is the fault of the Jews? And those WASPs are the people you think are fully ethnic Canadian/ American.

White AND black people died during that war, as well as the American Revolution. To say anything otherwise does a disservice to those dead.

What argument do you think it is?

I've almost filled out my racist bigot bingo card. Just 2 more squares. Fingers crossed

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

The ones who were sold by black people to mostly jewish slave traders and then sold to WASPs?


I think slavery was a mistake and they shouldn't have ever been brought to North America in the first place. An entire Civil War where an indescribable amount of white men died in assured their existence in America. I don't think this is the argument you want it to be.



Again.  In the last few pages from yourself


LGBTQ is bad and wrong and immoral

Women shouldn't be allowed a say

Coloured folk are what's wrong with this nation

White folk created this nation this nation was only supposed to be white

The church is right and anything opposed is wrong

If this nation doesn't go back to being white, chaste straight and christian it's wrong and everything about it is wrong.

Anything that opposes these views is the equivalent of moral syphillis.


You have to know what you're saying, how it reads and what type of person this makes you out to be, or at the very least what this suggests your ideologies and belies are and how disgusting that is.


But I think you do, and I don't think you care.

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Just now, Petey O said:

Okay, so white people have to suffer because our ancestors "caused bloodshed".


Cool position.


Guess what? I don't want my posterity to suffer. It's not going to happen.


Well, suck it up buttercup, our reign is over.

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1 minute ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Complains about cost of living.  Cost of housing.


Tell us what the solutions are??


I bet this fool has popped off about how socialism is bad.

The solutions are being an only white church-going nation. Anything else is moral syphilis.

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