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1 minute ago, Petey O said:

Black people shouldn't have sold their own kind.


Laying the blame solely at white peoples' feet (and also blaming white people today for something their ancestors did) is ridiculous.


You people always blame white people for everything.


But guess what? People like me aren't going to take it laying down. We're pushing back against this rhetoric and winning the hearts and minds of decent, hard working people.


You ivory tower, narcissistic liberals aren't going to control the narrative anymore.


Pushing back?  You're a nobody with no power.  You're not doing anything......you're a dinosaur leaning into extinction

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Just now, Petey O said:

Black people shouldn't have sold their own kind.


Laying the blame solely at white peoples' feet (and also blaming white people today for something their ancestors did) is ridiculous.


You people always blame white people for everything.


But guess what? People like me aren't going to take it laying down. We're pushing back against this rhetoric and winning the hearts and minds of decent, hard working people.


You ivory tower, narcissistic liberals aren't going to control the narrative anymore.

Oh, you’re taking something laying down alright.


Just not the meds you desperately need.


I’ve had enough of your boomer rage and paranoia. 

My final comments on this matter are cognitive dissonance is a bitch and I sincerely hope you’re banned quickly. 

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

The people who tolerate the racisst views you embrace are not of good character, and pretending they should have any input into how the country is run is not a solution.  You won't like my proposed solution for your kind, which is to get the fuck out of Canada if you can't handle seeing compatriots with melanin.

Something something go back where you came from white man

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Just now, StrayDog said:

Something something go back where you came from white man

I think Russia would be a pretty good fit for him.  They'd even give him the chance to fight against democracy like he wants.

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

There's nothing wrong with socialism. Nordic socialism, for example, is a great thing. Until they started importing foreigners in who leeched off of the advantages of social welfare and hardly contributed to the social wellbeing of the host populace. This is why the NDP are quacks.

The system in Canada is so overloaded because of immigration in all sectors, it's unsustainable.

You can't have nice things, i.e socialistic policies, in a multicultural nation.


Man this is going to really grate your cheese........without a significant increase in immigration, Canada will cease to exist within the century.


Help me obi wan immigrant, you're our only hope

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3 minutes ago, Petey O said:

there's nothing you can do to stop it.


continued tyranny.


People are dying on the streets from overdoses. 


It's harder and harder to support a traditional family and actually afford to house and feed them.


People, especially white people, are getting desperate.


There's going to be a social and cultural tidal wave, and liberalism is already in its death throes.


White people of good character are tired,


and you have no solution to this other than mockery and hate for them,

I'll address this line by line because i feel I have a minute to spare


Nothing I can do to stop it?  Sorry champ, you can't stop progress.  


How is equal rights tyrannical in your eyes?  please explain.


People dying from overdoses is sad, but it's a choice they made and that doesn't have to do with any race as its systemic


Define a "traditional family" for us and then tell us how it's any harder than a single 20 something with no kids to get by when everyone is suffering from corporate greed


Especially white people.  Why?  Why does it have to be white people?  Why not just "people" ?


A social AND cultural tidal wave, you said it yourself, the world is only 15% "white" meaning Canada is even less.  You think you can create a revolution with those numbers?  Suggesting of course you actually think every white person agrees with your disgusting point of view regarding minorities orientations or the like?  Your tidal wave is going to look like a water balloon against progressive culture and progress.


White people of good character?  Explain that to me.  What makes a person that is white have "good character"?  Really enlighten us?


No solution other than to mock someone who has basically shown themselves as being sexist, homophobic racist and intolerant?  Sorry not sorry, I don't support that mentality and you should be very happy I am merely mocking it because there's a very clear gif out there about what i would do to someone espousing those views in public




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11 minutes ago, Petey O said:

Okay, so white people have to suffer because our ancestors "caused bloodshed".


Cool position.


Guess what? I don't want my posterity to suffer. It's not going to happen.

lol white people suffering?


Try being one of my people in the US or Canada.

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3 minutes ago, Petey O said:

There's nothing wrong with socialism. Nordic socialism, for example, is a great thing. Until they started importing foreigners in who leeched off of the advantages of social welfare and hardly contributed to the social wellbeing of the host populace. This is why the NDP are quacks.

The system in Canada is so overloaded because of immigration in all sectors, it's unsustainable.

You can't have nice things, i.e socialistic policies, in a multicultural nation.


Ever talk to someone working in the food banks? How many immigrants are taking advantage of it despite having more than enough income to buy their own food?

Your ethnostate crap doesn't fly.  It's garbage.  To the point where I question even replying to you.


Immigration is a thing and will continue.  Too bad, so sad. 

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3 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

This doesn't feel like boomer rage to me, more like basement rage.

Fair enough. Most people I’ve dealt with, especially online, who spew that nonsense are in that age bracket though. 

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

"Boomer rage".


Look at the average age of America First and supporters of WN policies and get back to me.


It's a youth movement. The youth are what are carrying it. Nick Fuentes is 25 years old. Thomas Sowell in Australia is 31.


You really don't understand what you're up against, do you?

My sons are ready for them   Standing back and standing by you might say.

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

>Create an environment where people stop having as many kids


>Advocate for replacing host population because 'Canada will not survive' rather than, hmm, I don't know, giving incentives for having kids? Bringing back faith to the nation? Making housing affordable?


Your solutions lead to the destruction of my kind. My solutions lead to the prosperity of my kind.

We are not the same.

We don't want your kind here.  Kindly get the fuck out if you can't start acting in a civilized manner.

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8 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

The people who tolerate the racisst views you embrace are not of good character, and pretending they should have any input into how the country is run is not a solution.  You won't like my proposed solution for your kind, which is to get the fuck out of Canada if you can't handle seeing compatriots with melanin.

Oh the irony of King Heffy lecturing someone of being a good character.  

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3 minutes ago, stawns said:


Pushing back?  You're a nobody with no power.  You're not doing anything......you're a dinosaur leaning into extinction

Yep- I had a computer glitch, as I was about to post something similar- back after a windows update.


I think we are seeing the last 'death throes' of a dying breed of people.

Time, and human understanding has passed them by.

They seem to lack the intelligence to change their mindset/thinking; so will kick and scream and tantrum their way into oblivion-- while the rest of us keep on progressing.

I'd say a large chunk of right wing believers are wishing the dinosaurs would die out quicker.--But they mostly seem to stay quiet, when their far people go nuts.


nother 5-10 years and the morons will likely be gone- sadly to be replaced by a different type of moron.-but hopefully a smaller group.

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1 minute ago, Petey O said:

>Create an environment where people stop having as many kids


>Advocate for replacing host population because 'Canada will not survive' rather than, hmm, I don't know, giving incentives for having kids? Bringing back faith to the nation? Making housing affordable?


Your solutions lead to the destruction of my kind. My solutions lead to the prosperity of my kind.

We are not the same.


Yes, I couldn't care less about the colour of someone's skin.  I welcome immigration and immigrants with open arms.  They make my country a better, more interesting place.  


My 25 year old daughter doesn't want to get married ir have kids because she doesn't want to bring kids into a world where the climate is going to make life very very difficult.  I don't blame here

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4 minutes ago, Petey O said:



It's a youth movement. The youth are what are carrying it. Nick Fuentes is 25 years old. Thomas Sowell in Australia is 31.


You really don't understand what you're up against, do you?

First off it's sad you actually know these people so well


Secondly lol, Nick Fuentes?   lol

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2 minutes ago, bolt said:

Oh the irony of King Heffy lecturing someone of being a good character.  

The very fact you have sat here watching this person espouse openly racist sexist homophobic views while claiming a race war is coming to fix it in his favour and have said nothing but are still upset about Heffy is kind of telling.


At least we've all called out Heffy, where's your response to the person in your camp?

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