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3 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I thought minors couldn't make political donations? He would have been around 16 at the time. 

I think Actblues website says they don't accept under the age of 18 so it might have been his dad who has the same name.

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22 minutes ago, Sapper said:

I'm glad Trump is ok but this is nuts .... Trump has now said God stepped in to save him..... And it's being repeated in his cult as if a miracle of Jesus has occured 

Trump is the opposite of Christian ....


You would think he would turn down the rehtoric rather than trying to spin this as him being the second coming of Jesus 


It's this kind of thing that makes it really hard to be civil. He's a turd.


Of course he'll pander to the evangelicals with this garbage. 


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2 minutes ago, Sapper said:

The evangelical church has zero to do with Christianity and is nothing more that an extreme right wing movement that has taken over near dormant churches to give them a sense of legitimacy and of course tax free status


The evangelical movement has caused significant damage to Christianity and is the leading cause of why their numbers are down significantly 


Young people and moderates look to their church leadership and it simply doesn't reflect their values .... So they walk away. The old time.fire and brimstone Baptists would have excommunicated Trump and his followers long ago. They took the commandment about no other idols etc very seriously lol


Before folks roast me ... I do support Christianity... Just not evangelical political Jesus stuff 


Jesus wasn't with the politicians, or the money people. One day in Sunday school teaches you that. The political evangelicals are a cancer in the US system. 

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1 minute ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I probably should have googled it first. Apparently they can.

Either way, it doesn't seem the shooter was particularly active on the political side of things. Maybe we'll eventually find a motive, maybe not. Could be some bullied kid with depression looking to go out with a bang.

Edited by Duodenum
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43 minutes ago, bolt said:

This is why we have division.  Trump may be all those things but democracy is democracy


Is it democracy when a sitting president incites an angry crowd to march to the capital and stop the peaceful transition of power that is a result of a free and fair election? Democracy was what the people holed up in the Capitol were doing, until they had to hide from Trump's people who'd have killed them if they could. THAT is why there is division.


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2 minutes ago, Duodenum said:

Either way, it doesn't seem the shooter was particularly active on the political side of things. Maybe we'll eventually find a motive, maybe not. Could be some bullied kid with depression looking to go out with a bang.


I bet they find a manifesto of sorts

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5 hours ago, DeNiro said:

I mean do you really think there will be actual evidence? A coverup that big would require tying up every last loose end. But I’m not gonna get into that. As long as there’s reasonable doubt then questions should continue to be asked.


The US has committed many atrocities throughout their history with actual evidence to prove it now. Just because they’re not leaving evidence lying around doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be suspicious.


I believe the US is entering a very dangerous time in the next 4 years with both Russia and China challenging them militarily. I don’t think it’s unrealistic to think that there are certain people (generals/CIA/Homeland Security) that don’t want Trump leading them through that. He’s unpredictable and hard to control which means he’s dangerous to the country. Is it that crazy to think they wouldn’t “remove him” from the situation?

I get that you and other people might be skeptical, but if I don’t see anything suspicious I don’t want to be suspicions just for the sake of being suspicious. Sometimes the most simple answer is the right one. If things change and more evidence is presented, I might change my opinion. But again just because there is no evidence to prove otherwise, that doesn’t mean that the evidence is hidden/destroyed as part of some cover up. 

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29 minutes ago, Sapper said:

You would think he would turn down the rehtoric rather than trying to spin this as him being the second coming of Jesus 


Not to put too fine a point on it, but when has Trump ever turned down the rhetoric? Now he thinks he has God on his side and his Christofascist disciples are loudly singing Hosannas.

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1 minute ago, CBH1926 said:

I get that you and other people might be skeptical, but if I don’t see anything suspicious I don’t want to be suspicions just for the sake of being suspicious. Sometimes the most simple answer is the right one. If things change and more evidence is presented, I might change my opinion. But again just because there is no evidence to prove otherwise, that doesn’t mean that the evidence is hidden/destroyed as part of some cover up. 

yeah Occam's razor for sure. 


but its not out of the question to think that it was some sort of set up, it was just so perfect . Like a hollywood piece. 


I said earlier, I'm kinda enjoying the different theories.

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6 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

I get that you and other people might be skeptical, but if I don’t see anything suspicious I don’t want to be suspicions just for the sake of being suspicious. Sometimes the most simple answer is the right one. If things change and more evidence is presented, I might change my opinion. But again just because there is no evidence to prove otherwise, that doesn’t mean that the evidence is hidden/destroyed as part of some cover up. 

When a government has a history of lies and cover ups they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt though that’s kinda my point. The default should be suspicion at this point.


They’ve done a lot worse than kill one person in the name of national security.

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

He turned 18 in 2021. Not sure how strict they monitor age. 





The guy is an attempted murderer so I'm not going to try to hard to defend his privacy but I'm blown away by the amount of information in that image and reminded of our collective lack of privacy. 

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24 minutes ago, Duodenum said:

Either way, it doesn't seem the shooter was particularly active on the political side of things. Maybe we'll eventually find a motive, maybe not. Could be some bullied kid with depression looking to go out with a bang.

He just looks like your average peaceful antifa member?



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