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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

Enjoy using that word while you still can, because traditional British dialect and culture will be bred out of existence the way things are going.


We will all become one big, grey hive. Are you ready to join the hive? The dark mass?


What an exciting future.






Not the play you want it to be on a very liberal board.  This could get you in trouble.

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

Enjoy using that word while you still can, because traditional British dialect and culture will be bred out of existence the way things are going.


We will all become one big, grey hive. Are you ready to join the hive? The dark mass?


What an exciting future.

Wait - I thought you guys were young, strong, and everywhere and will save us from all that.

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13 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I just watched this CNN clip on YouTube that some may find interesting.  I had no idea that this dude climbed not just 1, but 3 rooftops. 


Also, apparently a local LEO popped up to try and get the sniper before he got his shots off, but the sniper saw him so he jumped back down to the ground so he wouldn't get shot.  I don't blame the cop, but I hope he had no dreams of ever joining the USSS because I imagine he disqualified himself.  Again, don't blame him.  He has a family he wants to go home to.




Yeah, earlier on the news they were saying the same thing. Attendees alerted local police about suspicious person and that one of the officers climbed up on the roof but was confronted by the armed man. To me this seems like your regular fuck up by the authorities seen many times before. I think those living outside the U.S have much more favorable opinion of our agencies. I know I did when I lived in Europe, now after being here close to 30 years, I know better.

Edited by CBH1926
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22 minutes ago, DSVII said:


I would simply just say that in this case, a person's love of the republic and their belief in the democratic process is higher than the hate they may feel to the individual. It's not nonsense.


The American democratic experiment is based on the premise that all men are created equal and should be entitled to life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness. Sometimes to uphold this ideal you have to allow the system to work itself out and give everyone a fair chance, even for those that are actively cheering against this premise. There are those who believe that man will always be an island and in big enough groups we will tear ourselves apart.


From moral point of view. You may be killing what your mind is a monster, but you're creating a new one. Yourself.


And even if you believe with certainty that happens, you can't punish someone for what you think they might do and hasnt happened yet, everyone here is innocent until proven guilty. 


The true test of your principles and your integrity from moments like this.


I feel this conversation has been pulled out a bit into a bigger conversation. The original point was that if ones truly believe someone is that level of evil, and historical evil is inevitable with them gaining power, then what happened is entirely logical. This was the logical conclusion of radicalization. I agree it isn't a justified view in this context.


I agree with alot of what you said here, certainly the bolded in principal as we know it in the West. Though... when your talking about hardcore ideologues like communists or nazi's... its kinda stated/evident, and in this case with Trump he had already been in office so radicals had already made their judgement on him. I just don't think its a good comparison to fit our 'democratic lens' onto those levels of evil as if we are arguing over tax rates, those levels of depravity are not comprehendible through our Western lens imo.


You made a great summary of the ideal of democracy for sure.

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11 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

That was an awful lot of text.  If I read it correctly we can trust no one to tell us the truth except maybe you. 🙂


Its a conversation, trying to present evidence & an attempt at a logical argument.


No one knows but I'm tending to agree with DeNiro & was adding on. At the very least there is alot of explaining to do, & then lots of changes to come.  

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8 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

What a bunch of pearl clutching nonsense. The fact that an american phd student thinks an attack on trump is an attack on republicans speaks volumes. Violence in BC, wtf is he talking about? This shit is so laughable. 


The PhD student attends McGill university in Montreal, Canada...

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25 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

Exactly. The Canadian sniper's point was that the amateur had to have had help to get on a roof with a gun 150 yards from Trump. The insinuation was that only a pro/highly trained individual could slip SS like that, and a pro wouldn't miss from there. He basically said there must have been an accomplice of some kind. His words, not mine.


Dunno, seems like a big reach to me. Multiple points of failure happen all the time, clearly trumps security team would like a do over.

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8 minutes ago, Petey O said:

Yeah, sorry. Nice words, but this wouldn't work on an Indian, Japanese person, Malaysian, Ethiopian or Iranian to justify their replacement, and it won't work on me.


I'll ask you: Why are the only people who are expected to "let it go" and become soulless consumerist hedonists people of European descent?


The only "white supremacists" who become "reformed" are WN 1.0 skinhead tatted types, and they don't really understand it in the first place, or there's some sort of vice that pulls them away from caring about their people.


You're right: Evolution is real. Natural selection and adaption is true. Races have evolved differently in different corners of the world. Non-white races should stick to the geographic locations they developed in, and all peoples should have their own homeland. 👍


I actually didn't put you into any one specific group other then, a Human Being. Some people who have ego and see them selves as superior have to have labels like "race" or "ethnicity". Or "rich" or "poor" or "gay" or "straight" or WHY. 

So other then Indigenous people of this land, who else would call Canada their "homeland". 

I guess it depends on who is labeling which human beings I guess?  

Not trying to trick you into anything just sharing information and I believe we should be spending a life time learning about everything we can. 

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Just now, Petey O said:

I talk to these people all of the time; online and in person.


They talk tough, but they stutter and get shut down fast in real life when confronted with logic.


They're not used to people who aren't pushovers and who don't cower at being called 'racist', 'nazi', 'homophobe', etc.


Liberals are the weakest people on the face of the earth, and often their physiognomy correlates with their limp wristed ideals.


I know right, like those pussies that brought us trade unions.


Your blow fish routine is comedy gold.

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10 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:


I feel this conversation has been pulled out a bit into a bigger conversation. The original point was that if ones truly believe someone is that level of evil, and historical evil is inevitable with them gaining power, then what happened is entirely logical. This was the logical conclusion of radicalization. I agree it isn't a justified view in this context.


I agree with alot of what you said here, certainly the bolded in principal as we know it in the West. Though... when your talking about hardcore ideologues like communists or nazi's... its kinda stated/evident, and in this case with Trump he had already been in office so radicals had already made their judgement on him. I just don't think its a good comparison to fit our 'democratic lens' onto those levels of evil as if we are arguing over tax rates, those levels of depravity are not comprehendible through our Western lens imo.


You made a great summary of the ideal of democracy for sure.

I acknowledge that we probably won't agree on some things, maybe some major ones such as the future or the US. But we can talk about it and discuss it freely. That's also one of the virtues of the democratic ideal. 


I do agree with you though  the realities of running a democracy are at times at odds with the ideal. No one said it was easy.


Edited by DSVII
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26 minutes ago, Petey O said:

I talk to these people all of the time; online and in person.


They talk tough, but they stutter and get shut down fast in real life when confronted with logic.


They're not used to people who aren't pushovers and who don't cower at being called 'racist', 'nazi', 'homophobe', etc.


Liberals are the weakest people on the face of the earth, and often their physiognomy correlates with their limp wristed ideals.



I wasn't commenting on the content of your post per se.  Just that you may end up getting banned for that one post. 



Edited by Sabrefan1
weirdly typed "I'm"; Corrected "per se".
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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


No idea. I just find buddys chest puffing hilarious.

It’s bugging me 😀 at first I thought it looked like David Duke but that is not it.

I better ask before ban hammer comes in.

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1 hour ago, Petey O said:

Stunning and brave.


We're your neighbours. We're at your workplace. We smile at you and say hello as you pass by us on the street.


We're everywhere. And we're growing. There's nothing you can do about it.



Who is this guy?

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1 minute ago, CBH1926 said:

It’s bugging me 😀 at first I thought it looked like David Duke but that is not it.

I better ask before ban hammer comes in.


Apparently it's your neighbor and he's coming for us? 

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1 minute ago, Petey O said:

If I get banned while the people calling for violence don't, it would just make my case even more to any casual lurkers. Doesn't phase me one bit.


If they want a political thread where only basic conservatism and liberalism can be discussed, so be it.


It's funny to see their backlash at actually being challenged on their morally repugnant, rephrensible beliefs, though.



Fair enough.  Just wanted you to go into it with your eyes wide open and you are.

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2 minutes ago, Petey O said:

I talk to these people all of the time; online and in person.


They talk tough, but they stutter and get shut down fast in real life when confronted with logic.


They're not used to people who aren't pushovers and who don't cower at being called 'racist', 'nazi', 'homophobe', etc.


Liberals are the weakest people on the face of the earth, and often their physiognomy correlates with their limp wristed ideals.

When you will kick in to using  this logic you refer to?  If you are into physiognomy are you also into phrenology?   Sorry to ask so many questions but I'd also like to know what colour are your uniforms?

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Just now, Petey O said:

LOL traditional unionists were overwhelmingly what you'd consider "racist" and no sane unionist would support rampant immigration of foreigners that allow corporations to drive down wages for a better bottom line.


Look at the labour party of Australia who were the party that was in full support of the White Australia policy. It wasn't the "liberals".


Fascism came out of the unions in Europe, as well.


Omg, where do you guys come from?

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1 hour ago, bolt said:

You can't even condemn your own side so spare me the lecture.  All extremism is dangerous regardless of political wing..


I condemn the pelusi home Intruder as well is that what you want me to say?

What the fuck?


You've 20 pages of one of your people being a racist homophobic sexist prick and you REFUSE to even acknowledge them and instead go 


."but what about heffy"


Kick rocks bud you're not a victim your camp just associates with them 

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

What the fuck?


You've 20 pages of one of your people being a racist homophobic sexist prick and you REFUSE to even acknowledge them and instead go 


."but what about heffy"


Kick rocks bud you're not a victim your camp just associates with them 

Bolt sounds like a conservative or libertarian dude.


He's obviously not on 'my side'.


Trying to paint him as if he is, is just typical liberalism.


The more you do this to people, the more people are actually going to resemble what you accuse them of.


Just saying.


Edited by Petey O
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1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


It's only a matter of time before the narrative becomes: George Soros personally paid the guy in cold hard cash to pull the trigger... :classic_ninja:

That's why they HAVE to demonize this kid and his family in to being leftists, democrats, Antigua or whatever.


If this kid is in fact a registered Republican they don't have anything they can demonize anyone they consider the enemy with 


The enemy of course is literally anyone who doesn't agree word for word with their rhetoric, votes a different way etc.


So they desperately need this kid to be some sort of leftist so they can be able to motivate their base and begin their attacks on anything left if centre.


They also need it because if they sweep in to power they can use this kid, his family and this incident to then completely destroy civil rights based on political affiliations 

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9 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Apparently it's your neighbor and he's coming for us? 

I was right, it is David Duke, i also found older photo of one of the posters.

East Hastings back in 1982.



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35 minutes ago, Petey O said:

Yeah, sorry. Nice words, but this wouldn't work on an Indian, Japanese person, Malaysian, Ethiopian or Iranian to justify their replacement, and it won't work on me.


I'll ask you: Why are the only people who are expected to "let it go" and become soulless consumerist hedonists people of European descent?


The only "white supremacists" who become "reformed" are WN 1.0 skinhead tatted types, and they don't really understand it in the first place, or there's some sort of vice that pulls them away from caring about their people.


You're right: Evolution is real. Natural selection and adaption is true. Races have evolved differently in different corners of the world. Non-white races should stick to the geographic locations they developed in, and all peoples should have their own homeland. 👍



You wanna address this post and comment from your guy?  He's in your camp?


Heffy calls people Nazis and that's ridiculous, but this guy's an open white supremacist.


Got anything to say here or what?

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