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25 minutes ago, 24K said:

Lol pretending Ohio is some sort of swing state. 🤣 


Ohio is a deep red state now, pay attention. 


The true pivitol swing state in Pennsylvania and sadly that one is going to Trump 100% after this weekend. It was already trending that way anyways but the deal is sealed now. 

Since the civil war, Ohio has bee on the side of the winning president all but 5 times and essentially picked or helped decide the presidency as a bellweather for 14 different election cycles spanning over 60 years unbroken.


Jd Vance ensures this trend will contiinue.

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16 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Yeah I think you are right about it being a mental health issue thing and less political. The motive seems fuzzy as he is a registered Republican, he did make a small donation to a far left Democrat organization at some point, and his parents are split 50/50 for party support.  

The thing with small one time donations like that is it really tell us nothing. 


Could easily been him losing a bet and donating to his opposite cause or someone else messing with him and donating in his name. 


We need a consistent pattern to determine politician leaning from donations.


The best we got is his voter registration that is also more recent but not that recent to be someone trying to vote as a Repub while being a Dem. 


But yeah hard to pinpoint political motif in this case so way more likely a mental health issue. 

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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Since the civil war, Ohio has bee on the side of the winning president all but 5 times and essentially picked or helped decide the presidency as a bellweather for 14 different election cycles spanning over 60 years unbroken.


Jd Vance ensures this trend will contiinue.

Demographics changed since. Lot of red states became purple too. The battleground states are different now. 




Edited by Jaimito
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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Since the civil war, Ohio has bee on the side of the winning president all but 5 times and essentially picked or helped decide the presidency as a bellweather for 14 different election cycles spanning over 60 years unbroken.


Jd Vance ensures this trend will contiinue.

Point was Trump doesn't even need Vance to secure Ohio.


Also the last time Ohio was wrong, it was just last election. That record already was broken with Trump v Biden. 

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1 hour ago, viking mama said:

Anyone chatting about the stolen documents case against former President Trump?

Afer months of court litigation on other matters, relating to the case before going to trial…Judge Eileen Cannon, a very under-qualified appointment by Trump in the dying hours of his former administration, just dismissed the case stating the special prosecutor was illegitimately appointed! Say what?!!!


After months of hard work by a plethora of people on this case & countless hours wasted in court & in the media over procedural matters & other details,…now on the even of the GOP convention the case cannot proceed? Why not just say so off the hop?!! 

On the evidence already in the public domain, this was the most slam-dunk case for the prosecution, ever!! The  prosecutor chosen to go foreword with the case, was far less prejudicial than the US attorney-general himself and clearly far less so than the judge (apparently) randomly selected to hear this case, BUT who just happened to be appointed by Trump - himself.

^Nothing wrong with that, tho…righhhhht??!!! 

The US  judicial system appears to have broken down under Trumplikin-will! It has been proven to be TOO slow, wasteful & unable to deliver the obvious justice required. Guilty or not, & sentencing variances aside….it was “essential” that this case be heard…& VERY expeditiously!

A proven-to-be partisan judge SHOULD  have been challenged for removal - from day one! This is an atrocity!  She had NO merit or experience whatsoever, to hear a case of this magnitude!

This is exactly why some persons feel compelled to take the law into their own hands.


The NHL has had the same problems when referees on the ice do NOT do their jobs, or are allowed to do so - incompetently.  Proper over-sight, correction, disqualification or dismissal for invompetence is imperative! If a player gets under-penalized or stays in a game after wrecklessly endangering the well-being of his opponent, makes inappropriate threats or commits an act of egregious violence,  then vigilante retributions & actions are to be expected. This  the rules of the game breakdown & cease to matter, resulting more unpredictable & explosive drama, more serious injuries…never mind, the complete loss of integrity in the games results  - altogether. 

But, that’s IT isn’t it???! it now all about the entertainment & not a properly contested competition, anymore!


It’s no wonder that there was an assassination attempt on DJTrump’s life, as the ultimate Teflon Don! And, it’s even more abhorrent that he really loves that there is now more drama here, to be mis-interpreted!

Sound familiar??!! 

The NHL permits - if not appoints,  their most biased & old-school referees to interfere with the fair conduct & exhibitions of play-off games,…which are then enthusiastically gambled upon! There is little difference between them & greedy people with powerful money meddling profusely, in the present US judicial system. None what-so-ever!!! 

Fix the over-sight, conduct & the perceptions of BOTH, people!

CHOOSE democracy & enact more guard/railing reforms, instead of advancing authoritarianism, pro-longing the corruption, decreasing human rights & inviting even greater  wealth & justice disparity around the world! Make the sacrifice wherever you are, to VOTE in the upcoming US election - if you have the right & are able!! 

The NHL Board of Governors also needs to VOTE  - to flush-out the current BOG Chairman-for-life (Jacobs) & NHL Commissioner-for-life (Bettman), so as to fix this mess & bring MORE integrity back to the game, for a more progressive generation of players & spectators, to enjoy. 




It's bring said by pundits that it might actually help Jack Smith because he can now appeal it to an spprlatd court in a district with a much friendlier, more competent judge


I'll think we'll find the shooting wasn't politically motivated, but the act of a lonely, disgruntled kid

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Of course it's a mental health issue- most people could tell that as soon as they saw a picture of the white kid.

Not like those 'differently  coloured' terrorists at all.



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2 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

From the party that would never advocate violence against a political rival. 



From the party that loves and believes in god



Another Republican who ascribed it to divine will was driving near the convention site with a "F--k Biden" sign on his red pickup truck.

"I believe that God wants Trump to bring the United States back to where it's supposed to be," said Craig Basile, a 62-year-old Wisconsin man who had just left church Sunday.


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3 minutes ago, stawns said:


It's bring said by pundits that it might actually help Jack Smith because he can now appeal it to an spprlatd court in a district with a much friendlier, more competent judge


I'll think we'll find the shooting wasn't politically motivated, but the act of a lonely, disgruntled kid


It was politically motivated. It was not in a mall or school. It was at a political rally and target was the candidate, where there are lot of security.    It would be a lot simpler to shoot an easy target.   You think he just wanted a challenge so went for trump?  


I'm sure he's got few screws loose.  Maybe he had a deal to shoot the teleprompter but got trump injured as well as bystanders. So the deal was off and SS took him out.  Maybe he fantasize to be Lee Harvey Oswald and want to be immortalized. Maybe he wants the old GOP back and see MAGA as a threat to democracy. Maybe he's a left-wing nut who happens to love guns too. 


Whatever the real motivation is, I don't think it matters now. The politicians and media will spin it to favor their party, so they can win in Nov.  Trust in government institution is all time low.  Even if FBI release a detailed investigation, people will be equally divided on the accuracy of the report. 

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1 minute ago, Jaimito said:


It was politically motivated. It was not in a mall or school. It was at a political rally and target was the candidate, where there are lot of security.    It would be a lot simpler to shoot an easy target.   You think he just wanted a challenge so went for trump?  


I'm sure he's got few screws loose.  Maybe he had a deal to shoot the teleprompter but got trump injured as well as bystanders. So the deal was off and SS took him out.  Maybe he fantasize to be Lee Harvey Oswald and want to be immortalized. Maybe he wants the old GOP back and see MAGA as a threat to democracy. Maybe he's a left-wing nut who happens to love guns too. 


Whatever the real motivation is, I don't think it matters now. The politicians and media will spin it to favor their party, so they can win in Nov.  Trust in government institution is all time low.  Even if FBI release a detailed investigation, people will be equally divided on the accuracy of the report. 


There's no evidence to suggest there were any political motivation at all.  There is, plenty of evidence,however, that this was a troubled young man, who had been bullied, ignored and had easy access to an assault rifle.


Other than the fact it was trump and at a rally, this reads like every other lone gunman/incel mass shooting out there

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7 minutes ago, stawns said:


There's no evidence to suggest there were any political motivation at all.  There is, plenty of evidence,however, that this was a troubled young man, who had been bullied, ignored and had easy access to an assault rifle.


Other than the fact it was trump and at a rally, this reads like every other lone gunman/incel mass shooting out there

Yeah he may have just spotted his opportunity with an outdoor televised trump rally coming to town. Many of his classmates have said they didnt think he was really into politics. Unless he was in a bad place and the wrong voice got into his ear.  

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Another public service announcement for any far left people here.


According to your brethren....


You now are directed to hate actor/director Ron Howard!!!  Richie Cunningham is now persona non grata!


You know the rules.  No fraternizing with the enemy up there in Discount Hollywood!!!  Violators will be shunned!


People also have their eye on Fonzie as well!

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I really appreciate the insights within the video commentary, below.

At its’ conclusion (5:05), there’s a reasonable explanation on why journalistic quality & integrity, especially in print media, is now in free-fall & serious decline. 

The act of collecting facts for stories or fact-checking politicians & campaigners like Donald Trump & his handlers, is no longer expedient or the priority.


Misinformation runs rampant when this once respected & now under-funded industry is gobbled up by powerful individuals who can exert HUGE amounts of sway & influence over editors, reporters & their employees.


Articles, photos & stories seem to be more hastily published then circulated, without the proper  professional scrutiny. The sheer volumn of it - deters any threat of lawsuits. 

In the times of Leonard & Bernstein  there would have been a longer gambit of fact-checkers. Falsehoods, today, run out with very little challenge or journalistic integrity to a by-line,…only to be retracted after the real damage, has already been done!


Folks of the older generations still believe broadcasters whom they see/hear live upon TV are as moral or truthful, as Walter Cronkite. But, sadly man networks today are more interested in creating entertainment, getting ratings & putting profits before respecting the once heralded responsibilities of the press…to have journalist integrity and uphold their duty to hold governments & politicians to account by reporting MORE FACTS than opinion, to the American people. 



Edited by viking mama
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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Another public service announcement for any far left people here.


According to your brethren....


You now are directed to hate actor/director Ron Howard!!!  Richie Cunningham is now persona non grata!


You know the rules.  No fraternizing with the enemy up there in Discount Hollywood!!!  Violators will be shunned!


People also have their eye on Fonzie as well!

Nah, they already selling so no one really have to do anything. 🤣

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1 hour ago, King Heffy said:

Look at project 2025 and what Trump wants to do, and the parallels between the Beer Hall Putsch and the Beer Belly Putsch.  Very aware of the history and it's in danger of repeating due to idiots and racists making excuses for Trump's crimes against humanity.

Lol,       I think the guy you replied to ,

”woke” our lead “Transformer” Hef 😉 


       Hit Sony GIF by Peter Rabbit Movie


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15 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Another public service announcement for any far left people here.


According to your brethren....


You now are directed to hate actor/director Ron Howard!!!  Richie Cunningham is now persona non grata!


You know the rules.  No fraternizing with the enemy up there in Discount Hollywood!!!  Violators will be shunned!


People also have their eye on Fonzie as well!

Wait, WTF did Ron howard do?  And the fonz?  Come on now


That's like hating dolly parton

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19 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Another public service announcement for any far left people here.


According to your brethren....


You now are directed to hate actor/director Ron Howard!!!  Richie Cunningham is now persona non grata!


You know the rules.  No fraternizing with the enemy up there in Discount Hollywood!!!  Violators will be shunned!


People also have their eye on Fonzie as well!

Can you elaborate?

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50 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Of course it's a mental health issue- most people could tell that as soon as they saw a picture of the white kid.

Not like those 'differently  coloured' terrorists at all.



kid hated Bullies,       He shot at the the “King “ of Bully.


It’s political rhetoric , back stabbing , grandstanding , and shit shot talking that politicians try to entertain with ..


Many who don’t stay centered ,  go to the deep end of the pool to play in it ,

or in this case , try to stop it .


I don’t think there is a day over the last 9 or 10 years that I haven’t heard Trumps name.


He is annoying as - - - - 




The NRA will now want everyone armed at rallies.

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Wait, WTF did Ron howard do?  And the fonz?  Come on now


That's like hating dolly parton


I think that's why only the farthest of far left is bagging on him.  They are upset that he made a Netflix movie about Trump's VP pick a while back.

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5 minutes ago, stawns said:

Can you elaborate?


I'm just being silly like the last time they hated on a celeb last week....  buuuttt....


The far left is upset that Ron Howard made a Netflix movie about Trump's VP pick a while back. 

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15 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Wait, WTF did Ron howard do?  And the fonz?  Come on now


That's like hating dolly parton


Sorry.  Just realized I only answered half of your question.



The Fonzie thing was just me being facetious.  I loved Happy Days as a kid so when I think of Richie, I also think of the Fonz....  Then unfortunately my mind jumps to the episode where he water skii'd over a shark...

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