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1 minute ago, Sabrefan1 said:

On this board, just me and one other person I'm currently talking to it about.  In general, it was a huge subject of debate for a good week or so on the internet.


Maybe it was....but that still doesn't mean there's anything embarrassing about it.


I don't see a scenario where the higher ups at the FBI are sitting around saying "There's a lot of online debate about what actually hit Trump's ear! We have to get to the bottom of this right now, otherwise it's a huge fucking embarrassment!" :frantic:


I doubt they were in any kind of a hurry, just because some internet Nancies were making a big deal about it.

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


Maybe it was....but that still doesn't mean there's anything embarrassing about it.


I don't see a scenario where the higher ups at the FBI are sitting around saying "There's a lot of online debate about what actually hit Trump's ear! We have to get to the bottom of this right now, otherwise it's a huge fucking embarrassment!" :frantic:


I doubt they were in any kind of a hurry, just because some internet Nancies were making a big deal about it.


Of course the FBI doesn't care what people are saying on the internet about them.  If they did, they wouldn't have the jobs that they do.  They would have resigned long ago and disbanded.


They don't even know I exist except for having my picture sitting somewhere after I was at a GMO protest 10 years or so ago.

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1 minute ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Of course the FBI doesn't care what people are saying on the internet about them.  If they did, they wouldn't have the jobs that they do.  They would have resigned long ago and disbanded.


They don't even know I exist except for having my picture sitting somewhere after I was at a GMO protest 10 years or so ago.


Agreed....which is why I don't think there's anything "embarrassing" about it at all.


Anyway, we're going in circles. We can agree to disagree on that point.

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48 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The US has always been more conservative than almost all of the West.  Don't forget that the original pilgrims were so conservative that they felt they had to leave England to be able to live how they wanted to.


to me the US seems to have some of everything, from the best to the worst. IMO it's mostly still a good force in the world. 


Whats freaky to me is Trump could actually shift that. His maga cult is getting a little too large for comfort. 

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10 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


to me the US seems to have some of everything, from the best to the worst. IMO it's mostly still a good force in the world. 


Whats freaky to me is Trump could actually shift that. His maga cult is getting a little too large for comfort. 


Hardcore MAGA has actually shrunk a fair amount.  I doubt he could fill an arena like he could pre-2020.  Trump hurt his brand when he incited the attack on Capitol Hill in 2021.


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16 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Hardcore MAGA has actually shrunk a fair amount.  I doubt he could fill an arena like he could pre-2020.  Trump hurt his brand when he incited the attack on Capitol Hill in 2021.



but how does that explain him being tied and maybe even a little ahead in the polls? The only people I know up here that like him are... well if I'm being honest, kind of stupid. Its just true.


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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:

If you mean something else and I'm misunderstanding you, you're going to have to spell it out for me what you are asking.


I think you are, but its not a big deal.


As you live in the States and know your stuff, I was simply asking....


Which of the two parties, Dem and Repub, are more influenced by extremes and/or have extreme elements currently in their party, in your opinion?


Not public left vs right, not public extremes, but the parties themselves. Do the Dems have more extreme left wingers than the Repubs have extreme right wingers? or the opposite? or about the same?


To go back to my OP, viewing from Canada...your Dems look pretty center...your Repubs look very right and pretty extreme.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:



If you mean violence and/or destruction, I'd say both sides are capable.  As to which side is more likely to be violent or destructive, that depends on the situation.  For social matters, the far left would be.  For not getting their way in politics, the right is more likely to be.


If you mean something else and I'm misunderstanding you, you're going to have to spell it out for me what you are asking.

I think he is asking politically. What party has more elected officials that lean into extremist rhetoric? Which party has enacted, or is planning to enact policies that align with the far left or right ideologies, street level protests and protesters aside.

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3 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I think you are, but its not a big deal.


As you live in the States and know your stuff, I was simply asking....


Which of the two parties, Dem and Repub, are more influenced by extremes and/or have extreme elements currently in their party, in your opinion?


Not public left vs right, not public extremes, but the parties themselves. Do the Dems have more extreme left wingers than the Repubs have extreme right wingers? or the opposite? or about the same?


To go back to my OP, viewing from Canada...your Dems look pretty center...your Repubs look very right and pretty extreme.

Apparently I was pickin up what you were puttin down.

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17 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


but how does that explain him being tied and maybe even a little ahead in the polls? The only people I know up here that like him are... well if I'm being honest, kind of stupid. Its just true.



Trump is winning because he's a major party candidate.  If he had run as an independent, he'd be in 3rd place splitting the vote with the Republican candidate and Joe Biden would still be in the race with a huge lead.


As for independents, Trump polls better on 2 issues that they care about, the border and the economy.  JD Vance was a poor choice for VP so that will cost him some votes and he has to keep slip-ups to a minimum.   Saying what he said about voting in 4 years, isn't going to help his case in that regard.  I get that he's pandering to the audience but that feeds into the concern some have about him.

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26 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I think you are, but its not a big deal.


As you live in the States and know your stuff, I was simply asking....


Which of the two parties, Dem and Repub, are more influenced by extremes and/or have extreme elements currently in their party, in your opinion?


Not public left vs right, not public extremes, but the parties themselves. Do the Dems have more extreme left wingers than the Repubs have extreme right wingers? or the opposite? or about the same?


To go back to my OP, viewing from Canada...your Dems look pretty center...your Repubs look very right and pretty extreme.


24 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I think he is asking politically. What party has more elected officials that lean into extremist rhetoric? Which party has enacted, or is planning to enact policies that align with the far left or right ideologies, street level protests and protesters aside.



Oh.  Sorry.  The Republican party, numbers-wise, is more extreme in their rhetoric.  They even just had a private meeting to talk about their messaging and toning it down.


The mainstream Democrats try and meter their statements so as not to be accused of being a part of the extreme of their party.  Except for the few members of "The Squad" who are the left's version of extreme rhetoric.  They are starting to face the consequences of their far left speech.


*edit*  Let me know if that answers what you were asking or if I'm still misunderstanding.  Thanks.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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10 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Except for the few members of "The Squad" who are the left's version of extreme rhetoric.  They are starting to face the consequences of their far left speech.


I can't say I follow their proposals or what they advocate for, but unless or until they're calling for a abolition of land ownership rights, the promotion of "to each according to his needs", and the determination that all the fruits of production belong to government, I would say they're probably not considered "extremist".  And any of those elements would have been quickly and widely shared across media - both social and mainstream - at lightspeed if they were to propose them, so I'm guessing they're not extremist or spewing extreme rhetoric.  Perhaps inconvenient or impractical rhetoric, but not extreme.


Just my two nickels (because 2 cents ain't worth nuttin').

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2 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


This is the fire that was missing from the Biden campaign.  Like not just missing but entirely roll over non-existent.


Glad the campaign team has some zeal and energy adnd hoping they start trolling the hell out of trump and his campaign the same way Wendys twitter manager does every other fast food account

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19 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

I can't say I follow their proposals or what they advocate for, but unless or until they're calling for a abolition of land ownership rights, the promotion of "to each according to his needs", and the determination that all the fruits of production belong to government, I would say they're probably not considered "extremist".  And any of those elements would have been quickly and widely shared across media - both social and mainstream - at lightspeed if they were to propose them, so I'm guessing they're not extremist or spewing extreme rhetoric.  Perhaps inconvenient or impractical rhetoric, but not extreme.


Just my two nickels (because 2 cents ain't worth nuttin').



You and I have different definitions of extreme.  You are fairly intense with yours. 😆  Honestly, I don't remember if they've ever advocated for straight up communism.  I do remember that they were flirting with Venezuelan style socialism up until Venezuela all but collapsed.  I doubt though that they've ever gone full on communist like with your example.

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11 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



You and I have different definitions of extreme.  You are fairly intense with yours. 😆  Honestly, I don't remember if they've ever advocated for straight up communism.  I do remember that they were flirting with Venezuelan style socialism up until Venezuela all but collapsed.  I doubt though that they've ever gone full on communist like with your example.


I'm just looking at things as ... perhaps a spectrum?  or a grid?  and to me, an extremist is someone that's at the edge of that spectrum or grid, and about to fall into the abyss.  It doesn't really count (to me at least) as extreme if you've still got wriggle room to move further out before falling; that's just "far".  :classic_wink:


edit, or you could view my definition as being the literal definition, as opposed to a "relative" definition.  :classic_wink:



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52 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Trump is winning because he's a major party candidate.  If he had run as an independent, he'd be in 3rd place splitting the vote with the Republican candidate and Joe Biden would still be in the race with a huge lead.


As for independents, Trump polls better on 2 issues that they care about, the border and the economy.  JD Vance was a poor choice for VP so that will cost him some votes and he has to keep slip-ups to a minimum.   Saying what he said about voting in 4 years, isn't going to help his case in that regard.  I get that he's pandering to the audience but that feeds into the concern some have about him.


I guess that's what I find so odd. I think an objective view shows no particular party actually has a better economic record, and the border has been a problem for both parties. 


I just can't understand why trump is as popular as he is in the US. He used to be kind of a joke not that long ago.

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I guess that's what I find so odd. I think an objective view shows no particular party actually has a better economic record, and the border has been a problem for both parties. 


I just can't understand why trump is as popular as he is in the US. He used to be kind of a joke not that long ago.


Not only that, but Trump actually told Republicans to reject a border deal that was negotiated by an Oklahoma Republican....because he wanted to run on the issue in the election.


How can any discerning voter prefer him after hearing that?

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20 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

I'm just looking at things as ... perhaps a spectrum?  or a grid?  and to me, an extremist is someone that's at the edge of that spectrum or grid, and about to fall into the abyss.  It doesn't really count (to me at least) as extreme if you've still got wriggle room to move further out before falling; that's just "far".  :classic_wink:


I understood what you were saying.  I just don't think you have to go full on to be considered extreme.  That's definitely a scary thought.  In the first half of the 20th century, all the way far right got us fascist Italy.  All the way far left (or what was considered left at the time) got us Nazi Germany.


Gave the crossed out more thought and made a different post.


Fortunately both of those countries were run by egotistical fools who in the end screwed up enough to lose a war they could have won before the US ended up jumping in.

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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

All the way far left (or what was considered left at the time) got us Nazi Germany.


Are you sure you didn't mean Soviet Russia?  Nazi Germany - especially at its ascension - was most certainly on the right.

Edited by 6of1_halfdozenofother
meant "especially", not "even"
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4 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I guess that's what I find so odd. I think an objective view shows no particular party actually has a better economic record, and the border has been a problem for both parties. 


I just can't understand why trump is as popular as he is in the US. He used to be kind of a joke not that long ago.


He joined a major party and played the members of the party like a violin.  He realized that he could manipulate one party much easier than the other for various reasons.

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11 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


Are you sure you didn't mean Soviet Russia?  Nazi Germany - even at its ascension - was most certainly on the right.


That's why I put what I put in parenthesis.  At the time, Nazi'ism was considered a far left philosophy.  


Not today obviously. 


Gave this more thought and made a different post about it.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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