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7 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


That is one of the worst tortures there is.


It is being done away with in Canada, there are now very tight rules on length of time etc...  we obviously need it for temp holding-cell purposes but not for long term stuff. 15 day max and the person needs to be charged by a judge at vid court. We officers can only put the inmates in there for a few hours until mgmt gets involved.

It's so traumatic that we dont even call it solitary or seg anymore officially. It's called Charlie Unit at my work, but that doesn't matter. All the inmates know, Charlie ... is 'the hole'.





Yes I know the effect of punishment solitary confinement on a person.

I thought hard before I posted.


Still I believe the people who planned 9/11 deserve a punishment fitting their crime. 

They are cowards, who not only caused the deaths and injuries of so many innocent people, they convinced others to kill themselves in the act of killing others.


That's pretty messed up my friend.


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36 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


They are forced to compromise.  I'm not one of the people who thinks a good Congressional measurement is how many laws and bills they pass.  Each one they pass often hurts as much or more than it helps.  Especially when they are passing laws to make their donors happy.


That's a really good point, it's much better to have a few effective laws than a bunch of crappy ones full of pork.


One funny thing I've noticed is voters often say that they want compromise, but when their party does it the base gets mad.

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42 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I think Trump chose him because he wanted to flex his "I am the great leader" muscles.  Only a couple of fringe people from the Republicans wanted him to choose Vance.


Do you think it will effect swing voters? Vance is pretty bad. 

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:

@Sabrefan1, the other day I mentioned an article that exposed Republican efforts to disenfranchise voters in Georgia....I found the article.


I'll start off by saying that it's from a decidedly left leaning outlet called Alternet and the author leaves no doubt as to what he thinks about Kemp and other Republicans, but I checked other sources and the facts of the article are supported by several sources, including AP. The voter cancellation website mentioned in the article does exist and the leak of personal voter data did happen. (Confirmed by the Georgia Recorder)


The article is too long to post, but I suggest reading the entire thing....it's an eye opener.





No doubt.  There is a tit for tat between the duopoly powers.  The Republicans in multiple states for instance are screwing with mail-in voting as well because that favours the Democrats.  Sadly that's been the history of our elections.  Politicians have just gotten more brazen about it in recent years because now that there's an us vs. them thing going on, they aren't likely to face the consequences of their actions like they once did.


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1 hour ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Except they don't.   The QOP in charge of this Congress has been a gong show.  Least productive.  They spent more time investigating Hunters dick picks than anything else.  The QOP constantly puts the government in danger whenever budget deadlines come up.


A bipartisan border deal.  Nope.

Healthcare reform.   Nope.

Healthcare for vets.  Let's play politics with that.

I can go on


When the QOP ran the Senate, there were hundreds of bills, many meaningful legislation that died on Mitch's desk.  One Senator's vote away from preACA Healthcare.  They even blocked SCOTUS appointment.  


In no reasonable world are the QOP fit for anything.  



We all know the House's major issue.  A Florida pedophile, an all too handsy in public irritant, and a horse faced loud mouth with a fetish for Jewish space lasers.


I won't complain if the Democrats manage to take back the House.  The morons running it now have let the circus elements in their farthest right caucus have too much control.

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58 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:




I know I thought Biden was going to win his debate so take my opinion on this with a big honking block of salt, but I think even on Faux News, Kamala would beat Trump handily. 


She just needs to lay off that Obama voice and speech pattern thing she does too much if she accepts the challenge.  That's distracting.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

Do you think it will effect swing voters? Vance is pretty bad. 


Not unless he goes full on Sarah Palin. 


I think the VP debate will have more bearing on people's opinions of Vance in swing states. 

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15 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

The morons running it now have let the circus elements in their farthest right caucus have too much control.


It baffles me that so many up here don't see our right attempting to follow their lead.

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17 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I think the VP debate will have more bearing on people's opinions of Vance in swing states. 


If such a debate takes place, the win will go to the candidate who says fewer stupid things. I don't think Vance wins that one, regardless of who the Democrat candidate is. He just can't help himself and it doesn't help that whoever was supposed to vet him was either stupid or overruled. I thought nobody could be worse than Sarah Palin or (for you older folks) Richard Nixon, but Vance is a vacuous climber who is a daily disaster.

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10 minutes ago, aGENT said:


It baffles me that so many up here don't see our right attempting to follow their lead.


I made the observation that Canadian politics were getting too close to US politics a number of years ago on CDC.  I stopped following Canada's politics because of it.  It was too depressing.

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31 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



We all know the House's major issue.  A Florida pedophile, an all too handsy in public irritant, and a horse faced loud mouth with a fetish for Jewish space lasers.


I won't complain if the Democrats manage to take back the House.  The morons running it now have let the circus elements in their farthest right caucus have too much control.

This can be corrected if the House returns to a Dem majority. Here's hoping.


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1 minute ago, Curmudgeon said:


If such a debate takes place, the win will go to the candidate who says fewer stupid things. I don't think Vance wins that one, regardless of who the Democrat candidate is. He just can't help himself and it doesn't help that whoever was supposed to vet him was either stupid or overruled. I thought nobody could be worse than Sarah Palin or (for you older folks) Richard Nixon, but Vance is a vacuous climber who is a daily disaster.


I was less than 3 months old when Nixon resigned... lol 


Safe to say, I don't remember Nixon's presidency.  The earliest thing I remember living through with Jimmy Carter's presidency is waiting in line, as a kid, in a hot car to get gas when OPEC cut the US off.  Then I remember the night when it was announced that he lost to Reagan.  I remember Reagan's presidency and every president and candidate after him pretty well though.

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4 minutes ago, Kootenay Gold said:

This can be corrected if the House returns to a Dem majority. Here's hoping.



I think it's likely that they take back the House with a slim-ish majority.  It's tough to gauge though these days since each party has gerrymandered the crap out of the states that they control.


With that in mind, most are predicting that the Senate gets taken back by the Republicans. 


If the parties just end up trading control of the Congressional houses, then I couldn't care less if either Kamala or Trump takes the White House.

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59 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



I know I thought Biden was going to win his debate so take my opinion on this with a big honking block of salt, but I think even on Faux News, Kamala would beat Trump handily. 


She just needs to lay off that Obama voice and speech pattern thing she does too much if she accepts the challenge.  That's distracting.

This partisan hosting and having a crowd is a problem.   His game is to gish gallop lies that play up to his ignorant filled base.  Having a crowd only fuels that plan.  

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19 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

This partisan hosting and having a crowd is a problem.   His game is to gish gallop lies that play up to his ignorant filled base.  Having a crowd only fuels that plan.  


At best, on a good day, those 2 things could get him close to a draw in a debate.  The problem for Trump is that Kamala is a trained debater who is still young enough that her quickness of thought hasn't slowed down nearly as much as his has.



I believe that she should just take his offer because if/when she wins, she can say that I beat him on his own "home" turf.   If she loses, then she's not who people thinks that she is.


Again, after my Biden debate prediction, take my opinion on a Kamala debate with a block of salt.

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27 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I believe that she should just take his offer because if/when she wins, she can say that I beat him on his own "home" turf.   If she loses, then she's not who people thinks that she is.


So.....just give Trump what he wants? What on earth does the Kamala ticket have to gain by agreeing to Trump's pathetic attempt to control the conditions of a debate? His location, his network, his moderators, his audience. Who would agree to that? 


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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I think it's likely that they take back the House with a slim-ish majority.  It's tough to gauge though these days since each party has gerrymandered the crap out of the states that they control.


With that in mind, most are predicting that the Senate gets taken back by the Republicans. 


If the parties just end up trading control of the Congressional houses, then I couldn't care less if either Kamala or Trump takes the White House.


I get the concept of not wanting either side to have all three branches, but I just can't understand this...


Trump tried to steal an election that he lost....several people are in jail and some are out of a job because of it. You're really okay with him becoming president again? :classic_huh:

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7 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

Black women love them some Trump.....


Multiple melting fingers.....



"Hide my fat ass, and take 15 years off. Oh, and throw in some brown hair extensions while we're at it."

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13 minutes ago, Chickenspear said:

"Hide my fat ass, and take 15 years off. Oh, and throw in some brown hair extensions while we're at it."


Wow. I completely missed that, and I am suspicious of EVERY photograph that looks posed. Good catch.

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