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25 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

Black women love them some Trump.....


Multiple melting fingers.....



But wait, Dolt 45 is the shortest one in the picture. Is little finger shrinking. 

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41 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:


So.....just give Trump what he wants? What on earth does the Kamala ticket have to gain by agreeing to Trump's pathetic attempt to control the conditions of a debate? His location, his network, his moderators, his audience. Who would agree to that? 



Me, if I were her. 


Being president isn't supposed to be easy and if she can beat Trump on his terms, she will likely win the election.  I would still vote for Jill Stein, but I'd have so much respect for her if she pulled off a butt whooping that way.

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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

@Sabrefan1, the other day I mentioned an article that exposed Republican efforts to disenfranchise voters in Georgia....I found the article.


I'll start off by saying that it's from a decidedly left leaning outlet called Alternet and the author leaves no doubt as to what he thinks about Kemp and other Republicans, but I checked other sources and the facts of the article are supported by several sources, including AP. The voter cancellation website mentioned in the article does exist and the leak of personal voter data did happen. (Confirmed by the Georgia Recorder)


The article is too long to post, but I suggest reading the entire thing....it's an eye opener.



Identity thieves must have thought Christmas came early when all that personal information was “inadvertently” published by the State.

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32 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I get the concept of not wanting either side to have all three branches, but I just can't understand this...


Trump tried to steal an election that he lost....several people are in jail and some are out of a job because of it. You're really okay with him becoming president again? :classic_huh:


His party only just barely tolerates him because they have no other choice and he has 2 1/2 years of governing before he becomes a lame duck.


A split Congress would keep him in check for the nearly the entire time that he could actually cause chaos.


I'd love to see him try and stay in office.  His suck-ups will mostly already be gone and the second that the new president was sworn in, he'd be physically removed from the White House.  I don't think he would try though because he learned his lesson the first time around that nobody cares about you once you are out of power.

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Just now, Sabrefan1 said:


His party only just barely tolerates him because they have no other choice and he has 2 1/2 years of governing before he becomes a lame duck.


A split Congress would keep him in check for the nearly the entire time that he could actually cause chaos.


I'd love to see him try and stay in office.  His suck-ups will mostly already be gone and the second that the new president was sworn in, he'd be physically removed from the White House.  I don't think he would try though because he learned his lesson the first time around that nobody cares about you once you are out of power.


Never mind what he might or might not do....how can you be okay with someone in the White House who tried to defy the will of the people? It just baffles me that any American who isn't in the cult would be okay with this....:classic_unsure:

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Seems Drumpf may have violate the terms on one of his bails:


Donald Trump on Saturday spent much of his Georgia rally attacking the state's Republican governor and other local GOP officials, leading some to say the former president violated his bail.

Trump, who has been indicted in Georgia for allegedly interfering with the state's election in 2020, specifically targeted the governor, Brian Kemp, and secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger. Raffensperger was the one who received the infamous phone call during which then-president Trump asked him to "find" 11,000 votes.

Tom Joseph, @TomJChicago, took to X with his take.


"Convicted felon Trump is breaking terms of his bail right now by attacking witnesses in his GA criminal trial, Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger," Joseph wrote Saturday. "Trump is angry bc they wouldn't help him overturn the election in 2020 and they won't help him overturn it in 2024."

Attorney Jeffrey Evan Gold linked to Trump's bond agreements and added, "Which seem to me anyway to be intimidation sufficient to qualify as the potential violation of his conditions of release in Georgia."

@ajknight51 had a similar response. "Ah. Donald Trump violating his bail conditions which included not interfering with witnesses like Kemp and Raffensperger."


bit more at link

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45 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

Never mind what he might or might not do....how can you be okay with someone in the White House who tried to defy the will of the people? It just baffles me that any American who isn't in the cult would be okay with this....:classic_unsure:


Because I'm looking at things in the long term.  A split government will ensure that nobody has a monopoly on immediate power.  If the cost of that means that I have to put up with an octogenarian Trump for 4 years, I can accept that. 


Honestly, if he does get elected, I hope that the eventual pardon that he gives himself goes unchallenged so that he can get out of the news cycle for the rest of his life.  I'm tired of constantly seeing his name.


The cult of MAGA will sputter and die once Trump is out of power so that annoyance will take care of itself.


I still think that George W. Bush is the worst president of my lifetime.  His hubris and stupidity drew us into 2 long wars and he was controlled for too long in his first term by a sneaky sack of human excrement known as Dick Cheney.


Between Bush and Cheney, they managed to take a roaring economy and hurt it to the point that plunged the entire world into a near depression.

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32 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Seems Drumpf may have violate the terms on one of his bails:


Donald Trump on Saturday spent much of his Georgia rally attacking the state's Republican governor and other local GOP officials, leading some to say the former president violated his bail.

Trump, who has been indicted in Georgia for allegedly interfering with the state's election in 2020, specifically targeted the governor, Brian Kemp, and secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger. Raffensperger was the one who received the infamous phone call during which then-president Trump asked him to "find" 11,000 votes.

Tom Joseph, @TomJChicago, took to X with his take.


"Convicted felon Trump is breaking terms of his bail right now by attacking witnesses in his GA criminal trial, Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger," Joseph wrote Saturday. "Trump is angry bc they wouldn't help him overturn the election in 2020 and they won't help him overturn it in 2024."

Attorney Jeffrey Evan Gold linked to Trump's bond agreements and added, "Which seem to me anyway to be intimidation sufficient to qualify as the potential violation of his conditions of release in Georgia."

@ajknight51 had a similar response. "Ah. Donald Trump violating his bail conditions which included not interfering with witnesses like Kemp and Raffensperger."


bit more at link


Trump is certifiably stupid............


“I'm sitting here scratching my head,” Bobby Saparow, a Republican operative and Brian Kemp’s former campaign manager, told POLITICO. “Attacking the popular governor of a pivotal swing state makes zero sense. If we want to actually unite, ask for the support of the guy who beat your endorsed primary opponent by 52 points and handily defeated Stacey Abrams.”


Or, as Erick Erickson, the Georgia Republican and radio host, told POLITICO: "Over 30,000 people refused to vote for [Trump] in Georgia in 2020 and he lost by about 12,000 votes. All he's doing is reminding everyone why they don't like him. And he has no Georgia ground game and will have to rely on Kemp. It's going to hurt him."


Many Republicans inside and outside of Georgia still nurse raw feelings about how Trump’s fixation on the 2020 election in the state contributed to a major setback for the party in the 2021 Senate runoffs. Democrats won two Senate seats in Georgia that January, when Trump’s false claims about a stolen election were widely credited with dampening Republican turnout.




The Dems won one of those Senate seats because dumbo insisted on making Herchel Walker a Senator.



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Involving any independent/other parties, under any other circumstance, involving any fraction that sum, this would be grounds for prosecution & imprisonment


Yet there will be no consequences for this. And it'll come & go quickly, assuming the corporate press even gives it much attention at all.


Anarchism looking more & more desirable all the time, not going to lie. 



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56 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Honestly, if he does get elected, I hope that the eventual pardon that he gives himself goes unchallenged so that he can get out of the news cycle for the rest of his life.  I'm tired of constantly seeing his name.


The cult of MAGA will sputter and die once Trump is out of power so that annoyance will take care of itself.


Sadly, even if he does get elected and pardons himself unchallenged, I don't think he'll spend much time out of the news cycle.  A megalomaniac narcissist like him feasts on being in the news, even if he calls them "fake".  He'll find a way to hit the news, and he'll find a way to remain in the halls of power, even if it's just sitting on the sidelines pushing candidates as his proxies.


That's of course if he doesn't crown himself Emperor first by removing Presidential elections and term limits.

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34 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


Sadly, even if he does get elected and pardons himself unchallenged, I don't think he'll spend much time out of the news cycle.  A megalomaniac narcissist like him feasts on being in the news, even if he calls them "fake".  He'll find a way to hit the news, and he'll find a way to remain in the halls of power, even if it's just sitting on the sidelines pushing candidates as his proxies.


Like every other former president, he'll fade away once he can no longer be elected to office.  His NY case will likely be the only thing waiting for him that will keep his name going, and that may eventually be abandoned if he gets into office again.


The world, including all of his sycophants, will move on without him as soon as he is powerless.  Faux News will drag him onto their airwaves on occasion until he passes, but I can ignore those clips on YouTube.




That's of course if he doesn't crown himself Emperor first by removing Presidential elections and term limits.


Only a super majority of Congress along with a super majority of states has that power.  Or a constitutional convention, but that still requires a super majority of states.


The Dictator Trump talk is a scare tactic used by those who don't want him in the White House.

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4 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Like every other former president, he'll fade away once he can no longer be elected to office.  His NY case will likely be the only thing waiting for him that will keep his name going, and that may eventually be abandoned if he gets into office again.


The world, including all of his sycophants, will move on without him as soon as he is powerless.  Faux News will drag him onto their airwaves on occasion until he passes, but I can ignore those clips on YouTube.




Only a super majority of Congress along with a super majority of states has that power.  Or a constitutional convention, but that still requires a super majority of states.


The Dictator Trump talk is a scare tactic used by those who don't want him in the White House.

Wouldn't it just be preferable to ensure that he doesn't even get the opportunity to Nazify the country again?  Why take the risk?

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12 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Once again, you're evading the actual question....


Trump tried to steal an election. People lost their jobs because of it....people died because of it....people went to jail because of Trump's actions.....and the one who actually deserves to go to jail will get off scott free, if he gets back in the White House.


None of that bothers you? I just find that absolutely bizarre.....:classic_wacko:



What bothers me the most is the system that let's rich and powerful people get away with crimes.  Had I p*ssed off the same people that Trump did, I would have been tried and convicted of any and every crime thrown at me.


I don't like Trump, I don't like his actions before, during, and after his presidency. 


What I can't stand the most is the system that allows it.


I'm not looking for vengeance against Trump.  I'm more interested in what's best for the country.  In my opinion, that's a split government.  If that means Trump gets back into the White House and is fairly useless, than so be it.


The day is approaching where I won't care who does what anymore.  This world and it's future is becoming less mine as the years go by.  I still care because I may have another 25-30 years left on it, but those are passing by quicker and quicker.  I also have no children to worry about the future for. 



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22 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Wouldn't it just be preferable to ensure that he doesn't even get the opportunity to Nazify the country again?  Why take the risk?


If Congress is split like I believe it will be, then I'm gonna be like, "go brown chick, beat the orange dude".  Trump can't nazify a chicken coop let alone the country if the congress is split.


That said, if my only choices were a full Democratic or full Republican government, I'd choose the lesser of 2 evils and go with the Democrats.


*edit* To reiterate my original point, if the Democrats somehow pull off a mini-miracle and keep the Senate and retake the House, then Trump winning is my only path to the split government that I want.

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13 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



What bothers me the most is the system that let's rich and powerful people get away with crimes.  Had I p*ssed off the same people that Trump did, I would have been tried and convicted of any and every crime thrown at me.


I don't like Trump, I don't like his actions before, during, and after his presidency. 


What I can't stand the most is the system that allows it.


I'm not looking for vengeance against Trump.  I'm more interested in what's best for the country.  In my opinion, that's a split government.  If that means Trump gets back into the White House and is fairly useless, than so be it.


The day is approaching where I won't care who does what anymore.  This world and it's future is becoming less mine as the years go by.  I still care because I may have another 25-30 years left on it, but those are passing by quicker and quicker.  I also have no children to worry about the future for.


That's fair enough, I guess.....but I honestly think your attitude is bizarre....if someone pulled something like that in my country, I'd consider keeping him out of office by far the most important consideration....


I guess I just don't get Americans....:classic_unsure:

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


That's fair enough, I guess.....but I honestly think your attitude is bizarre....if someone pulled something like that in my country, I'd consider keeping him out of office by far the most important consideration....


I guess I just don't get Americans....:classic_unsure:


Nah, it's not that.  If I were younger and dumber, I may be more interested in the satisfaction of seeing someone I don't like get theirs.  But the thing is that I've been alive long enough to have seen that is not always the best outcome and that you need to take the big picture into consideration.


People these days want satisfaction right now and at all costs.  That eventually catches up to you if you aren't watching to see what's coming.


The US is slowly failing.  I'd like to slow that down even more.  If politicians and the rest of the general populace are going to let that happen with their eyes wide open, then I prefer that the US fails fully after I'm no longer alive to see it happen.

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16 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



What bothers me the most is the system that let's rich and powerful people get away with crimes.  Had I p*ssed off the same people that Trump did, I would have been tried and convicted of any and every crime thrown at me.


I don't like Trump, I don't like his actions before, during, and after his presidency. 


What I can't stand the most is the system that allows it.


I'm not looking for vengeance against Trump.  I'm more interested in what's best for the country.  In my opinion, that's a split government.  If that means Trump gets back into the White House and is fairly useless, than so be it.


The day is approaching where I won't care who does what anymore.  This world and it's future is becoming less mine as the years go by.  I still care because I may have another 25-30 years left on it, but those are passing by quicker and quicker.  I also have no children to worry about the future for. 




I don’t know…everyone’s pissed at the system that allows the guy who decapitated some poor soul on a Greyhound bus up here and is now walking free on the streets but no one says “I don’t care what he does, just fuck the system.” 

That seems a bit strange to say that he probably can’t do much damage now. Let’s hope that if it happens and he becomes president you and the Canada Parole Board are both right, but most of us wouldn’t risk it.


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15 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


I don’t know…everyone’s pissed at the system that allows the guy who decapitated some poor soul on a Greyhound bus up here and is now walking free on the streets but no one says “I don’t care what he does, just fuck the system.” 

That seems a bit strange to say that he probably can’t do much damage now. Let’s hope that if it happens and he becomes president you and the Canada Parole Board are both right, but most of us wouldn’t risk it.



Mr. Apple meet Mr. Orange... 


*edit* Just realized that I may be confusing someone with this response.  That's my funny way of saying those 2 things aren't the same.

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9 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


I get the concept of not wanting either side to have all three branches, but I just can't understand this...


Trump tried to steal an election that he lost....several people are in jail and some are out of a job because of it. You're really okay with him becoming president again? :classic_huh:


Yeah I don't get it either, it's mind boggling

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6 hours ago, 4petesake said:


I don’t know…everyone’s pissed at the system that allows the guy who decapitated some poor soul on a Greyhound bus up here and is now walking free on the streets but no one says “I don’t care what he does, just fuck the system.” 

That seems a bit strange to say that he probably can’t do much damage now. Let’s hope that if it happens and he becomes president you and the Canada Parole Board are both right, but most of us wouldn’t risk it.



I tend to look at that, more, as our system working.  

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8 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Because I'm looking at things in the long term.  A split government will ensure that nobody has a monopoly on immediate power.  If the cost of that means that I have to put up with an octogenarian Trump for 4 years, I can accept that. 


Honestly, if he does get elected, I hope that the eventual pardon that he gives himself goes unchallenged so that he can get out of the news cycle for the rest of his life.  I'm tired of constantly seeing his name.


The cult of MAGA will sputter and die once Trump is out of power so that annoyance will take care of itself.


I still think that George W. Bush is the worst president of my lifetime.  His hubris and stupidity drew us into 2 long wars and he was controlled for too long in his first term by a sneaky sack of human excrement known as Dick Cheney.


Between Bush and Cheney, they managed to take a roaring economy and hurt it to the point that plunged the entire world into a near depression.

Am I wrong but it appears Trump attendance numbers aren’t what they were. Maybe his rambling isn’t selling like it used too.

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12 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



No doubt.  There is a tit for tat between the duopoly powers.  The Republicans in multiple states for instance are screwing with mail-in voting as well because that favours the Democrats.  Sadly that's been the history of our elections.  Politicians have just gotten more brazen about it in recent years because now that there's an us vs. them thing going on, they aren't likely to face the consequences of their actions like they once did.


heh, the only reason you guys have the 22nd Amendment is because the GOP got tired of losing to FDR.  Then, there was serious talk about repealing that Amendment when the Dems couldn't beat Reagan.

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6 hours ago, 4petesake said:


I don’t know…everyone’s pissed at the system that allows the guy who decapitated some poor soul on a Greyhound bus up here and is now walking free on the streets but no one says “I don’t care what he does, just fuck the system.” 

40 minutes ago, stawns said:


I tend to look at that, more, as our system working.  

I'm a bit confused. Do you mean the system is working by letting a murder run free?



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