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Rupert Murdoch steps down as chairman of Fox, News Corp.

He will become chairman emeritus of each company


Rupert Murdoch is stepping down as chairman of the boards of Fox Corp. and News Corp. following a nearly seven-decade career, and will become chairman emeritus of each company.


His son Lachlan Murdoch will become sole chairman of News Corp. and continue as executive chair and chief executive of Fox, the company said in a statement Thursday.



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In a letter to Fox employees, the elder Murdoch said “the time is right for me to take on different roles,” adding that “our companies are in robust health, as am I.” He promised he will still “be involved every day in the contest of ideas.”


“The battle for freedom of speech and, ultimately, the freedom of thought, has never been more intense,” he wrote.


The battle for freedom of speech and, ultimately, the freedom of thought, has never been more intense

Rupert Murdoch


Rupert Murdoch, 92, has been one of the most influential and controversial figures in media. He has held sway over public opinion via a global empire that included tabloids, sophisticated press like the Wall Street Journal and television properties in the U.S. and the U.K.


His stepping aside leaves his son in charge of a global media empire Murdoch created from a local newspaper in Australia.


Murdoch’s Fox wrested market share from other prominent networks and changed the world of professional sports by offering record sums for broadcast rights to football games and other events. Fox News Channel, a juggernaut in cable TV, became a stage for Republican U.S. politicians including Donald Trump and an incessant critic of Democrats, including presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.


Fox News and Murdoch also paid dearly for the network’s embrace of Trump’s claims that an elaborate conspiracy stole the 2020 election from him.


In one of the darkest chapters of Murdoch’s reign, Fox News agreed to pay US$787.5 million to settle a defamation suit filed by Dominion Voting Systems Inc. The voting machine company had alleged that the network defamed it by airing bogus claims that it rigged the vote against Trump. Evidence uncovered in the case showed that the media titan and other top Fox executives, as well as superstar hosts like Tucker Carlson, privately derided the conspiracy theory as loony even as they promoted it.


In the letter to employees, Murdoch said, “elites have open contempt for those who are not members of their rarefied class. Most of the media is in cahoots with those elites, peddling political narratives rather than pursuing the truth.”

Edited by nuckin_futz
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Every time I think I couldn't be more disgusted by trump, I am proven wrong.


Remember the story about him calling fallen veterans "losers" and "suckers?"


This one is somehow WORSE: In an article from The Atlantic, General Mark Milley selected a wounded veteran, Luis Avila, to sing "God Bless America."


Avila lost his leg in an IED attack during his 5 combat tours, in addition to suffering two strokes, two heart attacks and brain damage resulting from his injuries.


After the performance, Trump told Milley “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded,” and suggested Milley never let him appear in public again -- he said that within earshot of several witnesses.


We CANNOT let that scumbag back into the White House. He is a lowlife of the lowest order.


He is a humiliating skid mark on the underwear of American history.



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32 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


Every time I think I couldn't be more disgusted by trump, I am proven wrong.


Remember the story about him calling fallen veterans "losers" and "suckers?"


This one is somehow WORSE: In an article from The Atlantic, General Mark Milley selected a wounded veteran, Luis Avila, to sing "God Bless America."


Avila lost his leg in an IED attack during his 5 combat tours, in addition to suffering two strokes, two heart attacks and brain damage resulting from his injuries.


After the performance, Trump told Milley “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded,” and suggested Milley never let him appear in public again -- he said that within earshot of several witnesses.


We CANNOT let that scumbag back into the White House. He is a lowlife of the lowest order.


He is a humiliating skid mark on the underwear of American history.




Hmm, what say you @Donald Trump?🫣

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On 9/19/2023 at 7:51 AM, RupertKBD said:

I was wondering about this as well...

My guess was that he was referring to Younkin winning the Governor's office based on little more than Critical Race Theory and the idea that parents should have more say in school curriculum, (despite the fact than 99% of parents know zero about pedagogy :classic_rolleyes:)...

That’s definitely possible, but it’s still not a Senate race. Virginia also is a newly blue state in state elections. When a state is used to voting one way then suddenly shifts sometimes there’s a what I like to call rebound effect. The opposition now clearly in the minority picks a good candidate, the majority picks a flawed/meh one, the political environment is extremely bad for the majority and/or scandals of the previous majority party candidate influence voters to one more time pick the minority party.

It’s how Democrat John Bel Edwards won in Louisiana Governor’s race after GOP Bobby Jindal’s disastrous terms combined with GOP David Vitter’s campaign ending prostitute scandal, how Democrat Andy Beshear won the Kentucky Governor’s race after GOP Governor Matt Bevin went to war with his own lieutenant governor, teachers, police officers and unions and how GOP Glenn Youngkin won in Virginia Governor facing Democrat Terry McCauliffe who had previously been Governor (VA terms are only 1 4 year term) with previous governor Democrat Ralph Northam facing a blackface scandal and a GOP +9 electorate (in a state that votes D+10)


It doesn’t mean the state has radically changed or the minority party now is competitive again, just that very specific circumstances coincided to allow a minority party leader to be elected. Facing any other candidate or without any of the previous Governor’s issues, the minority party leader would have lost the election.


Republicans had been in control of Virginia for decades prior to recent Democratic success. Just like Kentucky and Louisiana had been in control of Democrats for decades prior to Republican success. These states with ancestral now minority party roots can sometimes bounce back once or twice before fully embracing and reverting to an all majority party voting state in future elections.

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On 9/19/2023 at 7:56 AM, RupertKBD said:

I wonder if you could expand on this a bit...

I fell like he's in pretty good shape in the rust belt and PA, but what about Arizona, Georgia and Nevada? What are you seeing there that makes you confident of a Hold for JB?

Sure. Trump has gotten 46% and 47% of the vote respectively each time he ran. He has a ceiling. The reason he won is the opposition splintered. It didn’t enough in 2020, but did in 2016 to allow him to squeak a victory. He’s actually not in good shape anywhere, but the normal red states. He was basically on the ballot in 2022 with how much he put his thumb on the scale for his preferred candidates and campaigned for Republicans. He lost every swing state, some by a lot.

In 2024 the electorate will be more Democratic than 2022 because minority turnout in off years is still absolutely horrific. There will also be non college educated white voters who didn’t vote in 2022 show up in 2024, so it won’t be a large shift, but one nonetheless. Every year the white non-college (Trump’s strongest voter group) decreases as a percent of the voting electorate. Every year also increases the percentage of white college educated voters and of minority voters as a part of the electorate. In layman’s terms: Trump’s base is shrinking, Democrat’s is growing, every single year, non-stop.


We also saw in 2022 a phenomenon that I believe (and so far special elections have shown) will happen in 2024: Democrats outperformed Republicans in swing states more than any others. They did horrible in California and New York, but swept all the competitive states.

Nevada had a Trump +3 electorate in 2020, but Democratic Senator Cortez-Masto still won. A rather under discussed, but very important key reason for that is very simple: door knocking/canvassing. People tend to forget, but in 2020 Joe Biden won without any Democrat in the entire country knocking on one single door (COVID). The first time that’s happened in more than a century of campaigns while Trump had a massive army of people. Many votes were lost because of it.

That wasn’t the case in 2022 where Democrats went door to door. In essence Democrats won the persuasion game despite in every single swing state Republicans turning out at higher rates than Democrats. Why? Because of Trump’s candidates. If average voters were repelled by his chosen candidates, how do you think they’ll react by he himself?


The reason polls are so close is twofold. Number 1 is that the campaign hasn’t really started in a head to head match. Voters see Biden as old and aren’t happy with him, but they aren’t remembering what they hated about Trump. Right now Trump is just the “I had a good economy” candidate. That will change with ads, canvassing, texts and phone calls.

Number 2 is a hypothetical with some evidence supporting it: he may be doing disproportionately better in states he can’t win (like deep red states and California and New York) and disproportionately worse in the states that decide the election. That would explain nearly even national polls.


Of course I’m not guaranteeing Biden wins or taking for granted that he does, but if I were to place a high stakes bet on what will happen after he’s indicted/charged, voters are reminded of stolen election conspiracies, January 6th and him ending abortion it would be Biden wins all his previous states, adds NC (if the 2020 NC electorate voted in 2022, Democrats would have flipped the Senate seat) and takes TX closer (TX moved left from 2018 to 2022 despite the electorate going 13 points right from D+9 to R+4).


This is all based on what is to come, not what now is, so events could totally scramble this race and right now isn’t having the voters who decide elections paying any attention. Trump has his base of 45-47%, like it shows in polls, but 2022 saw soft Biden disapprovers voting overwhelmingly for Democrats and Democrats even won independents. I expect the same to happen once the voters know it’s a Trump vs Biden rematch and have a very hard time how he can add to his coalition of his base.

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On 9/19/2023 at 9:40 AM, ronthecivil said:

Load up on the good soupy noodles from TnT (Choi! Choi!). Enough to fill one cloth bag. Bag has some plastic in it. It's not going to last forever. The soupy noodles come in five or six packs. Each pack has a plastic wrapper. Each pack in the plastic wrapper has a plastic wrapper. Inside each individual pack are two smaller packs for the soup mix inside.

There is no LOGIC to reducing plastic this way unless you dramatically change packing practices. But that's not the point. As long as people FEEL like they are CONTRIBUTING, that's what matters. As long as you FEEL like your saving the planet, that's what matters. Whether you are or not doesn't matter.

The biggest change to packing practices and way to eliminate plastic is to make all biodegradable wrapping plastic for everything. I know that there’s some experiments on trying to create such a thing, but I don’t think they’ve succeeded yet, especially with food products. I agree the plastic vs paper straws debate is a drop in the bucket when it comes to plastic generation and not where the focus should be, but I’d prefer some elimination then not doing anything. It’s very unlikely that in one fell swoop everything will change, it’s likely to be piece by piece, so may as well do what can be done now to get the ball rolling.

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On 9/20/2023 at 11:23 AM, ronthecivil said:

Yup, because they ran a slate of known election deniers and abortion haters.

All they need to do is put in an anti immigrant anti crime (don't matter if crazy) guy like Desantis (and he is crazy!) who doesn't have, well, a ton of the above baggage to make easy to make attack ads. The elections even with the underperform are generally razor thin. Take out some of the other sides obvious easy points and it can flip.

That said it's unlikely they do it because the crazy people on the right don't even care if they win anymore as long as they can troll.

I agree with most of this, but it should be pointed out that DeSantis does worse against Biden than Trump in every single poll.

Edited by StanleyCupOneDay
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I believe this is the first pollster to ask the most obvious question. Now, caution is warranted, it’s only one poll, so we need more polls to corroborate or refute it, but if true hooboy.


Six percent of Republicans who plan to support down-ballot Republican candidates say they would sit out the 2024 election if Trump is convicted of a felony, according to the poll.


That suggests Biden’s lead over Trump could grow two to six points if the former president is convicted.


A Trump-Biden rematch would “reignite” enthusiasm for Biden among Democrats, the poll found.

When Democrats were asked to rate their level of enthusiasm for supporting Biden on a scale of 1 to 10, just 24 percent of voters indicated they were at a level “10,” or “very enthusiastic” and voting for the president.


However, when asked about their level of enthusiasm voting for Biden in a hypothetical rematch against Trump, the “very enthusiastic” levels of support rose from 24 percent to 55 percent.


“To make matters worse for the GOP, if Trump were to be convicted of a felony in any of his cases, the number of Republicans who say they plan to sit out the 2024 election altogether would triple, while Biden’s lead among Independent voters would grow to 14 points,” she added. “This would cost the Republicans the House and jeopardize gains in the Senate.”




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Now this will be interesting. 


I want to see the Dems come out hard and hot and in full voice against this person and give the GOP ZERO talking points about his corruption.  More so because by doing so it would visibly threaten their tenuous hold in the senate proving they value law and order more than political points and standing


Then hold that same torch to the GOP efforts to block law & order in their own party.


Will be interesting to see what happens regarding this from the Dems vs how they deal with Mr. Classified documents himself


U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey and his wife were indicted Friday on charges that they took bribes of cash, gold bars and a luxury car for a range of corrupt acts, including having the Democrat use his influence over foreign affairs to benefit the authoritarian government of Egypt.

Menendez, 69, will have to step down as chair of the Senate's foreign relations committee. Rules for the Senate Democratic caucus say that any member charged with a felony must step aside from a leadership position.

"We are not done. And I want to encourage anyone with information to come forward and to come forward quickly," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, told reporters at a news conference detailing aspects of the government's case.

Among the serious allegations and details:

  • A search of the couple's home turned up $100,000 US in gold bars and $480,000 in hidden cash prosecutors allege were bribes.
  • The senator is accused of providing sensitive U.S. government information to Egypt.
  • He is accused of ghost-writing a letter on behalf of Egypt urging his U.S. colleagues to lift a hold on $300 million in aid to Cairo.
  • Nadine Arslanian Menendez was given a Mercedes-Benz after her husband called a government official about a business associate's criminal case.

Menendez denied the charges, saying in an emailed statement he has been falsely accused of accepting bribes but "will not be distracted" from work in the Senate.

"For years, forces behind the scenes have repeatedly attempted to silence my voice and dig my political grave," Menendez said. "Since this investigation was leaked nearly a year ago, there has been an active smear campaign of anonymous sources and innuendos to create an air of impropriety where none exists."

'We are the proud owners of a 2019 Mercedes'

In the current case, prosecutors allege Menendez and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from three business associates, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes.

They also allege the senator sought to derail a criminal investigation into an associate — Daibes, a longtime friend and prominent New Jersey developer — by pushing for a U.S. attorney nominee he believed could be influenced.

After Menendez called a government official about Daibes's case, according to the indictment, his wife was given a Mercedes-Benz convertible by Uribe and Hana, both friends of the senator and his wife.

After the transaction was complete, Nadine Menendez texted her husband to say: "Congratulations mon amour de la vie, we are the proud owners of a 2019 Mercedes," with a heart emoji.

The new charges follow a yearslong probe. In 2019, federal agents raided the offices of IS EG Halal, a New Jersey company that had been named by the Egyptian government as the sole company to certify that imported meat met religious requirements

The designation surprised U.S. agriculture officials and the switch happened the same year that Menendez became engaged to his wife, who was an acquaintance of Hana, IS EG Halal's owner.

The senator's wife, 56, was battling foreclosure on her Bergen County property in 2018. When she and Menendez got engaged it began a period of financial turnaround for her.

By 2019, her foreclosure case was dismissed and her assets included gold bars valued between $100,000 to $250,000, according to a 2022 Senate disclosure form. Between April and June of 2022, the couple cashed out at least part of their precious metal holdings, forms show, selling between $200,000 and $400,000 worth of gold bars, while keeping at least $250,000 worth of them.

David Schertler, a lawyer for Menendez's wife, said she "denies any criminal conduct and will vigorously contest these charges in court."

Not his first indictment

The Senate Historical Office says Menendez appears to be the first sitting senator in U.S. history to have been indicted on two unrelated criminal allegations.

When Menendez was indicted in 2015, the Washington Post reported he was the 12th sitting senator to ever be indicted.

In that case, he was accused of using his political influence to help a Florida eye doctor, Dr. Salomon Melgen, who had lavished him with gifts and campaign contributions.

After a jury deadlocked in November 2017 on charges Menendez faced, including bribery, fraud and conspiracy, prosecutors dropped the case. Menendez maintained his innocence throughout.

Melgen received a 17-year prison sentence for health care fraud in 2017, but then-president Donald Trump commuted his prison sentence in 2021.

Menendez faces reelection next year in the Senate, where Democrats hold a narrow majority and will have to defend about two-thirds of the seats up for grabs in 2024.

The son of Cuban immigrants, Menendez spent 14 years in the House of Representatives before his Senate tenure began in 2006.



Edited by Warhippy
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10 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

^^^^^^^  Further evidence that the DOJ is weaponized against EVERYONE who breaks the law.


Not just opportunistic cry babies.

But you know.


it's a witch hunt.  Against the most innocent man in, ever in America.  Who was by far the greatest US president; and you can look, I have numbers that say it.  Big numbers that I am the best, not was am the best president in America by a mile and our allies. even agree that; and my supporters know the truth because we're on the same page that it's a witch hunt and I can declassify because I'm the best president and it's a weaponized DOJ unfairly targeting me the most innocent man in America because they're afraid.  

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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Now this will be interesting. 


I want to see the Dems come out hard and hot and in full voice against this person and give the GOP ZERO talking points about his corruption.  More so because by doing so it would visibly threaten their tenuous hold in the senate proving they value law and order more than political points and standing


Then hold that same torch to the GOP efforts to block law & order in their own party.


Will be interesting to see what happens regarding this from the Dems vs how they deal with Mr. Classified documents himself


U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey and his wife were indicted Friday on charges that they took bribes of cash, gold bars and a luxury car for a range of corrupt acts, including having the Democrat use his influence over foreign affairs to benefit the authoritarian government of Egypt.

Menendez, 69, will have to step down as chair of the Senate's foreign relations committee. Rules for the Senate Democratic caucus say that any member charged with a felony must step aside from a leadership position.

"We are not done. And I want to encourage anyone with information to come forward and to come forward quickly," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, told reporters at a news conference detailing aspects of the government's case.

Among the serious allegations and details:

  • A search of the couple's home turned up $100,000 US in gold bars and $480,000 in hidden cash prosecutors allege were bribes.
  • The senator is accused of providing sensitive U.S. government information to Egypt.
  • He is accused of ghost-writing a letter on behalf of Egypt urging his U.S. colleagues to lift a hold on $300 million in aid to Cairo.
  • Nadine Arslanian Menendez was given a Mercedes-Benz after her husband called a government official about a business associate's criminal case.

Menendez denied the charges, saying in an emailed statement he has been falsely accused of accepting bribes but "will not be distracted" from work in the Senate.

"For years, forces behind the scenes have repeatedly attempted to silence my voice and dig my political grave," Menendez said. "Since this investigation was leaked nearly a year ago, there has been an active smear campaign of anonymous sources and innuendos to create an air of impropriety where none exists."

'We are the proud owners of a 2019 Mercedes'

In the current case, prosecutors allege Menendez and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from three business associates, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes.

They also allege the senator sought to derail a criminal investigation into an associate — Daibes, a longtime friend and prominent New Jersey developer — by pushing for a U.S. attorney nominee he believed could be influenced.

After Menendez called a government official about Daibes's case, according to the indictment, his wife was given a Mercedes-Benz convertible by Uribe and Hana, both friends of the senator and his wife.

After the transaction was complete, Nadine Menendez texted her husband to say: "Congratulations mon amour de la vie, we are the proud owners of a 2019 Mercedes," with a heart emoji.

The new charges follow a yearslong probe. In 2019, federal agents raided the offices of IS EG Halal, a New Jersey company that had been named by the Egyptian government as the sole company to certify that imported meat met religious requirements

The designation surprised U.S. agriculture officials and the switch happened the same year that Menendez became engaged to his wife, who was an acquaintance of Hana, IS EG Halal's owner.

The senator's wife, 56, was battling foreclosure on her Bergen County property in 2018. When she and Menendez got engaged it began a period of financial turnaround for her.

By 2019, her foreclosure case was dismissed and her assets included gold bars valued between $100,000 to $250,000, according to a 2022 Senate disclosure form. Between April and June of 2022, the couple cashed out at least part of their precious metal holdings, forms show, selling between $200,000 and $400,000 worth of gold bars, while keeping at least $250,000 worth of them.

David Schertler, a lawyer for Menendez's wife, said she "denies any criminal conduct and will vigorously contest these charges in court."

Not his first indictment

The Senate Historical Office says Menendez appears to be the first sitting senator in U.S. history to have been indicted on two unrelated criminal allegations.

When Menendez was indicted in 2015, the Washington Post reported he was the 12th sitting senator to ever be indicted.

In that case, he was accused of using his political influence to help a Florida eye doctor, Dr. Salomon Melgen, who had lavished him with gifts and campaign contributions.

After a jury deadlocked in November 2017 on charges Menendez faced, including bribery, fraud and conspiracy, prosecutors dropped the case. Menendez maintained his innocence throughout.

Melgen received a 17-year prison sentence for health care fraud in 2017, but then-president Donald Trump commuted his prison sentence in 2021.

Menendez faces reelection next year in the Senate, where Democrats hold a narrow majority and will have to defend about two-thirds of the seats up for grabs in 2024.

The son of Cuban immigrants, Menendez spent 14 years in the House of Representatives before his Senate tenure began in 2006.



This should be an easy call by the dems seeing he is from a dem state with a dem gonvernor to begin with. 


Forcing him out should not affect their majority. 

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On 9/21/2023 at 2:57 PM, the destroyer of worlds said:

The vacant top spots in the US military are likely to be filled soon.  Tommy caved and accomplished nothing positive.




Tommy Tuberville Has 'Accomplished Nothing' as Blockade Bucked: Schumer


He didn't cave.  Sen. Schumer had to call individual confirmation votes.  It's very highly unlikely that Schumer will want to put off votes on other issues to hold so many individual promotion votes.


There are still a few hundred unfilled positions/promotions.  At this point Tuberville is likely going to try and hold them up until after the next election if his demands aren't met.


There's a better than even chance that the Democrats are going to lose control of the entire government to the Republicans after the upcoming presidential election.


The left leaning media outlets have recently turned fairly hard on Biden because they see the writing on the wall if he runs for a 2nd term.

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1 hour ago, 24K said:

This should be an easy call by the dems seeing he is from a dem state with a dem gonvernor to begin with. 


Forcing him out should not affect their majority. 


Removing any of their members now would basically make (in practice, not by name/position) West Virginian Senator Joe Manchin the most powerful Democrat in the Senate even over Majority leader Chuck Schumer if the New Jersey special election to refill the seat goes to a Republican.  He's already strongly considering leaving the Democratic party anyways.


Don't forget that not too long ago, New Jersey was fed up with the Democrats and put a Republican in their Governors mansion.


*edit*  had to dbl. check how NJ fills vacancies.  It's with a special election after a temporary replacement is chosen.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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33 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Removing any of their members now would basically make (in practice, not by name/position) West Virginian Senator Joe Manchin the most powerful Democrat in the Senate even over Majority leader Chuck Schumer if the New Jersey special election to refill the seat goes to a Republican.  He's already strongly considering leaving the Democratic party anyways.


Don't forget that not too long ago, New Jersey was fed up with the Democrats and put a Republican in their Governors mansion.


*edit*  had to dbl. check how NJ fills vacancies.  It's with a special election after a temporary replacement is chosen.

The thing is the guy is up for reelection in 2024 anyways and there is no way he is gonna win in 2024.


The smart bet is to remove him, have the NJ dem gonvernor essentially name a successor thus gaining the incumbent advantage in the special election and 2024 general. 


I think there is more risk losing the seat in 2024 if the dems allow this to fester and frankly who cares if Joe Manchin have more power in the senate when nothing would get passed in the house anyways till 2024. 


I am more worried about Sinema in this scenario if she finally devide to walk over to the GOP like the Dallas mayor did today. 

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21 minutes ago, 24K said:

The thing is the guy is up for reelection in 2024 anyways and there is no way he is gonna win in 2024.


The smart bet is to remove him, have the NJ dem gonvernor essentially name a successor thus gaining the incumbent advantage in the special election and 2024 general.


Timing is everything if they go that route. 


They have a slim majority and Tuberville isn't a problematic party member so far as caucusing goes.  Hold hearings and remove him a little before the Senate starts to slow down before the election break.


Then the NJ governor can prop up and appoint whomever the Democrats want as his successor.  It will likely just be a party drone who has electable traits and background.



I think there is more risk losing the seat in 2024 if the dems allow this to fester and frankly who cares if Joe Manchin have more power in the senate when nothing would get passed in the house anyways till 2024. 


I believe that the Democrats are going to lose the Senate this time.  If they do, they are going to have to try and push as many things through as they can in things like judicial and military appointments before the Republicans retake control.  You don't need the House for those things.


Tuberville has put them in an awkward spot.  Impeaching and removing a senator takes time that the Democrats don't want to spend.


Don't get me wrong, spending the time to remove him is absolutely the right thing to do, but as both parties have shown time and again, they're going to do what's best for themselves and their respective parties before they do what's best for the country.



I am more worried about Sinema in this scenario if she finally devide to walk over to the GOP like the Dallas mayor did today. 


Sinema is no longer a Democrat.  She left the party last year.  She's an opportunist.  She has too much influence by caucusing with the Democrats for now.  I wouldn't be surprised though if she switches to the GOP after this election is over and the GOP takes control like I believe they will.

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