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6 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

He's gonna be seeing protests from the native islanders if enough of them get angry.  The Hawaiians don't mess around.  They are not fans of "Haole's".  


I remember John Pinette doing a bit about Hawaiians and how they're a rather "large" people....


"I love it when a guy from Hawaii looks at me and says, What are you, about a medium, brah?"

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3 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

It’s great to see how unwell his campaign is being run. 

May it continue. 


He's obviously getting nervous or he wouldn't be risking tanking his stocks.  That will go one of two ways for him. 


He'll make smarter decisions and get busier in the swing states he can still win.




He'll make dumber and more arrogant decisions in the swing states like trying to spend time and resources in Minnesota which he was going to lose anyways since no Republican since Nixon has won it even though it's still technically considered a swing state.


If I were him or Kamala, I'd hit Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona hard. 


Trump's been losing ground in Michigan for quite a while.  Minnesota is a lost cause for His Orangeness.  Nevada's juice may not be worth the squeeze other than a few visits to Clark County where most of the population resides.

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24 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

I believe it was Hawaiian royalty that claimed land title and they sold much of that land to the cane plantations and the missionaries. 


It's possible. I admit that I haven't researched it myself.


That being said, Oliver's researchers claim that the plantation owners used the same loophole that Zuck is using right now, to buy up that land.....

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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Elon Musks net worth is 222.6 billion.  That is with a B.  The estimate is roughly 27 billion in liquidity he can move around without issue and an additional 113 billion in assets he can liquify to cash within hours.


To clarify, BCs provincial debt is set to be around $165 billion at the end of 2027.


Musks liquidity within 24 hours notice is enough to pay off the debt of an entire province while still leaving him with enough assets to be considered one of the top 10 wealthiest people on the planet.


What exactly has he done to help anyone?    When we're talking about an individual with enough actual value to their name to pay off the sovereign debt of some entire countries while still being one of the wealthiest people on the planet; who is not in fact doing anything of the sort with it; we're talking about a different kind of evil.  


Not evil as in kill a puppy or starve a child evil.  But the level of negligent wealth hoarding for the sake of wealth hoarding is fucking obscene.  Anyone with a net worth anywhere near that value that could buy the entirety of the NHL, NBA, NFL and MLB including stadiums and still be worth hundreds of billions is completely worth pillaging for humanitarian reasons




Depends on if you think Tesla or space x has done anything good.

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1 hour ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Comparing today to the days of Edison is not a great comparison, business is done at a much larger scale then back when you had to mail letters to communicate and did business by candle light. Most governments could easily ensure no one goes hungry but do they? What percentage of your annual salary do you give to the food bank? Doesn't necessarily mean you are evil. Most of these guys wealth are tied up in shares of the company and free cash is used to fund additional endeavors.   


Why ask that question?


If i tell you what I contribute to our shared society and you are impressed, will it make you agree with my opinions about billionaires?

If you are not impressed, am I a hypocrite?

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12 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Elon Musks net worth is 222.6 billion.  That is with a B.  The estimate is roughly 27 billion in liquidity he can move around without issue and an additional 113 billion in assets he can liquify to cash within hours.


To clarify, BCs provincial debt is set to be around $165 billion at the end of 2027.


Musks liquidity within 24 hours notice is enough to pay off the debt of an entire province while still leaving him with enough assets to be considered one of the top 10 wealthiest people on the planet.


What exactly has he done to help anyone?    When we're talking about an individual with enough actual value to their name to pay off the sovereign debt of some entire countries while still being one of the wealthiest people on the planet; who is not in fact doing anything of the sort with it; we're talking about a different kind of evil.  


Not evil as in kill a puppy or starve a child evil.  But the level of negligent wealth hoarding for the sake of wealth hoarding is fucking obscene.  Anyone with a net worth anywhere near that value that could buy the entirety of the NHL, NBA, NFL and MLB including stadiums and still be worth hundreds of billions is completely worth pillaging for humanitarian reasons



To be fair he volunteered at a soup kitchen on the big bang theory once. 

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30 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

I believe it was Hawaiian royalty that claimed land title and they sold much of that land to the cane plantations and the missionaries. 

If so it was likely done with a gun to the head.


The Hawaiian Kingdom, also known as Kingdom of Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian: Ke Aupuni Hawaiʻi), was a sovereign state located in the Hawaiian Islands which existed from 1795 to 1893. 


The kingdom subsequently gained diplomatic recognition from European powers and the United States. An influx of European and American explorers, traders, and whalers soon began arriving to the kingdom, introducing diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis, smallpox, and measles, leading to the rapid decline of the Native Hawaiian population. In 1887, King Kalākaua was forced to accept a new constitution after a coup d'état by the Honolulu Rifles, a volunteer military unit recruited from American settlers. Queen Liliʻuokalani, who succeeded Kalākaua in 1891, tried to abrogate the new constitution. She was subsequently overthrown in a 1893 coup engineered by the Committee of Safety, a group of Hawaiian subjects who were mostly of American descent, and supported by the U.S. military.[12] The Committee of Safety dissolved the kingdom and established the Republic of Hawaii, intending for the U.S. to annex the islands, which it did on July 4, 1898 via the Newlands Resolution.


In 1993, the United States Senate passed the Apology Resolution, which acknowledged that "the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States" and "the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi or through a plebiscite or referendum." Opposition to the U.S. annexation of Hawaii played a major role in the creation of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement, which calls for Hawaiian independence from American rule.




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36 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I'm assuming that the thread is going off about Trump going back onto Twitter/X. 


Nah we were talking about dork billionaires mostly. 


EP posted about Twit and Don, then we mused if DT was a billionaire or not. 


That was about it until you mentioned again. 


A couple years ago, I think people would have grumbled more but now DT is starting to ride into apathy world a bit.


Think  a lot of us up here in Canada are tired of him, finally. Hope your country is too soon. 

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


Nah we were talking about dork billionaires mostly. 


EP posted about Twit and Don, then we mused if DT was a billionaire or not. 


That was about it until you mentioned again. 


A couple years ago, I think people would have grumbled more but now DT is starting to ride into apathy world a bit.


Think  a lot of us up here in Canada are tired of him, finally. Hope your country is too soon. 



He's a Billionaire on paper.  Up until he became a politician, he was cash poor.  That's why he had things like his "charity" and "university".  He also made a lot of cash with that hotel he had in DC's old post office alone.  If memory serves, he sold that off for more cash after he couldn't use it anymore to house foreign diplomats and others trying to curry favour for when he was president.


For now he can also indirectly sponge cash from his PACs to pay a large share of his bills.


Depending on the stock price of Truth Social's parent company stock when he sells those, he's going to get a huge cash infusion from that soon.


That all said, he's going to see his cash pile dwindle again while paying lawyers for his lawsuits if he loses this election.  If he wins, most of the legal problems will go away. 


If he loses, he will become irrelevant and people will float away from him since they no longer have a reason to be part of his inner circle.

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36 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


He's obviously getting nervous or he wouldn't be risking tanking his stocks.  That will go one of two ways for him. 


He'll make smarter decisions and get busier in the swing states he can still win.




He'll make dumber and more arrogant decisions in the swing states like trying to spend time and resources in Minnesota which he was going to lose anyways since no Republican since Nixon has won it even though it's still technically considered a swing state.


If I were him or Kamala, I'd hit Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona hard. 


Trump's been losing ground in Michigan for quite a while.  Minnesota is a lost cause for His Orangeness.  Nevada's juice may not be worth the squeeze other than a few visits to Clark County where most of the population resides.

I reckon Trump assumed it would be a ‘cake walk’ with Biden. 

Harris has a ton more events planned across the Country. 

He has hardly any. 

I reckon this is amongst the things that are going to be his downfall. 

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3 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



He's a Billionaire on paper.  Up until he became a politician, he was cash poor.  That's why he had things like his "charity" and "university".  He also made a lot of cash with that hotel he had in DC's old post office alone.  If memory serves, he sold that off for more cash after he couldn't use it anymore to house foreign diplomats and others trying to curry favour for when he was president.


For now he can also indirectly sponge cash from his PACs to pay a large share of his bills.


Depending on the stock price of Truth Social's parent company stock when he sells those, he's going to get a huge cash infusion from that soon.


That all said, he's going to see his cash pile dwindle again while paying lawyers for his lawsuits if he loses this election.  If he wins, most of the legal problems will go away. 


If he loses, he will become irrelevant and people will float away from him since they no longer have a reason to be part of his inner circle.

Steaks. You forgot to mention the Steak’ Prime and marbled bullshit. 

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29 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Depends on if you think Tesla or space x has done anything good.

Tesla and Space x are all well and good for bringing potential exploration in to the private sector and bringing the popularity of EVs forward as well.  But neithe were really his thing he just bought and steamrolled them.


They also exist on MASSIVE government subsidization which honestly should not exist 

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22 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

I reckon Trump assumed it would be a ‘cake walk’ with Biden.


The reports were that his campaign was surprised when Biden dropped out.  I'm surprised that they were surprised if that's true.  Either way, taking their foot off of the gas against a weak Biden was stupid.  The speculation was there for weeks about him being replaced.



Harris has a ton more events planned across the Country.


She gets criticized for having musical acts at her rallies.  That's an insane thing to criticize.  If she didn't use something like that to draw in more people, that would be something to criticize.


Trump screwed himself when he lost the ability to use arenas by not paying his bills years ago.  It's his fault that many thousands of people don't want to stand in an open field for hours at a time in order to listen to a speech.



He has hardly any.



He has them, but they are more of the same.  Show up hours early, stand around in the heat, listen to a speech that you've seen before on the internet.


Kamala is in arenas where people can show up and relax in a seat in an air conditioned building before they listen to a speech.


Trump is currently seeing the consequences of his own past actions coming back to bite him in the ass.



I reckon this is amongst the things that are going to be his downfall. 


Poor planning will be chief amongst his downfall if he loses.  He made a smart decision to start using X/Twitter again.  He needs to follow it up by doing appearances and blowing his campaign cash on the correct swing states that he can still win in.


His poor planning has likely already lost him Michigan which is a hard blow against his electoral college count.

Edited by Sabrefan1
Changed "right" to "correct"
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16 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Steaks. You forgot to mention the Steak’ Prime and marbled bullshit. 


If he made money on any of that crap, I'd be surprised.


I think the only thing that turned him a decent profit was his ties and other men's accessories.  That went away after he became president because he lost half of his customers.  

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55 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Elon Musks net worth is 222.6 billion.  That is with a B.  The estimate is roughly 27 billion in liquidity he can move around without issue and an additional 113 billion in assets he can liquify to cash within hours.


To clarify, BCs provincial debt is set to be around $165 billion at the end of 2027.


Musks liquidity within 24 hours notice is enough to pay off the debt of an entire province while still leaving him with enough assets to be considered one of the top 10 wealthiest people on the planet.


What exactly has he done to help anyone?    When we're talking about an individual with enough actual value to their name to pay off the sovereign debt of some entire countries while still being one of the wealthiest people on the planet; who is not in fact doing anything of the sort with it; we're talking about a different kind of evil.  


Not evil as in kill a puppy or starve a child evil.  But the level of negligent wealth hoarding for the sake of wealth hoarding is fucking obscene.  Anyone with a net worth anywhere near that value that could buy the entirety of the NHL, NBA, NFL and MLB including stadiums and still be worth hundreds of billions is completely worth pillaging for humanitarian reasons



He made the majority of his fortune from Tesla, an electric vehicle company. That's not a very evil way to make billions, are you not concerned about global warming? He is made a huge difference mainstreaming electric vehicles in a time when people said it wouldn't work, and got very rich from it. Bezos is way more evil I would say, as he has his hand in a lot of businesses pockets as they need his distribution network to remain competitive.    

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53 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Why ask that question?


If i tell you what I contribute to our shared society and you are impressed, will it make you agree with my opinions about billionaires?

If you are not impressed, am I a hypocrite?

No either way its your choice and it is not a appropriate measure of how evil you are. 

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Djt stock is down 5% as a result. Genius 


He's trying to escape the consequences of the legal system.  He's been trending downwards politically and is seeing his election chances shrink. 


His campaign is bleeding and he needs to stem the flow.


Going back to X/Twitter is actually his smartest move.  I'm curious to see if he'll get back off of it after tonight's interview on X.  That would just continue the current cycle of poor campaigning strategy.


Even if his meme stock crashes into a penny stock (it won't unless he loses or completely sells all of his shares), he needs to win this election to keep his Orange bottom out of the fire.

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2 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

He made the majority of his fortune from Tesla, an electric vehicle company. That's not a very evil way to make billions, are you not concerned about global warming? He is made a huge difference mainstreaming electric vehicles in a time when people said it wouldn't work, and got very rich from it. Bezos is way more evil I would say, as he has his hand in a lot of businesses pockets as they need his distribution network to remain competitive.    

Asking people here if they are unconcerned with global warming is an easy card to play. There is no real proof that Musk is concerned with the environment.    Launching Space X satellite after satellite through the atmosphere certainly isn't environmentally friendly.   I'm not denying that Musk is smart (or at least shrewd).  He may have just come to the conclusion that EV's are the future and a good way to obtain investment money.


Musk made his Tesla seed money by selling Pay Pal.  That is a company just as evil as Amazon.

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1 minute ago, Satchmo said:

Asking people here if they are unconcerned with global warming is an easy card to play. There is no real proof that Musk is concerned with the environment.    Launching Space X satellite after satellite through the atmosphere certainly isn't environmentally friendly.   I'm not denying that Musk is smart (or at least shrewd).  He may have just come to the conclusion that EV's are the future and a good way to obtain investment money.


Musk made his Tesla seed money by selling Pay Pal.  That is a company just as evil as Amazon.

Whether it was his main goal or not, the transition to electric modes of transport should yield a very positive effect on the battle against global warming. I haven't poured through all the data, but I know some scientists believe we need to take immediate action against climate change. He had a lot of barriers he had to overcome when it came to electric vehicles, most thought it was a foolish endeavor. There was almost no infrastructure in place to support electric vehicles at the time. His Pay Pal money and Tesla money are not in the same ballpark.    

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18 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

He made the majority of his fortune from Tesla, an electric vehicle company. That's not a very evil way to make billions, are you not concerned about global warming? He is made a huge difference mainstreaming electric vehicles in a time when people said it wouldn't work, and got very rich from it. Bezos is way more evil I would say, as he has his hand in a lot of businesses pockets as they need his distribution network to remain competitive.    

it has nothing to do with how that money was earned and everything to do with the amount of wealth hoarded.


At 999 million there should be a total and complete cap on earnings


Congrats you won at the game of capitalism and nobody in your bloodline will ever have to work a day in their life again for the next 20 generations

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Just now, Warhippy said:

it has nothing to do with how that money was earned and everything to do with the amount of wealth hoarded.


At 999 million there should be a total and complete cap on earnings


Congrats you won at the game of capitalism and nobody in your bloodline will ever have to work a day in their life again for the next 20 generations

Personally, even though he not great socially he has demonstrated he has a brilliant mind. It would be a shame to force him into retirement just because he reached a cap. I'm still interested to see what he does with SpaceX. Not a big fan of him buying Twitter though as seems like a waste/distraction when he can be working on more important projects.

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