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2 hours ago, CanucksCup2026 said:


Because Trump's border policy was effective


Buden EO'd (killed) all of Trump's border policies

And what happened? He let in now 11-14 million illegals and the Dems complain about a border bill that sent more money to Ukraine and still allowed 5k illegals per day


Illegals who Kamala said she will allow to vote - see why they did it? Wasn't that a conspiracy 6 months ago? Do you know how house seats are apportioned? Based on the census, the census doesn't just include citizens, why do you think they're stacking illegals into Dem states? So they get more seats in the house, muh democracy!!


People are entitled to opinions, it doesn't mean they are right


You people shouldn't comment, you're exposing ignorance

I thought the Dems stole the election. Why go through all the hassle of allowing illegals into the country. If they’re just going to steal the election again? 

I’m so confused. Maybe Gaetz or Boebert, or MTG can explain.


So much wisdom there. I’m impressed. 

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2 hours ago, CanucksCup2026 said:


Because Trump's border policy was effective


Buden EO'd (killed) all of Trump's border policies

And what happened? He let in now 11-14 million illegals and the Dems complain about a border bill that sent more money to Ukraine and still allowed 5k illegals per day


Illegals who Kamala said she will allow to vote - see why they did it? Wasn't that a conspiracy 6 months ago? Do you know how house seats are apportioned? Based on the census, the census doesn't just include citizens, why do you think they're stacking illegals into Dem states? So they get more seats in the house, muh democracy!!


People are entitled to opinions, it doesn't mean they are right


You people shouldn't comment, you're exposing ignorance

Where did she say that? You just also stated in the same sentence it is a conspiracy theory so what is it? A conspiracy theory or something factual?


As for house seat allocation, last one was done in 2020, next census is in 2030 with new seat allocation in 2032 if not 2034. I will actually gave props to the Dems if they actually thought that far.



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2 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:



The money flow never lies. Look for polling to confirm this in 10-14 days.


Arizona 51.5% Republican and fading

Georgia 53.5% Republican and fading



I thought the same thing when Hillary was the heavy favourite in the betting pools and the polls.  It's not over until the votes are in. 


There's still plenty of time for either candidate to surge or to shrink.

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12 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



I thought the same thing when Hillary was the heavy favourite in the betting pools and the polls.  It's not over until the votes are in. 


There's still plenty of time for either candidate to surge or to shrink.


I used to hang up on the political dudes that always seem to ring around dinner time.


Now I fuck with them, and tell them the opposite of what I really think.

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1 hour ago, 24K said:

Well he ain't do or die short term but rather long term is what I am referring to.


SpaceX is heavily government dependent not just on contract but also telecommunication regulations with regards to starlink not mentioning export controls. Boeing shitting the bed is probably the best thing for Elon in a long while but you know NASA ain't going to handcuff itself to SpaceX. Elon needs to be in the good grace of governments in order for SpaceX to continue its success long term. Pissing the Dems off like he has is probably not a good idea business wise. This ain't Bill Akeman that can just play with the stock market.


As for Tesla, concern is with competition and Elon pretty much driving a wedge between Tesla and its customer base.

Already sales of Tesla are down 2 quarters in a row not to mention all the price cuts reducing margins.



Think Elon is very scared of the prospects of chinese EVs entering the American market. They have already devastated Tesla's sales by 24% y/y. Think Elon's thought is Trump will be way more tough on chinese EVs compared to the Dems that may see it as a way to reduce car cost to consumers or do what China did and setup shell companies to co-develop EV with traditional auto makers.


Elon is also trying to eliminate the subsidies Tesla had used in its rapid rise to prevent traditional automakers from entering the market creating more competition that we have already seen through price cuts. Trump is probably way more open to that compared to Harris for sure.


Elon like all these tech bros want to control a near monopoly on EVs and the increased players in the space is driving him nuts as he is losing pricing power.



SpaceX will be fine long term.  It's a private company that can move to another country if it chooses to.  The US doesn't want that technology to leave it's shores.  Elon even once threatened to build a launch site on a platform in the middle of the ocean to avoid too much government meddling and it got it's point across.


Tesla on the other hand is vulnerable in the long term, not because of people and politicians being angry at Musk, but because of competition and the slow EV adoption rate in the US. 


The US won't let China take over the domestic EV market.  The US gov't is trying to scale back manufacturing from China, not move it to the US like we did with Japan in the 80's.  The most they'll get away with is partnering with a domestic auto maker.  Even that would be a stretch.  Though with legal bribing on Capitol Hill, you can never say never.


If Musk ever peeves off China though, Tesla could be fairly screwed.  With his penchant for letting his aspergers/autism get the better of his judgment, that's a real possibility.  I'd like to think that he knows better, but you never know for sure.


Ford and GM have already seriously scaled back their EV aspirations in favour of the highly profitable pickup truck and SUV assembly lines.  The foreign auto makers like Kia/Hyundai will be the immediate domestic threat to Tesla's continuing market share.  If Rivian ever gets it's act together long enough to scale up it's manufacturing, they can become a threat to Tesla since their EV's are decent and they have name recognition.

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16 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I used to hang up on the political dudes that always seem to ring around dinner time.


Now I fuck with them, and tell them the opposite of what I really think.


I used to get those calls and participate in them a decent amount.  These days if I don't recognize a number that's calling, I rarely pick up unless I'm expecting a call from someone or from somewhere.

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36 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



I thought the same thing when Hillary was the heavy favourite in the betting pools and the polls.  It's not over until the votes are in. 


There's still plenty of time for either candidate to surge or to shrink.


These betting markets were in their infancy in 2016 and were very illiquid, big difference to what they represent today. Hillary was never a heavy favourite in the polling. Final polling had her winning the popular vote by 2.5%. She won the popular vote by 2.1% well within the margin of error. I don't think Hillary ever had a national aggregate polling lead of more than 4.5%.


22 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I used to hang up on the political dudes that always seem to ring around dinner time.


Now I fuck with them, and tell them the opposite of what I really think.


That's precisely why betting markets are way more accurate. Anyone can lie to a pollster. No one lies when placing a wager with their own money.

Edited by nuckin_futz
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8 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



SpaceX will be fine long term.  It's a private company that can move to another country if it chooses to.  The US doesn't want that technology to leave it's shores.  Elon even once threatened to build a launch site on a platform in the middle of the ocean to avoid too much government meddling and it got it's point across.


Tesla on the other hand is vulnerable in the long term, not because of people and politicians being angry at Musk, but because of competition and the slow EV adoption rate in the US. 


The US won't let China take over the domestic EV market.  The US gov't is trying to scale back manufacturing from China, not move it to the US like we did with Japan in the 80's.  The most they'll get away with is partnering with a domestic auto maker.  Even that would be a stretch.  Though with legal bribing on Capitol Hill, you can never say never.


If Musk ever peeves off China though, Tesla could be fairly screwed.  With his penchant for letting his aspergers/autism get the better of his judgment, that's a real possibility.  I'd like to think that he knows better, but you never know for sure.


Ford and GM have already seriously scaled back their EV aspirations in favour of the highly profitable pickup truck and SUV assembly lines.  The foreign auto makers like Kia/Hyundai will be the immediate domestic threat to Tesla's continuing market share.  If Rivian ever gets it's act together long enough to scale up it's manufacturing, they can become a threat to Tesla since their EV's are decent and they have name recognition.

SpaceX can't just move to another country. They are subject to export controls, US will nationalize it if it has to. Building launch platform in the middle of the ocean is really trying to avoid local restrictions and regulations. 

Either way it will be fine as long as there is no other alternatives. 


As for Chinese ev, I do see at some point the likes of gm and Ford creating partnership with Chinese ev manufacturers as they will need their expertise to cover the gaps in their technologies especially seeing the scale back in their ev development now. 

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8 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



Twitter/X Democrats are claiming that Trump was slurring, but I saw the video feed with clear audio.  That's not a slur that was sometimes making it's way through. 


That's a lisp.


If it comes out that he has false teeth, or even worse dentures, that were loose, he's never gonna hear the end of it.  It also will do nothing for the whole age problem that is hurting him already.


I didn't notice any slurring either...........lots of crazy, but he didn't slur while he did.


That was two nutters on full display

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5 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



SpaceX will be fine long term.  It's a private company that can move to another country if it chooses to.  The US doesn't want that technology to leave it's shores.  Elon even once threatened to build a launch site on a platform in the middle of the ocean to avoid too much government meddling and it got it's point across.


Tesla on the other hand is vulnerable in the long term, not because of people and politicians being angry at Musk, but because of competition and the slow EV adoption rate in the US. 


The US won't let China take over the domestic EV market.  The US gov't is trying to scale back manufacturing from China, not move it to the US like we did with Japan in the 80's.  The most they'll get away with is partnering with a domestic auto maker.  Even that would be a stretch.  Though with legal bribing on Capitol Hill, you can never say never.


If Musk ever peeves off China though, Tesla could be fairly screwed.  With his penchant for letting his aspergers/autism get the better of his judgment, that's a real possibility.  I'd like to think that he knows better, but you never know for sure.


Ford and GM have already seriously scaled back their EV aspirations in favour of the highly profitable pickup truck and SUV assembly lines.  The foreign auto makers like Kia/Hyundai will be the immediate domestic threat to Tesla's continuing market share.  If Rivian ever gets it's act together long enough to scale up it's manufacturing, they can become a threat to Tesla since their EV's are decent and they have name recognition.


Well put. Whatever people think of Elon, his businesses aren't going away anytime soon because he says weird righty stuff.


I can't see Rivian surpassing Tesla anytime soon, they are too expensive.

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8 hours ago, Jaimito said:

You sound pretty stupid and brain washed to the bullshit. It's not about left or right wing.


I was looking at some of the "new" poster's stuff and trying to decide how to respond in a manner that wouldn't get me a warning....but then you came along and put it rather succinctly....


Well said, J....



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9 hours ago, CanucksCup2026 said:

wow you're really gone hey? Sorry to hurt your brain. Sorry you can't handle reality that you're lied to and you've bought it. Sorry your ego is to scared to accept reality


it won't change reality


You live in a world where you buy the gaslighting


You hear Friedland say canada is doing great, and you probably buy it

meanwhile record numbers are using food banks

record credit card debt

record numbers will lose their homes in the next year as mortage rates reset


and the media and govt say all is great, and you buy it...




facts dont matter to you people I said it, I see it


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21 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


Another pic from that night has been released.  


r/pics - A second photo of JD Vance in drag while at Yale Law School


My favorite response to this photo is some guy asking Vance if his name is Sofa Loren....:classic_laugh:

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6 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


These betting markets were in their infancy in 2016 and were very illiquid, big difference to what they represent today. Hillary was never a heavy favourite in the polling. Final polling had her winning the popular vote by 2.5%. She won the popular vote by 2.1% well within the margin of error. I don't think Hillary ever had a national aggregate polling lead of more than 4.5%.


I'll take your word for it on the betting part because I'm not a big gambler.  Not my style.  I just remember that Hillary was supposed to decimate Trump according to the media.  The videos of those reports are likely still up on YouTube to this day.  MAGA made a handful of those compilations years ago.

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6 hours ago, 24K said:

SpaceX can't just move to another country. They are subject to export controls, US will nationalize it if it has to. Building launch platform in the middle of the ocean is really trying to avoid local restrictions and regulations. 


The courts would almost immediately overturn any attempt at nationalizing a non-defense privately owned business that uses it's own privately owned technology.  SpaceX leaving for say the EU/ESA isn't ever likely in the cards because it's value would plummet, but if the US gov't tried to ruin it like you were suggesting, he can and would, pick up his toys and leave.  Although if he goes ahead and makes SpaceX public like I think he's going to, it would then become all but impossible.  The courts and SEC would rule just as quickly against him.


The launch platform was an empty threat because it isn't technically feasible and everybody knew it.  It would sink with a big hole in the middle after the first Starship launch especially with these new Falcon 3 engines that were recently revealed.  Musk was just making a point.


The biggest threat against Musk, as far as I'm concerned, is his own shareholders.  Sooner or later he's likely to do something big enough to peeve them off that they'll try and get him out of the company.  There was already a poorly timed and half-assed attempt several years ago at Tesla.  That's why Musk was so angry when Delaware nixed his $50 Billion in stock compensation.  It wasn't a money thing as much as those extra shares give him security.  That's also why he refused to leverage his stocks when he bought Twitter.


Musk's unpredictable nature helps keep the government wolves' meddling at bay for now.  Sooner or later that will change as both of his companies see more competition.  I think Sierra Space is going to be his main competitor soon rather than Boeing.


The "Dream Chaser" is almost ready to receive the go-ahead for supply runs.  It's only a matter of time before it starts moving people as well.  They have plans to become multi-national.  They aren't going to put their eggs in just the US basket.



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2 hours ago, stawns said:


I didn't notice any slurring either...........lots of crazy, but he didn't slur while he did.


That was two nutters on full display


I re-watched a video clip on X last night so I could see what his mouth was doing that was causing the lisp.  He was also occasionally sucking while Musk was asking his questions.  He had a dental issue going on.  I would bet on it.  I think he has a temporary partial denture.  When you get older and your teeth fall out, you need bone graphs from a cadaver attached so you can get implants.  You wear a partial temporary denture until the graph takes.  Then they screw in the anchor to the new bone and then attach the teeth.  My father had his entire mouth done years ago.  When he had a temp denture in, he had a terrible lisp until he got the new teeth.

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31 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I'll take your word for it on the betting part because I'm not a big gambler.  Not my style.  I just remember that Hillary was supposed to decimate Trump according to the media.  The videos of those reports are likely still up on YouTube to this day.  MAGA made a handful of those compilations years ago.

Hillary biggest mistake was not bothering to campaign hard in various battleground states (much like Herr VonSh*tsHisPants is doing right now though I guess he needs the rest as he's as old as dirt like Sleepy Joe as well as being a fatass).  She took it for granted in too many ridings.  Course the Dems can do the same mistake again but hopefully they've learned from their past mistakes.

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