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42 minutes ago, Attila Umbrus said:

I've actually been thinking about this...I think Bidens team played this scenario quite well and on purpose... they fully knew of his declining health.

Maybe it was their goal to hide Bidens health until they were sure Trumps campaign had their sights dead set on him? Let them debate and let Trump think he's got the election in the bag. Let Trump name a shitty tag along partner as his running mate...THEN lay the hammer down and bring out Kamala to replace Biden in the race and flip Trumps game plan on it's ass.


I don't think that's the case.  Apparently Biden's top 3 advisors were caught off guard when the calls came in for him to give up the nomination post-debate.  That's likely why he turned to Hunter.  This had the DNC written all over it.



The more you think about it the more it makes sense why they hid Bidens health for so long...they needed to ensure it was Trump they were running against first before letting the cat out of the bag.


They hid his health because they had no choice.  The signs were there during his first run 4 years ago.  Had the cat gotten out of the bag during his presidency, the calls for Biden to resign would have been deafening.


The funny thing is, had they told the truth about Biden halfway through, Kamala would already be the incumbent president still eligible for 2 terms and that incumbency  would carry weight.  She wouldn't be neck in neck with Trump like she is now, she'd probably already be burying him.

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30 minutes ago, kilgore said:


"I mean, I look at what you do,” Trump told Musk during their lengthy conversation. “You walk in, you say, You want to quit? They go on strike, I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, That’s OK, you’re all gone. You’re all gone. So, every one of you is gone!”


The maniacal laughing by these two privileged elites while he is saying it is the icing on the cake.



Wonder what Teamster president Sean O'Brien thinks about this.

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3 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


There wasnt a billion listeners.


Was there a billion clicks? ... 'views'? ....maaaaaybe.


But, for example I might click on CFF 20x a day, probably more...

I'm just one fella but that's 20+ 'views'



Isn't that what was said in the original post before a few of the usual suspects got triggered?


9 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

They had 1 billion views last night.  That's alot of people.  Don't care what anyone says.  X is more powerful than all the legacy media combined...




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Well this is fun... 😐


The nation’s best hackers found vulnerabilities in voting machines — but no time to fix them

Organizers and participants at the DEF CON Voting Village found cyber vulnerabilities in everything from voting machines to e-poll books, but there is no time before the November elections to fully implement their findings.





P.S.  If someone has already posted this, please let me know and I'll delete it the next time I log on.

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42 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Isn't that what was said in the original post before a few of the usual suspects got triggered?



Elon is no different to the mentally handicapped kid in school who doesn't realize people are laughing at him, not with him.

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3 hours ago, stawns said:


I just can't understand how he can be this dumb.  Hrs not going to win without 2 of the 3 swing states in the rust belt........states built on the backs of unions.  Why the f*** would you go on a rant like that?

They both are egomaniacs.

They have an audience that follows them purely because it’s “entertainment “ .


it’s the same mentality as people who “used to “ stay home and watch “days of our live” or “ as the world turns”.


This type of audience,  is lazy  as fuck and they live their lives vicariously through others who are or act to be highly emotional.

They complain and create  greivances for everything to defend themselves.


A lot of the Red States are scattered with low populated , low income, low job numbered states.. unpopular for anyone with an education or looking to make something of their lives.


we’re talking , 5 bucks for a case, Big Block Hemis, and the National Enquirer .

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Isn't that what was said in the original post before a few of the usual suspects got triggered?




If "triggered" means people who can't stand bullshit I guess.


"Combined views of the conversation with


and subsequent discussion by other accounts now ~1 billion"


Its what his dumb as fuck cult followers are manipulated to believe.  Its a disingenuous claim.

"views of the conversation"  implies folks who VIEWED AND LISTENED TO THE INTERVIEW

"discussion by other accounts" implies folks DISCUSSING THE CONTENTS OF THAT INTERVIEW AFTERWARDS.


Not simply those who doom scrolled past it.

Which I would gather would be the vast majority of those "views" he counted.

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31 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

They both are egomaniacs.

They have an audience that follows them purely because it’s “entertainment “ .


it’s the same mentality as people who “used to “ stay home and watch “days of our live” or “ as the world turns”.


This type of audience,  is lazy  as fuck and they live their lives vicariously through others who are or act to be highly emotional.

They complain and create  greivances for everything to defend themselves.


A lot of the Red States are scattered with low populated , low income, low job numbered states.. unpopular for anyone with an education or looking to make something of their lives.


we’re talking , 5 bucks for a case, Big Block Hemis, and the National Enquirer .


I get all that, but he's trying to win an election and he's only going to win by taking two of the three rust belt swing states.  He just shit all over the unions there......his stupidity never fails to astound me

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18 minutes ago, kilgore said:


If "triggered" means people who can't stand bullshit I guess.


"Combined views of the conversation with


and subsequent discussion by other accounts now ~1 billion"


Its what his dumb as fuck cult followers are manipulated to believe.  Its a disingenuous claim.

"views of the conversation"  implies folks who VIEWED AND LISTENED TO THE INTERVIEW

"discussion by other accounts" implies folks DISCUSSING THE CONTENTS OF THAT INTERVIEW AFTERWARDS.


Not simply those who doom scrolled past it.

Which I would gather would be the vast majority of those "views" he counted.


It's funny, sometimes when things get called out everyone else is "triggered" 😂

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37 minutes ago, stawns said:


I get all that, but he's trying to win an election and he's only going to win by taking two of the three rust belt swing states.  He just shit all over the unions there......his stupidity never fails to astound me


The shoe fits.


Hes a con - artist,

    soon to be con-vict 


it’s simple ,  nothing in the box .


all razzle  dazzle bullshit to fraud taxpayers and stay out of jail.


            Everybody was waiting for  something special , of different about the way he would run a country.


but In 4 years he ran it into the ground like anything else.

     People just don’t see it for what it really is,   And he/ it really is nothing but bullshit.


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8 minutes ago, SilentSam said:


Same with Musk ..

razzle dazzle bullshit..




"40 out of 43 members of Trump's administration have endorsed Kamala Harris."


If that's true, that's astounding.

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5 minutes ago, kilgore said:


"40 out of 43 members of Trump's administration have endorsed Kamala Harris."


If that's true, that's astounding.


I thinks it's more that 40 of them wont endorse him as the nominee, more than they are endorsing harris.  And people like Bill Barr won't endorse him, yet when pressed, he said he was still going to vote for him........so huge grain of sand

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5 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I don't think that's the case.  Apparently Biden's top 3 advisors were caught off guard when the calls came in for him to give up the nomination post-debate.  That's likely why he turned to Hunter.  This had the DNC written all over it.



They hid his health because they had no choice.  The signs were there during his first run 4 years ago.  Had the cat gotten out of the bag during his presidency, the calls for Biden to resign would have been deafening.


The funny thing is, had they told the truth about Biden halfway through, Kamala would already be the incumbent president still eligible for 2 terms and that incumbency  would carry weight.  She wouldn't be neck in neck with Trump like she is now, she'd probably already be burying him.


I also don't think this was planned.  To bow out so late.


But I do think its providence or just damn good luck how it worked out.  I disagree though that Harris would have this in the bag if they'd have replaced Biden last year. I think she may be in a worse position if the shameless GOP strategists had a whole year to work on her. But more likely, she wouldn't even be the nominee.  If they'd had a real primary, Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of the establishment Democrats would have pushed for a more seasoned veteran who would continue with the triangalization MO of Clinton / Obama / Biden.  Lip service to progressives, still passing liberally social legislation, but catering mostly to big business in real terms. (Although Biden was surprisingly more progressive than all of them)  Governing by perpetually trying to reach the goalposts that the R's keep replanting further and further right. Trying not to piss off Fox News too much. Going for the shrinking population of conservative moderates in the very center.  Trying to remain pablum. 


But pablum probably wouldn't have worked this time. Kamala represents a seismic shift for Democrats to the next generation. (Obama was subservient to the old establishment)  And picking a progressive VP to boot.  I'm not sure those establishment D's were prepared for it. And frankly I don't know if they ever would have accepted it if not for this disruption in normalcy put them into a corner.  Joe did her a huge favour endorsing her right off the bat.  Kamala was probably mentally preparing herself from day one to take over based on Biden's age, which helped her get more comfortable with the idea.  But if there was an actual months long primary process 12 months ago? Not so sure she'd come out on top. Highly doubt it in fact. She never really polled that high. Not until she actually stepped into the spotlight, out of necessity, did her surprising charisma and likeability erupt on the national stage.


But it turns out she was exactly what they needed shoved down their chicken little beaks. She's a disruptor in the best possible sense. Its such a leap into the future that Republicans are helpless against it.  The exact perfect kryptonite against Orange Donny. His racist and sexist attacks look old and tired against someone like Kamala.


And I love the younger woman Prosecuter vs the old corrupt Felon setup.



Edited by kilgore
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35 minutes ago, stawns said:


I thinks it's more that 40 of them wont endorse him as the nominee, more than they are endorsing harris.  And people like Bill Barr won't endorse him, yet when pressed, he said he was still going to vote for him........so huge grain of sand


Yeah, that's what I had understood as well.

Still.....astounding.  These were hand picked appointees.  With a lot of them now stressing how dangerous he'd be with a second term.

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4 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Elon is no different to the mentally handicapped kid in school who doesn't realize people are laughing at him, not with him.


I don't really care what context you are using this analogy in, it's just a fucked up thing to say full stop.


I don't know what school you went to, but while there were bullies around back in my school days, no one, but no one, picked on the classmate of ours who was intellectually challenged.

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