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Just now, bishopshodan said:



sure, I was talking generally as in we hear a lot about illegals from all places, not just your one story.


Yet your country has a real problem with home grown racism as we are seeing with some of the right-wing support. Its been going on for way too long

And it's not just towards these illegal people... ex:"jews will not replace us"


And , again, my post was just showing another POV of places along your border.



For sure.  There's no denying that.  It also makes it difficult to figure out what exactly is going on by who is telling the current news story that is getting the most attention.  That's why I frequent news amalgamation sites rather than just picking one or two like MSNBC and Faux News.  If I have interest in something, I gather information rather than just choosing from sites that pander to my opinions.

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



For sure.  There's no denying that.  It also makes it difficult to figure out what exactly is going on by who is telling the current news story that is getting the most attention.  That's why I frequent news amalgamation sites rather than just picking one or two like MSNBC and Faux News.  If I have interest in something, I gather information rather than just choosing from sites that pander to my opinions.




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3 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I used to have a subscription when that site first came out.  I loved Victoria St. John when she was younger.  I think the novelty wore off after a few months and I cancelled it, but I still remember it.

5 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Whoops.  I misremembered the name.  I Googled her to look up what she looks like now and her name is Victoria "Sinclair".  I'd swear there was also a "something" St. John, but I could be wrong.

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7 hours ago, Bob Long said:






7 hours ago, Bob Long said:


I'm just going to be blunt here, there are not significant questions left. There's no conspiracy needed, it was a stupid sad kid and a massive blunder by the secret service. 



This is an insane position given there's no clearly established motive, no report has even been released yet, we know next to nothing about the kid, there's no legitimate explanation for many decisions/events that caused this, including why communication was cut off between forces, exc. exc.


Your the only one coming to a conclusion here. Just b/c you aren't interested any further has no bearing on whether this has been gotten to the bottom of.


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6 hours ago, PistolPete13 said:

The same people that get all of their information from twitter, complaining that the MSM are not covering this story. 


No, the corporate press isn't covering it as much anymore, but they are not mainstream.


Twitter is far more mainstream, which is why the corporate outlets not only use it to convey information themselves, but also now 'cover' things like the Trump/Elon conversation from a subordinate position.


This isn't the own you think it is.


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23 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:





This is an insane position given there's no clearly established motive, no report has even been released yet, we know next to nothing about the kid, there's no legitimate explanation for many decisions/events that caused this, including why communication was cut off between forces, exc. exc.


Your the only one coming to a conclusion here. Just b/c you aren't interested any further has no bearing on whether this has been gotten to the bottom of.


He's not the only one.   Nor are there only two of us.


The kid had troubles.  He was googling the whereabouts of politicians from both sides when he learned that Trump was going to be just a few miles away.  I don't think he cared who he shot and Trump just turned out to be in the neighborhood.  All the kid wanted was to either be famous and/or dead. Very similar to the nut job who shot John Lennon and who had looked into shooting Johnny Carson and other celebs before eventually choosing Lennon.


What I describe is the opinion of a great many people.  Please don't discount us as fools, or disinterested, or unwilling to get to the bottom of anything.  We really aren't as dumb as you imply.

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1 hour ago, Smashian Kassian said:





This is an insane position given there's no clearly established motive, no report has even been released yet, we know next to nothing about the kid, there's no legitimate explanation for many decisions/events that caused this, including why communication was cut off between forces, exc. exc.


Your the only one coming to a conclusion here. Just b/c you aren't interested any further has no bearing on whether this has been gotten to the bottom of.



Just because you have questions, it doesn't mean that there are answers.


This reminds me of the zeal the moon landing deniers had. That's the path you are on.


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1 hour ago, Smashian Kassian said:


This is an insane position given there's no clearly established motive, no report has even been released yet, we know next to nothing about the kid, there's no legitimate explanation for many decisions/events that caused this, including why communication was cut off between forces, exc. exc.


Your the only one coming to a conclusion here. Just b/c you aren't interested any further has no bearing on whether this has been gotten to the bottom of.



In my opinion, if we looked for a motive in every little thing before looking at how to improve things and figuring out what went wrong... we'd just fall behind as a society. This is especially going to be the case with anything political at the moment.


Think about it, if someone came up with a motive, you have 2 very different sides right now: left and right. These sides are very much at odds with each other, arguably more at odds than that country has ever seen since the civil war. What are the chances both sides are going to agree with that motive? They're not going to agree. My guess is this is why a lot of questions have remained unanswered... because half the population doesn't want to hear the answers depending on what the actual answers are.


I really think that, until we see some sanity in the states, some of those questions might actually be best left unanswered. Perhaps my stance feels insane to you as well, but look at the states. It's insane no matter what.

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1 hour ago, Smashian Kassian said:


No, the corporate press isn't covering it as much anymore, but they are not mainstream.


Twitter is far more mainstream, which is why the corporate outlets not only use it to convey information themselves, but also now 'cover' things like the Trump/Elon conversation from a subordinate position.


This isn't the own you think it is.


Corporate press? Never heard of it. 

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21 minutes ago, The Lock said:


In my opinion, if we looked for a motive in every little thing before looking at how to improve things and figuring out what went wrong... we'd just fall behind as a society. This is especially going to be the case with anything political at the moment.


Think about it, if someone came up with a motive, you have 2 very different sides right now: left and right. These sides are very much at odds with each other, arguably more at odds than that country has ever seen since the civil war. What are the chances both sides are going to agree with that motive? They're not going to agree. My guess is this is why a lot of questions have remained unanswered... because half the population doesn't want to hear the answers depending on what the actual answers are.


I really think that, until we see some sanity in the states, some of those questions might actually be best left unanswered. Perhaps my stance feels insane to you as well, but look at the states. It's insane no matter what.


We have an answer on motive, the kid was not well. 


People who are anti government tho can't accept that. There "must" be more. No, there really doesn't .


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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Way more than one or two.  I went out a lot.  To be fair, the good experiences far outweigh the bad.  In fact, I still keep in touch over Facebook with some of the people I knew from back then.  For years they kept bugging me to come back before finally accepting that my home is Buffalo.


My experiences have little to do with my immigration opinion.  If I was that shallow, I'd be one the MAGA's running around complaining about the "Dirty Mexicans".



Like I said earlier, 95% or better of my experiences were positive.  My best friend back then was Eastern European.  I keep thinking about contacting him to see what he's up to, but he and his wife were in a bad part of their life the last I knew and I don't know if that changed him or not and I'd just rather keep the good memories I have of him.


Yet you're willing to base your opinion of immigration on that 5%....

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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


Yet you're willing to base your opinion of immigration on that 5%....


No.  How about you not make bridges where they do not exist. 


I never said that my opinion on immigration had to do with my limited experience of a handful of years in one city in the Southwest.  Even my opinion on that city and it's inhabitants as a whole is outdated these days.  Two or three years after I left, it ended up in an upheaval and had a larger than normal turnover in population over 2 or 3 years.


My opinion on immigration as a whole has nothing to do with my personal experiences.  It has to do with how it affects the United States as a whole, not just one place where I lived in my younger years.


I have never once said I was against immigration/migration.  I just don't want mass immigration that involves tens of millions of people and I don't want the border to be as porous as a spaghetti strainer. 


I've said this before, but I'll say it again.  If it were up to me, the US would build cities and infrastructure in Mexico near the border and let people who still choose to migrate here come in an orderly fashion.  Hell, we could hire Mexicans to build it a lot cheaper than it would be to send Americans across to do it.


As for the farm jobs and other jobs nobody else wants to do, I would like to see temporary work permits given out with the understanding that after the season is over, the migrants are to leave the country and take their accrued pay back to their family in whichever country they arrived from, or stay and live in the border cities that I would build.


Putting up easily defeated walls and fences is just stupid, ineffective, and costly.  It has never worked and yet we've been doing it for decades.



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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


The nationality is irrelevant, IMO. What you appear to be doing is basing your opinion of all immigrants based on one or two bad experiences with minorities.


My experience has been nothing but positive and I work with Filipinos, Indians, a Korean and a Brazilian. All seem to have adapted to Canadian life and culture quite well.

Worked with dozens and live in a building where they are 33% of the place. Lovely people...a few of them cook some nasty shit that stinks up the whole building with what smells like deep fried unwashed buttholes...the former next door neighbor cooked it once a week...would close the patio door the moment it hit and turn on all fans or my place would reek of it.

So I asked a Filipino coworker what it could be. The literal translation was 'stinky fish' and she said it a very foul smelling fish from a region of the country. So I guess my few complaints were that one specific dish and the very few dinner parties I attended being forced to talk to the local priest. Everyone there throughout the night: 'Have you met the priest yet?' The Spanish beat the Catholicism into them something fierce 😄

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33 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:



Does Tuberville not have any advisers? What is HE doing getting into a battle of wits against anyone? Literally the dumbest guy in the Senate by a mile.

This is the same piece of garbage who held military promotions hostage to try to inflict his barbaric beliefs on the military.  This pathetic excuse for a man has no business commenting on military service.

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26 minutes ago, Spiked Alia said:

-Strengthen the borders

-Deport illegal aliens and anyone that came here illegally; all legal immigrants are welcome. 

-End the ridiculous 'woke' movement and try and reverse whatever brain damage has been done to GenZ. 

-Keep biological men out of biological female sports (XX/XY chromosomes; situations like Imane Khelif and Lia Thomas should not occur).

-Yes to Trans rights, LGBT rights, and gay/lesbian marriages. People have a right to live their lives how they want provided that they are law abiding citizens.

-Drill to lower energy costs and reduce inflation. 

-Yes to the Paris accord if other countries pay their fair share.

-Yes to Green initiatives and clean energy if everyone pays their fair share (i.e. not used as a pretext to discriminate against wealthy corporations and wealthy individuals to contribute an inordinate/disproportionate amount). 

-Increase the police budget and military budget. 

-I'm in favour of Roe v Wade and should be available in all States. 

-Stronger laws against drugs

-Corporations need Tax cuts to help spur the economy and have more money available to invest in R&D.


Strong Military, Strong Police, Strong investment in Science and Technology. Strong Borders. 


I don't completely agree with Trump/Vance but these guys need to win the 2024 election otherwise the United States, and Western Society as we know it, is screwed.  

You think the nazification of the USA is going to save Western society?  You're ignoring the fact that those pieces of garbage want to destroy democracy so they can commit crimes against humanity.

Edited by King Heffy
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