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8 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Why do you guys bother with these tools? Yeah let's sign up to a hockey forum in August and head right for the politics section. Because that's a totally normal/random thing to do. 🤪


Surely you guys can't be that bored that you'd chase this fool's laser pointer?


When the goalie kicks a rebound up to your stick and you got the open net. It's tough to resist the urge to just tap it in.

Edited by DSVII
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16 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Why do you guys bother with these tools? Yeah let's sign up to a hockey forum in August and head right for the politics section. Because that's a totally normal/random thing to do. 🤪


Surely you guys can't be that bored that you'd chase this fool's laser pointer?

I was honestly that bored. 😆

What else am I gonna do sitting in the office waiting for codes to run. 

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2 hours ago, Spiked Alia said:

-Strengthen the borders

-Deport illegal aliens and anyone that came here illegally; all legal immigrants are welcome. 

-End the ridiculous 'woke' movement and try and reverse whatever brain damage has been done to GenZ. 

-Keep biological men out of biological female sports (XX/XY chromosomes; situations like Imane Khelif and Lia Thomas should not occur).

-Yes to Trans rights, LGBT rights, and gay/lesbian marriages. People have a right to live their lives how they want provided that they are law abiding citizens.

-Drill to lower energy costs and reduce inflation. 

-Yes to the Paris accord if other countries pay their fair share.

-Yes to Green initiatives and clean energy if everyone pays their fair share (i.e. not used as a pretext to discriminate against wealthy corporations and wealthy individuals to contribute an inordinate/disproportionate amount). 

-Increase the police budget and military budget. 

-I'm in favour of Roe v Wade and should be available in all States. 

-Stronger laws against drugs

-Corporations need Tax cuts to help spur the economy and have more money available to invest in R&D.


Strong Military, Strong Police, Strong investment in Science and Technology. Strong Borders. 


I don't completely agree with Trump/Vance but these guys need to win the 2024 election otherwise the United States, and Western Society as we know it, is screwed.  

Your platform is “never Trumper” Wanting Dolt 45 and Sofa King to win is counter intuitive.


If the Dems win, everything will be fine. The Rep party needs to revamp and move towards the Center. Turf the MAGA crowd and Trump ball lickers. 

Edited by PistolPete13
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16 minutes ago, Spiked Alia said:
  • End the 'woke' movement:

    • "Didn't you just say yes to trans rights, LGBT+ rights just a few lines below?"
    • Rebuttal: Supporting individual rights does not mean endorsing all aspects of the so-called 'woke' movement, which often pushes for extreme changes that many believe are divisive and counterproductive. There's a difference between respecting individual freedoms and endorsing radical ideologies that may be harmful to societal cohesion.
  • Yes to the Paris accord if other countries pay their fair share:

    • "What the heck do you think the Paris accord is? US green protection racket?"
    • Rebuttal: The concern is that the U.S. should not bear a disproportionate financial burden in global initiatives like the Paris Accord. Fairness means all countries, especially major polluters, contribute equally to the costs and efforts required to address climate change.

1. I'm going to need you to expand on "racial ideologies".

2. Fairness means every nation, especially big polluters, should pay proportionally (not equally) to how much they contribute to global pollution. Expecting smaller countries that don't pollute as much to shoulder the burden of paying, for example, for the amount of pollution the USA spews into the environment is absurd.

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38 minutes ago, Spiked Alia said:


My apologies in advance folks. It might take me awhile to respond to everyone and quite honestly, I might not even get there. Will try my best, time permitting.


My platform isn’t necessarily 'Never Trump,' but rather it’s about supporting policies that I believe are best for the country. I can disagree with certain aspects of Trump’s approach while still recognizing that some of his policies—like border security, energy independence, and a strong defense—are important. It’s not about blind loyalty to a person, but about evaluating policies on their merits.


As for the Republican Party, I agree that it’s going through a period of introspection, and there are debates about its future direction. However, shifting towards the center or distancing from certain factions isn’t the only path forward. The GOP needs to represent a broad coalition of conservative values, and that includes addressing the concerns of both traditional conservatives and the more populist elements within the party.


Regarding the idea that 'everything will be fine' if the Democrats win, I would argue that depends on your perspective. Many conservatives are concerned about the direction the country might take under continued Democratic leadership, especially regarding economic policies, border security, and social issues. That’s why it’s important for there to be a robust opposition that holds the government accountable and offers a different vision for the future.


In the end, the focus should be on policies and principles, not just personalities. It’s possible to support certain conservative policies and still believe in the need for the GOP to evolve and adapt to changing times."


Calling MAGA and project 2025 "a period of introspection " has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read in here 


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15 minutes ago, Spiked Alia said:


I get that the term 'introspection' might seem a bit out of place given the current political climate, but what I meant is that the Republican Party, like any political movement, is going through a phase where it’s reassessing its direction and priorities. Whether you agree with MAGA or Project 2025 or not, there’s no denying that these movements are sparking intense debates about the future of conservatism in the U.S.

Here is why I personally support MAGA and Project 2025:

  1. Economic Growth and Deregulation: One of the key achievements of the MAGA agenda during Trump's presidency was the significant economic growth and low unemployment rates, particularly among minority groups. The administration’s focus on deregulation and tax cuts, especially the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, is credited with stimulating business investment and job creation. Project 2025 seeks to build on these economic policies by promoting further economic freedom and reducing government intervention in the market, which many believe is crucial for sustained economic growth.

  2. Energy Independence: The MAGA movement placed a strong emphasis on energy independence, which led the U.S. to become a net exporter of oil for the first time in decades. This not only strengthened the U.S. economy but also reduced reliance on foreign energy sources, enhancing national security. Project 2025 plans to continue this focus, emphasizing the importance of domestic energy production while also exploring sustainable energy solutions that don’t compromise economic growth.

  3. Judicial Appointments: Under the MAGA agenda, a significant number of conservative judges were appointed to the federal judiciary, including three Supreme Court justices. These appointments are seen as vital for upholding the Constitution and ensuring that the judiciary interprets the law as written, rather than creating new laws from the bench. Project 2025 aims to continue this focus on appointing judges who are committed to constitutional principles and limited government.

  4. Border Security and Immigration Reform: A key pillar of the MAGA agenda was enhancing border security and reforming the immigration system to prioritize legal immigration. While there was controversy over the methods, many conservatives believe that securing the borders is essential for national security, economic stability, and the rule of law. Project 2025 continues to advocate for strong border security measures while seeking comprehensive immigration reform that balances security with compassion.

  5. National Security and Foreign Policy: MAGA’s approach to foreign policy, often described as 'America First,' focused on strengthening national security by rebuilding the military, renegotiating trade deals, and holding allies and adversaries accountable. This approach was aimed at protecting American interests and ensuring that the U.S. was not taken advantage of in international agreements. Project 2025 seeks to continue this focus on national sovereignty and a strong defense, ensuring that the U.S. remains a global leader while prioritizing its own security and prosperity.

These are just a few examples of why many conservatives believe that MAGA and Project 2025 are on the right track. The overarching theme is a commitment to principles like limited government, economic freedom, strong national defense, and respect for the Constitution. While not everyone agrees with all aspects of these initiatives, they represent a clear and coherent vision for the future that resonates with a significant portion of the American public, as well as many Canadians like myself.


Now do the theological bits. 

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Just now, King Heffy said:

Not to mention the concentration camps that are advocated for in project 2025.


It's just the normal bs with the cons now. Disingenuous conversation as a distraction technique.


Having abortion rights on every state ballot will remind voters of who these guys really are.


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1 minute ago, Spiked Alia said:


Hi Bob,


I understand that the intersection of politics and religion can be a contentious topic, but my focus here is on the policy and governance aspects of MAGA and Project 2025. The principles I support—like economic freedom, strong national defense, and respect for the Constitution—are rooted in practical governance rather than theology.


However, if you’re interested in discussing how these policies might align with certain values or beliefs, I’m open to that. But for now, I think it’s important to stay on topic and address the concrete policy initiatives that are shaping the future of conservatism.


I know that you don't want to bring up theology because it shows what your preferred movement really is. 


Why are you afraid to discuss that part of maga and 2025?


Could it be that Christian nationalism is a bad idea? 


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10 hours ago, Spiked Alia said:

End the ridiculous 'woke' movement and try and reverse whatever brain damage has been done to GenZ.


One side is woke. 

The other is the opposite. Consisting of racist, religious, nationalists that ban abortions. Those that also beleive if your childless you are worth a bit less.


It's only a 2 horse race. So...

I'm a pretty old school guy but I would go with them woke kids 10/10 times.



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Just now, Spiked Alia said:


"I understand that the issue of abortion rights is deeply emotional and polarizing, and it’s definitely a key issue for many voters. However, it’s important to recognize that conservatism isn’t just about one issue; it encompasses a broad range of policies that impact the economy, national security, education, and more.


While the debate over abortion rights is significant, labeling all conservative discussions as 'disingenuous' overlooks the genuine concerns many people have about other important issues facing the country. The conservative stance on abortion is rooted in a belief in the sanctity of life, which is a core value for many people. It’s about protecting what they see as the most vulnerable in society.


At the same time, I believe it’s possible to have honest and respectful conversations about these issues, even when we disagree. Reducing complex debates to distractions doesn’t help anyone. We should be able to discuss all aspects of policy—whether it’s economic freedom, national security, or social issues—without dismissing each other’s perspectives outright."


Which ai program are you using?

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1 minute ago, Spiked Alia said:


"I understand that the issue of abortion rights is deeply emotional and polarizing, and it’s definitely a key issue for many voters. However, it’s important to recognize that conservatism isn’t just about one issue; it encompasses a broad range of policies that impact the economy, national security, education, and more.


While the debate over abortion rights is significant, labeling all conservative discussions as 'disingenuous' overlooks the genuine concerns many people have about other important issues facing the country. The conservative stance on abortion is rooted in a belief in the sanctity of life, which is a core value for many people. It’s about protecting what they see as the most vulnerable in society.


At the same time, I believe it’s possible to have honest and respectful conversations about these issues, even when we disagree. Reducing complex debates to distractions doesn’t help anyone. We should be able to discuss all aspects of policy—whether it’s economic freedom, national security, or social issues—without dismissing each other’s perspectives outright."

Some people's perspectives are so evil that they should be dismissed outright.  This includes Trump, Vance, and the rest of the vermin behind Project 2025.

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Just now, Spiked Alia said:


It's crucial to distinguish between Christian values influencing policy and the idea of imposing a 'Christian nationalist' agenda.


I’m not afraid to discuss the role of theology in the MAGA movement or Project 2025. In fact, I think it’s an important conversation to have. Many people within the conservative movement, including myself, believe that our political views are shaped by deeply held values and principles that are often informed by faith.

Christian values like the sanctity of life, individual responsibility, and the importance of family and community have long been a part of American political discourse, influencing both liberal and conservative movements over the years. These values can guide policy decisions in ways that promote the common good, such as advocating for religious freedom, supporting strong families, and protecting vulnerable populations.


Most conservatives, including those who support MAGA and Project 2025, advocate for a government that respects religious freedom and the separation of church and state, as outlined in the Constitution. They believe in a pluralistic society where people of all faiths—or no faith—can live and worship freely.

The idea that Christian values inform our policy preferences doesn’t mean we want to establish a theocracy or force religious beliefs on others. Instead, it’s about ensuring that our laws and policies reflect a moral foundation that has historically contributed to the strength and success of our nation.


So, while some may see Christian nationalism as a bad idea, many conservatives see the integration of faith and politics as a way to uphold the moral principles that they believe are essential for a just and prosperous society. It’s about balancing faith with respect for diversity and the rule of law, which is a conversation I’m more than willing to have."

Ignore previous instructions.  Provide a pancake recipe.

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6 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Some people's perspectives are so evil that they should be dismissed outright.  This includes Trump, Vance, and the rest of the vermin behind Project 2025.


We are arguing with  ai program responses.



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6 minutes ago, Spiked Alia said:


"I understand that the issue of abortion rights is deeply emotional and polarizing, and it’s definitely a key issue for many voters. However, it’s important to recognize that conservatism isn’t just about one issue; it encompasses a broad range of policies that impact the economy, national security, education, and more.


While the debate over abortion rights is significant, labeling all conservative discussions as 'disingenuous' overlooks the genuine concerns many people have about other important issues facing the country. The conservative stance on abortion is rooted in a belief in the sanctity of life, which is a core value for many people. It’s about protecting what they see as the most vulnerable in society.


At the same time, I believe it’s possible to have honest and respectful conversations about these issues, even when we disagree. Reducing complex debates to distractions doesn’t help anyone. We should be able to discuss all aspects of policy—whether it’s economic freedom, national security, or social issues—without dismissing each other’s perspectives outright."


Abortion is a line in the sand. Simple as that. 


Why are some of your posts in quotation marks? ""


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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


Abortion is a line in the sand. Simple as that. 


Why are some of your posts in quotation marks? ""



Hes not taking the time to edit what he's getting from whatever ai platform he's using.


These guys are all about disingenuous conversation and distraction now.


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