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There's no rules in the forum against flooding it with AI prompted responses (yet?). I will say it is at least a bit refreshing from the standard vitriol some of the other interlopers hit us with at least.


It's important though to realize that's its not ok to try and sanitize MAGA and Project 2025. I think there's a limit to how much you can tolerate this and not normalize the rampant AI responses.

Edited by DSVII
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7 minutes ago, Spiked Alia said:


It’s true that in Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus emphasizes the importance of sincere and humble prayer, warning against praying publicly for the sake of appearance. He encourages believers to pray privately, focusing on their relationship with God rather than seeking the approval of others. This passage is a powerful reminder that prayer should come from the heart and be motivated by genuine faith, not by a desire to impress others.


However, it’s important to recognize that this teaching doesn’t necessarily invalidate all public prayer within Christianity. The context of Jesus’ teaching was addressing the issue of hypocrisy—those who prayed publicly to show off their piety rather than genuinely connect with God. Jesus wasn’t condemning all public prayer but rather the attitude behind it.


In many Christian traditions, public prayer plays an important role in communal worship and in fostering a sense of unity among believers. For example, prayers in church services, prayer groups, or even public prayers during times of national crisis are seen as ways to bring people together in shared faith. These practices are intended to complement private prayer, not replace it.


Moreover, the New Testament contains other examples where communal or public prayer is practiced and encouraged. In Acts 2:42, for example, the early Christians devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. This suggests that the early Christian community valued both individual and communal expressions of prayer.


In essence, modern Christianity sees a balance between private, personal prayer and public, communal prayer. Both forms have their place and can be deeply meaningful when approached with the right heart and intent. The key is to maintain the sincerity and humility that Jesus emphasized, regardless of whether the prayer is offered in private or in a public setting.

mr roboto GIF

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1 hour ago, Spiked Alia said:


Hinckley was indeed mentally ill, but he also had a clear, albeit irrational, motive—his obsession with actress Jodie Foster and his belief that the assassination would impress her. This highlights the idea that motive and mental illness are not mutually exclusive; a person can be both unwell and driven by specific motives.

I'll pick this post at random and point out that you are getting an F on the Turing test.

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

It is so infuriating to hear someone mumble that response because they literally can not understand.  Experience and situations are rarely if ever shared in a manner that it could be understood by anyone else in the way you feel or experienced it.



I understand.🥸

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28 minutes ago, Spiked Alia said:


I haven't been given the opportunity to debate MAGA or PP type conservatism.......until now.  Challenge accepted my friend.


My fellow supporters of MAGA and Pierre Poilievre’s brand of conservatism see these movements as advocating for a return to core principles: economic freedom, national sovereignty, cultural pride, government accountability, and energy independence. While these positions may be contentious, they resonate with those who feel that their values and way of life are under threat in a rapidly changing world. The emphasis on strong leadership, fiscal responsibility, and pragmatic governance appeals to many who believe that these are the keys to ensuring a prosperous and secure future.

1. Economic Growth and Fiscal Responsibility:

  • MAGA: One of the core tenets of MAGA is promoting economic growth through deregulation, tax cuts, and reducing government intervention in the market. The Trump administration's tax reforms and deregulation efforts are credited with boosting economic growth, reducing unemployment to historic lows, and increasing business investment, especially before the COVID-19 pandemic. MAGA supporters argue that these policies helped to revitalize the American economy and brought prosperity to a broader range of citizens.
  • PP Conservatism: Pierre Poilievre has consistently emphasized fiscal responsibility and reducing government spending. He advocates for lower taxes, less government interference, and more freedom for businesses to operate efficiently. Poilievre's economic stance resonates with those who believe in personal responsibility and the power of free markets to drive innovation and prosperity. He argues that reducing the national debt and maintaining a balanced budget are essential for long-term economic health and stability.

2. National Sovereignty and Border Security:

  • MAGA: MAGA places a strong emphasis on national sovereignty and the protection of borders. Supporters argue that controlling immigration is vital for national security, economic stability, and the preservation of cultural identity. Policies like building the border wall and tightening immigration laws are seen as necessary measures to protect American jobs, reduce crime, and ensure that immigration is orderly and legal.
  • PP Conservatism: Poilievre similarly advocates for strong border security and a well-regulated immigration system. He argues that while Canada should remain welcoming to immigrants, the government must ensure that immigration policies are fair, effective, and prioritize the country’s economic and social needs. By focusing on the security and integrity of the immigration process, Poilievre believes Canada can maintain its values while safeguarding its citizens.

3. Cultural Values and Patriotism:

  • MAGA: The MAGA movement appeals to many Americans who feel that traditional values and national pride are under threat. MAGA emphasizes the importance of preserving American history, culture, and identity, often pushing back against what it perceives as the excesses of political correctness and identity politics. Supporters argue that MAGA stands for a vision of America that respects its roots, honors its veterans, and takes pride in its achievements.
  • PP Conservatism: Pierre Poilievre is known for championing Canadian values and a sense of national pride. He argues that Canada should celebrate its history and traditions while fostering a strong sense of community and identity. Poilievre also criticizes what he sees as the erosion of free speech and the rise of cancel culture, advocating for the protection of individual rights and freedoms as foundational to Canadian society.

4. Accountability and Transparency:

  • MAGA: The MAGA movement has been vocal about the need for accountability in government, particularly when it comes to challenging the so-called "deep state" and corruption within federal institutions. Trump’s rhetoric around "draining the swamp" resonated with many voters who feel that political elites and bureaucrats have too much power and are disconnected from the needs of ordinary Americans.
  • PP Conservatism: Poilievre has made transparency and accountability key themes in his political career. He often speaks out against government overreach, wasteful spending, and the concentration of power in Ottawa. By advocating for more transparent government operations and reducing the size and influence of government, Poilievre appeals to those who believe that power should be more closely aligned with the people and that public servants should be held accountable to taxpayers.

5. Energy Independence and Environmental Pragmatism:

  • MAGA: MAGA promotes energy independence as a cornerstone of national security and economic prosperity. By encouraging domestic energy production, particularly in the oil and gas sectors, the Trump administration sought to reduce reliance on foreign energy sources and create jobs within the United States. MAGA supporters argue that this approach balances economic growth with environmental stewardship, emphasizing technological innovation to reduce environmental impact without sacrificing energy production.
  • PP Conservatism: Poilievre supports policies that promote Canada’s energy sector, arguing that the country’s natural resources are a vital part of its economy. He advocates for responsible resource development that benefits Canadians and strengthens the country’s global standing as an energy producer. Poilievre emphasizes the need for practical, economically sound environmental policies that do not undermine Canada’s competitiveness or burden taxpayers with excessive costs.




You do realize that you just gave everyone the evidence needed to conclusively link PP to maga politics.


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You know how that went for a decent Republican candidate.  This cannot be good for a convicted felon candidate.





JD Vance Officially Has a Lower Favorability Rating Than Sarah Palin

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1 minute ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


You know how that went for a decent Republican candidate.  This cannot be good for a convicted felon candidate.





JD Vance Officially Has a Lower Favorability Rating Than Sarah Palin

It was a damn shame McCain couldn't have picked a better VP. In hindsight I think I'd have prefer him over Obama.

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3 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


You know how that went for a decent Republican candidate.  This cannot be good for a convicted felon candidate.





JD Vance Officially Has a Lower Favorability Rating Than Sarah Palin

Schitts Creek Pain GIF by CBC

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The Senate battle hinges on Montana.  A state TRUMP won big in last time and is currently up big again.  





Democrats Handed Senate Boost as Jon Tester Five Points Ahead in New Poll

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25 minutes ago, DSVII said:

There's no rules in the forum against flooding it with AI prompted responses (yet?). I will say it is at least a bit refreshing from the standard vitriol some of the other interlopers hit us with at least.


It's important though to realize that's its not ok to try and sanitize MAGA and Project 2025. I think there's a limit to how much you can tolerate this and not normalize the rampant AI responses.

What's really remarkable is how Chat AI can manage to almost make something as repugnant as MAGA doctrine sound respectable while still being and managing to be despicably reprehensible 

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Trump Roasted For Saying Medal Of Honor Recipients Inferior to GOP Mega-Donor: ‘The Disrespect Is Legit Dumbfounding’



During his speech, Trump recalled giving Adelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom. “That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian,” Trump said adding:

It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor. But civilian version.

It’s actually much better because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, that’s soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead.

She gets it, and she’s [laughs] a healthy, beautiful woman.

Trump later said the medal he gave Adelson for being one of his biggest campaign donors in 2016 was “rated equal” to the Congressional Medal of Honor, which is the highest military award for valor in the U.S. and reserved for those soldiers “who distinguish themselves through conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.”

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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

I guess my confusion stemmed from this comment below: *edited in by SF1* Millions trying to turn it into a sh*thole.


I stand by that statement, but I'll just end up repeating earlier posts in stating my reasoning for saying it now and also in the past, but like you said, we've already beaten the subject down.

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2 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump Roasted For Saying Medal Of Honor Recipients Inferior to GOP Mega-Donor: ‘The Disrespect Is Legit Dumbfounding’



During his speech, Trump recalled giving Adelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom. “That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian,” Trump said adding:

It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor. But civilian version.

It’s actually much better because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, that’s soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead.

She gets it, and she’s [laughs] a healthy, beautiful woman.

Trump later said the medal he gave Adelson for being one of his biggest campaign donors in 2016 was “rated equal” to the Congressional Medal of Honor, which is the highest military award for valor in the U.S. and reserved for those soldiers “who distinguish themselves through conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.”

I've never seen anyone so disrespectful of their nation's military as Trump is, let alone a presidential candidate.

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30 minutes ago, DSVII said:

It was a damn shame McCain couldn't have picked a better VP. In hindsight I think I'd have prefer him over Obama.


The guy he wanted was Democrat Joe Lieberman. He was talked out of it by the Republican establishment, because they believed that JL's "liberal" stance on social issues would alienate conservative Republican voters.


He said afterward that the decision was one of his biggest regrets.

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5 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


The guy he wanted was Democrat Joe Lieberman. He was talked out of it by the Republican establishment, because they believed that JL's "liberal" stance on social issues would alienate conservative Republican voters.


He said afterward that the decision was one of his biggest regrets.

That would've one solid duo IMHO.  Missed opportunity unfortunately.

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23 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Trump later said the medal he gave Adelson for being one of his biggest campaign donors in 2016

That's all it takes, to get a medal, down there now?

First thought is, I wonder if that's actually against the rules, but Drumpf just did it anyway.?

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