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33 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

I would melt that shit down and inject it into a smoked/bbq turkey.  


Smoked turkey: 



7 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


You could pair it with deep fried lard balls. 


Well, Trump did call this guy fat - so I guess he could be the lard balls requiring a fryer...

Chris Christie - Wikipedia








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7 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Yeah President AssClown it was the Democrats who set you up. What kind of a moron poses in front of graves and smiles with a thumbs up? Not much different than ignorant 'influencers' who take selfies at Auschwitz.




We're leading in the internets!


What the absolute f**k loooool

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14 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

As an experienced google psychologist and murder documentary aficionado I'm going to say it's the money. His ego is fueled by it. So in that way he was always insulated from the ridicule he must have faced for being so fucking stupid. 


Trump once said that money was just a way of keeping score. He's not doing it for money, he's doing it to be showered with the love that no one has for him. This could be his theme song: (Oldie, but a goodie)



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3 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


Way too much marbling. If Trump was bacon ......



1 hour ago, D.B Cooper said:

I would melt that shit down and inject it into a smoked/bbq turkey.  




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22 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:


Trump once said that money was just a way of keeping score. He's not doing it for money, he's doing it to be showered with the love that no one has for him. This could be his theme song: (Oldie, but a goodie)



I'm not saying he is doing it for the money. I'm saying the money insulated his ego so he never had to improve other aspects of his character, such as his intelligence, to feel superior to others. The money also provided the means to influence and manipulate people, while other, less fortunate psychopaths, had to use their intelligence.


He checks a lot of boxes the fbi look for when profiling psychopathic behavior. Childhood trauma, manipulation, predatory behaviour, impulsiveness, lack of remorse, narcissism, and the first on the list, a lack of empathy for anyone but himself. I'm just saying his money could likely account for the box he doesn't check, intelligence. 



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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

The Trump campaign’s conduct at Arlington is shocking but not surprising

Kevin Carroll


Trump’s staffers filmed political footage at war graves – and allegedly shoved an army employee who tried to stop them

Fri 30 Aug 2024 11.00 BSTLast modified on Fri 30 Aug 2024 14.28 BST

The tranquil majesty of Arlington national cemetery tends to bring forth civic virtues in Americans and eloquence in their leaders. Speaking there in 1985 above the graves of the fallen, Ronald Reagan observed that while we may imagine the deceased as old men, most “were boys when they died, and they gave up two lives – the one they were living and the one they would have lived … they gave up their chance to be husbands and fathers and grandfathers … They gave up everything for our country, for us. And all we can do is remember.”


Nowhere in that vast cemetery is Reagan’s point driven home as poignantly as in section 60, which embraces those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice at painfully young ages since 9/11. Here the dates on the simple headstones are within memory, the grief of loved ones is raw and visitors may witness acts of tenderness in response.


Good manners, Jane Austen observed, hold a society together. George Washington copied longhand in boyhood and preserved into adulthood a list of 110 “Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior”. Another general turned president, Dwight Eisenhower, cautioned in his Guildhall address after VE Day that “humility must always be the portion” of any man who receives acclaim earned by others’ sacrifices.


Donald Trump and his staff knew – and were reminded of – federal regulations specifically prohibiting the misconduct their campaign engaged in at Arlington’s section 60 this week. But the law aside, only a gross lack of manners, decency and humility could incline a person to film a fundraising appeal over the resting places of dead men and women who cannot decline to participate in the coarse spectacle. The photo of a grinning Trump giving a jaunty thumbs-up over these patriots’ graves is an indelible image of narcissism risen to the point of sociopathy.


Worse is the allegation that two Trump staff members assaulted a small, middle-aged female Department of the Army employee who attempted to enforce the regulation and preserve the cemetery’s dignity. The victim reportedly refrained from filing charges due to a reasonable fear of violence or harassment from Trump’s supporters. Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign defamed this woman as mentally ill. His running mate, JD Vance, said Kamala Harris could “go to hell” for her campaign’s suggestion that the unauthorized footage was intended for use as political footage – just before Trump used it for exactly that.


This ugly incident would have derailed the candidacy of any presidential nominee before Trump’s crude emergence on the American political scene in 2016. In 2024 it is already, probably intentionally on Trump’s part, being replaced in the news by reaction to his social media posts making lewd innuendos about Harris, and QAnon threats to imprison Democratic party leaders. But it is part of a pattern of disrespect for and misuse of the United States military that bears upon Trump’s fitness to serve again as president.


The idea of serving others, much less giving one’s life for others, is anathema to Trump


Trump infamously described America’s dead from the first world war as “suckers” and “losers”. Trump also asked my former boss, White House chief of staff John Kelly – on Memorial Day and over the section 60 grave of his Marine son killed in Afghanistan – “What was in it for them?” I walked up to a visibly shocked Kelly moments after that exchange, the details of which he later confirmed.


Trump demanded military equipment parades in Washington of the kind Soviet leaders held on May Day in Moscow’s Red Square, but disdained appearing with wounded service members. He called America’s service chiefs “dopes and babies” and needled them about their public sector pay – God only knows what he thinks of enlisted troops who make a fraction of a general’s salary.


Trump began his run for the presidency in 2016 by mocking the late senator John McCain for being a prisoner of war; he followed this by feuding with the bereaved parents of Muslim American and African American soldiers; recently, he belittled Medal of Honor recipients shot during the brave actions that led to their awards.


More serious than Trump’s words are his actions and plans regarding the armed forces. In 2018 Trump discussed having troops shoot civilian migrants, including women and children, as they tried to cross America’s south-west border – a patently illegal order. In 2020 he unlawfully used national guardsmen to clear protesters from Lafayette Park for yet another campaign photo opportunity. In 2021 Trump and his advisors planned to invoke the Insurrection Act to misuse the military to put down protests anticipated if Mike Pence and Congress refused to certify Joe Biden’s electoral college victory. Trump’s Project 2025 envisions using the national guard for internal immigration investigations, a vast and ill-advised expansion of the American military’s limited role in domestic law enforcement.


Trump sees the armed services as yet another entity to be misused for his personal benefit, damaged and then discarded just as he has with his bankrupt businesses, the evangelical Christian churches and the Republican party. Beyond that, his boorish statements and bad behavior regarding the military almost certainly come from a place of self-loathing. Trump dodged the Vietnam war draft by claiming – probably falsely – to suffer from bone spurs. A gnawingly insecure man, Trump is self-conscious of his lack of the virtues towards which the military strives: as the US army puts it, loyalty to the constitution, dutiful fulfillment of responsibilities, respect for others, selfless service to both the country and subordinates, honor, integrity and personal courage.


His poor form at Arlington this week therefore shocks but does not surprise, as the idea of serving others, much less giving one’s life for others, is anathema to Trump. This attitude would be a sad commentary about any man, but ought to disqualify someone seeking to serve as commander-in-chief.

  • Kevin Carroll served as a senior counselor to US secretary of homeland security John Kelly, and as a CIA and US army officer


I'm sure Kreskin will be in here shortly to apologize and update his accuracy score. I believe he is 1-1, now. Especially if you overlook all the other times he was wrong. 

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

The most insane thing, like the single most INSANE thing is that a black man as president ate arugala, wore a tan suit and sat down for a beer with someone and FOX news couldnt be outraged enough for weeks, literal weeks and months after each horrific incident of diet, beverage or fashion.


Meanwhile this asshole stands on the grave of a dead navy seal smiling, thumbs up while recording attack videos against his opponent and they shut their gd mouths about it.  Even CNN/MSNBC and the like are relatively quiet about it and in some instances giving him the benefit of the doubt.


How gd sad


Ah the tan suit.  It seems like such a simpler time!

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13 minutes ago, stawns said:


Ah the tan suit.  It seems like such a simpler time!


Don't forget Michelle's sleeveless dress!


I love how its now her statement outfit. She wore one for her great speech at the DNC

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

Yeah President AssClown it was the Democrats who set you up. What kind of a moron poses in front of graves and smiles with a thumbs up? Not much different than ignorant 'influencers' who take selfies at Auschwitz.




In other words Donny is just being led around by his followers. The thing is his followers are just thugs much like Trump himself. 

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I'm not saying he is doing it for the money. I'm saying the money insulated his ego so he never had to improve other aspects of his character, such as his intelligence, to feel superior to others. The money also provided the means to influence and manipulate people, while other, less fortunate psychopaths, had to use their intelligence.


He checks a lot of boxes the fbi look for when profiling psychopathic behavior. Childhood trauma, manipulation, predatory behaviour, impulsiveness, lack of remorse, narcissism, and the first on the list, a lack of empathy for anyone but himself. I'm just saying his money could likely account for the box he doesn't check, intelligence. 



Agreed.  Does anyone actually think he would have managed to avoid special ed in high school without daddy bribing the administration?  No college in their right mind would admit someone as stupid as that piece of garbage on merit.

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Dunno if this has been brought up before 


" The untold story of  " dangerous " Australian Casino connections that saved Donald Trump from financial ruin " 




They, the investors,  even take the piss out of PO1135809.


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15 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Agreed.  Does anyone actually think he would have managed to avoid special ed in high school without daddy bribing the administration?  No college in their right mind would admit someone as stupid as that piece of garbage on merit.

He does have a high level of grifting ability.  I could see him being a successful in the broker industry ala "Boiler room" type of operation.  His lack of morals would clearly be an advantage here.

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