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20 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Sure thing, please do. Your posts keep mentioning 13 service members, insinuating trump had permission and the support of all of them. I'm just trying to get the facts straight. 

Okay, well  just remember this is YOUR request not mine. So I’m doing this only because you asked me to. Reason why I’m saying this pre-emptively is because the videos are all on Trump’s X account. So here we go. There are 8 videos in total and they represent 7 of the 13 family members. Just so you are aware up front and don’t have to count yourself…



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10 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

@Sabrefan1 is not posting tweets that are in support of trump.


I am not posting articles or opinions that are in support of Hamas'. 


You are posting tweets that are in support of trump.


See how this works Elias ? 


In any other election, I would vote for Jill Stein as well, however this election is too important to get it wrong.

There is too much on the line.


America and the world does not need another four years of trump.

I’m not voting for anyone because I’m not allowed to vote. And neither are you. You should be talking to actual Americans if you want to change voters opinions. This thread wouldn’t be the right place for that. 

And @Sabrefan1 posts many tweets that you would not be in favour of that are similar to mine. Basically calling out the bs. Isn’t that what you do in the Hamas thread and why you get into so many arguments with people in that thread?

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

I’m not voting for anyone because I’m not allowed to vote. And neither are you. You should be talking to actual Americans if you want to change voters opinions. This thread wouldn’t be the right place for that. 

And @Sabrefan1 posts many tweets that you would not be in favour of that are similar to mine. Basically calling out the bs. Isn’t that what you do in the Hamas thread and why you get into so many arguments with people in that thread?


Again with the whataboutism, and trying to bring what I  state in another thread, to discredit me in this thread.


And what I call out in the other thread is the injustice that one group of people have suffered for over 50 years, and the inhumane treatment that they are suffering now.


I asked you, if you had to choose between the two.

And you still dodged the question.


And now you are posting from trumps social media account. 


I don't abuse anyone, however this man is a disgusting human being. 

He has admitted to being a sexual offender.

He abuses people, lies constantly.

When he has used them up, he throws them away. 


You are not being clever trying to bring up what I state in another thread.

You are illustrating your desperation to defend yourself in this one.

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6 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Again with the whataboutism, and trying to bring what I  state in another thread, to discredit me in this thread.


And what I call out in the other thread is the injustice that one group of people have suffered for over 50 years, and the inhumane treatment that they are suffering now.


I asked you, if you had to choose between the two.

And you still dodged the question.


And now you are posting from trumps social media account. 


I don't abuse anyone, however this man is a disgusting human being. 

He has admitted to being a sexual offender.

He abuses people, lies constantly.

When he has used them up, he throws them away. 


You are not being clever trying to bring up what I state in another thread.

You are illustrating your desperation to defend yourself in this one.

I never dodged the question Dave. I gave you an answer. Maybe you should actually read someone’s post in full before responding with a lie. 

Joey said he wanted to see the videos, so I posted them for him. Those videos were for him, he asked for them. They had nothing to do with you. 

You are the one who is desperate for attention. You do this in every thread. It’s your schtick really. I actually feel sorry for you. 

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I never dodged the question Dave. I gave you an answer. Maybe you should actually read someone’s post in full before responding with a lie. 

Joey said he wanted to see the videos, so I posted them for him. Those videos were for him, he asked for them. They had nothing to do with you. 

You are the one who is desperate for attention. You do this in every thread. It’s your schtick really. I actually feel sorry for you. 


I asked you if you had to choose between trump or Harris and you gave a third choice.


That's not answering my question. 


When you post information from trumps social media account, that has relevance for all the members of this board who contribute to this thread. 

That would be like me posting from a Palestinian/Hamas source in the Gaza war thread.

Something I have never done.

In fact many of the articles/videos I post are from Isreali sources. 


And here you go again, making it about me, not about what I a posting. 

You can't, or won't refute what I post, so you take sly little digs at my character. 

That's cool, I have a thick skin.



Please spare me me your false pity. 

You don't feel sorry me. 

And I certainly don't want or need yours, or anyone's pity. 





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15 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I asked you if you had to choose between trump or Harris and you gave a third choice.


That's not answering my question. 


When you post information from trumps social media account, that has relevance for all the members of this board who contribute to this thread. 

That would be like me posting from a Palestinian/Hamas source in the Gaza war thread.

Something I have never done.

In fact many of the articles/videos I post are from Isreali sources. 


And here you go again, making it about me, not about what I a posting. 

You can't, or won't refute what I post, so you take sly little digs at my character. 

That's cool, I have a thick skin.



Please spare me me your false pity. 

You don't feel sorry me. 

And I certainly don't want or need yours, or anyone's pity. 





I said I wouldn’t choose either. There is a 3rd option. That’s how it works in elections. Even in Canada, there are lots of people who will choose a 3rd candidate. Many people in the Canadian politics thread are not voting for either Trudeau or Poilievre. They are voting NDP. Perhaps you don’t have a 3rd party in Australia. Who knows. I have no clue why you can’t respect the fact that someone wouldn’t vote for either candidate as both have flaws. Trump is literally going to prison on September 18. He has zero chance of winning the election. So why are you so worried about it?  Kamala is a bad candidate, but she will win by default, unless they do a switcheroo with her. 

I don’t have false pity for you. You always seem to wanna come at me these days. Not sure why. It’s probably because of my stance with the Palestinians. You don’t like it when I call some of them scum for some of their actions.  It bothers you. I know it does. Thing is I don’t care. But you try to continually attack me anyways in every thread. I see right through it. 

Might be best to call it a day and you have yourself a nice life Dave. 

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5 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I said I wouldn’t choose either. There is a 3rd option. That’s how it works in elections. Even in Canada, there are lots of people who will choose a 3rd candidate. Many people in the Canadian politics thread are not voting for either Trudeau or Poilievre. They are voting NDP. Perhaps you don’t have a 3rd party in Australia. Who knows. I have no clue why you can’t respect the fact that someone wouldn’t vote for either candidate as both have flaws. Trump is literally going to prison on September 18. He has zero chance of winning the election. So why are you so worried about it?  Kamala is a bad candidate, but she will win by default, unless they do a switcheroo with her. 

I don’t have false pity for you. You always seem to wanna come at me these days. Not sure why. It’s probably because of my stance with the Palestinians. You don’t like it when I call some of them scum for some of their actions.  It bothers you. I know it does. Thing is I don’t care. But you try to continually attack me anyways in every thread. I see right through it. 

Might be best to call it a day and you have yourself a nice life Dave. 


Yes we do have a third party, the greens.

It's who I vote for in the senate.

Where they and other independents hold the balance of power. 

A check on the lower house, where labour holds power, and the " teals " and libs combined can't overturn legislation. 

However that legislation has to them pass through the senate.


As I have explained, this election in the US is critical for democracy, not only in America, but the message it sends to the rest of the world. 


A quick Google search, and most pundits don't believe that trump will go to prison before the election. 

I certainly don't.

Way before the trump thread, I have stated that the US barely has a legal system, it certainly doesn't have a Justice System.




What I don't like is calling anyone scum.

It is divisive. 

I don't call the Isrealis who commit war crimes/ crimes against humanity scum.

I don't call anyone scum.

And I hope that anyone, anywhere who commits war/crimes, crimes against humanity is held accountable for their actions. 


I don't " come at you " in this thread because of anything you have stated in another thread, I am challenging your posts in this thread.

I have not attacked you personally.


Apart from one particular member who continually attacks my character, I never make it personal.


This is a forum where we get to discuss the subjects that we are interested in. 


I am not enamoured of Kamala myself, however it's a no brainer that if you are an American, you have to vote for her to stop trump from being president again.


And who knows, she might turn out to be a decent leader.

It's about time, the worlds biggest economy had a woman as its leader.


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6 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Kamala Harris forgets that Joe used this ad of fallen soldiers at Arlington for Joe’s political campaign in 2020…




I don't think you understand what the problem is

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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


BREAKING: Family members of the 13 service members who died in the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal absolutely demolish Kamala Harris.


The videos were shared by Trump on X in response to Kamala’s moral outrage over the Arlington “incident.”


The family members blamed Harris for the de*th’s of their children and said they invited Trump to the ceremony.


“Kamala, your statement is nothing more than a political spin to help you look better in your presidential campaign against Donald Trump.”


“You have never walked a single day in our shoes. Our kids were m*rdered because of your administration, and you are partly to blame for that as well.”


“What happened at Arlington was President Trump was invited by those families who have their soldiers buried at Arlington.”


How the heck is it KHs fault? 

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16 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I think this is her first mistake to post this, imo she does politicize this more when there was no need to.



I don't really think it was a mistake, but it certainly wasn't necessary.  I think the army's statement was powerful enough and she just needs to stay out Trump's way and let him continue to implode

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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


BREAKING: Family members of the 13 service members who died in the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal absolutely demolish Kamala Harris.


The videos were shared by Trump on X in response to Kamala’s moral outrage over the Arlington “incident.”


The family members blamed Harris for the de*th’s of their children and said they invited Trump to the ceremony.


“Kamala, your statement is nothing more than a political spin to help you look better in your presidential campaign against Donald Trump.”


“You have never walked a single day in our shoes. Our kids were m*rdered because of your administration, and you are partly to blame for that as well.”


“What happened at Arlington was President Trump was invited by those families who have their soldiers buried at Arlington.”

Amazing how truth is sacrificed for the sake of politics. Who am I to believe? The families of those dead soldiers were united in what Trump did and didn’t do. It is one thing to disagree with a candidate but another to lie about the facts. Harris and her campaign misrepresented about what happened at Arlington for political advantage. 

It is bad enough to see Trump do the things he does and discredits political discourse in the process. But when Harris does the same in a more subtle way are they any different? Harris should be able to run a campaign that exposes Trump in a straight up manner. Harris will have to defend the actions of her administration in a truthful manner. 


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3 minutes ago, stawns said:


I don't really think it was a mistake, but it certainly wasn't necessary.  I think the army's statement was powerful enough and she just needs to stay out Trump's way and let him continue to implode


imo it would have been a lot better if she just had said she supports the Arlington staff and left it at that. By issuing that big statement she left herself open to a lot of things like our friend Petey has been posting. 



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6 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Okay, well  just remember this is YOUR request not mine. So I’m doing this only because you asked me to. Reason why I’m saying this pre-emptively is because the videos are all on Trump’s X account. So here we go. There are 8 videos in total and they represent 7 of the 13 family members. Just so you are aware up front and don’t have to count yourself…




The families have zero influence on this situation, none

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


technically no, but they may influence how people view the situation. Again, she should have just left it alone. 


I agree, but I don't think it was a mistake and certainly won't hurt her campaign 

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3 minutes ago, stawns said:


Again, this is more political spin to try and get away from what the issue actually was. The issue isn't that Trump went to the cemetery and honoured these soldiers (yeah right).  The issue is that he was told that he wasn't allowed to film or take photos or use the event as a political campaign tool........and not only did he ignored that, his campaign staff got into a physical confrontation with the person who is there to preserved the integrity of Arlington national cemetery.  And, to make it worse, they then tried to frame it as that service member had a mental breakdown.


It has nothing to do with him being invited by the families.  It has to do with what he did when he got there 

I am listening to what the families said not what the media or the DNC said. 

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Just now, Warhippy said:



Welcome to my house.  This is a no dogs area ok.  My house got it?


Ok no dogs cool.


Umm hey, why is this person here with a dog?


Why?  BECAUSE ME AND A FEW OTHERS SAID HE COULD BRING IT!  Jeez, we've been here before.  Our kids live here.  So he can bring a dog here.


Umm, hey ya so this is MY HOUSE.  No dogs allowed, and stop taking photos with that dog on MY COUCH please.


This, is the exact argument being had in here right now.  Arlington said no, now someone is saying it was ok even though it is against the rules of the house.


Exactly, everything else is just deflecting.  The right always wants to take up the mantle as the party who supports the military, yet turns a blind eye to their candidate who, time and time and time again, shows absolutely zero respect for it........even outright disdain

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Just now, stawns said:


Exactly, everything else is just deflecting.  The right always wants to take up the mantle as the party who supports the military, yet turns a blind eye to their candidate who, time and time and time again, shows absolutely zero respect for it........even outright disdain

I don't even know why this conversation is happening honestly.


Trump stood in top of the graves of total LOSERS smiled and held his thumb up.


They deserved to be there anyway.  He said so himself.  Total LOSERS 


Like that McCain guy

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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Kamala Harris forgets that Joe used this ad of fallen soldiers at Arlington for Joe’s political campaign in 2020…



For the record




If you could go ahead and do a little fact checking before you post stuff, that'd be great



Working Office Space GIF

Edited by stawns
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