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36 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I don't even know why this conversation is happening honestly.


Trump stood in top of the graves of total LOSERS smiled and held his thumb up.


They deserved to be there anyway.  He said so himself.  Total LOSERS 


Like that McCain guy


How long do you need to watch us political discussion to know that Harris won't be treated the same way as Trump?


It's why I was hoping she'd just leave it alone, now there will be a silly "discussion".

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17 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


its because a few posters came out and said 'nothing burger its fine.'

some said 'disrespectful, broke rules'

then the few said 'rules dont matter'

some said ' all rules?'

the few ' no the ones we dont care about personally, today'


then the few shut up, because they felt a bit dumb.


pride and ego crept in for one, didnt want to look dumb, posted some stuff that still doesnt change the rules and tagged another of the few in every second post trying to get the few's band back together.




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1 hour ago, stawns said:

For the record




If you could go ahead and do a little fact checking before you post stuff, that'd be great



Working Office Space GIF

You seemed confused. Joe was at Arlington cemetery in section 60 in 2010.  He took pictures of the event. He then used those same pictures in his political campaign ad in 2020. He politicized that 2010 event. Exactly what Trump did.  I don’t care what your little fact checker says about it either. 

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2 hours ago, stawns said:


The families don't mean shit.  What he did has absolutely nothing to do with the families.

This is exactly what your problem is. You are disrespecting 7 Gold Star families for political purposes. The whole reason there is a cemetery to begin with is to honour the fallen soldiers. Their children are fallen soldiers. But you seem to not care about them at all.  

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

This is exactly what your problem is. You are disrespecting 7 Gold Star families for political purposes. The whole reason there is a cemetery to begin with is to honour the fallen soldiers. Their children are fallen soldiers. But you seem to not care about them at all.  


Just take the L Pete.


Your last few pages have been a bit embarrassing. Go for a cruise, get the car washed. It's a great Sunday out there.

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7 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Just take the L Pete.


Your last few pages have been a bit embarrassing. Go for a cruise, get the car washed. It's a great Sunday out there.

Yes, I’m definitely going out today. Tomorrow too. Back to work on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of long weekend my friend. 

Also, I haven’t lost anything. I’m just calling out the bs. You obviously don’t see that. Which is unfortunate. Maybe one day you will. To be totally honest with you, the one poster who does see through the bullshit is Bob. I’m respecting him more and more each day. He’s the only one who called out Kamala’s tweet for what it was. You didn’t do that. You were more focused on trying to one up me. 

My advice to you is to be more like Bob. Be more open to things and don’t just follow the herd. Once you do that you will have a better perspective on things and you will be able to see the bullshit on both sides. Just like Bob does. 

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10 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

This is exactly what your problem is. You are disrespecting 7 Gold Star families for political purposes. The whole reason there is a cemetery to begin with is to honour the fallen soldiers. Their children are fallen soldiers. But you seem to not care about them at all.  

The seven families may voice their opinions, as is their right.  However, their views do not reflect those of Arlington National Cemetery nor the United States Army.


Personally, I do care about them and am saddened by the loss of their loved ones but they, nor Trump, get to redefine or ignore the traditions and regulations of the ANC. 

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36 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You seemed confused. Joe was at Arlington cemetery in section 60 in 2010.  He took pictures of the event. He then used those same pictures in his political campaign ad in 2020. He politicized that 2010 event. Exactly what Trump did.  I don’t care what your little fact checker says about it either. 


Did you look at the link.  He was there for a wreath laying ceremony when he was a vp, and had approval from the cemetery for photos.  It was not a campaign event, or political in any way.


He did use the photos in his 2020 campaign, but put a disclaimer on saying it did not reflect the feelings of the armed services in anyway.

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40 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You seemed confused. Joe was at Arlington cemetery in section 60 in 2010.  He took pictures of the event. He then used those same pictures in his political campaign ad in 2020. He politicized that 2010 event. Exactly what Trump did.  I don’t care what your little fact checker says about it either. 

He didn't take pictures of anything.  They were official photos of an official event.  NOT A CAMPAIGN STUNT.  The DOD uploaded photos as well.  


The campaign used those decade old official photos in an ad and added them into an ad with the disclaimer.  TRUMP brought photographers for the explicit reason of getting footage for an ad.  A CAMPAIGN EVENT.  See the difference.  It is really big.


Again.  Pictures of a decade old OFFICIAL EVENT.  vs  Pictures and video of a CAMPAIGN STUNT

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@Elias Pettersson


Hi Elias


These last 3 election cycles, have confused me, beyond belief.....let me tell you why


I, by my beliefs and moral conduct, am a little conservative. I believe in small government, I believe that a strong USA helps Canada, in almost every way. But here is my problem, and as always, it leads to Trump.


IMO, the USA is the great equalizer of the world. It leads in everyway, and many countries (if not all) take their lead from the USA. Not only that, but many people, through out the world, adjust their moral compass, by way of the actions of the USA.


it is not to say, the USA is perfect, or that I agree with every American policy, but their policies, have been far reaching. (Including keeping Putin in check). Having  a low moral compass, or showing that Democracy has weakened, gives those in the world that want to change things, a crack to wedge their own philosophies, into. A strong USA, with strong foreign policy, deters that. 


Now, this is where I feel Trumps message, weakens the USA. IMO, Trump has shown a extremely weak moral compass, and has on so many occasions, has shown that his judgement is not that of a normal person. He is the figurehead of moral conduct, and his actions have a direct impact on the young families and their children, within the USA.


Not having empathy for your fellow man, (or woman), aka the grabbing the pussy incident, or not immediately responding to the January 6th mob, shows a lack of leadership and moral conduct. These are not isolated incidents, and Trump continues to broadcast this message daily. IMO, his domestic leadership, is lacking and has caused a great divide between Dems and Reps, one which has not been around for 150 years. Families, have split over his message, domestically, and the "Love thy neighbor message, is strait out the window.


Internationally, Trump has shown a tendency to send a message to the world that he supports dictators, and he himself, talks about being that himself, if not directly, certainly by way of his comments. His support of MAGA, sends a message of civil war, and of a coupe, which in turn, sends a message internationally, that America is not stable, therefore creating a time and place, where other actors, such as China, Iran, Russia, India, and Turkey, can all posture for position, and pour more money into their foreign policies abroad......this is extremely evident in Africa, where China, and India are vying for position. Not to mention, Russia's position in South America, and South Africa. Turkey aways waivers between being a middle east nation and a western peaceful nation, and Iran is just off the boards.


In the end, IMHO, this erodes US influences, and under minds the US dollar, which, in the end, if the world was to move away from the US dollar, would erode our Canadian way of life, because it would weaken our position globally, seeing that 80% of our business is with the USA. The US dollar is then devalued, and does not buy as much.


In the end, this is all about Trump and his actions. It is not Dems vs Republicans, it is Dems against Trump, and this is different than the past 150 years, of just political differences. IMO, the moral compass has been broken within the Republican party, with many Republican swing voters, and some hard and true centralist Republicans, fighting hard to keep the old GOP, from leaving the road entirely.


Try to keep in mind, that the USA has always done well with both Dems and Republicans in power, and the differences, have been minimal, with those in both parties, that are not the extremes of both sides. They have always been able to compromise, and find common ground. UNTIL TRUMP!


IMO, Trumps preys on the ignorant, and the extreme. And that with the religious right, have given him a huge power base. He is smart in that he take advantage of that, and has revved those people up, and instilled anger and fear in them.


So, as I finish my speech, I am drawn to your, "I would not vote for either" statement. It is obviously your choice, but if you love your country, you have to decide between Money or Family (country). Between Good and Evil. And whether, you want a man with the above philosophy running your country. Because at the end of the day, we are a product of our morality. How we treat our fellow man. This is how society was invented, because the whole was greater, than the some of its parts. Society, not part of society could/can do better than 1/2 of society. Trump pushes that divide further apart.


You have to remember, That Trump controls many Republican politicians already, and he is not even in power. I would be concerned about that! Big time! 


Think about that for a minute, and think how he squashed the republican vote on Southern Border. If that is not a sign of a Dictator, I don't know what is???? This is what you want? Civil war? LOL Think about about that whole idea, how it weakens the USA and the ramifications abroad.

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18 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

@Elias Pettersson


Hi Elias


These last 3 election cycles, have confused me, beyond belief.....let me tell you why


I, by my beliefs and moral conduct, am a little conservative. I believe in small government, I believe that a strong USA helps Canada, in almost every way. But here is my problem, and as always, it leads to Trump.


IMO, the USA is the great equalizer of the world. It leads in everyway, and many countries (if not all) take their lead from the USA. Not only that, but many people, through out the world, adjust their moral compass, by way of the actions of the USA.


it is not to say, the USA is perfect, or that I agree with every American policy, but their policies, have been far reaching. (Including keeping Putin in check). Having  a low moral compass, or showing that Democracy has weakened, gives those in the world that want to change things, a crack to wedge their own philosophies, into. A strong USA, with strong foreign policy, deters that. 


Now, this is where I feel Trumps message, weakens the USA. IMO, Trump has shown a extremely weak moral compass, and has on so many occasions, has shown that his judgement is not that of a normal person. He is the figurehead of moral conduct, and his actions have a direct impact on the young families and their children, within the USA.


Not having empathy for your fellow man, (or woman), aka the grabbing the pussy incident, or not immediately responding to the January 6th mob, shows a lack of leadership and moral conduct. These are not isolated incidents, and Trump continues to broadcast this message daily. IMO, his domestic leadership, is lacking and has caused a great divide between Dems and Reps, one which has not been around for 150 years. Families, have split over his message, domestically, and the "Love thy neighbor message, is strait out the window.


Internationally, Trump has shown a tendency to send a message to the world that he supports dictators, and he himself, talks about being that himself, if not directly, certainly by way of his comments. His support of MAGA, sends a message of civil war, and of a coupe, which in turn, sends a message internationally, that America is not stable, therefore creating a time and place, where other actors, such as China, Iran, Russia, India, and Turkey, can all posture for position, and pour more money into their foreign policies abroad......this is extremely evident in Africa, where China, and India are vying for position. Not to mention, Russia's position in South America, and South Africa. Turkey aways waivers between being a middle east nation and a western peaceful nation, and Iran is just off the boards.


In the end, IMHO, this erodes US influences, and under minds the US dollar, which, in the end, if the world was to move away from the US dollar, would erode our Canadian way of life, because it would weaken our position globally, seeing that 80% of our business is with the USA. The US dollar is then devalued, and does not buy as much.


In the end, this is all about Trump and his actions. It is not Dems vs Republicans, it is Dems against Trump, and this is different than the past 150 years, of just political differences. IMO, the moral compass has been broken within the Republican party, with many Republican swing voters, and some hard and true centralist Republicans, fighting hard to keep the old GOP, from leaving the road entirely.


Try to keep in mind, that the USA has always done well with both Dems and Republicans in power, and the differences, have been minimal, with those in both parties, that are not the extremes of both sides. They have always been able to compromise, and find common ground. UNTIL TRUMP!


IMO, Trumps preys on the ignorant, and the extreme. And that with the religious right, have given him a huge power base. He is smart in that he take advantage of that, and has revved those people up, and instilled anger and fear in them.


So, as I finish my speech, I am drawn to your, "I would not vote for either" statement. It is obviously your choice, but if you love your country, you have to decide between Money or Family (country). Between Good and Evil. And whether, you want a man with the above philosophy running your country. Because at the end of the day, we are a product of our morality. How we treat our fellow man. This is how society was invented, because the whole was greater, than the some of its parts. Society, not part of society could/can do better than 1/2 of society. Trump pushes that divide further apart.


You have to remember, That Trump controls many Republican politicians already, and he is not even in power. I would be concerned about that! Big time! 


Think about that for a minute, and think how he squashed the republican vote on Southern Border. If that is not a sign of a Dictator, I don't know what is???? This is what you want? Civil war? LOL Think about about that whole idea, how it weakens the USA and the ramifications abroad.

Many excellent points. I largely agree with you. I am not impressed by either party. I say that beyond the individuals of Trump and Harris. Both parties have participated in a degeneration of political discourse. I sometimes wonder how much of this is a result of social media and the deliberate action by Russia, Iran and China to destabilize their sworn enemy the USA. If the USA slides into anarchy a dictator like Trump will be benign compared to others. No, I am not making light of what a Trump could do. I might question if he would be worse than the extreme left however. 

Where does that leave us? I am also a conservative. I like to think I can see through the BS that politicians thro out. Most are self serving. I consider most deficit spending a tax on future generations. It is an admission of political cowardice and incompetence. 

If I was an American I could not vote for Trump for ethics reasons and for his position on Ukraine. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a geopolitical action that cannot be tolerated. Yet the world would have done just that if not for Joe Biden. I don’t think the world has done near enough but my hope is that Harris will do so. I have no confidence that Trump would. 

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43 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

@Elias Pettersson


Hi Elias


These last 3 election cycles, have confused me, beyond belief.....let me tell you why


I, by my beliefs and moral conduct, am a little conservative. I believe in small government, I believe that a strong USA helps Canada, in almost every way. But here is my problem, and as always, it leads to Trump.


IMO, the USA is the great equalizer of the world. It leads in everyway, and many countries (if not all) take their lead from the USA. Not only that, but many people, through out the world, adjust their moral compass, by way of the actions of the USA.


it is not to say, the USA is perfect, or that I agree with every American policy, but their policies, have been far reaching. (Including keeping Putin in check). Having  a low moral compass, or showing that Democracy has weakened, gives those in the world that want to change things, a crack to wedge their own philosophies, into. A strong USA, with strong foreign policy, deters that. 


Now, this is where I feel Trumps message, weakens the USA. IMO, Trump has shown a extremely weak moral compass, and has on so many occasions, has shown that his judgement is not that of a normal person. He is the figurehead of moral conduct, and his actions have a direct impact on the young families and their children, within the USA.


Not having empathy for your fellow man, (or woman), aka the grabbing the pussy incident, or not immediately responding to the January 6th mob, shows a lack of leadership and moral conduct. These are not isolated incidents, and Trump continues to broadcast this message daily. IMO, his domestic leadership, is lacking and has caused a great divide between Dems and Reps, one which has not been around for 150 years. Families, have split over his message, domestically, and the "Love thy neighbor message, is strait out the window.


Internationally, Trump has shown a tendency to send a message to the world that he supports dictators, and he himself, talks about being that himself, if not directly, certainly by way of his comments. His support of MAGA, sends a message of civil war, and of a coupe, which in turn, sends a message internationally, that America is not stable, therefore creating a time and place, where other actors, such as China, Iran, Russia, India, and Turkey, can all posture for position, and pour more money into their foreign policies abroad......this is extremely evident in Africa, where China, and India are vying for position. Not to mention, Russia's position in South America, and South Africa. Turkey aways waivers between being a middle east nation and a western peaceful nation, and Iran is just off the boards.


In the end, IMHO, this erodes US influences, and under minds the US dollar, which, in the end, if the world was to move away from the US dollar, would erode our Canadian way of life, because it would weaken our position globally, seeing that 80% of our business is with the USA. The US dollar is then devalued, and does not buy as much.


In the end, this is all about Trump and his actions. It is not Dems vs Republicans, it is Dems against Trump, and this is different than the past 150 years, of just political differences. IMO, the moral compass has been broken within the Republican party, with many Republican swing voters, and some hard and true centralist Republicans, fighting hard to keep the old GOP, from leaving the road entirely.


Try to keep in mind, that the USA has always done well with both Dems and Republicans in power, and the differences, have been minimal, with those in both parties, that are not the extremes of both sides. They have always been able to compromise, and find common ground. UNTIL TRUMP!


IMO, Trumps preys on the ignorant, and the extreme. And that with the religious right, have given him a huge power base. He is smart in that he take advantage of that, and has revved those people up, and instilled anger and fear in them.


So, as I finish my speech, I am drawn to your, "I would not vote for either" statement. It is obviously your choice, but if you love your country, you have to decide between Money or Family (country). Between Good and Evil. And whether, you want a man with the above philosophy running your country. Because at the end of the day, we are a product of our morality. How we treat our fellow man. This is how society was invented, because the whole was greater, than the some of its parts. Society, not part of society could/can do better than 1/2 of society. Trump pushes that divide further apart.


You have to remember, That Trump controls many Republican politicians already, and he is not even in power. I would be concerned about that! Big time! 


Think about that for a minute, and think how he squashed the republican vote on Southern Border. If that is not a sign of a Dictator, I don't know what is???? This is what you want? Civil war? LOL Think about about that whole idea, how it weakens the USA and the ramifications abroad.

My friend, when I was asked who I would vote for in the 2024 US election, I answered Jill Stein. I would neither vote for Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris. It’s the equivalent of voting for a 3rd party in Canada. As many people will split the vote and vote for the NDP. 

You make some great points. And I actually agree with alot of them. So we seem to be on the same page with most things my friend. 

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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Someone should tell those 7/8 families who negotiated with the Taliban and let out 5000 of them.  I've read that the dude who led the attack was one of them and the leader of Afghanistan was released by request from the US during the TRUMP administration in 2018. 


Nope, all Biden/Harris fault. 

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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You seemed confused. Joe was at Arlington cemetery in section 60 in 2010.  He took pictures of the event. He then used those same pictures in his political campaign ad in 2020. He politicized that 2010 event. Exactly what Trump did.  I don’t care what your little fact checker says about it either. 

Don't care about facts got it.


3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

This is exactly what your problem is. You are disrespecting 7 Gold Star families for political purposes. The whole reason there is a cemetery to begin with is to honour the fallen soldiers. Their children are fallen soldiers. But you seem to not care about them at all.  

Disrespecting "7 gold star families" but not the literal grave of a fallen member from 2004 they were standing on while smiling.


Not disrespecting the actual cemetery or the rules around it.  Fucking laws in fact.


Not disrespecting the female army vet who works for Arlington that they all but assaulted in order to get their way.


But ya, the words of some individuals who this far have yet to be fact checked for authenticity (even though it doesn't look like any of them in those photos) are far more powerful than any of the above because reasons.

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13 hours ago, Ilunga said:

@Sabrefan1 is not posting tweets that are in support of trump.


I am not posting articles or opinions that are in support of Hamas'. 


You are posting tweets that are in support of trump.


See how this works Elias ? 


In any other election, I would vote for Jill Stein as well, however this election is too important to get it wrong.

There is too much on the line.


America and the world does not need another four years of trump.



To be fair.  I also think that there's a lot of fearmongering going on over the orange reality show host who will only have 2.5 years of any real power.


I still think that Gov. DeDufus of Florida would have been the worst choice hands down, especially if the Republicans won both the House and Senate.  DeDufus would have been an ultra-conservative rubber stamper bent on reshaping the entire country into an ultra-conservative wet dream.


Trump is most likely going to just say stupid stuff like the last time he was in office and continue to be big business friendly.  Congress already does that anyways.


Ukraine is likely to be the biggest loser if Trump is re-elected.  Since the Democrats promised that the last giant funding bill for them was going to be all that Ukraine gets, they'll be forced to keep their word.


Trump would likely just continue with Biden's pro-Israel policy so nothing would change there.

Edited by Sabrefan1
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3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Yes, I’m definitely going out today. Tomorrow too. Back to work on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of long weekend my friend. 

Also, I haven’t lost anything. I’m just calling out the bs. You obviously don’t see that. Which is unfortunate. Maybe one day you will. To be totally honest with you, the one poster who does see through the bullshit is Bob. I’m respecting him more and more each day. He’s the only one who called out Kamala’s tweet for what it was. You didn’t do that. You were more focused on trying to one up me. 

My advice to you is to be more like Bob. Be more open to things and don’t just follow the herd. Once you do that you will have a better perspective on things and you will be able to see the bullshit on both sides. Just like Bob does. 


After review, the play on the ice stands.


You win some, you lose some.

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I've said it before...   Cherry picking polls to paint your narrative with a headline many won't actually read past.  This time it's in favour of Trump.



Kamala Harris Trails Donald Trump in 5 New Battleground Polls



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3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

My friend, when I was asked who I would vote for in the 2024 US election, I answered Jill Stein. I would neither vote for Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris. It’s the equivalent of voting for a 3rd party in Canada. As many people will split the vote and vote for the NDP. 

You make some great points. And I actually agree with alot of them. So we seem to be on the same page with most things my friend. 


Here is my rub on voting 3rd party.....


When at zero and you vote 3rd party......in all reality it is .....................0 for Trump..........0 for Harris............and one for a 3rd party that won't get in (so in reality 0)


Therefore the distance between the 2 front runners remains at zero


When at zero, and you would normally vote Republican, but vote Democrat.........the distance is 2 (aka.....-1 vs +1)


IMHO......this is worth swallowing the bitter pill, and voting Democrat, because giving Trump even the slightest chance is too dangerous.


Also....IMO.......as much as the far left are just as bad as the far right, they do not have the same pull within their party, and pose a much less dangerous alternative.


I still don't like the taste, but IMO, this vote is a statement vote.................choose between them and hope the GOP gets their shit together next time


IMO, the Democrats are being pulled to the right to appease the swing vote, which will always be the case. The extreme left has no choice than to vote Democrat, same as the far right has no choice but to vote Republican. The difference is, Trump gets no sympathy from the center, with all his antics.


IMO...and I say this with alot of respect..............those that vote 3rd party, are giving Trump a chance........because as I say above the difference in vote numbers between the 2 are zero.............in essence, a throw away vote, in a extremely important race

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3 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Many excellent points. I largely agree with you. I am not impressed by either party. I say that beyond the individuals of Trump and Harris. Both parties have participated in a degeneration of political discourse. I sometimes wonder how much of this is a result of social media and the deliberate action by Russia, Iran and China to destabilize their sworn enemy the USA. If the USA slides into anarchy a dictator like Trump will be benign compared to others. No, I am not making light of what a Trump could do. I might question if he would be worse than the extreme left however. 

Where does that leave us? I am also a conservative. I like to think I can see through the BS that politicians thro out. Most are self serving. I consider most deficit spending a tax on future generations. It is an admission of political cowardice and incompetence. 

If I was an American I could not vote for Trump for ethics reasons and for his position on Ukraine. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a geopolitical action that cannot be tolerated. Yet the world would have done just that if not for Joe Biden. I don’t think the world has done near enough but my hope is that Harris will do so. I have no confidence that Trump would. 


As I just said to Elias Pettersson..................the difference is, IMO, the extreme left is being for the most part, ignored by the Democrats,  where as in the GOP, the far Right are basically driving the party............with extorsion, and bribery

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