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40 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

@JIAHN What are you confused about?  That I still don't think Marmalade Man is Satan or that I think DeDufus would relish reshaping the country?


I think Marmalade man is dangerous, and ethically bankrupt (something he is good at), and I do not understand how anyone, could trust him.....never mind his motives....


Yes, DeDufus is bad, but there is a large handful of bad actors in the US GOP, all empowering Trump with extreme right agenda's. He is only one! But Trump is driving the bus!



Edited by JIAHN
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7 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


I thin Marmalade man is dangerous, and ethically bankrupt (something he is good at), and I do not understand how anyone, could trust him.....never mind his motives....


Yes, DeDufus is bad, but there is a large handful of bad actors in the US GOP, all empowering Trump with extreme right agenda's. He is only one! But Trump is driving the bus!


The GOP didn't want Trump to be able to run because he's not a rubber stamp and has said no to things like damaging Social Security.  He used SS cuts in budget proposals to try and hide some of his business friendly deficit spending that he was planning but never actually put forth any effort to accede to the Republicans demands.


That's what's so funny about the far right clowns like the Florida pedophile being his most fervent supporters.  They're the first ones that he'll stab in the back.  The less clownish far righters knew that and tried to back DeDufus and then Nikki Haley before having no other choice then to pivot to Trump.


Trump will do stupid things if he's re-elected, and as I've said before, hopefully the Democrats will have at least one of the houses of Congress to keep the Republicans from running roughshod and taking advantage.  It looks like it's headed that way in the House of Representatives.  The Democrats should be able to wrest back control of that. 


I've seen decades of fearmongering from both parties.  They swear that the other guy will ruin the country, but it never happens that way.

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18 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The GOP didn't want Trump to be able to run because he's not a rubber stamp and has said no to things like damaging Social Security.  He used SS cuts in budget proposals to try and hide some of his business friendly deficit spending that he was planning but never actually put forth any effort to accede to the Republicans demands.


That's what's so funny about the far right clowns like the Florida pedophile being his most fervent supporters.  They're the first ones that he'll stab in the back.  The less clownish far righters knew that and tried to back DeDufus and then Nikki Haley before having no other choice then to pivot to Trump.


Trump will do stupid things if he's re-elected, and as I've said before, hopefully the Democrats will have at least one of the houses of Congress to keep the Republicans from running roughshod and taking advantage.  It looks like it's headed that way in the House of Representatives.  The Democrats should be able to wrest back control of that. 


I've seen decades of fearmongering from both parties.  They swear that the other guy will ruin the country, but it never happens that way.


I don't know?


When was the last time you seen a insurrection? LOL


It is not only the actions of trump that concern me, but the inaction.


I am still laughing about his meeting with Putin, where he does not allow any other American's other that the interpreter in. 


He is Fkn dangerous, and he (no one else) is running for the GOP


Deal with what is in front of you......not what could be

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29 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:

 They swear that the other guy will ruin the country, but it never happens that way.

So far this true; but there has also never been a time that a candidate for US President has stated he would be a dictator 

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5 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Yes, I’m definitely going out today. Tomorrow too. Back to work on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of long weekend my friend. 

Also, I haven’t lost anything. I’m just calling out the bs. You obviously don’t see that. Which is unfortunate. Maybe one day you will. To be totally honest with you, the one poster who does see through the bullshit is Bob. I’m respecting him more and more each day. He’s the only one who called out Kamala’s tweet for what it was. You didn’t do that. You were more focused on trying to one up me. 

My advice to you is to be more like Bob. Be more open to things and don’t just follow the herd. Once you do that you will have a better perspective on things and you will be able to see the bullshit on both sides. Just like Bob does. 


I am reasonably certain that most of the members in this thread see through the bullshit. 


We all know that both the Dems and repugs bullshit.

However the repugs not only bullshit more, their bullshit is more dangerous and divisive. 

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13 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


I don't know?


When was the last time you seen a insurrection? LOL


It is not only the actions of trump that concern me, but the inaction.


I am still laughing about his meeting with Putin, where he does not allow any other American's other that the interpreter in. 


He is Fkn dangerous, and he (no one else) is running for the GOP


Deal with what is in front of you......not what could be

Why are people so afraid of Trump?  Everyone seems to think he’s the dumbest person on the planet. He plays golf 6 days per week.  Eats McDonald’s every day. Has full blown dementia.  Can barely put a sentence together. Why would you be afraid of someone like that?  Plus on top of that he is going to prison on September 18 and will be sent to Rikers Island. 

This doesn’t sound like a man I would be fearful of. JIAHN, you really have nothing to worry about.  Hug your wife. Everything is going to be okay.  😊


@Sabrefan1 is an American who is voting for Jill Stein. He seems to not fear Trump. So you shouldn’t either. 

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2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



To be fair.  I also think that there's a lot of fearmongering going on over the orange reality show host who will only have 2.5 years of any real power.


I still think that Gov. DeDufus of Florida would have been the worst choice hands down, especially if the Republicans won both the House and Senate.  DeDufus would have been an ultra-conservative rubber stamper bent on reshaping the entire country into an ultra-conservative wet dream.


Trump is most likely going to just say stupid stuff like the last time he was in office and continue to be big business friendly.  Congress already does that anyways.


Ukraine is likely to be the biggest loser if Trump is re-elected.  Since the Democrats promised that the last giant funding bill for them was going to be all that Ukraine gets, they'll be forced to keep their word.


Trump would likely just continue with Biden's pro-Israel policy so nothing would change there.


While trump is dangerous, what concerns me more, are the people that will use him to further their agenda. 


In this link there are two episodes of four corners that detail the plans of these people.




 We all know how easy it is to manipulate PO 1135809. 

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9 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Harris and her campaign misrepresented about what happened at Arlington for political advantage. 


Are you out of your mind? Trump was told no he couldn't do that so he got the Speaker of the House to pull strings to get them in the door. Then an employee told them that photos and videos were expressly forbidden but she was allegedly shoved aside and Trump did a smiling, thumbs up photo op over the graves of fallen heroes. You know, people he called suckers and losers. He did this stunt for purely political reasons so he could blame Harris for a) not showing up and b) directly causing the deaths of 13 people. And you somehow see that as the Harris campaign misprepresenting what happened? Are you even paying attention?

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5 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

My friend, when I was asked who I would vote for in the 2024 US election, I answered Jill Stein. I would neither vote for Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris. It’s the equivalent of voting for a 3rd party in Canada. As many people will split the vote and vote for the NDP. 

You make some great points. And I actually agree with alot of them. So we seem to be on the same page with most things my friend. 

Jill Stein is not winning anything so the question is, who would you rather have as the president?

Kamala is far from the ideal candidate or my first, second or even third choice.

Trump is just a terrible human being, anyone who doesn’t see that is either blind or stupid.


I loved President Clinton, best president in my lifetime, with that being said, he was a serial cheater.

That part of his character I consider very flawed, but I am not going to deny it or consider him a pius person.

Unlike mental gymnastics evangelicals have to exercise in order to justify voting for immoral adulterer, guy that that would step into church only to steal a collection plate.


They refuse to accept the fact that this man cheated on all his wives, banged who knows how many escorts, porn chicks and strippers. I have seen two nuns holding a sign “Jesus for Trump”. As a religious person I see Trump comparison to Jesus absolutely ridiculous. Pence or Romney are religious so I see why evangelicals would support them, Trump on the other hand, sheesh!





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31 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Why are people so afraid of Trump?  Everyone seems to think he’s the dumbest person on the planet. He plays golf 6 days per week.  Eats McDonald’s every day. Has full blown dementia.  Can barely put a sentence together. Why would you be afraid of someone like that?  Plus on top of that he is going to prison on September 18 and will be sent to Rikers Island. 

This doesn’t sound like a man I would be fearful of. JIAHN, you really have nothing to worry about.  Hug your wife. Everything is going to be okay.  😊


@Sabrefan1 is an American who is voting for Jill Stein. He seems to not fear Trump. So you shouldn’t either. 

I'll Bite.  The President gets to appoint judges.  Judges like the corrupt incompetent Judge Cannon, who is overseeing his documents case.  He could appoint 2 new SCOTUS Justices if Alito and Thomas retire as they know TRUMP will appoint CONservative Judges.  We all know how that went for Americans with the 6 - 3 majority.  That would result in a decades long CONserative majority. Good luck.


Not to mention he would definitely work out a pardon for himself.  Teflon Don slips justice again.


Oh, and the VP breaks ties in the Senate.   The Senate appears to be very tight in terms of.votes going forward.  Harris broke the record for tie breaking votes.  She has cast roughly a third of the total tie breaking votes cast in the history of the US.  She has cast over 30.  The VP tie breakers look to continue. 


So there is a few.

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3 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:


Are you out of your mind? Trump was told no he couldn't do that so he got the Speaker of the House to pull strings to get them in the door. Then an employee told them that photos and videos were expressly forbidden but she was allegedly shoved aside and Trump did a smiling, thumbs up photo op over the graves of fallen heroes. You know, people he called suckers and losers. He did this stunt for purely political reasons so he could blame Harris for a) not showing up and b) directly causing the deaths of 13 people. And you somehow see that as the Harris campaign misprepresenting what happened? Are you even paying attention?


I doubt you will get a response. He tends to drop his opinions and only really talks to those that agree with him. Its a shame because he is a smart man but I feel he is really set in his ways. He also seems very influenced by whatever media he reads. 

@Elias Pettersson should have a word with about having an open mind, maybe he can be more like Bob and not stick with a herd?

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19 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Jill Stein is not winning anything so the question is, who would you rather have as the president?

Kamala is far from the ideal candidate or my first, second or even third choice.

Trump is just a terrible human being, anyone who doesn’t see that is either blind or stupid.


I loved President Clinton, best president in my lifetime, with that being said, he was a serial cheater.

That part of his character I consider very flawed, but I am not going to deny it or consider him a pius person.

Unlike mental gymnastics evangelicals have to exercise in order to justify voting for immoral adulterer, guy that that would step into church only to steal a collection plate.


They refuse to accept the fact that this man cheated on all his wives, banged who knows how many escorts, porn chicks and strippers. I have seen two nuns holding a sign “Jesus for Trump”. As a religious person I see Trump comparison to Jesus absolutely ridiculous. Pence or Romney are religious so I see why evangelicals would support them, Trump on the other hand, sheesh!






I will never forgive Clinton for repealing the Glass - Steagall Act. 

While not the only cause of the GFC, it was one of the significant contributing factors. 


It not only affected the US, it impacted people across the world.

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16 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I'll Bite.  The President gets to appoint judges.  Judges like the corrupt incompetent Judge Cannon, who is overseeing his documents case.  He could appoint 2 new SCOTUS Justices if Alito and Thomas retire as they know TRUMP will appoint CONservative Judges.  We all know how that went for Americans with the 6 - 3 majority.  That would result in a decades long CONserative majority. Good luck.


Not to mention he would definitely work out a pardon for himself.  Teflon Don slips justice again.


Oh, and the VP breaks ties in the Senate.   The Senate appears to be very tight in terms of.votes going forward.  Harris broke the record for tie breaking votes.  She has cast roughly a third of the total tie breaking votes cast in the history of the US.  She has cast over 30.  The VP tie breakers look to continue. 


So there is a few.

Sure, but if Kamala is as strong a candidate as some make her out to be, then the Democrats should win the House and the Senate, right?  That would put an end to Trump’s “dictatorship”.  Those are the checks and balances of the US Constitution. 

@Sabrefan1 has pointed this out many times. Without a House and Senate, Trump would be a lame duck President with zero powers. 

Now, if you are thinking that winning the House and Senate isn’t in the bag for the Democrats, then that would put into question how strong Kamala is as a Presidential nominee. If she can’t win the House and the Senate against a senile old man who will literally be at Rikers Island on election day, then Kamala really wasn’t the strong candidate you and others made her out to be. Which then puts to question everything the Democrats have been doing the last 6+ months. 

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1 hour ago, JIAHN said:


I don't know?


When was the last time you seen a insurrection? LOL


It is not only the actions of trump that concern me, but the inaction.


I am still laughing about his meeting with Putin, where he does not allow any other American's other that the interpreter in. 


He is Fkn dangerous, and he (no one else) is running for the GOP


Deal with what is in front of you......not what could be



I know people love calling a bunch of morons in red hats bum rushing the Capitol building an insurrection, but it would be history's most ridiculous insurrection ever.


There's a reason why the Democrats were angry about the surveillance footage getting leaked.  It hurt that narrative.  Most of those dipsh*ts were there to cause chaos.  Then there were the handful that wanted to murder by hanging the VP and any Democrats they could find.  Those were the ones that actually wanted an insurrection, but they got as far as building a scaffold with a noose.


I'm about to go off on the stupidity of the Orange instigator and his sh*t smearing cultists so I'll leave that day at that.




Could Trump try a stunt again?  Sure, but this time around he's just likely to write himself a blanket pardon and just leave since people will begin to abandon him his final year in office.  


While he's in office, the Democrats will block anything he tries to do and will challenge most of his executive orders in court.


The only concern is the one I've had for the last 15-20 years.  That either party, especially the Republicans, gets total control of Congress and the White House.  It's doubtful that either will.  The Democrats will probably get the House.

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22 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


A vote against Trump is what matters.


Are Biden, Harris, or many other politicians flawed? yep.


But none are as dangerous as Trump. To abstain or vote 3rd party, facing what Trump could continue to turn that country into is doing the future of the States a disservice imo.

As I said, she wasn’t even close to my top choice but the alternative is far worse and more dangerous.

Therefore come November, I am voting for her!

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15 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I will never forgive Clinton for repealing the Glass - Steagall Act. 

While not the only cause of the GFC, it was one of the significant contributing factors. 


It not only affected the US, it impacted people across the world.

Yup, now Bank of America owns Merrill Lynch and ML gets to borrow money for free basically and invest in stock market. If they loose it they can just write it off, and if BOA, Chase or CITI go under government and tax dollars will bail them out. System is designed to fuck over the little guy.


Edited by CBH1926
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56 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


While trump is dangerous, what concerns me more, are the people that will use him to further their agenda. 


In this link there are two episodes of four corners that detail the plans of these people.




 We all know how easy it is to manipulate PO 1135809. 



Political parties hurt the world's nations more than presidents with mediocre intellect.  Parties are chock full of ideologues who want all the power that they can accumulate.  Parties last a long time and steer the nation for better or worse.  Mediocre people like Trump come and go.  His influence on the nation would further be blunted because he wouldn't be serving consecutive terms.  That blunted Grover Cleveland's lasting influence and it would do the same to Trump.


Andrew Jackson was a dangerous dick who was fairly intelligent, much smarter than Trump, but the nation didn't end because of him.


There was even fear mongering over FDR and he was one of the best presidents that we've ever had.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Why are people so afraid of Trump?  Everyone seems to think he’s the dumbest person on the planet. He plays golf 6 days per week.  Eats McDonald’s every day. Has full blown dementia.  Can barely put a sentence together. Why would you be afraid of someone like that?  Plus on top of that he is going to prison on September 18 and will be sent to Rikers Island. 

This doesn’t sound like a man I would be fearful of. JIAHN, you really have nothing to worry about.  Hug your wife. Everything is going to be okay.  😊


@Sabrefan1 is an American who is voting for Jill Stein. He seems to not fear Trump. So you shouldn’t either. 


Well, firstly, he is everything I was raised not to be......EVERYTHING!


He is ethically bankrupt, a male chauvinist, he is a manipulator, he is rude, crude, and a liar. He is headed down a slippery slope toward dictatorship (If not openly, then behind the scenes), he is IMO, totally 125% un-American. He is greedy, and everything has an ulterior motive. He is vile...........and he would sell his sole for a buck! There is IMO, not a shred of decency in the man.


That might be the second and third things, too! He would let Canada be invaded, if it were to his benefit. Will he even support NORAD, time will tell!

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17 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Sure, but if Kamala is as strong a candidate as some make her out to be, then the Democrats should win the House and the Senate, right?  That would put an end to Trump’s “dictatorship”.  Those are the checks and balances of the US Constitution. 

@Sabrefan1 has pointed this out many times. Without a House and Senate, Trump would be a lame duck President with zero powers. 

Now, if you are thinking that winning the House and Senate isn’t in the bag for the Democrats, then that would put into question how strong Kamala is as a Presidential nominee. If she can’t win the House and the Senate against a senile old man who will literally be at Rikers Island on election day, then Kamala really wasn’t the strong candidate you and others made her out to be. Which then puts to question everything the Democrats have been doing the last 6+ months. 


I suggest you do some research on the Unitary executive theory. 


It first came to my attention when Cheney was working with John Yoo and David Addington. 




The people who want to use trump this time around, if he regains the Oval office are exploring their options in regards to trumps Presidential powers.

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20 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



I know people love calling a bunch of morons in red hats bum rushing the Capitol building an insurrection, but it would be history's most ridiculous insurrection ever.


There's a reason why the Democrats were angry about the surveillance footage getting leaked.  It hurt that narrative.  Most of those dipsh*ts were there to cause chaos.  Then there were the handful that wanted to murder by hanging the VP and any Democrats they could find.  Those were the ones that actually wanted an insurrection, but they got as far as building a scaffold with a noose.


I'm about to go off on the stupidity of the Orange instigator and his sh*t smearing cultists so I'll leave that day at that.




Could Trump try a stunt again?  Sure, but this time around he's just likely to write himself a blanket pardon and just leave since people will begin to abandon him his final year in office.  


While he's in office, the Democrats will block anything he tries to do and will challenge most of his executive orders in court.


The only concern is the one I've had for the last 15-20 years.  That either party, especially the Republicans, gets total control of Congress and the White House.  It's doubtful that either will.  The Democrats will probably get the House.


I seen a pole done a while ago that asked Americans if they would be violent to further their political agenda (paraphrasing). If I remember correctly, it was about 30% of the people ask, that said they would. But the point remains that, even if it was 1% of the true right wing extremists. That would be approx. 4 million people. If it were actually a true 30%, then that is 120 million people.


Putin, Taliban, NK, China, etc..........have taken power with a lot less. You dismiss it, because it has never happened in the USA, but abroad it has happened in your life time.


I am always reminded that things like that happen while you are asleep! Either in day light, or in bed!

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8 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



Political parties hurt the world's nations more than presidents with mediocre intellect.  Parties are chock full of ideologues who want all the power that they can accumulate.  Parties last a long time and steer the nation for better or worse.  Mediocre people like Trump come and go.  His influence on the nation would further be blunted because he wouldn't be serving consecutive terms.  That blunted Grover Cleveland's lasting influence and it would do the same to Trump.


Andrew Jackson was a dangerous dick who was fairly intelligent, much smarter than Trump, but the nation didn't end because of him.


There was even fear mongering over FDR and he was one of the best presidents that we've ever had.


Again, it's the people behind trump that concern me.  

He had people that curbed his " influence ", for want of a better term, last time around. 


I remember bringing up Andy " by god " Jackson on the old board. 

A real fruitcake. 


Yes, I agree with you, FDR was one of, if not the best US presidents.

And by that I mean, he had the welfare of the American people at heart. 

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26 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Sure, but if Kamala is as strong a candidate as some make her out to be, then the Democrats should win the House and the Senate, right?  That would put an end to Trump’s “dictatorship”.  Those are the checks and balances of the US Constitution. 

@Sabrefan1 has pointed this out many times. Without a House and Senate, Trump would be a lame duck President with zero powers. 

Now, if you are thinking that winning the House and Senate isn’t in the bag for the Democrats, then that would put into question how strong Kamala is as a Presidential nominee. If she can’t win the House and the Senate against a senile old man who will literally be at Rikers Island on election day, then Kamala really wasn’t the strong candidate you and others made her out to be. Which then puts to question everything the Democrats have been doing the last 6+ months. 

The House looks to flip, but the majority will only be slightly more than the minority. 


In the Senate, the margins are even closer.  A 50-50 split tie goes to the VP.  


Lame duck or not the US really can't go even longer with do nothing government.   This last Congress was one of, if not the worst.  With the QOP controlling one of the House, Senate, or POTUS, you're looking at more of the last 2 years.


Neither side will have a veto proof mandate, so TRUMP could veto whatever he wants.


Sabres theory works if both parties actually want to do the work.  The last 2 years shows us one really doesn't. 

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