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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



To be fair.  I also think that there's a lot of fearmongering going on over the orange reality show host who will only have 2.5 years of any real power.


I still think that Gov. DeDufus of Florida would have been the worst choice hands down, especially if the Republicans won both the House and Senate.  DeDufus would have been an ultra-conservative rubber stamper bent on reshaping the entire country into an ultra-conservative wet dream.


Trump is most likely going to just say stupid stuff like the last time he was in office and continue to be big business friendly.  Congress already does that anyways.


Ukraine is likely to be the biggest loser if Trump is re-elected.  Since the Democrats promised that the last giant funding bill for them was going to be all that Ukraine gets, they'll be forced to keep their word.


Trump would likely just continue with Biden's pro-Israel policy so nothing would change there.


To me, it's less what Trump does and more what he encourages others to do.  With him in power, he gives the worst parts of your country the balls to create mayhem and chaos.

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2 hours ago, JIAHN said:


I seen a pole done a while ago that asked Americans if they would be violent to further their political agenda (paraphrasing). If I remember correctly, it was about 30% of the people ask, that said they would. But the point remains that, even if it was 1% of the true right wing extremists. That would be approx. 4 million people. If it were actually a true 30%, then that is 120 million people.


Putin, Taliban, NK, China, etc..........have taken power with a lot less. You dismiss it, because it has never happened in the USA, but abroad it has happened in your life time.


I am always reminded that things like that happen while you are asleep! Either in day light, or in bed!


Politics is replacing religion for so many people.  Politics with a religious fervor is not leading to good things and is slowly destroying the US. 

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2 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Again, it's the people behind trump that concern me.  

He had people that curbed his " influence ", for want of a better term, last time around.


The biggest sudden damage Trump can do is with the military.  The military leaders have already proven once that they will not blindly follow presidential orders. 


Also, Congress can quickly reverse any military action.  They've already blocked any future president from being able to unilaterally pull the US out of NATO.  Except for wanting to blow up drug dealers and weirdly enough as hurricane, Trump isn't a war monger.  The concern for a time was even that he would recall troops from around the world.


He's going to hire an experienced chief of staff who will do exactly what the "adults" did the last time and keep others away from his desk and trying to influence him.  Even if it's for no other reason than they want to be the ones in control rather than any aide with a newspaper clipping (the clipping thing happened more than once).

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1 hour ago, stawns said:

To me, it's less what Trump does and more what he encourages others to do.  With him in power, he gives the worst parts of your country the balls to create mayhem and chaos.


Then I hope the red hatters enjoy federal prison.  May as well separate them from decent society sooner rather than later.


As I've said before, the only way that I want to see the Big Mac Muncher back in office is if the Democrats get both the Senate and the House.  Otherwise, I'd prefer the moderately cringey multi-racial brown chick.

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1 hour ago, Duodenum said:

Trump was asked to visit by some of the family members, that was never the issue. Some of the families coming out in support of Trump doesn't move the needle (don't know why they would in the first place, he ordered the exit from Afghanistan?). Plus he also insinuated that those families potentially set him up lol.


The issue is Trump and his posse disrespected and disregarded the rules  when he got there.


Every family member could come out in support of Trump and it wouldn't really matter as them inviting him isn't the issue in the first place.


You'd think that would be obvious...you'd think.....

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Politics is replacing religion for so many people.  Politics with a religious fervor is not leading to good things and is slowly destroying the US. 


Amen! That is what I am seeing from afar. No expert, but it's kinda hard to miss.


it's hard no to see the similarities between the US bible thumpers and  the Islamic revolution.

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I been looking for an analogy that is in reference to those decent Republicans, that I know exist............it is in the form of a question....and it revolves around morality


Is morality more important to you than money?


So, I pose this question to those decent Republicans


#1............Would you let your daughter prostitute herself if she share the money with you?

#2...........Would you let your niece prostitute herself if she shared the money with you?

#3...........What about the neighbors daughter?

#4...........Then an un-named young woman across town or in another state, if she shared her money with you?


Where would you draw the line?


Now, I do not expect, anyone to answer this, but as we see this MAGA and Trump, morality is out the window.............the question then becomes, what about the decent folk?


What would their decision be?

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15 hours ago, JIAHN said:


As I just said to Elias Pettersson..................the difference is, IMO, the extreme left is being for the most part, ignored by the Democrats,  where as in the GOP, the far Right are basically driving the party............with extorsion, and bribery

To an extent we have a better idea of what the GOP stands for now than we do the DNC. I agree with you that the GOP is in the hands of what appears to be uber nationalists who are prepared to walk away for tradional GOP values. This has to change and with this election my hope is that Trump fades and new leadership takes over. 


The Democrats are still not clear for my tastes. Harris embraced a lot of the radical left during the tail end of the Trump presidency and during the early Biden era. She has backed away from much of those positions and the question is whether that is plitical expediency or resulting from her time as VP. My hope is that she can weigh values and come out on the right side of issues. I suspect she can as her background as a prosecuter should stand her in good stead. That does not mean she should be trusted. Proof is in the pudding. There is lot to criticize about the Biden tenure so Harris has issues that have to be discussed prior to November. While I do not think Trump's defeat is a given my hope is a split Congress and a Harris victory. Russia has to be defeated in Ukraine and the Democrats have shown they are willing to support Ukraine. 

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3 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Harris embraced a lot of the radical left during the tail end of the Trump presidency and during the early Biden era.


I have read that the Trump camp and fox news claim this. I tried to do some googling to find what she embraced about the radical left...


Can you give me some examples?

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13 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

To an extent we have a better idea of what the GOP stands for now than we do the DNC. I agree with you that the GOP is in the hands of what appears to be uber nationalists who are prepared to walk away for tradional GOP values. This has to change and with this election my hope is that Trump fades and new leadership takes over. 


The Democrats are still not clear for my tastes. Harris embraced a lot of the radical left during the tail end of the Trump presidency and during the early Biden era. She has backed away from much of those positions and the question is whether that is plitical expediency or resulting from her time as VP. My hope is that she can weigh values and come out on the right side of issues. I suspect she can as her background as a prosecuter should stand her in good stead. That does not mean she should be trusted. Proof is in the pudding. There is lot to criticize about the Biden tenure so Harris has issues that have to be discussed prior to November. While I do not think Trump's defeat is a given my hope is a split Congress and a Harris victory. Russia has to be defeated in Ukraine and the Democrats have shown they are willing to support Ukraine. 


It is funny, but somewhere in your quote, a little voice said to me...........


"A house is only as good as it's foundation" 


IMO, The Democrats have a good foundation, as does Harris. she is ethical, level headed, sincere, focused, and not afraid to go back and re-do things that don't work. Both with actions and thoughts. But, she is a good politician, and can spin a tale, to exactly what you want to hear, within her beliefs.


Trump is none of that..............Trump is not a compromiser, nor a consensus builder, and certainly not a nation builder. He has absolutely no aspirations to be inclusive, nor any goals to raise the needy. Trump would sell is daughter to Putin, if it got him what he wanted. He has no love of family, and no love of country.


At this place in time, those are the 2 foundations, you are starting with. Which one would you use?


I have been up to this point, confused and dismayed, that there are so many in the GOP, who have thrown away their ideals, principles and ethics. 


America was built on trust and ideals. I am afraid that the world does not see them that way any more. It will cost them, either as they slide further down the slope, or money and time, to rebuild their status as the leader.


IMO, the world, is waiting for another country to emerge, and take their place, or for them to right their ship, if they can......they had better do it fast!

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11 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Politics is replacing religion for so many people.  Politics with a religious fervor is not leading to good things and is slowly destroying the US. 


It's really not a new thing, religion and political power have always been linked.


People in the US will eventually get tired of the god boys telling them how to live, hopefully this election.


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33 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's really not a new thing, religion and political power have always been linked.


Of course.  The Catholic church nearly perfected it.  They more or less ran the world for centuries. 


Politics though is flat out replacing religion.  More and more people are becoming agnostic and atheist.  Then they are replacing religion with politics.  Having a religious-like fervor mixed in with your politics is not a good thing.

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2 hours ago, Boudrias said:

To an extent we have a better idea of what the GOP stands for now than we do the DNC. I agree with you that the GOP is in the hands of what appears to be uber nationalists who are prepared to walk away for tradional GOP values. This has to change and with this election my hope is that Trump fades and new leadership takes over. 


The Democrats are still not clear for my tastes. Harris embraced a lot of the radical left during the tail end of the Trump presidency and during the early Biden era. She has backed away from much of those positions and the question is whether that is plitical expediency or resulting from her time as VP. My hope is that she can weigh values and come out on the right side of issues. I suspect she can as her background as a prosecuter should stand her in good stead. That does not mean she should be trusted. Proof is in the pudding. There is lot to criticize about the Biden tenure so Harris has issues that have to be discussed prior to November. While I do not think Trump's defeat is a given my hope is a split Congress and a Harris victory. Russia has to be defeated in Ukraine and the Democrats have shown they are willing to support Ukraine. 


The radical left?  Can you elaborate on this radical left?

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8 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Of course.  The Catholic church nearly perfected it.  They more or less ran the world for centuries. 


Politics though is flat out replacing religion.  More and more people are becoming agnostic and atheist.  Then they are replacing religion with politics.  Having a religious-like fervor mixed in with your politics is not a good thing.


I disagree that it's the people abandoning religion and replacing it with politics.  The blurring of the line is by those who have integrated politics AND religion, and you can trace it back to the moral majority.

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14 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Then I hope the red hatters enjoy federal prison.  May as well separate them from decent society sooner rather than later.


As I've said before, the only way that I want to see the Big Mac Muncher back in office is if the Democrats get both the Senate and the House.  Otherwise, I'd prefer the moderately cringey multi-racial brown chick.

Big Mac muncher?  Donnie sticks to the "kosher" diet of triple baconaters.🤪  

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13 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Everyone should have healthcare.  RADICAL LEFT SOCIALIST

We should protect Social Security.   RADICAL LEFT SOCIALIST

We should work to protect and clean up the environment.   RADICAL LEFT SOCIALIST

We should promote diversity, equality, and inclusion.   RADICAL LEFT SOCIALIST.  But really, this seems to be where the culture war battle is because the QOP has nothing.


F#*k me, I’m a radical left socialist??


I don’t wanna be a radical left socialist…😉

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