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Harris won the debate as Trump could not conduct a clear attack on Harris's record. Trump's strength has always been his grasp of the USA economic challenges. It is his only polling strength. The Biden/Harris record is not strong in this area and yet Trump could not make his points. Harris's platform on this topic has not been challenged near well enough. She will be elcted on vauge promises.


It is very clear that Trump's time has passed. That assumes he ever had a place in the sun. The GOP has to find a new group of younger leaders who do not follow the 'cat eating crowd'. The Trump core embraces American isolationism which is not unique to American history. It largely discards the basic USA foreign policy since Eisenhauer. Biden/Harris have not abandoned these positions and aid Ukraine and Israel. NATO grows in strength as Russia implodes. IMHO many GOP voters will abandon Trump solely on his bizarre foreign affairs positions. The USA has to support Ukraine even more than what Biden has done. That said it is Joe Biden who saved Ukraine from Russia to date. 

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4 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Harris won the debate as Trump could not conduct a clear attack on Harris's record. Trump's strength has always been his grasp of the USA economic challenges. It is his only polling strength. The Biden/Harris record is not strong in this area and yet Trump could not make his points. Harris's platform on this topic has not been challenged near well enough. She will be elcted on vauge promises.


It is very clear that Trump's time has passed. That assumes he ever had a place in the sun. The GOP has to find a new group of younger leaders who do not follow the 'cat eating crowd'. The Trump core embraces American isolationism which is not unique to American history. It largely discards the basic USA foreign policy since Eisenhauer. Biden/Harris have not abandoned these positions and aid Ukraine and Israel. NATO grows in strength as Russia implodes. IMHO many GOP voters will abandon Trump solely on his bizarre foreign affairs positions. The USA has to support Ukraine even more than what Biden has done. That said it is Joe Biden who saved Ukraine from Russia to date. 


Yet the Biden Harris economic numbers are every bit as strong as Trump's at his "best"........and that's all while cleaning up his COVID mess.  Really, he never got beyond an average economic record.


I honestly don't see where the GOP goes after Trump or how they get out of this MAGA cult, as a party.  I think this is, ultimately, the death of the Republican party.  Actual conservatives are going to have to branch out on their own, with some kind of third party.

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2 hours ago, Gator said:

Hate Trump all you want, I did, and still do on a personal level.. But don't let the hate fool you. There's a reason for the media and political bias. To me it's very obvious, and "Trump haters" (I used to be one myself) absolutely refuse to see it. 


I have never once in my entire life supported a republican candidate, but there's just way too much bias in our mainstream media against Trump for me not to think hes our best option. Kamala is just another strung along puppet like the rest of the corrupt politicians. Everything she says is so obviously fake and scripted it's sickening to listen to and have all these "smart" people buy into is laughable. The bias in the debate was so bloody obvious they're not even trying to hide it in the slightest.


Another thing... 1 has repeatedly said they want to try and end wars that could very well lead to WW3, and by saying this they try to convince you he's buddies with dictators, and instead of looking into it you just buy the BS rhetoric they feed you to fit their (your) narrative. Kamala says Trump would just "hive up" the war.. What does she mean give up? Sounds to me there's a US agenda here to give up on, and not a war between 2 OTHER countries to try and negotiate peace in.. I hate Russia as much as anyone, but yall think it's safe to back them into a corner? I hope to god for your sons and daughters sake Putin doesnt go crazy and start setting them nukes off when all hope is lost for Russia, because eventually it's going to be at that point where its nukes or surrender for Russia.. Ifld prefer the candidate that has shown a willingness to end a potential WW3 over someone who clearly has no intentions at trying to calm the very dangerous tension in the middle east.


Also can you imagine if Bush, Obama, or Biden got shot at 2 months ago? We'd be force fed that crap day in and day out.. But for some reason the only time it even gets mentioned is when Trump mentions it. I'm not a big conspiracy guy, but you can't convince me that highly trained secret service dropped the ball that bad. A random group of untrained civilians with walkie talkies could've protected the president better than that, but every Trump hater will turn a blind eye to it, and then say Trump is a threat to democracy.


Naw F that man. I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone, because I know it will get heated, and I will get banned, but I'm so sick of the obvious bias towards Trump, and everyone just buying into it, while refusing to see the bigger picture. 


I've posted a couple videos before yall Trump haters should watch. 1st one showing BACKED UP PROOF about how ridiculously biased that debate was. What's really sickening is they were fact checking Trumps truths with lies, and you guys are dumb enough to buy it, and will likely watch the proof and ignore it.. Thats how much they convinced you to hate Trump. They convinced you to hate Trump so much you guys would vote for anyone else regardless of who it is.













I hope if Kamala gets in, when WW3 kicks off they atleast send the sons and daughters of Kamala supporters to war first. It's only fair imho.


Choose to ignore it all you want.. If you can admit the media and political bias and still not want to vote Trump I can get on board with that, but you can't tell me they're being fair with Trump. If you think that that, you're just so close minded and tunnel focused on your candidate you refuse to actually see both sides.  Pretty much they way everyone is about politics these days. They sit on 1 side of the fence and completely refuse to look at the other side to see if the grass may be greener. Scary really.


Anyway that's my thoughts on the discussion. Happy discussion guys. Like I said I won't be going back and forth with anyone, as I can already sense the backlash I'm about to get.. Trump haters might be the most extreme people I've ever talked politics with 🤣


Scary times. Hope the right decision is made regardless whose on which side of the fence.. But from my POV, I feel like it's time we wake the F up and see the obvious media corruption.. I mean none of us are blind to other countries media corruption.. Why can't we see it in our own? Especially now. Like they literally aren't even hiding it now. It's in plain sight and people still don't accept it.. There's a threat to democracy in front of us alright.. And I can tell you 1 thing.. It's not Trump...


Anywhoooo that's my 2 cents. Cheers guys! .. Don't attack my view too harshly like most left wingers do these days 🤣

I watched some of the first video you posted and found it to be complete nonsense.   I won't bother watching any others.  That's my 2 cents.

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1 hour ago, stawns said:


Asking for credible sources is a pretty high bar to set

It is when the only sources you consider "credible" is democratic bias news outlets. The videos I shown have legit video proof debunking the fact checks wrongfully thrown at Trump, and you call that not credible.. But 2 mainstream media anchors say Trump is wrong, and that's credible?.. Video proof vs words? hmm tough one. Not sure which is more credible? lol 🤦


Would you accept Fox news as credible? I wouldn't as it's just as biased as CNN.. But surely if you're a mainstream media guy and want "credible" news sources I can throw a bunch of bias fox news videos at you showing the bias against Trump with other democratic "mainstream outlets"


I legit showed video proof and somehow its not "credible" lol.. And yall buy that crap from CNN/Fox.. GTFO here with that credible nonsense. If Kamala burnt down a house and it was filmed by a youtuber, you guys would be like "It's not on a credible CNN/Fox news outlet so it's fake".. As if CNN/Fox will try to incriminate Harris lol..


This perfectly sums up the frustration of political debates. You refuse to accept truth when given facts if it don't fit your side. Your side can do no wrong, and even if they do, and it's obvious you somehow ignore, or are blind to it. It truly amazes me really. Politics making very smart people look very dumb these days. It's truly scary how close minded people are, and how bought in to these mainstream news networks (on both sides of the political fence) people are.


Like I said yall see the propaganda fed by other channels. If you support Harris, you see the bias in Fox, and none in CNN. If you're a Trump supporter you see all the bias in CNN, and none in Fox.. And if anyone hits you with VIDEO PROOF from outside sources yall deem it not credible and ignore it.. Just blows my mind. No matter what side of the fence you're on there's no way you can't see the bias/propaganda being spread by these news outlets. 


The more bias the media is against Trump the more he looks like the best choice in my eyes. Ive seen Fox go at Trump back before he won the republic party when he was battling the more corrupt republican leaders like Jeb Bush. Only reason Fox seems to favor Trump these days is because he's their only hope at the democrats not getting it. He now fits their narrative so hes the hero in their stories these days. That wasnt always the case. At one point they pushed the same BS anti Trump stuff CNN and democratic channels alike do today. 


I showed you guys literal proof and you somehow refuse to see it. Like undisputable video evidence. 


Trump was in fact right about abortion in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month being a thing that was being discussed, along with post birth abortion/execution.. Yet he was WRONGFULLY fact checked (bias debate). Video proof given in previous post


Trump did in fact see people talking about immigrants killing and eating pets on the news. He was fact checked by them stating the mayor said it's not the case. They wernt wrong, the mayor did say that, but Trump wasnt wrong either. The mayor was, but they didn't bother to look into it because their goal was to make Trump look bad.


Just look how they set us up for the bias debate. Harris opens up "your going to hear a lot of lies coming from this man".. Knowing he's going to get fact checked on every corner, while she doesn't get fact checked a single time even though there are several times she should have


Bias/propaganda right in front of your eyes with so much evidence to back it up yet you still refuse to see it. Truly baffling

Edited by Gator
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1 hour ago, Gator said:

All of that mainstream media is fake news. Fox, CNN, every bit of it. For or against Trump it's all fake.


They twist and push their narrative and yall buy it like a bunch of puppets instead of doing research outside of the grasp of the mainstream media. What scares me is I know some very very very smart people that fall for it and to me thats VERY scary


Like you guys know Russians and Chinese are being brainwashed by their governments via news, but honestly believe they dont do the same here?


That is so crazy to me that people really think our news and politicians are that honest with us... WOW


Anyway this is legit my last post on the topic. Nothing worse than debating with close minded people in politics. A pointless discussion that's just going to end in a fight lol

Cool. Thanks for calling me a puppet (because you are clearly too smart and open-minded to be one). That's not insulting at all.

All you've shown is you're another MAGA "centrist" who "knows the truth" due to their "own research"

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Trump doesn't need any help looking bad.  That Nazi piece of shit is one of the worst excuses for a human in the history of the planet.  The fact he thinks Putin can be negotiated with alone is enough to disqualify him for political office, even ignoring the crimes against humanity Trump committed against the American people.  Reasoning with people brainwashed enough to still support this subhuman vermin is like arguing with the last kid in the class who still believes in the Easter Bunny.

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1 hour ago, Gator said:

This isn't democratic vs republican to me. I've always been a "democrat" in terms of who I supported in the past.


Yall lefties be censoring everything these days like it's communist China 🤣


Hmmm....something doesn't quite track here....

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Just now, StrayDog said:

Cool. Thanks for calling me a puppet (because you are clearly too smart and open-minded to be one). That's not insulting at all.

All you've shown is you're another MAGA "centrist" who "knows the truth" due to their "own research"

Ignore facts and call me insulting. If that's not the most left wing response you could've given me lol.. This is the type of stuff that turned me into a Trump supporter lol.


Like I said. I showed you undisputable video evidence of the rigged debate. Yet you refuse to see it. It has nothing to do with my research, and everything to do with your unwillingness to learn the truth, or atleast open your mind to the possibility of being wrong. Video proof is there. Can't help it if you refuse to watch it/pretend it doesn't exist

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5 minutes ago, Gator said:

It is when the only sources you consider "credible" is democratic bias news outlets. The videos I shown have legit video proof debunking the fact checks wrongfully thrown at Trump, and you call that not credible.. But 2 mainstream media anchors say Trump is wrong, and that's credible?.. Video proof vs words? hmm tough one. Not sure which is more credible? lol 🤦


Would you accept Fox news as credible? I wouldn't as it's just as biased as CNN.. But surely if you're a mainstream media guy and want "credible" news sources I can throw a bunch of bias fox news videos at you showing the bias against Trump with other democratic "mainstream outlets"


I legit showed video proof and somehow its not "credible" lol.. And yall buy that crap from CNN/Fox.. GTFO here with that credible nonsense. If Kamala burnt down a house and it was filmed by a youtuber, you guys would be like "It's not on a credible CNN/Fox news outlet so it's fake".. As if CNN/Fox will try to incriminate Harris lol..


This perfectly sums up the frustration of political debates. You refuse to accept truth when given facts if it don't fit your side. Your side can do no wrong, and even if they do, and it's obvious you somehow ignore, or are blind to it. It truly amazes me really. Politics making very smart people look very dumb these days. It's truly scary how close minded people are, and how bought in to these mainstream news networks (on both sides of the political fence) people are.


Like I said yall see the propaganda fed by other channels. If you support Harris, you see the bias in Fox, and none in CNN. If you're a Trump supporter you see all the bias in CNN, and none in Fox.. And if anyone hits you with VIDEO PROOF from outside sources yall deem it not credible and ignore it.. Just blows my mind. No matter what side of the fence you're on there's no way you can't see the bias/propaganda being spread by these news outlets. 


The more bias the media is against Trump the more he looks like the best choice in my eyes. Ive seen Fox go at Trump back before he won the republic party when he was battling the more corrupt republican leaders like Jeb Bush. Only reason Fox seems to favor Trump these days is because he's their only hope at the democrats not getting it. He now fits their narrative so hes the hero in their stories these days. That wasnt always the case. At one point they pushed the same BS anti Trump stuff CNN and democratic channels alike do today. 


I showed you guys literal proof and you somehow refuse to see it. Like undisputable video evidence. 


Trump was in fact right about abortion in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month being a thing that was being discussed, along with post birth abortion/execution.. Yet he was WRONGFULLY fact checked (bias debate). Video proof given in previous post


Trump did in fact see people talking about immigrants killing and eating pets on the news. He was fact checked by them stating the mayor said it's not the case. They wernt wrong, the mayor did say that, but Trump wasnt wrong either. The mayor was, but they didn't bother to look into it because their goal was to make Trump look bad.


Just look how they set us up for the bias debate. Harris opens up "your going to hear a lot of lies coming from this man".. Knowing he's going to get fact checked on every corner, while she doesn't get fact checked a single time even though there are several times she should have


Bias/propaganda right in front of your eyes with so much evidence to back it up yet you still refuse to see it. Truly baffling

If, as you point out, there are so many liars out there, wtf should we believe you?  

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2 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Her whole tour added about 5 billion to the economies she visited.  
Either way, that’s shocking.  
If only her fans were old enough to vote 


How dare you question the Holy Cross (via WSJ)?


https://magazine.holycross.edu/stories/did-taylor-swifts-eras-tour-improve-economy-wherever-she-played#:~:text=In July%2C Common Sense Institute,boost to the nation's economy.


'The Wall Street Journal has reported that the entire U.S. leg of the tour could have a $5.7 billion boost to the nation’s economy.'


Now, where did you get your divine facts?


And, have you seen her fans age...



'While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45.'

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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

Harris won the debate as Trump could not conduct a clear attack on Harris's record. Trump's strength has always been his grasp of the USA economic challenges. It is his only polling strength. The Biden/Harris record is not strong in this area and yet Trump could not make his points. Harris's platform on this topic has not been challenged near well enough. She will be elcted on vauge promises.


It is very clear that Trump's time has passed. That assumes he ever had a place in the sun. The GOP has to find a new group of younger leaders who do not follow the 'cat eating crowd'. The Trump core embraces American isolationism which is not unique to American history. It largely discards the basic USA foreign policy since Eisenhauer. Biden/Harris have not abandoned these positions and aid Ukraine and Israel. NATO grows in strength as Russia implodes. IMHO many GOP voters will abandon Trump solely on his bizarre foreign affairs positions. The USA has to support Ukraine even more than what Biden has done. That said it is Joe Biden who saved Ukraine from Russia to date. 


Good post homie.

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Just now, Satchmo said:

If, as you point out, there are so many liars out there, wtf should we believe you?  

Idk about you, but I take video proof as fact.. 


Believe my opinion or not, that's up to you. My opinion is just that, an opinion. We're all entitled to one (atleast for now lol). But to ignore video proof because it could make your side look bad is crazy to me. 3 sides to every story. Its true in politics too

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Idk about you, but I take video proof as fact.. 


Believe my opinion or not, that's up to you. My opinion is just that, an opinion. We're all entitled to one (atleast for now lol). But to ignore video proof because it could make your side look bad is crazy to me. 3 sides to every story. Its true in politics too


I guess what I wonder is, if the debate was this biased why wouldn't trump do one more on Fox? Harris said she would do it.


Certainly trump would want a chance at a fair debate on friendly ground to balance things.

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10 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:


She's not some far removed crank yelling from the cheap seats. She's someone who has worked her way into Trump's inner circle and has his ear.





Just wondering if we help spread her crap by retweeting and discussing it? Maybe there are some people so shitty they don't deserve any air time? 

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Why is the Trump assassination thing swept under the rug? It almost feels like it happened years ago.


Imagine if Trump 1 week before a Biden assassination attempt said "We need to put a bullseye on Biden".. Trump would be locked up and all of you calling for his head. I'm really not a conspiracy guy, and usually laugh at 95% of them, but the way the secret service handled that is the most fishy thing I've seen in my life. You'd have a very hard time convincing me they didn't purposely allow that boy to take a few shots at Trump.. But I'm not going down that rabbit hole with yall.


Point of this post is how it's not still a main focus in the media. If Trump said those words, and then someone took a shot at Biden all hell would've broke loose. Yet it's almost like it hasn't even happened. That's not fishy to you? REALLY?

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Idk about you, but I take video proof as fact.. 


Believe my opinion or not, that's up to you. My opinion is just that, an opinion. We're all entitled to one (atleast for now lol). But to ignore video proof because it could make your side look bad is crazy to me. 3 sides to every story. Its true in politics too

Well, for one thing your video proof that there are 'abortions after birth' is actually an ex governor who is also a pediatric neurologist talking about what steps parents and doctors must take when a newborn baby has no chance to live very long.  As much as we want every pregnancy and birth to be perfect that is sadly not always the case.


As the governor/doctor said in the video you have posted at least twice: "in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen: The infant would be delivered; the infant would be kept comfortable; the infant would be resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”


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7 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I guess what I wonder is, if the debate was this biased why wouldn't trump do one more on Fox? Harris said she would do it.


Certainly trump would want a chance at a fair debate on friendly ground to balance things.

"If the debate was this biased"


So you didn't watch the video.. Watch it then come talk. It's not even debatable that it was rigged. It's legit proven to be rigged. Anyone saying it was fair should be fact checked ✔️ 

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2 minutes ago, Gator said:

Why is the Trump assassination thing swept under the rug? It almost feels like it happened years ago.


Imagine if Trump 1 week before a Biden assassination attempt said "We need to put a bullseye on Biden".. Trump would be locked up and all of you calling for his head. I'm really not a conspiracy guy, and usually laugh at 95% of them, but the way the secret service handled that is the most fishy thing I've seen in my life. You'd have a very hard time convincing me they didn't purposely allow that boy to take a few shots at Trump.. But I'm not going down that rabbit hole with yall.


Point of this post is how it's not still a main focus in the media. If Trump said those words, and then someone took a shot at Biden all hell would've broke loose. Yet it's almost like it hasn't even happened. That's not fishy to you? REALLY?


You sound like a conspiracy guy, you also said you would bounce from this thread. 


So I think you are fake news. 

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2 hours ago, Gator said:

Hate Trump all you want, I did, and still do on a personal level.. But don't let the hate fool you. There's a reason for the media and political bias. To me it's very obvious, and "Trump haters" (I used to be one myself) absolutely refuse to see it. 


I have never once in my entire life supported a republican candidate, but there's just way too much bias in our mainstream media against Trump for me not to think hes our best option. Kamala is just another strung along puppet like the rest of the corrupt politicians. Everything she says is so obviously fake and scripted it's sickening to listen to and have all these "smart" people buy into is laughable. The bias in the debate was so bloody obvious they're not even trying to hide it in the slightest.


Another thing... 1 has repeatedly said they want to try and end wars that could very well lead to WW3, and by saying this they try to convince you he's buddies with dictators, and instead of looking into it you just buy the BS rhetoric they feed you to fit their (your) narrative. Kamala says Trump would just "hive up" the war.. What does she mean give up? Sounds to me there's a US agenda here to give up on, and not a war between 2 OTHER countries to try and negotiate peace in.. I hate Russia as much as anyone, but yall think it's safe to back them into a corner? I hope to god for your sons and daughters sake Putin doesnt go crazy and start setting them nukes off when all hope is lost for Russia, because eventually it's going to be at that point where its nukes or surrender for Russia.. Ifld prefer the candidate that has shown a willingness to end a potential WW3 over someone who clearly has no intentions at trying to calm the very dangerous tension in the middle east.


Also can you imagine if Bush, Obama, or Biden got shot at 2 months ago? We'd be force fed that crap day in and day out.. But for some reason the only time it even gets mentioned is when Trump mentions it. I'm not a big conspiracy guy, but you can't convince me that highly trained secret service dropped the ball that bad. A random group of untrained civilians with walkie talkies could've protected the president better than that, but every Trump hater will turn a blind eye to it, and then say Trump is a threat to democracy.


Naw F that man. I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone, because I know it will get heated, and I will get banned, but I'm so sick of the obvious bias towards Trump, and everyone just buying into it, while refusing to see the bigger picture. 


I've posted a couple videos before yall Trump haters should watch. 1st one showing BACKED UP PROOF about how ridiculously biased that debate was. What's really sickening is they were fact checking Trumps truths with lies, and you guys are dumb enough to buy it, and will likely watch the proof and ignore it.. Thats how much they convinced you to hate Trump. They convinced you to hate Trump so much you guys would vote for anyone else regardless of who it is.


hope if Kamala gets in, when WW3 kicks off they atleast send the sons and daughters of Kamala supporters to war first. It's only fair imho.


Choose to ignore it all you want.. If you can admit the media and political bias and still not want to vote Trump I can get on board with that, but you can't tell me they're being fair with Trump. If you think that that, you're just so close minded and tunnel focused on your candidate you refuse to actually see both sides.  Pretty much they way everyone is about politics these days. They sit on 1 side of the fence and completely refuse to look at the other side to see if the grass may be greener. Scary really.


Anyway that's my thoughts on the discussion. Happy discussion guys. Like I said I won't be going back and forth with anyone, as I can already sense the backlash I'm about to get.. Trump haters might be the most extreme people I've ever talked politics with 🤣


Scary times. Hope the right decision is made regardless whose on which side of the fence.. But from my POV, I feel like it's time we wake the F up and see the obvious media corruption.. I mean none of us are blind to other countries media corruption.. Why can't we see it in our own? Especially now. Like they literally aren't even hiding it now. It's in plain sight and people still don't accept it.. There's a threat to democracy in front of us alright.. And I can tell you 1 thing.. It's not Trump...


Don't attack my view too harshly like most left wingers do these days 🤣

Jesus ti**y f**king christ....


OUR best option?


Don't attack my views?


We're Canadian, who gives a randy shart about this guy.  The saddest thing about this is how people look at Trmp as a viable STRONG option.  The guy is softer than pudding.


The only thing we care about are his comments about how he was gonna bend canada to his will and if that is OUR best option, there's the door muchacho.


As for "dont attack my view" my man, you insult people no less than 3 or 4 times in your post for simply not liking trump or being visibly on the left.  Think about that

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Just now, Satchmo said:

Well, for one thing your video proof that there are 'abortions after birth' is actually an ex governor who is also a pediatric neurologist talking about what steps parents and doctors must take when a newborn baby has no chance to live very long.  As much as we want every pregnancy and birth to be perfect that is sadly not always the case.


As the governor/doctor said in the video you have posted at least twice: "in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen: The infant would be delivered; the infant would be kept comfortable; the infant would be resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”


Read that last line again.. So the Physician and mother can potentially kill the baby right?


So they did discuss the possibility of later term abortion/execution


So why was Trump fact checked for telling the truth?


Why was Kamala never fact checked on her extreme remarks such as Trump wants to be a dictator, Trump wrote love letters to Kim Jung Un, etc..


Point is they fact checked Trump on everything even when he was speaking the truth (maybe not best wording, but still true).. But would let Kamala say whatever she wanted.. Dude you cannot watch that objectively and honestly not believe it wasn't rigged against Trump.


I'm not here to fight yall. To me I just think you guys are very blind to the media bias towards Trump.


I hate the guy, ai truly do. I respect women, I don't like some shit he says about women. I don't like a lot about Trump.. But taking personal opinion out of it, I would vote him over Harris any day of the week. Mainly because I see it as corrupt politicians vs Businessman.. Even though the businessman is a complete douchebag at times, he's still real, and not fake and scripted

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2 hours ago, Gator said:

Watch the video.. Skip the first minute or 2 to get to real fact checks. Wish she didn't start it off with so much Trump glamor because a lot of Trump haters won't sit through that to get to the facts she points out.


She literally backs it up with proof 


But the breakdown..


He was right about late term abortion (and even the execution part)


He was right about the pets being eaten


 He's being real. Atleast more real than your typical politician

Watch the video.




You were asked to supply proof of what truths were somehow wronged or fact checked improperly.  There is literally ZERO proof at all about any democrat accepting, allowing or promoting late term abortion as a standard and viable practice.  There is literally zero proof of anyone eating pets.


He is about as real as Santa Clause and the saddest thing is at least people with common sense know he's fake, but they still somehow think this buffoon is intelligent when he is obviously senile and lying out of his arse

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Jesus ti**y f**king christ....


OUR best option?


Don't attack my views?


We're Canadian, who gives a randy shart about this guy.  The saddest thing about this is how people look at Trmp as a viable STRONG option.  The guy is softer than pudding.


The only thing we care about are his comments about how he was gonna bend canada to his will and if that is OUR best option, there's the door muchacho.


As for "dont attack my view" my man, you insult people no less than 3 or 4 times in your post for simply not liking trump or being visibly on the left.  Think about that


Thank you Hip.


I was going to point that out to him, but being dumber than a flat earther got in my way. 

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