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1 hour ago, Gator said:

Like I said. Not being baited into the back and forth. Ignore the facts all you want. I provided them for you. Like I said. If Kamala wins, hopefully they send yours sons and daughters to war, and not mine. 


You want to buy into the media propoganda, go fight their wars for them too. I'll go with the guys atleast wanting world peace, and talking about real stuff. I'm not buying all that fake scripted crap.


This isn't democratic vs republican to me. I've always been a "democrat" in terms of who I supported in the past. I'm tired of the bullshit the media feeds us. We get brainwashed just as bad as they do in China and Russia, and everywhere else in the world. To me I just see through the bullshit.. And I just pray enough other people will too.. 


As for the pets/abortion thing, it's more of a way to show you how bias that debate was, and the way they wrongfully fact checked Trump.. Yet they didn't fact check Kamala a sing time.. Yet she claimed Trump was buddies with dictators, claimes he wrote love letter to Kim Jung Un, claimed he's part of project 20205.. Like how can you not see the bias.. You can. You just refuse to do so.


Anyway that's as back and forth as I'm going to get. Not looking to get myself banned because I don't support Kamala. People get banned on here for being an anti vaxxer so I have to be careful


Yall lefties be censoring everything these days like it's communist China 🤣

Posts HEAVILY censored videos to promote his lies.


Claims "lefties are censoring everything"


The getting brainwashed like china statement is the most real thing you've said.  Because it is obvious that you have been.


As for claims of trump loving this or doing that.  These aren't claims they're actual verifiable facts.  Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't true.  He IS a part of project 2025.  He DOES admire Kim Jong.  This isn't bias these are statements of fact.


Y'all just hate them because you realize how wrong this crap is but instead of admitting you're wrong you double down and play the victim about it.


As for people getting banned for being anti vaxx...no.  They don't  Never have.  They get banned for not being able to be civil or shut up or because they crap on people for how they vote or what they believe in.


The mods are pretty fair, if you don't like it sorry about your luck, be a better person.  You're not a victim, you just support and follow them.

Edited by Warhippy
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10 minutes ago, Gator said:

"If the debate was this biased"


So you didn't watch the video.. Watch it then come talk. It's not even debatable that it was rigged. It's legit proven to be rigged. Anyone saying it was fair should be fact checked ✔️ 


I'm just assuming it's good and taking your word for it. 


But my question is still relevant - why won't trump do one more on Fox?


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1 hour ago, Gator said:

Think of your god damn children

I have two daughters.


Why the f**k would I support a rapist who is proud he busted in to the teen miss america dressing rooms to stare at 15 year old girls, who is buddy buddy with epstein and has dzens of allegations about him from teenage girls and grown ass women over the decades


I am also Canadian, why the hell would I support any American, let alone one that has already stated they'd bury my nation in tarriffs and make it a resource colony?


This whole interaction is just sad.

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30 minutes ago, Gator said:

Idk about you, but I take video proof as fact.. 


So all the videos we could post of trump lying and saying two different things would be admissible or would they all be fake news?


Just wondering because everything he has ever said he has said something else about a minute later and claimed he didn't know or wasn't involved so.


Are we now accepting all video evidence or none of it?

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4 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

The only thing we care about are his comments about how he was gonna bend canada to his will and if that is OUR best option, there's the door muchacho.

Always said he's bad for us Canadians. You're right there.. But he's running for American president..  


Soft? Have you seen him with other leaders compared to Biden, or even our own soft as butter Trudeau? Trump is strong when it comes to that side of the business.


Trump makes deals good for America, not us or other NATO countries. Sure he makes NATO and us pay up in deals. He's a businessman. That's the type of stuff that could fix their economy. 


And if you don't want WW3 he is OUR best option as well.. Because unless you think Putin won't use a nuke if backed into a corner there is no way we don't spiral into a WW3 in the next 2-3 years.


Russia backed into a corner could be a very scary thing. 


Israel/Hamas war


China/Tawaiin tensions icreasing


The middle east is a mess right now. Couple that with our own economic struggles, inflation, etc.. The world has gone to absolute shit. We are so close to a global conflict it's really not a crazy hypothetical anymore. It's probably more of a real threat today than it was during the cold War.


And during the debate this is what I hear...


Trump: I will settle this war if I'm president elect even before I become president


Harris: Trump would end this war because he will "give up"



Yeah.. Regardless of all that other stuff.. I'm voting Trump based off those statements alone, even though I see MANY MANY other reason to vote him


Only thing I even hear from Harris is why I shouldn't vote Trump.. How about telling me why I should vote for you instead of continuing to push this BS Trump fear.


Attack on democracy?


Go look at Biden putting a "bullseye" on Trump and then watch the secret service enjoy their front row seat to the attempt.. There's your attack on democracy. Yet everyone is so blind to it. Again. It baffles me

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Wants me to imagine if trump had said 'Put a target on Biden'


glosses over months years of Drumpf statements regarding lock them up, shoot someone on main street, go ahead beat them up, I'll pay your legal bills.


Also thinks that because so many are against Drumpf, that Drumpf must be right.





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1 minute ago, Gator said:

(1) Read that last line again.. So the Physician and mother can potentially kill the baby right?  


So they did discuss the possibility of later term abortion/execution


So why was Trump fact checked for telling the truth?


(2) Why was Kamala never fact checked on her extreme remarks such as Trump wants to be a dictator, Trump wrote love letters to Kim Jung Un, etc..


(3) Point is they fact checked Trump on everything even when he was speaking the truth (maybe not best wording, but still true).. But would let Kamala say whatever she wanted.. Dude you cannot watch that objectively and honestly not believe it wasn't rigged against Trump.


(1) Do you have some suggestions you can make to the medical community to keep all newborns alive despite any critical conditions they may have?  Who said anything about killing the baby?  There are some things a physician just cannot heal and you just have to let God/mother nature/the universe take its' course.


(2) Trump has publicly stated he would be a dictator on day one.  Look it up.  Trump wrote glowingly admirable letters to KJU. Look it up. You may be able to accuse Harris of some slight hyperbole in her descriptions of these events.  Trump lives on hyperbole and exaggeration. Here's what he said in his 1987 book, “The Art of the Deal.”

“People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular,” he wrote. “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion.”


(3) Harris told one falsehood when she said the Trump administration had the greatest inflation since the great depression.  A talkative young lady with a camera and a microphone has not convinced me otherwise.


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1 minute ago, Satchmo said:

Trump has publicly stated he would be a dictator on day one

Show me 


And if he did, why isn't he?


He was already president. You guys are too smart to believe this shit. Like come on man. Seriously

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2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Harris told one falsehood when she said the Trump administration had the greatest inflation since the great depression.  A talkative young lady with a camera and a microphone has not convinced me otherwise.

You didn't watch it because you didn't mention the video proof she showed you in the video. See that's where we differ.. You believe the opinions coming out of new anchors mouths.. I believe people that back stuff up with proof. Keep buying the mainstream propaganda..


You're too smart of a person to fall for it. But so are so many.. I'm not going to go too much further into the debate, because it's getting to a point of just bickering back and forth, but unless you're really going to objectively listen to the other side maybe you shouldn't be voting. Thats what's scary about politics really. Like I literally share proof and you refuse to watch and claim "a girl with a mic wont prove otherwise" when all that shows is you didnt truly watch it. That girl with a mic did better research than your news anchor with a mouth lol

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Just now, Gator said:

You didn't watch it because you didn't mention the video proof she showed you in the video. See that's where we differ.. You believe the opinions coming out of new anchors mouths.. I believe people that back stuff up with proof. Keep buying the mainstream propaganda..


You're too smart of a person to fall for it. But so are so many.. I'm not going to go too much further into the debate, because it's getting to a point of just bickering back and forth, but unless you're really going to objectively listen to the other side maybe you shouldn't be voting. Thats what's scary about politics really. Like I literally share proof and you refuse to watch and claim "a girl with a mic wont prove otherwise" when all that shows is you didnt truly watch it. That girl with a mic did better research than your news anchor with a mouth lol


I would actually like to know your take on why trump won't do a debate on Fox. 

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Just now, Bob Long said:


I would actually like to know your take on why trump won't do a debate on Fox. 

Does it matter? Whether he has a debate or not is irrelevant to the point I'm making. Why are you guys just refusing to see this OBVIOUS bias?


Hahaha haha like they're not even hiding it.. Yall are some intelligent people too and thats what really scares me

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Just now, Gator said:

See atleast I put a bit of effort into showing my side lol.. Again. Typical lefty stuff

Smart ass response. Typical righty stuff.


Has Google been forbidden in your country?   Just enter: Trump has publicly stated he would be a dictator on day one

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2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Smart ass response. Typical righty stuff.


Has Google been forbidden in your country?   Just enter: Trump has publicly stated he would be a dictator on day one

Show me video


And if he did say it why is Biden our president? Why is Harris running against him?


Shouldn't we have dictator Trump?

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4 minutes ago, Gator said:

You didn't watch it because you didn't mention the video proof she showed you in the video. See that's where we differ.. You believe the opinions coming out of new anchors mouths.. I believe people that back stuff up with proof. Keep buying the mainstream propaganda..


You're too smart of a person to fall for it. But so are so many.. I'm not going to go too much further into the debate, because it's getting to a point of just bickering back and forth, but unless you're really going to objectively listen to the other side maybe you shouldn't be voting. Thats what's scary about politics really. Like I literally share proof and you refuse to watch and claim "a girl with a mic wont prove otherwise" when all that shows is you didnt truly watch it. That girl with a mic did better research than your news anchor with a mouth lol

Can you give some instances where in the course of this discussion you have shown any willingness to 'objectively listen to the other side'?


I listened to that young lady.  I came to the conclusion she is just not very bright.  She did have a microphone and a camera but not much else.  You just called me 'too smart a person'.  Maybe, maybe not.  But I'm smart enough to know that girl is too dim to be taken seriously.  She had opinions but no proof.

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9 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I would actually like to know your take on why trump won't do a debate on Fox. 

When did Trump say he wouldn't do a debate with fox?


He said he wouldn't do a 3rd debate because he won the first 2.Not stating as fact, just quoting him. I havn't heard of there being any talk about a debate happening with fox specifically, but if there was I personally think he should.


I'm sure they heard trump say he wouldn't do a 3rd debate and twist it into "he won't even debate on fox". Not saying that's what is going on, but wouldn't surprise me with everything else they stretch the truth with to buy people into their narrative (on both sides)

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2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Can you give some instances where in the course of this discussion you have shown any willingness to 'objectively listen to the other side'?

I've been on the other side if you actually paid attention. I used to hate Trump like the rest of you 


Still do, I just see through the BS

Edited by Gator
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1 hour ago, Gator said:

It is when the only sources you consider "credible" is democratic bias news outlets. The videos I shown have legit video proof debunking the fact checks wrongfully thrown at Trump, and you call that not credible.. But 2 mainstream media anchors say Trump is wrong, and that's credible?.. Video proof vs words? hmm tough one. Not sure which is more credible? lol 🤦


Would you accept Fox news as credible? I wouldn't as it's just as biased as CNN.. But surely if you're a mainstream media guy and want "credible" news sources I can throw a bunch of bias fox news videos at you showing the bias against Trump with other democratic "mainstream outlets"


I legit showed video proof and somehow its not "credible" lol.. And yall buy that crap from CNN/Fox.. GTFO here with that credible nonsense. If Kamala burnt down a house and it was filmed by a youtuber, you guys would be like "It's not on a credible CNN/Fox news outlet so it's fake".. As if CNN/Fox will try to incriminate Harris lol..


This perfectly sums up the frustration of political debates. You refuse to accept truth when given facts if it don't fit your side. Your side can do no wrong, and even if they do, and it's obvious you somehow ignore, or are blind to it. It truly amazes me really. Politics making very smart people look very dumb these days. It's truly scary how close minded people are, and how bought in to these mainstream news networks (on both sides of the political fence) people are.


Like I said yall see the propaganda fed by other channels. If you support Harris, you see the bias in Fox, and none in CNN. If you're a Trump supporter you see all the bias in CNN, and none in Fox.. And if anyone hits you with VIDEO PROOF from outside sources yall deem it not credible and ignore it.. Just blows my mind. No matter what side of the fence you're on there's no way you can't see the bias/propaganda being spread by these news outlets. 


The more bias the media is against Trump the more he looks like the best choice in my eyes. Ive seen Fox go at Trump back before he won the republic party when he was battling the more corrupt republican leaders like Jeb Bush. Only reason Fox seems to favor Trump these days is because he's their only hope at the democrats not getting it. He now fits their narrative so hes the hero in their stories these days. That wasnt always the case. At one point they pushed the same BS anti Trump stuff CNN and democratic channels alike do today. 


I showed you guys literal proof and you somehow refuse to see it. Like undisputable video evidence. 


Trump was in fact right about abortion in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month being a thing that was being discussed, along with post birth abortion/execution.. Yet he was WRONGFULLY fact checked (bias debate). Video proof given in previous post


Trump did in fact see people talking about immigrants killing and eating pets on the news. He was fact checked by them stating the mayor said it's not the case. They wernt wrong, the mayor did say that, but Trump wasnt wrong either. The mayor was, but they didn't bother to look into it because their goal was to make Trump look bad.


Just look how they set us up for the bias debate. Harris opens up "your going to hear a lot of lies coming from this man".. Knowing he's going to get fact checked on every corner, while she doesn't get fact checked a single time even though there are several times she should have


Bias/propaganda right in front of your eyes with so much evidence to back it up yet you still refuse to see it. Truly baffling


Do you not understand how to check credibility?  

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3 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Can you give some instances where in the course of this discussion you have shown any willingness to 'objectively listen to the other side'?


I listened to that young lady.  I came to the conclusion she is just not very bright.  She did have a microphone and a camera but not much else.  You just called me 'too smart a person'.  Maybe, maybe not.  But I'm smart enough to know that girl is too dim to be taken seriously.  She had opinions but no proof.

I bet you watched the first minute or 2 of her clamoring over Trump, and shut it off before the facts came out. Fair enough, but don't come here discrediting something you didn't really watch

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