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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:




I have taken a lot of Justice Institute modules/courses this year.

Many are on communication, leadership at the front, crisis management, etc.

It makes sense as in my work every second person is trying to lie to you. Such is life in with prisoners.


So I now have a bit of an ego about it and during that debate I saw what she was doing right and where he was failing.

It's all there in this thread, I have the receipts, as the debate was going on I was calling out what she was doing in real time. She was very good.

@stawns also was nailing it. I assume the little manipulators he works with give him some insight to communication and tells, not unlike my jorb. 

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5 hours ago, Gator said:

Watch the video.. Skip the first minute or 2 to get to real fact checks. Wish she didn't start it off with so much Trump glamor because a lot of Trump haters won't sit through that to get to the facts she points out.


She literally backs it up with proof 


But the breakdown..


He was right about late term abortion (and even the execution part)


He was right about the pets being eaten


Thise are the 2 extreme things even I thought he was full of sh** on at the time.. But nope he was right, and got fact checked.. He may not express things the best way, but hes right.. and maybe he doesn't express himself the right way because it's not fake scripted BS coming out of his mouth. He's being real. Atleast more real than your typical politician



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5 hours ago, Gator said:

Like I said. Not being baited into the back and forth. Ignore the facts all you want. I provided them for you. Like I said. If Kamala wins, hopefully they send yours sons and daughters to war, and not mine. 


You want to buy into the media propoganda, go fight their wars for them too. I'll go with the guys atleast wanting world peace, and talking about real stuff. I'm not buying all that fake scripted crap.


This isn't democratic vs republican to me. I've always been a "democrat" in terms of who I supported in the past. I'm tired of the bullshit the media feeds us. We get brainwashed just as bad as they do in China and Russia, and everywhere else in the world. To me I just see through the bullshit.. And I just pray enough other people will too.. 


As for the pets/abortion thing, it's more of a way to show you how bias that debate was, and the way they wrongfully fact checked Trump.. Yet they didn't fact check Kamala a sing time.. Yet she claimed Trump was buddies with dictators, claimes he wrote love letter to Kim Jung Un, claimed he's part of project 20205.. Like how can you not see the bias.. You can. You just refuse to do so.


Anyway that's as back and forth as I'm going to get. Not looking to get myself banned because I don't support Kamala. People get banned on here for being an anti vaxxer so I have to be careful


Yall lefties be censoring everything these days like it's communist China 🤣



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4 hours ago, Gator said:

Ignore facts and call me insulting. If that's not the most left wing response you could've given me lol.. This is the type of stuff that turned me into a Trump supporter lol.


Like I said. I showed you undisputable video evidence of the rigged debate. Yet you refuse to see it. It has nothing to do with my research, and everything to do with your unwillingness to learn the truth, or atleast open your mind to the possibility of being wrong. Video proof is there. Can't help it if you refuse to watch it/pretend it doesn't exist




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Is putting 'lol' in non funny communications sign of insecurity?


I have wondered this for years in this wonderful internet world.

I'm pretty sure that the people that do it, think it is a way to belittle someone else's stance/opinion. But it, to me, comes of as struggling to feel confident. Sort of trying to show a tough, above you, demeanor. 

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3 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

O yay....another "I did my own research and you're all sheeple!" poster....haven't seen one of those in a while....


Also love the "I don't want to get banned:, "Can't fix stupid" dichotomy.....:classic_rolleyes:

It's basically the same thing on repeat everytime lol. It's unfortunate because I don't know how to reason people out of what they think "proof" is. 

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5 minutes ago, Gurn said:



Officials in Springfield, Ohio, have pushed back on a racist rumor amplified by the Trump campaign that Haitian residents are eating people’s pets, as the baseless claims have prompted bomb threats against city buildings and terrified local residents.

“Unfortunately right now, we have to focus on making sure this rhetoric is dispelled, that these rumors are just, they’re just not true. Springfield is a beautiful place, and your pets are safe in Springfield,” Springfield mayor Rob Rue told CNN.

Springfield’s police and city manager, as well as the Ohio governor, have all affirmed that claims of Haitians eating pets are without evidence.

Still, despite the wave of condemnation from Ohio officials, the rumor has taken on a life of its own in Springfield, where a bomb threat on Thursday forced the evacuation of city hall and two schools.

Local officials said the threat explicitly “used hateful language towards immigrants and Haitians in our community.”

“Springfield is a community that needs help,” Mayor Rue told The Washington Post, instead of leaders that “hurt a community like, unfortunately, we have seen over the last couple of days.”

The FBI is investigating the bomb threat.

White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby warned earlier this week the conspiracy could cause violence.

“This kind of language, this kind of disinformation, is, is dangerous because there will be people that believe it no matter how ludicrous and stupid it is, and they might act on that kind of information and act on it in a way where somebody could get hurt,” he said, adding, “It needs to stop.”


 a fair bit more at link.

Sorry Gurn, this is leftwing bias media easily tossed away because YouTube research and reasons, do better sheeple!

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1 minute ago, Duodenum said:

Sorry Gurn, this is leftwing bias media easily tossed away because YouTube research and reasons, do better sheeple!

I'm still trying to figure out the 'so many people are saying bad things about Drumpf; that he must be right' stance.

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5 minutes ago, Duodenum said:

Sorry Gurn, this is leftwing bias media easily tossed away because YouTube research and reasons, do better sheeple!

And in MAGA world, the Gov. of Ohio is a RINO.  So even when a right-winger says it didn't happen, MAGA will still say otherwise.

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3 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

O yay....another "I did my own research and you're all sheeple!" poster....haven't seen one of those in a while....


Also love the "I don't want to get banned:, "Can't fix stupid" dichotomy.....:classic_rolleyes:

I'll admit, not the best choice of words, but thats what you guys do. Ignore facts, and point out little things like that as if it holds merit to the real discussion that's needed to be had.


So I mean you're not wrong, but I love how you all still ignore the facts given, but are all so quick to point out the little mishaps in how I'm presented said facts.


I mean it's pointless for me to keep replying, but people who know me know I have a hard time shutting up when discussing a topic I feel strongly about. That I am 100% guilty of.. But I really do believe yall need to open your eyes.. They literally aren't even trying to hide the bias like at all.. But I see why. They don't have to. They have yall so bought in to the Trump hate they could assassinate the dude on live TV and not 1 of you would bat an eye...

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

I'll admit, not the best choice of words, but thats what you guys do. Ignore facts, and point out little things like that as if it holds merit to the real discussion that's needed to be had.


So I mean you're not wrong, but I love how you all still ignore the facts given, but are all so quick to point out the little mishaps in how I'm presented said facts.


I mean it's pointless for me to keep replying, but people who know me know I have a hard time shutting up when discussing a topic I feel strongly about. That I am 100% guilty of.. But I really do believe yall need to open your eyes.. They literally aren't even trying to hide the bias like at all.. But I see why. They don't have to. They have yall so bought in to the Trump hate they could assassinate the dude on live TV and not 1 of you would bat an eye...

Please remind me - What facts have you provided again?

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47 minutes ago, Gator said:

Cant See Cheech Marin GIF


Trump haters when given undisputable video evidence ^

"undisputable evidence"


By a youtuber who selectively edits videos to push a narrative but videos taken from the same fake news media this poster tells us not to believe.


It's hard to follow, really.

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