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33 minutes ago, joe-max said:


So the main message of the videos is:

- be open-minded, don't let your personal conviction stand in the way of reality

- the greater good is more important than personal vanity

- be a critical thinker, don't believe everything you hear or read just because its narrative fits your belief

- check sources and try to understand

- discourse over social media is bad


That sounds reasonable. So if this is the premise, why should you trust a guy to lead a country...

- whose main (and only?) tactic is to breed discord

- who attacks and bullies political enemies and anyone with a differing opinion

- who is out ouf control on social media

- who makes (dangerous) claims on the most public of stages about stuff that he heard somewhere on TV

- who manipulates, lies, cheats for personal (financial) gain

- who lacks the capacity to grasp and analyse complex matters


I just don't get it. And no, I don't think it is because I'm stupid, blind or biased.


Gator should be drinking the Gatorade not the Koolaid.


He hasn’t been in his right mind since he saw this image in one of the rabbit holes he’s been frequenting.




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So the Truth social seems set up as a money grab from the usual suckers. He will start quietly liquidating what he can when he can start selling to try not to tank it any further than it already has. So many foolish people pumped their life savings into this, and they can’t declare chapter 11 and let the government bail them out. 

Is it just me or does Eric and Dirtbag Jr’s crypto company just seem like the way that special interests and foreign governments can funnel money directly to La Familia without having to be laundered through the hotels and golf courses. 

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8 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

Trump said that Vlad is smart, savvy and genius.
He also said that countries that don’t contribute 2% to NATO budget, would not be defended by the U,S, in fact he would encourage Putin to attack those that are delinquent in paying their dues.

He can’t, but what he can is to stop sending military aid to Ukraine.

You do know who the largest donor is right?

I agree he shouldn't be saying nice things about Putin, but I mean he's not totally wrong. You don't get that kinda power being dumb.. From my POV (Ignoring the bias they spin on those words for you).. Hes simply saying he's a smart man and not to be taken lightly. Which imo is true


As for NATO.. That is truly the 1 part about Trump that scares me. I do agree with him NATO should be paying up more. Why should the US be paying up the a** to protect them? Itd be different if they couldn't, but they can, and Trump proved it, because they started paying up when Trump threatened to "not protecting them".. So he was therefore saving a lot of tax payer money


Sure Trump said some words that you can twist into your narrative and all you lefties can hold onto it and use it how you will, but if you look at what he really meant with those words he didn't mean he wants Putin to attack these places..



If Trump was so willing to allow it then why did Putin annex Crimea under Obama rule, do absolutely NOTHING under Trump rule.. And then under Biden rule he's invading Ukraine?


You see this in front of your eyes, but ignore it, then take Trumps words out of context, throw this ridiculous flash narrative to spread Trump fear. That's all the democrats can do is twist his words to make people fear him by painting this false picture as if we're dealing with a Hitler.. And the sad part is people are buying it so much they're disowning their family members that see through the media BS and support him. 


You all need to wake tf up.. Idc if you support Harris.. But what really bothers me is how much you buy the BS from your networks that's obviously twisting word



You can't see true context in what Trump is saying EVER when they twist it to make him sound like a monster


But somehow when Biden says "Put Trump in a bullseye" 2 weeks before an assassination attempt yall are so quick to find the true context. I'd say Bidens words a bit more extreme given the events that occurred afterwards, no?


Stay blind though.. Hopefully enough democrats wake up.. You people are to smart to be that close minded and easily fooled.. Everything is right in front of your eyes if you really wanted to see it.. Take the left wing glasses off for a few hours 

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7 hours ago, joe-max said:

why should you trust a guy to lead a country...

- whose main (and only?) tactic is to breed discord

- who attacks and bullies political enemies and anyone with a differing opinion

- who is out ouf control on social media

- who makes (dangerous) claims on the most public of stages about stuff that he heard somewhere on TV

- who manipulates, lies, cheats for personal (financial) gain

- who lacks the capacity to grasp and analyse complex matters


I just don't get it. And no, I don't think it is because I'm stupid, blind or biased.

- who attacks and bullies political enemies and anyone

Happening on both sides. But I do agree his choice of words arent always the best, and can come off very childish at times. Reason I really didn't like him at first (Used to be a Trump hater myself)


who is out ouf control on social media

Yea he probably says some stuff your typical politician don't say online, but to me that could be a bonus. Politicians are notorious to be fake to the public and lie their way into office. For me having someone real (or atleast appear to be real) is a breath of fresh air.


who makes (dangerous) claims on the most public of stages about stuff that he heard somewhere on TV

Oh you mean dangerous claims like calling to opposition a dictator, saying he needs to be put into a bullseye, etc.. Not saying Trump hasn't, I'm just pointing out you only see it from 1 side apparently.


who manipulates, lies, cheats for personal (financial) gain

So glad you brought this up. This is EVERY politician in a nutshell, and one reason I like Trump. Trump is the ONLY president to not accept salary. Theres also a video I shared a few pages back showing the republican debate when the room was highly in favor of Jeb Bush, where Trump points out that the audience is donors (which he didn't need their money).


Yet somehow these crooked politicians that are notorious for lying and cheating the taxpayers for their financial gain have convinced you democrats that Trump is the crooked one ripping off taxpayers for financial gain.


When him and Hillary was debating she kept mentioning his taxes to throw that narrative at you guys.. And guess what?.. Trump told us the truth and said he paid 0 taxes. You want to know why? I'm sure you don't but ill tell you anyway.. Your corrupt politicians have tax breaks that allow billionaires to essentially write everything off. Of course Trump took advantage of it, what business man wouldn't.. But given all them facts you'll still blindly buy that narrative just like every other one thrown at you


who lacks the capacity to grasp and analyse complex matters

Thats just your opinion. Agree to disagree.

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1 hour ago, DrJockitch said:

So the Truth social seems set up as a money grab from the usual suckers. He will start quietly liquidating what he can when he can start selling to try not to tank it any further than it already has. So many foolish people pumped their life savings into this, and they can’t declare chapter 11 and let the government bail them out. 

Is it just me or does Eric and Dirtbag Jr’s crypto company just seem like the way that special interests and foreign governments can funnel money directly to La Familia without having to be laundered through the hotels and golf courses. 


If anyone still needed proof that crypto is crooked, here it is.


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Here is the rub for me, Gator. And I watch Fox new amongst others........


Trump and his Ultra right friends have done some good things........no argument


I agree with the NATO 2% spending that Trump pushed, but remember Canada does not spend to that threshold either!


So something has to give, there, as well! 


But for every thing Trump does that is good, Trump adds 10 things that are bad.........and I am fairly fiscally conservative


But Trumps major problem, is is message to the young............his ethics, vulgarity, his morals......he is extremely Un-American


His statements, make me cringe, and as far as I am concerned, his party has moved to far to the right and has allowed Trump to


challenge democracy...............he reminds me of Victor Orban, just a little too Autocratic for my liking


I will also challenge you to consider, that your opinions are very lonely, and generally speaking..........


A collective usually, makes better decisions that a singularity. It is not to say you are totally wrong, but.............


Who the "F" are you to say, the rest of the world is stupid? I mean, I have read some serious Bat Shit crazy from you......


I can still see some truth to some of the things you say.................I do not discount them until I have considered them


Keep posting, keep challenging............It makes me question my beliefs, and makes them stronger, when I do


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8 minutes ago, JIAHN said:



I will also challenge you to consider, that your opinions are very lonely, and generally speaking..........


A collective usually, makes better decisions that a singularity. It is not to say you are totally wrong, but.............


Who the "F" are you to say, the rest of the world is stupid? I mean, I have read some serious Bat Shit crazy from you......


When you encounter one asshole in a day, you met an asshole.  When you constantly meet assholes all day, you're the asshole.

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16 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

Who the "F" are you to say, the rest of the world is stupid? I mean, I have read some serious Bat Shit crazy from you......

I understand I say some out of pocket stuff, and I don't mean it to be as "crazy" as it comes out.. But that's what I mean when I say it scares me that some smart ass people in here are blind to the obvious stuff.. I know I'm illiterate as a donkey lol. I'm from Cape Breton I speak like a newfy 😅


But what blows my mind is how these VERY SMART people willingly turn a blind eye to the obvious bias/corruption


I said many times Trump is an ass hole/Douchebag.. I don't like Trump the person. Like at all.. But I trust him more than ANY other "politician" I seen.. He may say some "bat shit crazy" stuff.. But to me I see real vs fake.. Authentic vs scripted.. I'm tired of the lies, the fake news, and the media corruption.. It's so bloody obvious and in front of our eyes.


I can't defend Trump in terms of some shit he says, and I don't even want to try.. But I will push as much of the bad from the other side I see that that side just refuses to see.. And though I agree on not wanting to give in to Russian demands, I'd atleast want a president that's willing to try and make peace, and I only see 1 willing to try.. Idk man.. Sure I'm a lone wolf on the topic, but in all honesty the way Trump supporters get attacked these days I wouldn't be surprised if there's many of them wanting to chime in but don't, because like it or not, the left (since Trump) has gone "bat shit crazy".. I used to be that Trump hater jumping down people's throats when they were trying to point this stuff out to me.. So I get it.. Just frustrating to see people ignore obvious facts, especially when we're on the brink of a nuclear war.. Which I hope I'm just over reacting to the tensions over in the middle east...

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7 minutes ago, Gator said:

I understand I say some out of pocket stuff, and I don't mean it to be as "crazy" as it comes out.. But that's what I mean when I say it scares me that some smart ass people in here are blind to the obvious stuff.. I know I'm illiterate as a donkey lol. I'm from Cape Breton I speak like a newfy 😅


But what blows my mind is how these VERY SMART people willingly turn a blind eye to the obvious bias/corruption


I said many times Trump is an ass hole/Douchebag.. I don't like Trump the person. Like at all.. But I trust him more than ANY other "politician" I seen.. He may say some "bat shit crazy" stuff.. But to me I see real vs fake.. Authentic vs scripted.. I'm tired of the lies, the fake news, and the media corruption.. It's so bloody obvious and in front of our eyes.


I can't defend Trump in terms of some shit he says, and I don't even want to try.. But I will push as much of the bad from the other side I see that that side just refuses to see.. And though I agree on not wanting to give in to Russian demands, I'd atleast want a president that's willing to try and make peace, and I only see 1 willing to try.. Idk man.. Sure I'm a lone wolf on the topic, but in all honesty the way Trump supporters get attacked these days I wouldn't be surprised if there's many of them wanting to chime in but don't, because like it or not, the left (since Trump) has gone "bat shit crazy".. I used to be that Trump hater jumping down people's throats when they were trying to point this stuff out to me.. So I get it.. Just frustrating to see people ignore obvious facts, especially when we're on the brink of a nuclear war.. Which I hope I'm just over reacting to the tensions over in the middle east...

Have you possibly considered that the smart people are simply seeing how evil a monster like Trump is and you're missing it?  The best way to secure world piece is for Trump to be either in prison or dead.  Treating that Nazi the same as actual people does not work out well.

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8 minutes ago, Gator said:

I understand I say some out of pocket stuff, and I don't mean it to be as "crazy" as it comes out.. But that's what I mean when I say it scares me that some smart ass people in here are blind to the obvious stuff.. I know I'm illiterate as a donkey lol. I'm from Cape Breton I speak like a newfy 😅


But what blows my mind is how these VERY SMART people willingly turn a blind eye to the obvious bias/corruption


I said many times Trump is an ass hole/Douchebag.. I don't like Trump the person. Like at all.. But I trust him more than ANY other "politician" I seen.. He may say some "bat shit crazy" stuff.. But to me I see real vs fake.. Authentic vs scripted.. I'm tired of the lies, the fake news, and the media corruption.. It's so bloody obvious and in front of our eyes.


I can't defend Trump in terms of some shit he says, and I don't even want to try.. But I will push as much of the bad from the other side I see that that side just refuses to see.. And though I agree on not wanting to give in to Russian demands, I'd atleast want a president that's willing to try and make peace, and I only see 1 willing to try.. Idk man.. Sure I'm a lone wolf on the topic, but in all honesty the way Trump supporters get attacked these days I wouldn't be surprised if there's many of them wanting to chime in but don't, because like it or not, the left (since Trump) has gone "bat shit crazy".. I used to be that Trump hater jumping down people's throats when they were trying to point this stuff out to me.. So I get it.. Just frustrating to see people ignore obvious facts, especially when we're on the brink of a nuclear war.. Which I hope I'm just over reacting to the tensions over in the middle east...


I think people get concerned over things like pandering to the religious right. Those folks are scary. 

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

Have you possibly considered that the smart people are simply seeing how evil a monster like Trump is and you're missing it?  The best way to secure world piece is for Trump to be either in prison or dead.  Treating that Nazi the same as actual people does not work out well.

That's not out of pocket or anything. Bet you're one of the lefties saying "missed by an inch"


But yea, Trumpsters are "Extreme"


I mean do yall not see the hypocricasy in your statements?


It's legit pointless to continue the debate. You guys arent even slightly open to the idea I could be right. Refuse to look into it, that's your perogative. Being smart doesn't mean you're right about everything, obviously. But it is scary to see some smart people refuse to look at undisputable facts because it goes against what their party is feeding you.


Idk I'm legit done with the topic. I got my points across. At the end of the day that was the goal. I'm obviously not going to change your mind, but maybe opened someone's eyes a bit. All I can say is I hope the right decision gets made, and the world isn't going through a nuclear war this time next year.

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

That's not out of pocket or anything. Bet you're one of the lefties saying "missed by an inch"


But yea, Trumpsters are "Extreme"


I mean do yall not see the hypocricasy in your statements?


It's legit pointless to continue the debate. You guys arent even slightly open to the idea I could be right. Refuse to look into it, that's your perogative. Being smart doesn't mean you're right about everything, obviously. But it is scary to see some smart people refuse to look at undisputable facts because it goes against what their party is feeding you.


Idk I'm legit done with the topic. I got my points across. At the end of the day that was the goal. I'm obviously not going to change your mind, but maybe opened someone's eyes a bit. All I can say is I hope the right decision gets made, and the world isn't going through a nuclear war this time next year.


The simple solution would be for the repubs to get another leader.

Prove that it is not a cult of personality.



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34 minutes ago, Gator said:


And this is supposed to be a "lean left" news station. Which I have to say seems wrong? Lol


What proof is there that they are friends lol. The whole video is immediately wrong, yet again. 


Furthermore, that is Sky news Australia which is a right-wing network while you posted sky news UK's political leaning.


Are you lying on purpose or do you not have the media literacy to figure this out yourself.

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


The simple solution would be for the repubs to get another leader.

Prove that it is not a cult of personality.



Why? Just another corrupt politician.. Id probably ly be a Harris supporter then lol. This is the first time ive ever been in favor for a "republican" nominee

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3 minutes ago, Duodenum said:

What proof is there that they are friends lol. The whole video is immediately wrong, yet again. 

Sure that's just opinion.. Now go quote the other videos I posted with legit backed up facts and debunk the fact checks.. 


Point of that video above is you have a left wing news outlet even calling the debate rigged.. Incase the point went over your head there.......

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Just now, Gator said:

Why? Just another corrupt politician.. Id probably ly be a Harris supporter then lol. This is the first time ive ever been in favor for a "republican" nominee


The majority of other politicains dont operate like a cult leader.

If the movement and issues that the right have are so important. Why risk losing the election due to devotion to one man?



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Aviral photo of a man carrying two geese in Ohio fueled Donald Trump’s wild, now-debunked conspiracy that Haitian migrants are eating pets in the state – but turns out it was a wild goose chase.

The Ohio Division of Wildlife told TMZ that the man was picking up the two geese that had been hit by a car in Columbus, which is about 45 minutes from Springfield, where Trump had previously claimed that migrants were chowing down on the birds.

In order to collect a carcass, people need documentation from a county sheriff or wildlife officer, the wildlife organization explained, but according to the Franklin County Wildlife Office, this is not required for geese, meaning the man had a right to them.

TMZ reported that there is no evidence that the man is Haitian, an immigrant or that he even intended to eat the geese.

At a rally in Tucson, Arizona, this week, Trump dragged geese into his narrative.

“A recording of 911 calls show that residents are reporting that the migrants are walking off with the town’s geese,” Trump said.

“They’re taking the geese. You know where the geese are? In the park, in the lake. And even walking off with their pets.”

Trump once again offered no evidence to support his claims.

The claims about geese come just days after the former president wildly pushed the false narrative about Haitian migrants eating pets as he faced off against Kamala Harris on stage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday for their first – and likely only – presidential debate.



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8 minutes ago, Gator said:

Sure that's just opinion.. Now go quote the other videos I posted with legit backed up facts and debunk the fact checks.. 


Point of that video above is you have a left wing news outlet even calling the debate rigged.. Incase the point went over your head there.......


The video is Sky news Australia which is a right-wing network while you posted sky news UK's political leaning.



Are you lying on purpose or do you not have the media literacy to figure this out yourself?


Might want to check your sources next time. 


Post which video you want me to debunk and I'll do so. Education is important.


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Just now, Duodenum said:


The video is Sky news Australia which is a right-wing network while you posted sky news UK's political leaning.



Are you lying on purpose or do you not have the media literacy to figure this out yourself?


Might want to check your sources next time. 




Yep. Sky News Aus is the worst.

Tabloid stuff.

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Just now, Duodenum said:


The video is Sky news Australia which is a right-wing network while you posted sky news UK's political leaning.



Are you lying on purpose or do you not have the media literacy to figure this out yourself?


Might want to check your sources next time. 



I just seen and searched sky news. If you could read I did say it seems "wrong" to me lol


It makes sense though.. See how that right wing channel pushes anti Harris stuff? Man them right wingers really buy that crap eh?


Glad you left wingers don't fall for that stuff!

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

I just seen and searched sky news. If you could read I did say it seems "wrong" to me lol


It makes sense though.. See how that right wing channel pushes anti Harris stuff? Man them right wingers really buy that crap eh?


Glad you left wingers don't fall for that stuff!

What they need is more credible YOUTUBE channels who have done their own research amirite

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12 minutes ago, Gator said:

Sure that's just opinion.. Now go quote the other videos I posted with legit backed up facts and debunk the fact checks.. 


Point of that video above is you have a left wing news outlet even calling the debate rigged.. Incase the point went over your head there.......


Forget about the news outlets, how do you come to terms with all of the people in his administration that say how bad he is? 

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Sure that's just opinion.. Now go quote the other videos I posted with legit backed up facts and debunk the fact checks.. 


Point of that video above is you have a left wing news outlet even calling the debate rigged.. Incase the point went over your head there.......

I've done just that for a good number of them but you prefer to talk than listen.  To paraphrase one of your recent posts It looks like: You aren't even slightly open to the idea you could be wrong.


Try listening to this: Left biased new outlets have right biased commentators on all the time.  It's called balanced reporting.  if you are devious enough to just snip out a few seconds of these people talking and put it on YouTube you can fool some gullible people into thinking all kinds of things - like 'this must be true because it's on a left biased new channel'. 

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