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5 minutes ago, Gator said:

Harris commits hyperbole!   Stop the presses!   She took a phrase out of context!  No politician before her has ever done that!


Meanwhile Trump pulls Venezuelan crime statistics out of his ass, accuses Harris of hating Israel, tells us pets are being eaten in Springfield, informs us Democrats want post birth abortions, tells us he'll end the Ukraine war with a few phone calls, inflates Biden's inflation statistics, get's confused over crowd sizes....

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2 minutes ago, Gator said:

Think it was more than that, but why wasn't she fact checked 2-3 times?


Better yet why was Trump fact checked on abortion? When in fact he was right. Whether you are for or against their late term/after birth abortion policy is redundant. He was right to bring it up and was called a liar.

Did you have a chance to read my post from a day or so ago on these late term/after birth abortion comments and why they required fact checking ?  I know you never made any replies to them.  Why was that?   I could look them up and re-post if you like.

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12 minutes ago, Gator said:


She's not a reliable source, or a serious commentator, and not one you should take cues from because she clearly has an agenda that's not rooted in objective principle and intellectual honesty. 

But hey, to each their own



Again, show me a Youtube conservative grifter, and my mind goes back to this. So frail, so out of touch, so far from what an actual conservative is.



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9 minutes ago, kilgore said:

Obama......does not control the world, Despite what MAGA cult thinks

Point of post is what have you seen to make you believe Putin would be sitting in Kyiv if Trump was president? When infact Russia did absolutely nothing when he was president, but under Obama he annexed Crimea, and under Biden he invaded Ukraine.. Yet somehow, some way they have you convince Trump is a threat to Ukraines sovereignty. I just don't get how people are buying this crap. 

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Point of post is what have you seen to make you believe Putin would be sitting in Kyiv if Trump was president? When infact Russia did absolutely nothing when he was president, but under Obama he annexed Crimea, and under Biden he invaded Ukraine.. Yet somehow, some way they have you convince Trump is a threat to Ukraines sovereignty. I just don't get how people are buying this crap. To me it's so bloody obvious where the real corruption lies

You just keep on talking.  When will you listen?

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17 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:


Trump in office: Bypassed the Afghan government to negotiate directly with the Taliban and agreed to release 5000 Taliban prisoners. It is more than likely some of those 5000 were responsible for the attack that killed 13 service members during the American withdrawal. Also Trump in office: tried to extort Zelensky by withholding aid unless Ukraine provided dirt of the Bidens. Also Trump in office: did/said nothing when N. Korea fired long range test missiles over Japan. Also Trump in office: Praised Rodrigo Duterte as being a strong leader, even after Duterte admits he has no problem with extrajudicial killing of people he considers criminals. Also Trump in office: wanted to withdraw form NATO unless NATO nations somehow paid up to someone for something. Also Trump in office: Admired and praised Putin, Orban, Kim, Zhi, Modi and Erdogan. Are ya seein' a pattern here? Trump does not care about the security of the US or the preservation of the constitutional democracy on which the country is built. And I'm sorry I don't have a video for you, but I don't need videos to express my thoughts. Words work for me.




And considering that TRUMP rescinded Obama policy on reporting drone strikes, we really don't know the full extent of his escalation of drone strikes under his administraiton.





Also, one of TRUMPS first actions as POTUS was to OK a military operation in Yemen.  It wasn't good.



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3 hours ago, Gator said:

I understand I say some out of pocket stuff, and I don't mean it to be as "crazy" as it comes out.. But that's what I mean when I say it scares me that some smart ass people in here are blind to the obvious stuff.. I know I'm illiterate as a donkey lol. I'm from Cape Breton I speak like a newfy 😅


But what blows my mind is how these VERY SMART people willingly turn a blind eye to the obvious bias/corruption


I said many times Trump is an ass hole/Douchebag.. I don't like Trump the person. Like at all.. But I trust him more than ANY other "politician" I seen.. He may say some "bat shit crazy" stuff.. But to me I see real vs fake.. Authentic vs scripted.. I'm tired of the lies, the fake news, and the media corruption.. It's so bloody obvious and in front of our eyes.


I can't defend Trump in terms of some shit he says, and I don't even want to try.. But I will push as much of the bad from the other side I see that that side just refuses to see.. And though I agree on not wanting to give in to Russian demands, I'd atleast want a president that's willing to try and make peace, and I only see 1 willing to try.. Idk man.. Sure I'm a lone wolf on the topic, but in all honesty the way Trump supporters get attacked these days I wouldn't be surprised if there's many of them wanting to chime in but don't, because like it or not, the left (since Trump) has gone "bat shit crazy".. I used to be that Trump hater jumping down people's throats when they were trying to point this stuff out to me.. So I get it.. Just frustrating to see people ignore obvious facts, especially when we're on the brink of a nuclear war.. Which I hope I'm just over reacting to the tensions over in the middle east...


Gator.....I think you are off base, at least from my perspective


Here is something to consider.........never mind the verbal


2 things come to mind.


The attack on the capital............where Trump basically created the incident, then sat on his hands.........THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, NEEDs TO ACT DESICISVELY, ON THAT MOB............HIS ACTIONS SCREAM WHAT HE STANDS FOR......................


SECONDLY, WHERE THE PEACEFUL MARCH, TURNED INTO A BLOOD BATH, .....I can't remember the march, but the KKK and extreme Right actually killed decent human beings, marching in a peaceful march.....................AGAIN, TRUMPS IN-ACTION, AND HIS " THERE WERE DECENT FOLK ON BOTH SIDES COMMENT" is not a "PRESIDENTUAL" comment and his in-action, that day, and in the days following were disgraceful.


Never mind not standing up to Putin with extreme strength (certainly not a Kennedy type response!)


Ask yourself, how many impressionable youths are swallowing what he says and does, hook, line and sinker............imagine in 10 to 15 years, how many more people will talk and think like Trump.


Honestly, and I say this from the heart, but if you can condone these actions, and in-actions, and what they may bring down the road, then I can not support you at all. IMO, he is despicable and could in a moments notice, kill all Democrats, and invade Canada. Then have Putin come over for dinner.

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5 minutes ago, DSVII said:

She's not a reliable source, or a serious commentator, and not one you should take cues from because she clearly has an agenda that's not rooted in objective principle and intellectual honesty. 

I don't follow her, and never once denied the bias. But for some reason you believe the mainstream media doesn't have a much bigger "agenda" than a youtuber? 🤣


If you're so close minded to only accepts facts from a mainstream source than imo you're just a puppet. Left wing/right wing your choice. Depends on the network I suppose. Me, I like to watch new outlets from outside sources, and youtubers with different views and see all angles. All of them throw their own spin on shit and push their agenda, but you open yourself to more angles of the same story.




I mention Biden saying we should "put Trump in a bullseye" 2 weeks before someone literally did, and people are so quick to jump at me about the context in which he said it. Sure I'll buy the BS of the "context", but still.. You have to admit it's a very strange choice of words to use as a "figure of speech" against your highly scrutinized political opponent. But yet everyone seems to turn a blind eye to it because it's Trump and a lot of people on the left would actually prefer if the bullet hit which is sad, but besides the point.


Then you get the "Trump threatened a bloodbath if he loses the election" crowd. As if that's not blown way out of context. Yet somehow you guys spin that to convince people he's the threat to democracy. Even when presented literal video evidence you try your best to discredit it as being just some youtuber showing it to you instead of a mainstream media reporter. Proof is proof if you ignore the yapping in-between.


From where I'm sitting, I havn't 1 single time defended Trump when it comes to the nasty shit he can say sometimes. There's no defending it. I said many times I don't like the guy. I do worry about his push back on NATO, but there's no denying he did in fact get them to pay up (and didn't break up the alliance).. I'm listening, but you guys really aren't feeding me much of what I havnt already read/heard, and are doing a very poor job discrediting the facts I handed you.


Sure he's made deals that goes wrong but so do all sides. I mean I'm sure if you want to go talk to a group of heavy right wing enthusiasts that's are as deep into Fox and the right wing channels, as you are into CNN and the left wing channels they can throw you the same kinda ticky tack bad deals your side made to.


I'm just pointing out some very concerning facts I see, and it's actually scary to see how dismissive yall are to literal facts lol. Very concerning, but to each their own.



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1 hour ago, Gator said:

What did putin get from Trump from 2016-2020.. And please back it up with facts


Obama allowed him to take Crimea


Just a few come to mind, this list isn't exhaustive. And this is a good reminder for everyone of just how weak Trump is on foreign policy.


1.) Belarus - Trump's administration was silent and inactive when Pro-Putin satrap Lukashenko violently cracked down on his people after stealing the 2020 election. This gave Putin control of a satellite state that he's using as a buffer with NATO, and also as a lauching pad for his invasion of Ukraine. Putin would have had nowhere near the conception of a 3 day special military operation without that shortcut to Kyiv. The seeds of today's invasion were planted by Trump


2.) Syria - Withdrawal from Syria and abandonment of the US allies has destabilized the region, discredited the US and displaced hundreds of thousands of people. This caused the collapse of the Syrian Democratic Forces on the ground, and threatened by the Turkish invasion of Syria, forced them to cut a deal with Assad, a Putin ally.


There was a famous video of Russian troops pilfering through all the equipment left behind by the US because of the suddeness of the withdrawal. 


3.) The collapse of the US intelligence network within Russia and it's allies - There was a noticeable uptick in the deaths of compromised CIA agents around the world while Trump was president. Considering this is the guy who kept Nuclear secrets in the Mars-a-lago bathroom, it's no stretch of the imagination that he had a hand to play in it. It was reported that he disclosed sensitive information provided through an intelligence ally to the Russians, without that ally's permission. There is reports of Russian sources simply disappearing after Trump recklessly outed them.


Regardless of motive and political afficiliation, that is a huge indicator of being unfit for office. 


4.) The collapse of the US state department - this severely limits the US' ability to respond diplomatically and enact policy counter to Russian interests.


Veterans of the U.S. diplomatic corps say the expanding front office is part of an unprecedented assault on the State Department: A hostile White House is slashing its budget, the rank and file are cut off from a detached leader, and morale has plunged to historic lows. They say President Donald Trump and his administration dismiss, undermine, or don’t bother to understand the work they perform and that the legacy of decades of American diplomacy is at risk.


By failing to fill numerous senior positions across the State Department, promulgating often incoherent policies, and systematically shutting out career foreign service officers from decision-making, the Trump administration is undercutting U.S. diplomacy and jeopardizing America’s leadership role in the world, according to more than three dozen current and former diplomats interviewed by FP.




5.) Discord in NATO and G7 - Aside from telling everyone that Crimea is Russia's because everyone there spoke Russian, causing un-needed tensions within the allies on the 2% commitment, disclosing military and intelligence secrets provided to him, he treated the alliance like a protection racket. Let's not forget as well the stupid tariff wars he waged on his allies, us in Canada included.


6.) Afghanistan  - Releasing the 5,000 ISIS and Taliban prisoners and rapidly scaling down the US troop presence essentially laid the groundwork for the collapse of the US occupation. One of the prisoners is the leader of Afghanistan today. The negotiation was done directly with the Taliban rather than the US allied Afghan government as well. As soon as he lost the 2020 election, Trump decided to burn it all down and ordered a full scale withdrawal, undermining the situation for Biden because he only had two choices now, withdraw or escalate. He wisely chose the former, but central Asia is once again a power vacuum that Putin is looking to fill, and it secures his southern flank.


7.) Legitimized Putins' election, praising him and his allies - Aside from famously quoting that he believed Putin more than the NSA, CIA and FBI, he props up Putin, Orban, Le Pen and tried to get the G7 to invite him back.


8.) Freezing US aid to Ukraine - He froze hundreds of millions in funding to Ukraine even before the pandemic, and would not sell them weapons if they were to be used against Russia. 


9.) Withdrawing US troops from Europe - He signed an order to reduce American commitments in Germany by about 1/3rd. Despite concerns from the Pentagon and Republicans that it would embolden Russia and strengthen their position vs Europe.




Again, let's get back some perspective on what it means to be a Republican and Conservative. Show this resume to Ronald Reagan and he'd be spinning in his grave.




Edited by DSVII
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3 minutes ago, Gator said:

I don't follow her, and never once denied the bias. But for some reason you believe the mainstream media doesn't have a much bigger "agenda" than a youtuber? 🤣


If you're so close minded to only accepts facts from a mainstream source than imo you're just a puppet. Left wing/right wing your choice. Depends on the network I suppose. Me, I like to watch new outlets from outside sources, and youtubers with different views and see all angles. All of them throw their own spin on shit and push their agenda, but you open yourself to more angles of the same story.




I mention Biden saying we should "put Trump in a bullseye" 2 weeks before someone literally did, and people are so quick to jump at me about the context in which he said it. Sure I'll buy the BS of the "context", but still.. You have to admit it's a very strange choice of words to use as a "figure of speech" against your highly scrutinized political opponent. But yet everyone seems to turn a blind eye to it because it's Trump and a lot of people on the left would actually prefer if the bullet hit which is sad, but besides the point.


Then you get the "Trump threatened a bloodbath if he loses the election" crowd. As if that's not blown way out of context. Yet somehow you guys spin that to convince people he's the threat to democracy. Even when presented literal video evidence you try your best to discredit it as being just some youtuber showing it to you instead of a mainstream media reporter. Proof is proof if you ignore the yapping in-between.


From where I'm sitting, I havn't 1 single time defended Trump when it comes to the nasty shit he can say sometimes. There's no defending it. I said many times I don't like the guy. I do worry about his push back on NATO, but there's no denying he did in fact get them to pay up (and didn't break up the alliance).. I'm listening, but you guys really aren't feeding me much of what I havnt already read/heard, and are doing a very poor job discrediting the facts I handed you.


Sure he's made deals that goes wrong but so do all sides. I mean I'm sure if you want to go talk to a group of heavy right wing enthusiasts that's are as deep into Fox and the right wing channels, as you are into CNN and the left wing channels they can throw you the same kinda ticky tack bad deals your side made to.


I'm just pointing out some very concerning facts I see, and it's actually scary to see how dismissive yall are to literal facts lol. Very concerning, but to each their own.



I keep asking for these facts you speak of.  When will they arrive?  I've seen many opinions, some half truths, and some nonsense, but I'm still waiting for these promised facts. 

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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


You made the claim she is a Russian agent.  So you need to provide the proof.  Nice spin on it too...


Petey, she's on the record saying that the US has no place in Ukraine following the invasion. Whether or not she's funded by Russia, she's clearly going by the same talking points. Again, I'd like to see the full list of influencers the DOJ has on their radar first, but I'm very suspicious.


All I know is, her talking points are just a more cleaned up mirrored version of folks like Tim Pool, who was outed as one. I'm skeptical.


Give me Conservatives like McCain, Romney, Eisenhower any day. To equate her and those damn youtube influencers with the Conservatives is a disservice to those principles they held. 

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9 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

The attack on the capital............where Trump basically created the incident, then sat on his hands.........THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, NEEDs TO ACT DESICISVELY, ON THAT MOB............HIS ACTIONS SCREAM WHAT HE STANDS FOR......................

I'm not going to get into specifics as I havnt really bothered to keep on on trial, but I do know a lot of things were blown out of proportion about Trump regarding that. However I can't deny he did basically NOTHING to stop it. I can't defend that, but I also know some things I've heard have been proven to be blown way out of proportion to make Trump look bad. Again I am not defending him just stating my opinion on it


"Decent folks on both sides" comment was one of the blown out of proportion things if I remember correctly.


Again I'm not defending the way he handled it.


I believe she even mentioned his tweets about the incident are still up.

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10 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Sure.  He got caught in an exaggeration.  Why not just own it instead of doubling down?


I mean, an indicted "Russian agent" who pushed Russian propaganda for years donated to a political campaign.  That politician:  Tulsi Gabbard.


So those half jokes about her rhetoric aligning on the pro-Russian side also was getting money from that side as well.



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