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1 hour ago, Gator said:



So he "invaded Ukraine" under Obama and annexed it. What did we do to stop it? Nothing.. OK


Then we have Trump in for 4 years, and nothing else happens to Ukraine.


Then Biden gets in and then Russia invades more of Ukraine


And somehow with those facts they twist things and make people believe Trump is the threat to Ukraine. Make it make sense lol. Yea yea he pushed back on NATO and made them pay up, and because of that he's blah blah blah.. 


To me 1 side is showing a willingness to end the war, and history shows me the world was much more peaceful under.


The other puts on a good show and smile for the people, but has not shown an ounce of willingness to ease tensions in Europe, and honestly sounds like they care more about crippling Russia than they do about the very real threat of nuclear war. It doesn't even feel like it's about defending Ukraine if I'm being honest.. To me it's a USA vs Russia agenda to them. They could've done more to prevent the invasion from happening in the first place. I know it wouldn't have happened under Trump.. Yet they claim Putin would be sitting in Kyiv if Trump was in. Like it doesn't even make sense. You just have to look at the events that took place when both were in office to get the true picture.


If Trump and Putin were such good pals like you all claim he would've invaded Ukraine before Biden got in because there'd be much less push back, and they probably would've had Ukraine in a week or 2 without the western help. I mean wouldn't that make the most sense from a Russian perspective?


Just make it make sense.. Because from where I'm sitting if Trump won against Biden Putin never would've invaded Ukraine (Crimea happened before Trump got in).


I'm open to being proved wrong. I really am, but honestly nothing has really loved the needle on my stance on who I'd vote for. Sure Trump is a lot of bad things... But so are they all in different ways.. He still got my vote

What? Trump did nothing but allow his buddy Pootin to establish a stronger hold on those four regions of Ukraine, which included Crimea.

why didn’t “Fat Ass” get Pootin out of Ukraine? 

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3 hours ago, Satchmo said:

People are free to listen to a failed actor who is married to an advertising executive and has found a home on the internet if they wish to.  I just want the guy to actually read and give a moment of consideration to what others post in response. 

I appreciate what you are adding to the discussion.  Your making a lot of good points but in his case they are falling on deaf ears..

He isn’t here to listen to what anyone else has to say. Just posting walls of text on a continuous loop. Anyone who disagrees with him is a  “leftist”


Where does he get the stamina? Or is he just copying and pasting?.


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40 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


Avoid responsibility feign ignorance. The true 'art of the deal'. 

On Friday Trump promised this if elected - “I can say this - we will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio” even though the vast majority are legal immigrants and there’s no truth to the story in the first place.

What kind of buffoon says “I saw it on tv” as an excuse for amplifying such a stupid rumour? God help the people of Tokyo if he’s watching tv and Godzilla comes on, probably decide to nuke them.

For a guy that claims to know more about everything than anybody he sure says “I don’t know anything about that” a lot.




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1 minute ago, PistolPete13 said:

I appreciate what you are adding to the discussion.  Your making a lot of good points but in his case they are falling on deaf ears..

He isn’t here to listen to what anyone else has to say. Just posting walls of text on a continuous loop. Anyone who disagrees with him is a  “leftist”


Where does he get the stamina? Or is he just copying and pasting?.


I agree listening is not a strong point for this particular reptile.   I suggest a change in avatar:



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13 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I agree listening is not a strong point for this particular reptile.   I suggest a change in avatar:



Not sure what you think I'm not listening to. All you've done is discredit proof because it's a "youtuber" providing it. Again proof is proof... Your the one that's not listening. Most of what was given to me had nothing to do with what I came to discuss so why entertain it? You guys are pumping the same left wing stuff I see on the daily. Why am I supposed to entertain that with folks that can look literal proof in the face and ignore it. You cant expect me to seriously entertain a discussion with someone that can't accept fact as fact. That youtuber backed up her facts better than any of you did.. And that's fact 😅


Only a couple of you made some good points, but even those good points had nothing to do with what I was even trying to discuss.. Most of what I see you guys say is still that fake Trump being a Putin loving dictator crap.. If yall wern't so damn extreme with the truth stretching maybe I could get on board a little, but you guys are something else. The funny thing is, even the best of you push the same crap and are so bought into that narrative.


Maybe I'm the blind one?


Guess we will see. 

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4 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Who does he work for again?  I mean who did he end up with after failing to get the job he wanted in the Harris team? 

Regardless of who he is.. He explains perfectly what's wrong with the democratic party lol.


See what you do. Instead of hearing the point you look for ANY reason to discredit.


This is just an opinion, so I'll give you that, you're not dismissing a "fact" here.. though imo, it's a pretty factual opinion as evident in this discussion I had with a few Harris supporters, but thats besides the point. Point is you did the same stuff when presented with facts earlier, and then claim I didn't listen to you. Like bro.. Listen to yourself 

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6 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Tulsi has been a Democrat her whole life. She is a military veteran as well. She could do more to bring both sides together than most of the right wing nut jobs in the Republican Party. And she could do alot more than Kamala too. 

She isn’t a war hawk either, so she could get rid of that segment of the Republican Party. 

People keep saying we need peace and unity. That can only come from a person who has been on both sides IMO. 

I'll agree to this.


Tulsi Gabbard (sp?) would actually be a breath of fresh air for the GOP no matter what people assume about them.


At this point Russian and Chinese interference has essentially made every long term sitting politician suspect as hell, but they would be an interesting person as they are still a small c type conservative no matter what people's opinions may be

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48 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

On Friday Trump promised this if elected - “I can say this - we will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio” even though the vast majority are legal immigrants and there’s no truth to the story in the first place.

What kind of buffoon says “I saw it on tv” as an excuse for amplifying such a stupid rumour? God help the people of Tokyo if he’s watching tv and Godzilla comes on, probably decide to nuke them.

For a guy that claims to know more about everything than anybody he sure says “I don’t know anything about that” a lot.





Just toss it on the pile along with

Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it

Repeal and replace Obamacare

Balance the budget (whoopsie)

Eliminate the Federal debt

Eliminate the trade imbalance

Growth the economy at 4, 5, maybe even 6 %


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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


She was well prepped and literally quoted what she was told.  It was pretty obvious.  Sorry if that offends you.  I don’t really care what the orange man had to say, so your whataboutism doesn’t mean much.  Also, if you watched her interview from 2 days ago it was completely different than the debate.  

In fairness.


Numerous people all said that Harris only needed to stay on message and not stray.


I believe you may have alluded to it as well.


She did not deviate from her message and gave as good as she got.


I do not believe she was reading from a script but did not deviate from the message which was critical for her.

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Regardless of who he is.. He explains perfectly what's wrong with the democratic party lol.


See what you do. Instead of hearing the point you look for ANY reason to discredit.


This is just an opinion, so I'll give you that, you're not dismissing a "fact" here.. though imo, it's a pretty factual opinion as evident in this discussion I had with a few Harris supporters, but thats besides the point. Point is you did the same stuff when presented with facts earlier, and then claim I didn't listen to you. Like bro.. Listen to yourself 

I am going to dismiss the opinion of anyone within  the Trump campaign as far as the debate and fact checking goes.  He works for Trump now so I know what he's going to say.  


You may have missed the news that when RFK ended his presidential campaign he tried to trade an endorsement for a job.  He tried Harris first and she declined.   Then he tried Trump (so Trump was his second choice, right?)  and was successful.  So, he endorses Trump and gets a job.  I have no video of this but it was all over the news so I'm sure it's on Youtube.

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3 hours ago, Gator said:

He didn't enter Ukraine when Trump was in. Why did he invade both before and after, but didnt during when there'd be less push back with his "buddy Trump" in office?


Trump said he could end the war in one phone call, before he's even president.  If that's true, he had 4 years to get them out of crimea and almost two to get them out of Ukraine proper........why hasn't he?

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16 minutes ago, stawns said:


Trump said he could end the war in one phone call, before he's even president.  If that's true, he had 4 years to get them out of crimea and almost two to get them out of Ukraine proper........why hasn't he?

Idk.. But what I do know is Putin seems willing to push the envelope against anyone not named Trump. Ukraine was never threatened when Trump was leader. They've only ever been under attack before and after he was in. That's just fact.


Yet for some reason I'm supposed to believe Trump is a threat to Ukraines sovereignty?

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Not only is he a useless twat,.   He will be a useless twat for the US..


the only countries he’ll be able to visit if he wins are those that align with BRIC


      It’s a lose, lose, and lose again loser move for him to even consider running for president.

          It’s only about him trying to save his ass,  and not have Loomer assassinate him at Putins request once he does lose again.




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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Idk.. But what I do know is Putin seems willing to push the envelope against anyone not named Trump. Ukraine was never threatened when Trump was leader. They've only ever been under attack before and after he was in. That's just fact.

See what you do. Instead of hearing the point you look for ANY reason to discredit. responding to someone's reply on a point you make you just move along without a response until you eventually just make the same point again.   That's what gives people the impression that you don't listen.

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25 minutes ago, Gator said:

Idk.. But what I do know is Putin seems willing to push the envelope against anyone not named Trump. Ukraine was never threatened when Trump was leader. They've only ever been under attack before and after he was in. That's just fact.


Yet for some reason I'm supposed to believe Trump is a threat to Ukraines sovereignty?


Turns out, he just might not have been smart enough to understand geopolitics



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2 hours ago, PistolPete13 said:

I appreciate what you are adding to the discussion.  Your making a lot of good points but in his case they are falling on deaf ears..

He isn’t here to listen to what anyone else has to say. Just posting walls of text on a continuous loop. Anyone who disagrees with him is a  “leftist”


Where does he get the stamina? Or is he just copying and pasting?.



Not to mention the claims of being done with this discussion, not wanting to engage in a back and forth, ending the conversation and walking away... and yet still baiting with much vigour.  Really makes one wonder just how much of what's been written by them is in fact truth, and how much of it is exaggerated, hyperbole, misleading, disinformation, or flat out lies.

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11 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

What I have learned over the last gods know how many pages:

Right-leaning "centrists" who "do their own research" are incapable of believing other folks can also do their own research and reach a different conclusion.

Somehow all the Lefties are being taken in by biased media to hate on Trump. This seems unlikely considering how many politicians on the right have given support to Harris (or at least removed support for Trump). People who by definition would not fall for Lefty lies, and would normally actively look to discredit such sources. When so many from your own party, some of whom were also in your inner circle, are speaking out against you, that says much more than any media bias can provide.

YouTube (and sometimes Xitter) are more reputable than any news agency.

Trump is a victim of his own success and empathy.

I'm sure there are other lessons I've missed - I've heard I can be blind at times - but those seem to be the biggest. 



All anyone ever asks is information from legitimate, credible sources.  It's not that hard

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49 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Not only is he a useless twat,.   He will be a useless twat for the US..


the only countries he’ll be able to visit if he wins are those that align with BRIC


      It’s a lose, lose, and lose again loser move for him to even consider running for president.

          It’s only about him trying to save his ass,  and not have Loomer assassinate him at Putins request once he does lose again.





Don't forget Australia


We don't want him over here 





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