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13 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

What I have learned over the last gods know how many pages:

Right-leaning "centrists" who "do their own research" are incapable of believing other folks can also do their own research and reach a different conclusion.

Somehow all the Lefties are being taken in by biased media to hate on Trump. This seems unlikely considering how many politicians on the right have given support to Harris (or at least removed support for Trump). People who by definition would not fall for Lefty lies, and would normally actively look to discredit such sources. When so many from your own party, some of whom were also in your inner circle, are speaking out against you, that says much more than any media bias can provide.

YouTube (and sometimes Xitter) are more reputable than any news agency.

Trump is a victim of his own success and empathy.

I'm sure there are other lessons I've missed - I've heard I can be blind at times - but those seem to be the biggest. 



I've broken every finger at least once.

Smashed a couple of knuckles. 


I am neither a " righty " nor a " lefty ". 


I am ambidextrous when it comes to some kinds of relaxation.


And for all the girls out there, I've also got a tongue that is ten inches long, and I have learnt to breathe through my ears. 

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27 minutes ago, stawns said:


Turns out, he just might not have been smart enough to understand geopolitics



Is this true, or just another left wing twisting of words to create a false narrative? Genuinely asking.. Because yall ran and still run with his "bloodbath" quote like he was threatening democracy with it 🤣🤣🤣


Now I remember early on Trump was talking a lot about corruption in Ukraine, but admittedly I didn't care enough to really look into it.. Now is this "Trump says Ukraine is part of Russia" just another ridiculous twisting of Trumps words when he was rambling about said Ukrainian corruption?..  I mean, like all the other false narratives you guys continue to push (dictator, putin lover, bloodbath, etc)


Before people jump down my throat about mentioning corruption in Ukraine this is what I'm referring to. I'm not informed on it, but it's been out there, and I specifically remember Trump talking about it early on and like always, I'm sure something was taking wayyyy out of context to help push this "Donald Hitler" narrative you guys are desperately trying to run with.

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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:

Not only is he a useless twat,.   He will be a useless twat for the US..


the only countries he’ll be able to visit if he wins are those that align with BRIC


      It’s a lose, lose, and lose again loser move for him to even consider running for president.

          It’s only about him trying to save his ass,  and not have Loomer assassinate him at Putins request once he does lose again.




I could be wrong Sam, but I believe Trump could pardon himself if he became President again…

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1 hour ago, Gator said:

Is this true, or just another left wing twisting of words to create a false narrative? Genuinely asking.. Because yall ran and still run with his "bloodbath" quote like he was threatening democracy with it 🤣🤣🤣


Now I remember early on Trump was talking a lot about corruption in Ukraine, but admittedly I didn't care enough to really look into it.. Now is this "Trump says Ukraine is part of Russia" just another ridiculous twisting of Trumps words when he was rambling about said Ukrainian corruption?..  I mean, like all the other false narratives you guys continue to push (dictator, putin lover, bloodbath, etc)


Before people jump down my throat about mentioning corruption in Ukraine this is what I'm referring to. I'm not informed on it, but it's been out there, and I specifically remember Trump talking about it early on and like always, I'm sure something was taking wayyyy out of context to help push this "Donald Hitler" narrative you guys are desperately trying to run with.


The Independent has a slight left bias, but they contribute credible, verifiable information into the Zeitgeist.  However, they're not reporting that he doesn't know, just that a book is coming out reporting that he didn't know Ukraine was an independent state and not a part of Russia, during his term as President 


However, if they're running that story, my guess is the person (people) writing the book must have some credibility.


To me, it's not a stretch to believe he wouldn't know this .........he's not terribly knowledgeable about that stuff and he's not really smart enough to listen and absorb information from people trying to keep him informed 

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40 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I could be wrong Sam, but I believe Trump could pardon himself if he became President again…


And you would be wrong.


Trump can pardon himself however that federal authority would not overturn his state conviction.


So his conviction in the state of New York will still make him a convicted criminal. 



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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I could be wrong Sam, but I believe Trump could pardon himself if he became President again…

New York has planned ahead & enacted legislation to make possible to be charged/convicted/sentences for State crimes (which can't be pardoned by the President) on the basis of Federal crimes that he has pardoned himself from.  That doesn't preclude Donnie somehow getting his cronies to win power by electing state GOP majorities in New York & changing the rules.  Course, good luck with that.

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Another thing I'd like to point out too as I heard a poster or 2 say he's also going to give in to China, because he loves them too.


But isnt he racist against the chinese? That's what you guys tried to claim when he called covid the "Chinese virus". So does he hate the Chinese, or is he buddies with Xi? Which is it today?


Push the Russia rhetoric, yet evidence suggest Putin is only willing to attack Ukraine when Trump isn't in, and the democrats show 0 willingness to try and end the war


Push the China rhetoric, but which rhetoric is it. Does he hate them, or love them. Which one is the left going with today?


To me I just hear all this extreme rhetoric being pushed.


My thoughts when I hear some of this ridiculous stuff yall try to push...


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"They're (China) trying to say it was caused by American soldiers. That can't happen, it's not gunna happen, not as long as I'm president"


Yea that sounds like a man who cares more about Russia and China than he does the US. Thats a very sarcastic remark by me incase you dont catch it lol


But he loves China.... Right?

Like I don't get how you guys can't see through the BS. Are you really that closed to the idea they may be feeding you BS? 

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6 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Thought some of you guys might need this after the last few pages. 



Is that what you guys do? Try your hardest to censor the other side. If you dont see or hear it, it can't be true? 😅


Now things are making sense to me. It's not that you don't see the other side, you simply just don't want to 😅

Sad Drip Drip GIF by Barbara Pozzi

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13 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

A guy who is a heartbeat away from the Presidency if his side wins (and his #1 is a senile senior fatass who has a Baconator diet.


Where is full video? What was said before and after clip? Need context. Especially when it comes to you lefties and how you like to spin things.


"and his #1 is a senile senior fatass who has a Baconator diet."


Imagine if I were to say something similar about Harris such as...


"Kamala is a fake ass puppet who has a lyingator diet"


Here come the lefties! 😅


Point is yall are so quick to go at Trump over some comments, yet you post statements like that, and expect people to take you serious. Extreme lefties like you are what's killing the democratic party. You guys are pushing the more conservative lefties to the right with all the extreme BS, and then there's more leaving because of the obvios lies in the media. People are seeing the obvious corruption.

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