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Just now, Bob Long said:

Be honest, have you ever looked into this issue for yourself?

I don't have to. The truth is in the pudding.


Let's just assume you're right. OK


Still doesn't change the fact we are legalizing post birth abortion. Trump mentioned this very disturbing fact, and was called a liar by the anchors in the debate. 


But here we are talking about the "specifics" of their post birth abortion ideas.


Regardless if it's for extreme circumstances or not, it's the execution of babies that can't make the choice themselves. That's wrong on so many levels, and the idea is absolutely disgusting.


Literal Nazi stuff, but somehow I'm suppose to believe Trump is the evil one.


You guys tell me he's buddies with Putin, and Putin would own Ukraine if he's in, but like I said history says different. Putin didn't and wouldn't do shut with Trump in.


Claim he's buddies with Xi 1 minute, and claim he's racist against the chinese the next


Say he's against abortion. Proceed to throw out extreme things like "what if she was raped", "what if she was young", etc, to try and show how disgusting the rights anti abortion laws are.. But truth is they are for abortion in those extreme circumstances, but they're against late term abortion, and post birth execution.. Just like any sane human should be.


These are babies.. Damn even an adult incapable of making their own choice doesn't qualify for MAID here in Canada, but we are supposed to support the killing of a deformed baby?


GTFO here with that disgusting garbage.. Not direction the GTFO towards you, just the idea in general.


I'm against the idea no matter what the "specifics" are

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

I don't have to. The truth is in the pudding.


Let's just assume you're right. OK


Still doesn't change the fact we are legalizing post birth abortion. Trump mentioned this very disturbing fact, and was called a liar by the anchors in the debate. 


But here we are talking about the "specifics" of their post birth abortion ideas.


Regardless if it's for extreme circumstances or not, it's the execution of babies that can't make the choice themselves. That's wrong on so many levels, and the idea is absolutely disgusting.


Literal Nazi stuff, but somehow I'm suppose to believe Trump is the evil one.


You guys tell me he's buddies with Putin, and Putin would own Ukraine if he's in, but like I said history says different. Putin didn't and wouldn't do shut with Trump in.


Claim he's buddies with Xi 1 minute, and claim he's racist against the chinese the next


Say he's against abortion. Proceed to throw out extreme things like "what if she was raped", "what if she was young", etc, to try and show how disgusting the rights anti abortion laws are.. But truth is they are for abortion in those extreme circumstances, but they're against late term abortion, and post birth execution.. Just like any sane human should be.


These are babies.. Damn even an adult incapable of making their own choice doesn't qualify for MAID here in Canada, but we are supposed to support the killing of a deformed baby?


GTFO here with that disgusting garbage.. Not direction the GTFO towards you, just the idea in general.


I'm against the idea no matter what the "specifics" are


Why would something that was legitimately a medically necessary procedure be "Nazi"? I don't understand how you make that leap.


I really urge you to look up for your self why this kind of thing happens. Again I'm offering to help you find sources. We can do this over pm if you like just shoot me a note. 

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14 minutes ago, Gator said:

I don't have to. The truth is in the pudding.


Let's just assume you're right. OK


Still doesn't change the fact we are legalizing post birth abortion. Trump mentioned this very disturbing fact, and was called a liar by the anchors in the debate. 


But here we are talking about the "specifics" of their post birth abortion ideas.


Regardless if it's for extreme circumstances or not, it's the execution of babies that can't make the choice themselves. That's wrong on so many levels, and the idea is absolutely disgusting.


Literal Nazi stuff, but somehow I'm suppose to believe Trump is the evil one.


You guys tell me he's buddies with Putin, and Putin would own Ukraine if he's in, but like I said history says different. Putin didn't and wouldn't do shut with Trump in.


Claim he's buddies with Xi 1 minute, and claim he's racist against the chinese the next


Say he's against abortion. Proceed to throw out extreme things like "what if she was raped", "what if she was young", etc, to try and show how disgusting the rights anti abortion laws are.. But truth is they are for abortion in those extreme circumstances, but they're against late term abortion, and post birth execution.. Just like any sane human should be.


These are babies.. Damn even an adult incapable of making their own choice doesn't qualify for MAID here in Canada, but we are supposed to support the killing of a deformed baby?


GTFO here with that disgusting garbage.. Not direction the GTFO towards you, just the idea in general.


I'm against the idea no matter what the "specifics" are

"We are legalizing post birth abortion"


A claim so false and inane all it gets is a:




This is why I brought up humility before. You know so little about this subject that I'm amazed you're here trying to argue it. 


You don't even know that "post birth abortion" isn't even a phrase that makes sense. That  infanticide is illegal, even in the most secular of countries, and that the only infant that's even in the realm of assisted death are those that will die soon anyways and most likely in extreme pain. 


I charge you to go to an maternity ward in the country and say what you are saying, you'll get laughed out and probably get your ass kicked by the nurses 😂.


You really think you have everything all figured out when your knowledge base is laughable at best, intentionally deceitful at worst. 


Embarassing. The truth is in the pudding and you're eating alphabet soup.



Edited by Duodenum
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2 minutes ago, Gator said:

I don't have to. The truth is in the pudding.


Let's just assume you're right. OK


Still doesn't change the fact we are legalizing post birth abortion. Trump mentioned this very disturbing fact, and was called a liar by the anchors in the debate. 


But here we are talking about the "specifics" of their post birth abortion ideas.


Regardless if it's for extreme circumstances or not, it's the execution of babies that can't make the choice themselves. That's wrong on so many levels, and the idea is absolutely disgusting.


Literal Nazi stuff, but somehow I'm suppose to believe Trump is the evil one.


You guys tell me he's buddies with Putin, and Putin would own Ukraine if he's in, but like I said history says different. Putin didn't and wouldn't do shut with Trump in.


Claim he's buddies with Xi 1 minute, and claim he's racist against the chinese the next


Say he's against abortion. Proceed to throw out extreme things like "what if she was raped", "what if she was young", etc, to try and show how disgusting the rights anti abortion laws are.. But truth is they are for abortion in those extreme circumstances, but they're against late term abortion, and post birth execution.. Just like any sane human should be.


These are babies.. Damn even an adult incapable of making their own choice doesn't qualify for MAID here in Canada, but we are supposed to support the killing of a deformed baby?


GTFO here with that disgusting garbage.. Not direction the GTFO towards you, just the idea in general.


I'm against the idea no matter what the "specifics" are

More on this post birth execution stuff.  Who is doing it?  Who is demanding it?  Does a newborn baby ever die despite all medical care provided?  Is a baby ever born that has no chance of survival at all despite what may be done?   Can we somehow legislate a law so Nature is forced to make only perfectly healthy babies?


Do you believe in hospice care for the critically ill so they can end their days comfortably?  If not, what should we do?  Send them all back to an ICU and hook them up to machines? 


It's a sad fact that I wish was not true but some babies just are not going to make it. All that can be done is to try to keep them comfortable until the inevitable end comes.  A Doctor discussing this sad fact can trigger all kinds of nonsense it seems.

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31 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Why would you choose a former DA over a multiple convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and I plead the 5th 400 times?

Like 90% of politicians shouldn't be convicted felons 🤦


Never before has the criminal system been weaponized against a politician to this extent. They always just fade away behind the fake news and the crimes are forgotten about.


Speaks volume to the corruption against Trump if nothing else.. Not saying he's right in said cases.. Just pointing out thats its very odd to see a politician attacked by the media and the politicians the way he is. If you don't see that then idk what to tell you. Stay blind? lol


This corruption against Trump dates back to the days he was debating Jeb Bush before he even became president..  They have been trying so hard from all angles since day 1 to keep him out.. And the people see through the BS.. If they didn't he never would have got elected in the first place with all the bias against him from both the left and the right.. The right is only on board with him now because they know he's their only chance of keeping the left out because their corrupt leaders like Bush has no chance against him.


Idk. To me yall are just blind. I'm not fighting with anyone. I'm just going to push back against the false narrative when I see/hear it.. People can choose to do with the info as they see fit.


It's obvious a left heavy thread so sure I'm in the minority here.. But I'm having fun watching yall dismiss facts. Shows the true agenda people have when talking politics. There's no care for the truth at all. 


Not 1 person acknowledged how messed up that abortion law is.. I'm sure there's a few lefties that realize how messed up it is, but willing to stay quiet on the matter because they don't want to admit the bad. That abortion law is bat shit crazy and anyone that supports it regardless of specifics can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.


The war thing, maybe I'm overreacting to and I am wrong. I can admit that.. But on that front I do not believe Trump is buddies with Putin. Sure Ukraine may lose land in his peace deal proposal, but atleast he's showing a willingness to try for peace.. The other side isn't showing me a single sign of wanting peace. In fact it seems like they just want to escalate it. Outside of the crazy Putin loving stuff I do legit hear your concerns about how Trump will make peace (with the demilitarization zone). I get that.. But my point is atleast he has a plan to try and make peace. I'm a gambler, but gambling with my life, my kids life? I'd rather not.. 


Trump is this, Trump is that.. Sure.. Trump is a lot of things. Says a lot of crazy shit, and is a perverted asshole... But when you break things down, whose really the crazy ones?


To me people need to take their hearts out of it and vote with your brain. Because I'd rather an asshole in office doing the right things, instead of a fake scripted politician in pushing a WW3 agenda and killing deformed babies like we're the Nazi's. She sure puts on a good face for the people though.. Those accents too. So authentic

Edited by Gator
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Common man!


There is not one person here, or in the USA that condones, killing a perfectly normal, well developed baby, especially post, birth.


But, there "may" be a circumstance that requires the termination of a fetus, under a certain circumstance. It is not that we want abortions to increase, or that we want it as a form of birth control, which is easy to acquire. It is that we want doctors to make medical decisions, based on physical necessity, and mental necessity, to have that choice, without being arrested for murder. These are one off's and not the norm, and not something that happens daily. But there maybe a circumstance that requires it.


What pisses me off, over your stance, is that you basically want to take it away based on ignorance. "Ignorance" because you do not base your opinion on knowledge, simply on conjecture that there are no circumstances that should allow, for that extremely difficult decision. You base your stance on the idea, that you know all, and it is absolute, which implies you are GOD. You know all! 


In this day and age, most issues are diagnosed, way ahead of delivery, and under "some" circumstances, a decision, might need to be made to terminate. It is a sad decision, one which must be very difficult for the family, and IMO opinion, for the hospital staff, also. THE DECISION, is not taken lightly, or without careful consideration. Sure, put another step in the process, to ensure, safety, ethics, etc. But in the end, if it is agreed that it is in the best interest for safety reasons, then we must respect, that very difficult, and personal decision.


The biggest problem I have on your stance, is that you are fixated on the extremely rare potential of this type of decision. The other thing, is you seem not to respect, those that see it different. You are fully in your right to see it differently, but not to force your view on us. Nor to ridicule the majority of a country. I have CNN on at this moment, and they have Republicans, clarifying their position, which is in some cases, it should be permittable. I am assuming you have a problem with those Republicans, also.


IMHO, you stance is that, you can dictate the majority of Americans and Canadians, because I believe the percentage of people in favor of pro-choice is well over 60%, including alot of republican politicians, AND INCLUDING..................TRUMP! lol (which republicans are trying to get out in front of right now!) Aka, federal Republicans are stating, that this is a state issue, not the stance of the Federal republicans....


I wish "You People" would make up your mind! Never mind attacking "US People"!

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Why Gator would vote for Trump:


1) some abortion law that doesn't exist

2) Give Ukraine to Russia, allowing them to recharge and take more later, and also allowing food supply, oil, and many other goodies to fall under Russian control, weakening the western world. Appeasing dictators has worked so well in the past 🥰

3) the videos told me


I think that about sums up the last 5 pages?

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Just now, JIAHN said:

There is not one person here, or in the USA that condones, killing a perfectly normal, well developed baby, especially post, birth.

When and where did I say they condone the killing of a perfectly healthy baby? Again.. Word twisting


Let's just ignore the fact yall laughed at Trupm for bring up such an extreme topic like late term abortion and execution.. Now that it's proven he was right and wrongfully fact checked lets argue specifics and try and glorify our baby killing the best we can!


Healthy babies arent killed. Only deformed ones!


Youre right.. Nothing wrong with it. Even if it was right to kill a deformed baby (gross).. What it opens the door to is scary. For people to ignore that it's absolutely disgusting.


Will admit I didn't bother reading your post beyond that.. Because I'm not entertaining twisting of words. Stop twisting the baby execution to be a "good thing"


Being on board with that should take your right to vote away in my eyes. Yall need to start a Nazi cult or something.. Damn now I'm sounding like a lefty 😅

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6 minutes ago, Gator said:

Like 90% of politicians shouldn't be convicted felons 🤦


Never before has the criminal system been weaponized against a politician to this extent. They always just fade away behind the fake news and the crimes are forgotten about.


Speaks volume to the corruption against Trump if nothing else.. Not saying he's right in said cases.. Just pointing out thats its very odd to see a politician attacked by the media and the politicians the way he is. If you don't see that then idk what to tell you. Stay blind? lol


This corruption against Trump dates back to the days he was debating Jeb Bush before he even became president..  They have been trying so hard from all angles since day 1 to keep him out.. And the people see through the BS.. If they didn't he never would have got elected in the first place with all the bias against him from both the left and the right.. The right is only on board with him now because they know he's their only chance of keeping the left out because their corrupt leaders like Bush has no chance against him.


Idk. To me yall are just blind. I'm not fighting with anyone. I'm just going to push back against the false narrative when I see/hear it.. People can choose to do with the info as they see fit.


It's obvious a left heavy thread so sure I'm in the minority here.. But I'm having fun watching yall dismiss facts. Shows the true agenda people have when talking politics. There's no care for the truth at all. 


Not 1 person acknowledged how messed up that abortion law is.. I'm sure there's a few lefties that realize how messed up it is, but willing to stay quiet on the matter because they don't want to admit the bad. That abortion law is bat shit crazy and anyone that supports it regardless of specifics can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.


The war thing, maybe I'm overreacting to and I am wrong. I can admit that.. But on that front I do not believe Trump is buddies with Putin. Sure Ukraine may lose land in his peace deal proposal, but atleast he's showing a willingness to try for peace.. The other side isn't showing me a single sign of wanting peace. In fact it seems like they just want to escalate it. Outside of the crazy Putin loving stuff I do legit hear your concerns about how Trump will make peace (with the demilitarization zone). I get that.. But my point is atleast he has a plan to try and make peace. I'm a gambler, but gambling with my life, my kids life? I'd rather not.. 


Trump is this, Trump is that.. Sure.. Trump is a lot of things. Says a lot of crazy shit, and is a perverted asshole... But when you break things down, whose really the crazy ones?


To me people need to take their hearts out of it and vote with your brain. Because I'd rather an asshole in office doing the right things, instead of a fake scripted politician in pushing a WW3 agenda and killing deformed babies like we're the Nazi's. She sure puts on a good face for the people though.. Those accents too. So authentic


Perhaps he should cease behaving like a criminal if he doesn't want to be treated like one.


You can the justice system is weaponized against him, but that would just get him to court........from there either a jury or a judge has found him guilty or liable for everything he's done.  That means there was overwhelming evidence for everything.


To be honest, he should have been thrown in jail long before he ever got into politics.  He is and always has been a criminal.  His critical mistake was puting himself in the scrutinzed role of public servant 


But that's what malignant narcissists do, they can't help it

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Just now, Gator said:

When and where did I say they condone the killing of a perfectly healthy baby? Again.. Word twisting


Let's just ignore the fact yall laughed at Trupm for bring up such an extreme topic like late term abortion and execution.. Now that it's proven he was right and wrongfully fact checked lets argue specifics and try and glorify our baby killing the best we can!


Healthy babies arent killed. Only deformed ones!


Youre right.. Nothing wrong with it. Even if it was right to kill a deformed baby (gross).. What it opens the door to is scary. For people to ignore that it's absolutely disgusting.


Will admit I didn't bother reading your post beyond that.. Because I'm not entertaining twisting of words. Stop twisting the baby execution to be a "good thing"


Being on board with that should take your right to vote away in my eyes. Yall need to start a Nazi cult or something.. Damn now I'm sounding like a lefty 😅

Not deformed ones silly, that's more fake news from you, ones that are about to die.  You can hold their hands as they scream in pain for the first and last few days or so of their lives while they cry in pain because you have no empathy for babies.


Just say you don't care about infants, it'd make more sense.

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1 minute ago, Duodenum said:

Not deformed ones silly

May want to re-watch his interview bud


And like I said.. Even if just for extreme circumstances, it still opens the door to bizarre crap


Just look at our very own MAID program. Was once Just for the terminally I'll. Now they're trying to allow people with depression to get it?


That's how these crazy laws start. Baby steps. I will NEVER condone the killing of a baby.. NEVER

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

May want to re-watch his interview bud

Might want to understand the law silly.

Anything after birth, if the infant will live, would be considered murder and is illegal. There's no ifs ands or buts. It's a very clear concept, please try to understand it.

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Just now, Gator said:

When and where did I say they condone the killing of a perfectly healthy baby? Again.. Word twisting


Let's just ignore the fact yall laughed at Trupm for bring up such an extreme topic like late term abortion and execution.. Now that it's proven he was right and wrongfully fact checked lets argue specifics and try and glorify our baby killing the best we can!


Healthy babies arent killed. Only deformed ones!


Where is the proof of this?  The few sentences in a press conference taken out of context and spun into a devious web?  


You mention proof and facts over and over gain yet provide nothing but opinion.


I would not be surprised if you told us that newborns babies never die in Texas or Florida but only in Democratic states.

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Now, let's talk about WW3


There is not 1 rational person on the planet, that wants a nuclear war..........not one! You are a fool, if you think otherwise!


But, the Ukrainian war, presents a problem. "IF" Putin is not deterred because of the threat of "Nuclear War", then that indicates that Putin can use that with every inch he takes. Not only in Ukraine, but anywhere he chooses to go. Why would you think, if we back away, that Putin would stop with Ukraine. Because he "Says So"? 


"IF" we talk fact here, and not conjecture, than we must look at what Putin has done, and not what he says he will do. What has he done?




#1. He evaded Crimea in 2014, saying it was for security reasons......the west sat back, and Putin killed and moved alot of Ukrainians, and Tatars right out of Crimea, and into Eastern Siberia


#2. Fast forward to 2022, and Putin again invade Ukraine, to protect ethnic Russians, and kill Nazi's, but in the end, he grabbed more land than where the problem was, and has not stopped. During this time he has permitted his army to............


- Rape woman

- Kidnap children

- Kill civilians

- Destroy public Utilities

- Behead captured military 


Now, during this time, Putin has continually stated he will use Nukes, at every line in the sand. But has not! So his credibility is in question, in this and all the above issues.


These are all documented...................


Now I ask you, because you know all............When will he stop? Will it be Ukraine, The Baltics, Poland? Germany? Finland?


Can you actually guarantee when? Again, if you can, you might just be GOD!


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8 minutes ago, Gator said:

May want to re-watch his interview bud


And like I said.. Even if just for extreme circumstances, it still opens the door to bizarre crap


Just look at our very own MAID program. Was once Just for the terminally I'll. Now they're trying to allow people with depression to get it?


That's how these crazy laws start. Baby steps. I will NEVER condone the killing of a baby.. NEVER

Fear is well studied as one of the primary emotions felt by conservatives. I really see it here. You're afraid because you ingest hyperbolic fake news that makes you afraid.


Don't be a wuss, care for children.

Don't be scared, no one is going to murder infants, murder is illegal!


If an abortion is needed because mom and/or fetus are going to die, that's ok! Better to live and reproduce again another day.


You have nothing to worry about.


Valentines Day Hug GIF by Teletubbies





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18 minutes ago, Gator said:

When and where did I say they condone the killing of a perfectly healthy baby? Again.. Word twisting


Let's just ignore the fact yall laughed at Trupm for bring up such an extreme topic like late term abortion and execution.. Now that it's proven he was right and wrongfully fact checked lets argue specifics and try and glorify our baby killing the best we can!


Healthy babies arent killed. Only deformed ones!


Youre right.. Nothing wrong with it. Even if it was right to kill a deformed baby (gross).. What it opens the door to is scary. For people to ignore that it's absolutely disgusting.


Will admit I didn't bother reading your post beyond that.. Because I'm not entertaining twisting of words. Stop twisting the baby execution to be a "good thing"


Being on board with that should take your right to vote away in my eyes. Yall need to start a Nazi cult or something.. Damn now I'm sounding like a lefty 😅


Trump agrees with me! He is not objecting, at least not fully! He wants the votes, and its a hot issue, politically. Isn't that convenient!


And, if you stop reading, every time you disagree with someone , no wonder, you have such a ill informed view.................

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16 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Where is the proof of this?  The few sentences in a press conference taken out of context and spun into a devious web?  

It was more than a few sentences.


Maybe youre right? Idk.. I'll give you a fair chance to prove me wrong


However can I point out how ironic it is for me to hear this argument come from 1 of you?.. You especially


Can I ask you what your thoughts are on when Trump said there will be a bloodbath if he's not elected?



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4 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


Trump agrees with me! He is not objecting, at least not fully! He wants the votes, and its a hot issue, politically. Isn't that convenient!


And, if you stop reading, every time you disagree with someone , no wonder, you have such a ill informed view.................

Damn am I telling that many of you I didn't read? Take 1 occurance and label it "everytime"


Lefties and their extreme exaggerating..


I told you why I didn't bother to read it. Sorry, I'm debating a lot of people here, so when I see it start off like that I don't bother to read. Already saw the twisting of words at play. Why should I entertain the rest of it?.. Trying to dance around my point is all it is

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Just now, Gator said:

It was more than a few sentences.


Maybe youre right? Idk.. I'll give you a fair chance to prove me wrong


However can I point out how ironic it is for me to hear this argument come from 1 of you?


Can I ask you what your thoughts are on when Trump said there will be a bloodbath if he's not elected?



No, you may not. I'd like to go one thing at a time.   What more proof do you need that sometimes newborn babies just die and nothing can be done to stop it?   

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