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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Damn am I telling that many of you I didn't read? Take 1 occurance and table it "everytime"


Lefties and their extreme exaggerating..


I told you why I didn't bother to read it. Sorry, I'm debating a lot of people here, so when I see it start off like that I don't bother to read. Already saw the twisting of words at play. Why should I entertain the rest of it?.. Trying to dance around my point is all it is

They are not points............they are opinions


With either a FOX quote to back it up, or none at all



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4 minutes ago, Gator said:

It was more than a few sentences.


Maybe youre right? Idk.. I'll give you a fair chance to prove me wrong


However can I point out how ironic it is for me to hear this argument come from 1 of you?.. You especially


Can I ask you what your thoughts are on when Trump said there will be a bloodbath if he's not elected?




Imo, this should not be a left,/right thing, it should be both sides keeping this maniac away from any kind of political power.  He is a cancer, full stop.


If it were anyone who was a normal co servative, I think you'd find a pretty even split.


I'm curious what it is about him, someone who has done despicable things his entire life that endears him to you?  That is a completely honest question

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5 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I am generally fine with political disagreement, vote your conscience. However I had to reply to this.


If your idea of democracy is that people who disagree with you should not be allowed to vote: you are the problem. 


I am sure upon reflection you will find that is not exactly what you meant to say. 

Wait A Second Bob Saget GIF by First We Feast

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10 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I am generally fine with political disagreement, vote your conscience. However I had to reply to this.


If your idea of democracy is that people who disagree with you should not be allowed to vote: you are the problem. 


I am sure upon reflection you will find that is not exactly what you meant to say. 

Probably the best line in Star Wars. "Who's more foolish? The fool. Or the fool that follows him?" 

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21 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm curious what it is about him, someone who has done despicable things his entire life that endears him to you?  That is a completely honest question

If you read you wouldn't even have to ask this. I could be a broken record and answer this, but ill let you go back a few pages and do some reading. Or don't. I really could care less


You should apply for CNN though.. You got the skill set with questions like that

Edited by Gator
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I have an idea............


I will write up how I feel...........this will be my opinion....then please, respond, and tell me you disagree.


#1. A baby born is a human being, and unless for some extreme case, the baby needs to be considered alive and killing it , is just that, "murder"

#2. If a "Fetus" has a issue, which is considered to be extreme, then in 99.9 % of the cases, it should be brought to term.

#3. If it is deemed that the mothers life is in peril, while carrying the Fetus, then when it is determined to be too much of a risk, a fetus can be terminated

#4. There are other reasons for an abortion....such as rape, incest, the child is too young. (But this should be done at the earliest possible time) not in the last Trimester

#5. Abortion should not be a form of convenient birth control


IMO, these are reasonable reasons, and ones most people would agree with.


"IF" a "Fetus", which in my definition is an unborn child, requires to be terminated, at any time in the last Trimester, it should be done, with extreme prejudice, and should only occur in a extremely minute % of pregnancies. (For definition purposes, I mean like 1% of 1%) and it should be decided, at a board level. Unless it is urgent, non planned accident, type of incident. (which should be like a 1% of 1% of 1%) (Basically 1 out of 10,000,000) extremely rare!


As report in ............. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9578753/


Overall, 465 respondents representing all 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada completed the survey. Of these, 388 (83.4%), including 30 nurse practitioners, provided first-trimester medical abortion, of which 350 (99.4%) used mifepristone. Two hundred and nineteen (47.1%) respondents provided first-trimester surgical abortion, 109 (23.4%) provided second-trimester surgical abortion and 115 (24.7%) provided second- or third-trimester medical abortion. Half of respondents reported fewer than 5 years of experience with any abortion care. Respondents reported providing a total of 48 509 abortions in 2019, including 32 345 (66.7%) first-trimester surgical abortions and 13 429 (27.7%) first-trimester medical abortions. In Quebec, only 1918 (12.5%) of reported abortions were first-trimester medical abortions. Primary care providers provided 34 540 (71.2%) of the total abortions. First-trimester medical abortions represented 44.4% (n = 2334) of all abortions in rural areas, as opposed to 25.6% (n = 11 067) in urban areas.


This is probably too high for my liking, and if any were of the convenience type............they should be reduced!


It is not that I condone, all abortions!




Edited by JIAHN
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5 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

will write up how I feel...........this will be my opinion....then please, respond, and tell me you disagree.


#1. A baby born is a human being, and unless for some extreme case, the baby needs to be considered alive and killing it , is just that, "murder"

#2. If a "Fetus" has a issue, which is considered to be extreme, then in 99.9 % of the cases, it should be brought to term.

#3. If it is deemed that the mothers life is in peril, while carrying the Fetus, then when it is determined to be too much of a risk, a fetus can be terminated

#4. There are other reasons for an abortion....such as rap, incest, the child is too young. (But this should be done at the earliest possible time) not in the last Trimester


IMO, these are reasonable reasons, and ones most people would agree with.


"IF" a "Fetus", which in my definition is an unborn child, requires to be terminated, at any time in the last Trimester, it should be done, with extreme prejudice, and should only occur in a extremely minute % of pregnancies. (For definition purposes, I mean like 1% of 1%) and it should be decided, at a board level. Unless it is urgent, non planned accident, type of incident. (which should be like a 1% of 1% of 1%) (Basically 1 out of 10,000,000) extremely rare!

I completely agree with everything there..  


The issue with allowing late term/post birth abortions is the doors it opens up for future modifications of said law. Not trying to go off topic but look no further than the MAID system for obvious reasons to push back on the idea. Sure MAID is great under the context of being for people terminally ill/in chronic pain that has no hope to get better.. Just just a few years later you see them trying to open that door a little more by now bringing up the discussion to allow the use of MAID for the mentally ill.. And boy it's scary to think of the road we could be heading with that


To me its just opening the door enough for a sick individual to come in and make some radical changes that'll be a lot hard to push back against because that door is already opened. 


And I just want to point out that regardless if you agree with the guys take on late term abortion or not, it doesn't change the fact Trump was wrongfully fact checked when he bring up the late term abortion. I don't want that fact to go overlooked. Being the only one fact checked is one kind of bias.. But being wrongfully fact checked on the national stage is borderline criminal in my eyes, and very misleading to the people

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19 minutes ago, Gator said:

If you read you wouldn't even have to ask this. I could be a broken record and answer this, but ill let you go back a few pages and do some reading. Or don't. I really could care less


You should apply for CNN though.. You got the skill set with questions like that


I'm asking you an honest question about Trump, himself.  The terrible way he has conducted himself over the last 40 years isn't a big secret.  What is it about him that allows you to overlook all that?  And I'm mostly talking about pre-MAGA Trump

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1 minute ago, stawns said:


I'm asking you an honest question about Trump, himself.  The terrible way he has conducted himself over the last 40 years isn't a big secret.  What is it about him that allows you to overlook all that?  And I'm mostly talking about pre-MAGA Trump

Maybe the same thing that makes you overlook the things I'm saying


If you read my posts youd know I was once on your team.. I just allowed myself to see through the BS. Doesn't mean I forgive all those bad things about Trump, or even overlook them. I just feel like I'm seeing the much bigger picture you refuse to see. The other side is just putting on a fake smile and pumping out a bunch of BS and I see you all blindly buying it despite facts being presented

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Just now, Gator said:

I completely agree with everything there..  


The issue with allowing late term/post birth abortions is the doors it opens up for future modifications of said law. Not trying to go off topic but look no further than the MAID system for obvious reasons to push back on the idea. Sure MAID is great under the context of being for people terminally ill/in chronic pain that has no hope to get better.. Just just a few years later you see them trying to open that door a little more by now bringing up the discussion to allow the use of MAID for the mentally ill.. And boy it's scary to think of the road we could be heading with that


To me its just opening the door enough for a sick individual to come in and make some radical changes that'll be a lot hard to push back against because that door is already opened. 


And I just want to point out that regardless if you agree with the guys take on late term abortion or not, it doesn't change the fact Trump was wrongfully fact checked when he bring up the late term abortion. I don't want that fact to go overlooked. Being the only one fact checked is one kind of bias.. But being wrongfully fact checked on the national stage is borderline criminal in my eyes, and very misleading to the people

You are backtracking. Trump was fact checked for saying democrats want 'abortions occur after birth' and babies to be 'executed'.   


In Tuesday's presidential debate, former President Donald Trump again falsely claimed that Democrats support abortions "after birth" and "executing" babies.


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Honestly it's more the left lost my trust, than it is Trump gained it.. The extreme truth stretching, blatant lies, censorship... All of it.. The left is gone bat shit crazy and I know I'm not the only one that sees it

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12 minutes ago, Gator said:

I completely agree with everything there..  


The issue with allowing late term/post birth abortions is the doors it opens up for future modifications of said law. Not trying to go off topic but look no further than the MAID system for obvious reasons to push back on the idea. Sure MAID is great under the context of being for people terminally ill/in chronic pain that has no hope to get better.. Just just a few years later you see them trying to open that door a little more by now bringing up the discussion to allow the use of MAID for the mentally ill.. And boy it's scary to think of the road we could be heading with that


To me its just opening the door enough for a sick individual to come in and make some radical changes that'll be a lot hard to push back against because that door is already opened. 


And I just want to point out that regardless if you agree with the guys take on late term abortion or not, it doesn't change the fact Trump was wrongfully fact checked when he bring up the late term abortion. I don't want that fact to go overlooked. Being the only one fact checked is one kind of bias.. But being wrongfully fact checked on the national stage is borderline criminal in my eyes, and very misleading to the people


So the slippery slope you see is "the left" wanting to kill healthy babies legally? Does that really seem reasonable to you? 

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Honestly it's more the left lost my trust, than it is Trump gained it.. The extreme truth stretching, blatant lies, censorship... All of it.. The left is gone bat shit crazy and I know I'm not the only one that sees it

Now you are trying to tell us that you are opposed to extreme truth stretching, blatant lies, censorshipYour posts suggest otherwise.

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6 minutes ago, Gator said:

Honestly it's more the left lost my trust, than it is Trump gained it.. The extreme truth stretching, blatant lies, censorship... All of it.. The left is gone bat shit crazy and I know I'm not the only one that sees it


just curious, who do you view as "the left"? is it anyone that doesn't like Trump, or is there some other way of determining this? 

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


So the slippery slope you see is "the left" wanting to kill healthy babies legally? Does that really seem reasonable to you? 

Again, ignoring the point of the entire thing trying to bring the topic of discussion down to the specifics of the abortion things


How about discussing the criminal activity by the ABC moderators lying to the public with wrongful fact checks when Trump was raising an important factual point. There is a presidential debate on the national stage, and they lie to us and try to convince us that Trump is lying.


Is that not an attack on democracy?


Let's make that the discussion. Let's break down fact check handed to Trump about the abortion topic.. Stop trying to steer the conversation away from the important fact being put on the table


Explain that to me, and then explain to me why I should view Trump is a threat to democracy, and not the other way around?


You won't go into this discussion though, because it's a lose lose for you. Because it's undisputable facts that you can't really tip toe around

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Just now, Gator said:

Again, ignoring the point of the entire thing trying to bring the topic of discussion down to the specifics of the abortion things


I'm just trying to get a hanlde on what you are upset about. 


Just now, Gator said:

How about discussing the criminal activity by the ABC moderators lying to the public with wrongful fact checks when Trump was raising an important factual point. There is a presidential debate on the national stage, and they lie to us and try to convince us that Trump is lying.


Is that not an attack on democracy?


So let Trump do another debate on Fox. Problem solved. 


Just now, Gator said:

Let's make that the discussion. Let's break down fact check handed to Trump about the abortion topic.. Stop trying to steer the conversation away from the important fact being put on the table


Explain that to me, and then explain to me why I should view Trump is a threat to democracy, and not the other way around?


You won't go into this discussion though, because it's a lose lose for you. Because it's undisputable facts that you can't really tip toe around


Sure I'll go there. For me personally, I see Harris as less of an econimic threat to Canada, that part is easy and i'm sure you'd agree. 


As far as the threat to US democracy goes, I guess that depends on how you view something like Jan 6. Was it just some good ol boys taking a shit on Pelosi's desk, or something more?


The biggest threat to the US democracy is their sleazy lobbying and allowing politicians to trade stocks in a way thats illegal for most people. I don't see Trump trying to stop that. 




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