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1 minute ago, Gator said:

My words mean nothing in the bigger picture. Look at the facts or don't.


My thought?.. Yall need to be more open to accepting facts presented by other side and not their "opinion"

Your words mean nothing is probably the truest thing you've put forth so far. Cheap shot aside....

The fact is Trump was corrected and given factual information. And since you have no response to the two fact checks put out there aside from we all need to be more open, I am forced to believe that you think Haitian immigrants are hunting pets in American suburbs, and that there are indeed states where it is legal to kill newborn babies. 

Thank you for confirming that.

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37 minutes ago, DSVII said:


It is tiring to be in the right wing echo chamber, their clicks depend on keeping you enraged and outraged all the time at the slightest perceived slight against the unquestionable leader 😉 


On a side note, hope your football team's doing alright. My Ravens have been a disappointment so far.

Try being the raiders fan in this game: WHY are we going with Minshew, why?????? Our Defense is killing it, but the offense is not worthy of the Raiders logo. 

I am amazed its only 9-6 at the half. 

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16 minutes ago, Gator said:

And everything on the other side is dictator Trump this, dictator Trump that


Can't say 1 side of mainstream is credible and the other isn't. 


If you only take left wing mainstream media as fact it's no wonder why you are all so close minded. Scary really

I don't just base things on media wars.


How do you feel about Trump, the man from his history on this earth? How does he conduct himself? Why does he have so many things TO have to validate all the time? Why don't we see him with his wife? Is he a good family man? What are his values/morals that have been demonstrated through his actions over the years? 


Why does he go on the attack so often? Lash out on SM and hate people?


Is he positive? Show leadership to be proud of? Instill confidence or use fear tactics?


Does he bring people together or pull them apart?


I don't get too involved because I know that facts and truths can be distorted and misreported. But I think he's often revealed to be a narcissitic, racist, misogynistic, power mongering pig (that's an insult to pigs) so that counts too. A guy who yelled "YOU'RE FIRED" at people on TV and had a following because there were fans who thought that was powerful. Yet, in this day and age, we don't yell at people when we dismiss them...that's the dinosaur way. We've evolved. We allow people dignity and grace because that's how bigger men do it. They don't have to yell and rant and ramble...the power is in the words, not how loud they present them. And his words are often empty so he yells them as a distraction.

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21 minutes ago, Gator said:


This video literally doesn't touch on either point StrayDog was asking about lol.

Do you have a timestamp for where Marco Rubio provided facts regarding haitians eating dogs or infanticide?? 


Fiction: Haitians eating dogs and pets

Fiction: infanticide


Yet people like you believe what sensationalist media tells them and now we've got bomb threats in Springfield.


Next time you watch a video do these two things, it'll help you:

1) Does what they're showing on the screen prove what they are saying 

2) Is what they are saying a sourced fact, or an interpretation


It'll make you better equipped to determine what's real or fake.

Edited by Duodenum
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1 minute ago, nuckin_futz said:

You guys wasting page after page arguing over fact checking while the guy is literally melting down and throwing feces against the wall.



This old man is nuts. He's losing his mind in front of your eyes. This election is over.

Haha it's an insight into the mind of a Trump voter. Mostly reinforces what's already known but it's interesting to see how much push back there is with falsehoods (along with the inability to tell fact from lie from interpretation from opinion). 


Probably wasn't a strong english or math student. 

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16 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

You guys wasting page after page arguing over fact checking while the guy is literally melting down and throwing feces against the wall.



This old man is nuts. He's losing his mind in front of your eyes. This election is over.

It's quite scary that some would promote this as the leader of a powerful nation. This is what a 14 year old girl does when she has a fight with her boyfriend. 


Seriously, where is the professionalism? The self restraint? The maturity? The sanity??


It's ok, Taylor'll just shake it off. She'll be fine but I'm not sure he will be.


He treats this like it's a high school popularity contest. "I like Brittany better". Shouting out to singers in the crowd like they're bff's. Schmoozing with dictators because he thinks it's flattering to be in their circle when, really, they're playing him like a fiddle. Undermining longstanding officials, military leaders, FBI, etc. and acting like he's an expert authority on everything. Rather than learning from them, he fires them if they disagree with him. Then brags about it like it's some sort of feat to ignore the information you're being provided with. Reading books about him and this is not a man you want in sensitive situations. He's volatile and unstable. Ego shouldn't enter the equation but does with him. His emotional reactionary decisions could be devastating and when you're running a country tense situations call for level headed, weighed out responses by committee...not one guy with all the power who thinks he's the smartest in the room and always has something to prove. 


It's all so ridiculously immature and concerning.




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5 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

It's quite scary that some would promote this as the leader of a powerful nation. This is what a 14 year old girl does when she has a fight with her boyfriend. 


Seriously, where is the professionalism? The self restraint? The maturity? The sanity??


It's ok, Taylor'll just shake it off. She'll be fine but I'm not sure he will be.


He treats this like it's a high school popularity contest. "I like Brittany better". Shouting out to singers in the crowd like they're bff's. Schmoozing with dictators because he thinks it's flattering to be in their circle when, really, they're playing him like a fiddle. Undermining longstanding officials, military leaders, FBI, etc. and acting like he's an expert authority on everything. Rather than learning from them, he fires them if they disagree with him.


It's all so ridiculously immature and concerning.





He commands an army of vengeful weirdos. Perhaps she won't be fine.

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42 minutes ago, Gator said:

Nothing scary about it.. Just not the point. Yall shouldn't be so easily overlooking that. You want me to see mainstream media as fact and a good source of information, but yet you see nothing wrong with them openly feeding us lies to empower their political interest. 


How is that being just brushed off like it's "no big deal"


Is that not scary to you?


I actually want you to judge each story and source for yourself. I don't care what your preferred ones are tbh.


I don't think anyone likes it when journalists are lazy, I know I don't because it never really helps in the end.


I just think it's interesting that Trump won't do another one on his friendly network. 


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1 hour ago, Gator said:

Maybe the same thing that makes you overlook the things I'm saying


If you read my posts youd know I was once on your team.. I just allowed myself to see through the BS. Doesn't mean I forgive all those bad things about Trump, or even overlook them. I just feel like I'm seeing the much bigger picture you refuse to see. The other side is just putting on a fake smile and pumping out a bunch of BS and I see you all blindly buying it despite facts being presented


What's the much bigger picture if you recognize what a deplorable human he is?  What policies does he implement that make society any better?


His economy was average, at best

His immigration policy was all smoke and no substance

He completely botched the pandemic 

He promised to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better

He promised major infrastructure improvements, which did not happen



You know what did happen?  The rich got a huge tax break (at the expense of the middle class) and his hotels made a boat load of money because he made his entourage on every trip stay at them, at the cost of taxpayer money 



Is there a chance you're just not seeing the grift in all of this?

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2 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

I don't just base things on media wars.


How do you feel about Trump, the man from his history on this earth? How does he conduct himself? Why does he have so many things TO have to validate all the time? Why don't we see him with his wife? Is he a good family man? What are his values/morals that have been demonstrated through his actions over the years? 


Why does he go on the attack so often? Lash out on SM and hate people?


Is he positive? Show leadership to be proud of? Instill confidence or use fear tactics?


Does he bring people together or pull them apart?


I don't get too involved because I know that facts and truths can be distorted and misreported. But I think he's often revealed to be a narcissit, racist, misogynist pig (that's an insult to pigs) so that counts too. 

Again I cant defend the person. At all. From the "grabbing the p****", to the weird and unusual things he said about his daughter.. And sure he says some hateful things, and maybe could use better terms than "nasty person" when trying to call out reporters on their ridiculously worded questions. I mean I see it, I get it, and I cant and wont even try to defend it.. But as nasty as the words are that sometimes come out of his mouth it shows me hes more real. Like him or not you have to admit thats true, no?.. Im sure he bullshits too, but in the bigger scheme of things Trumps words to me feels more real and true, and less fake and scripted.


I dont see this "corruption in him I see in others. Im sure the stock market goes in his favor and what not, and maybe he does deals to benefit him or his buddies. Ok, are we just going to act like thats not a normal thing in politics? How do you think most of them became so wealthy?.. From where im sitting atleast Trump didnt take the salary. Trump admitted to paying no taxes because they have tax breaks that allowed him not to. Those tax breaks wern't made for Trump, they were made for people like Trump before Trump was even in. Then theres that video of him and Jeb Bush debating I shared a few pages back that shows how against Trump the republican party was against him back when he wasn't their only hope. The room was majorily in favor of Jeb Bush because the crowd was for special interests and donors which Trump didn't need to take no money from. How am I supposed to believe Trump is this evil corrupt man, when from where im sitting he is by far the least corrupt looking politician I ever seen.


Then on the topic of the Russia situaation, Trumps plan for peace may be far from ideal, but atleast it is a plan. Everyone says Trump is a threat to Ukraine, but from where im sitting if Trump was president Russia never would have touched them. They invaded them both before and after Trump was in but not during. Yet somehow im supposed to think Trump is a threat to Ukraine. Ukraine wouldnt be in this situation if Trump won the last election. I mean do you really think this invasion would have happened?... And on the other side I hear 0 plan to try and begin peace talks, and it sounds to me they just want to bring Russia to its knees at all costs. I mean its great in theory, but are we seriously willing to gamble with our childrens lives like that?... I dont know.. to me I feel people need to atleast put an effort into seeing through the BS.. because to me, and a lot of others its clear as day


At the end of the day this discussion on a Canucks forum isnt going to change a damn thing.. but I really do think people need to atleast put an effort into looking past the BS

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50 minutes ago, Gator said:

See there you go just discrediting it as a "YouTube" channel


Like do you guys think everything on YouTube is fake? I mean a lot of it is, but so is shit in the mainstream media. Trick is to ignore the narration, and look at the facts that each side presents. All sides only present what they want to see. So if your closed to the other side you're never fully aware.


Facts are facts whether presented by mainstream media, or a youtuber. Just gotta be careful your not falling for the truth stretching (stop looking at 1 liner videos the media likes to show you). Why you get those short clips, go find the full video.


Sure that YouTuber is a major Trump supporter.. But she did her homework and provided legit proof about how rigged the debate was against Trump.


You can try and label me whichever way you want. You guys notoriously look for ANY reason to discredit proof that doesn't fit your political beliefs. It's true on both sides which is why these discussion usually end up in huge fights. No1 truly listens to the other.


It is what it is. To me facts are facts. Who provides the facts are redundant.. But if CNN shows you a trimmed clip and totally takes things out of context you run with it like fact. Just look at the bloodbath comment for proof in that statement.


Sad really

I'm discounting that you tuber SPECIFICALLY because of their complete bias and content.


I posted that 6 or so pages ago.


As for "discredit" that is her and your opinion but nobody else agrees with you.  You can claim that, but it doesn't make it true.  Just like Trump can claim he won the debate and it was 3 vs 1 or whatever nonsense he is lying about 


Doesn't make it true



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5 minutes ago, Gator said:

Again I cant defend the person. At all. From the "grabbing the p****", to the weird and unusual things he said about his daughter.. And sure he says some hateful things, and maybe could use better terms than "nasty person" when trying to call out reporters on their ridiculously worded questions. I mean I see it, I get it, and I cant and wont even try to defend it.. But as nasty as the words are that sometimes come out of his mouth it shows me hes more real. Like him or not you have to admit thats true, no?.. Im sure he bullshits too, but in the bigger scheme of things Trumps words to me feels more real and true, and less fake and scripted.


I dont see this "corruption in him I see in others. Im sure the stock market goes in his favor and what not, and maybe he does deals to benefit him or his buddies. Ok, are we just going to act like thats not a normal thing in politics? How do you think most of them became so wealthy?.. From where im sitting atleast Trump didnt take the salary. Trump admitted to paying no taxes because they have tax breaks that allowed him not to. Those tax breaks wern't made for Trump, they were made for people like Trump before Trump was even in. Then theres that video of him and Jeb Bush debating I shared a few pages back that shows how against Trump the republican party was against him back when he wasn't their only hope. The room was majorily in favor of Jeb Bush because the crowd was for special interests and donors which Trump didn't need to take no money from. How am I supposed to believe Trump is this evil corrupt man, when from where im sitting he is by far the least corrupt looking politician I ever seen.


Then on the topic of the Russia situaation, Trumps plan for peace may be far from ideal, but atleast it is a plan. Everyone says Trump is a threat to Ukraine, but from where im sitting if Trump was president Russia never would have touched them. They invaded them both before and after Trump was in but not during. Yet somehow im supposed to think Trump is a threat to Ukraine. Ukraine wouldnt be in this situation if Trump won the last election. I mean do you really think this invasion would have happened?... And on the other side I hear 0 plan to try and begin peace talks, and it sounds to me they just want to bring Russia to its knees at all costs. I mean its great in theory, but are we seriously willing to gamble with our childrens lives like that?... I dont know.. to me I feel people need to atleast put an effort into seeing through the BS.. because to me, and a lot of others its clear as day


At the end of the day this discussion on a Canucks forum isnt going to change a damn thing.. but I really do think people need to atleast put an effort into looking past the BS

Is it "real" though? A man thinking it's ok to do that? Or is that delusional? Is that a man who's out of touch with "reality". Because reality is you can't just grab a woman like that....never could. And he's learning that through lawsuits and other things that are "real".


Honest, sure. But should we accept that kind of talk? As a woman, I certainly don't want a man in power who has that attitude. Lack of respect for women/others.


I AM looking past the BS....his.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

I'm discounting that you tuber SPECIFICALLY because of their complete bias and content.

Facts arent bias.. Just the words she spews inbeteween is the bias crap


Again. Facts are facts. Figured a smart man like yourself would understand that

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1 minute ago, -dlc- said:

Honest, sure. But should we accept that kind of talk? As a woman, I certainly don't want a man in power who has that attitude. Lack of respect for women/others.


I AM looking past the BS....his.

Cant disagree with you.


However I caution you to vote with your head, and not your heart (An American with that stance)

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11 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


He commands an army of vengeful weirdos. Perhaps she won't be fine.



Swift goes down to some insane MAGAt 


What then?


He didn't know, he doesn't understand, he wasn't involved etc etc etc


His followers are itching for a civil war but hundreds of millions of pissed off vengeful teenagers, women and the LGBTQ community coming en masse would end that war overnight 

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4 minutes ago, Gator said:

Facts arent bias.. Just the words she spews inbeteween is the bias crap


Again. Facts are facts. Figured a smart man like yourself would understand that

Facts aren't bias.


You're finally right about something.


When you or your chosen YouTube champion present some.  I will be more than willing to discuss them.


But as neither of you have, it's a moot point.

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

Again I cant defend the person. At all. From the "grabbing the p****", to the weird and unusual things he said about his daughter.. And sure he says some hateful things, and maybe could use better terms than "nasty person" when trying to call out reporters on their ridiculously worded questions. I mean I see it, I get it, and I cant and wont even try to defend it.. But as nasty as the words are that sometimes come out of his mouth it shows me hes more real. Like him or not you have to admit thats true, no?.. Im sure he bullshits too, but in the bigger scheme of things Trumps words to me feels more real and true, and less fake and scripted.


I dont see this "corruption in him I see in others. Im sure the stock market goes in his favor and what not, and maybe he does deals to benefit him or his buddies. Ok, are we just going to act like thats not a normal thing in politics? How do you think most of them became so wealthy?.. From where im sitting atleast Trump didnt take the salary. Trump admitted to paying no taxes because they have tax breaks that allowed him not to. Those tax breaks wern't made for Trump, they were made for people like Trump before Trump was even in. Then theres that video of him and Jeb Bush debating I shared a few pages back that shows how against Trump the republican party was against him back when he wasn't their only hope. The room was majorily in favor of Jeb Bush because the crowd was for special interests and donors which Trump didn't need to take no money from. How am I supposed to believe Trump is this evil corrupt man, when from where im sitting he is by far the least corrupt looking politician I ever seen.


Then on the topic of the Russia situaation, Trumps plan for peace may be far from ideal, but atleast it is a plan. Everyone says Trump is a threat to Ukraine, but from where im sitting if Trump was president Russia never would have touched them. They invaded them both before and after Trump was in but not during. Yet somehow im supposed to think Trump is a threat to Ukraine. Ukraine wouldnt be in this situation if Trump won the last election. I mean do you really think this invasion would have happened?... And on the other side I hear 0 plan to try and begin peace talks, and it sounds to me they just want to bring Russia to its knees at all costs. I mean its great in theory, but are we seriously willing to gamble with our childrens lives like that?... I dont know.. to me I feel people need to atleast put an effort into seeing through the BS.. because to me, and a lot of others its clear as day


At the end of the day this discussion on a Canucks forum isnt going to change a damn thing.. but I really do think people need to atleast put an effort into looking past the BS

Regarding BS, I'm trying to look past some of yours.   I'll ignore your comments on Trumps 'real and true' words as everyone is entitled to their opinion.  Instead, I'll ask that you look into the history of Russian invasions of Ukraine, and into the state of the world in 2014 and 2024 before you falsely state both invasions only happened because Trump was not in office.  I'll wait.  It should only take a few hours to get enough of an understanding of the geopolitics of those two very distinct years (even if things were far more complicated than just who was in the oval office at the time).

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9 minutes ago, Gator said:

Again I cant defend the person. At all. From the "grabbing the p****", to the weird and unusual things he said about his daughter.. And sure he says some hateful things, and maybe could use better terms than "nasty person" when trying to call out reporters on their ridiculously worded questions. I mean I see it, I get it, and I cant and wont even try to defend it.. But as nasty as the words are that sometimes come out of his mouth it shows me hes more real. Like him or not you have to admit thats true, no?.. Im sure he bullshits too, but in the bigger scheme of things Trumps words to me feels more real and true, and less fake and scripted.



No, none of Trump's hate speech is true.  He has done nothing to suggest that he is worthy of being treated the same as actual people.  His plan with Ukraine is to help Putin with his genocide, and that's nothing compared to the crimes against humanity he'll commit against his own people.   You're suggesting a mentally handicapped Nazi is a good option to lead the world's largest democracy.  It's ridiculous and there's a reason the only sources you can find are random Youtubers that no one is taking seriously.

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



Swift goes down to some insane MAGAt 


What then?


He didn't know, he doesn't understand, he wasn't involved etc etc etc


His followers are itching for a civil war but hundreds of millions of pissed off vengeful teenagers, women and the LGBTQ community coming en masse would end that war overnight 

I mean I get it, I do.. But you can't tell me theres no hypocrisy here lol


Biden says "we got to put Trump in a crosshair"... 2 weeks later almost gets shot dead, after some VERY suspicious work done by the SS... However theres really no discussion about it today.


Now watch what happens if some moron does something to swift. Lets see how long thats a major story for


Like its soooooooooo bloody obvious man... Perfectly explains why im pro trump.. never in the history has there been so much bias against a political figure. Gotta look at the bigger picture

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