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22 minutes ago, MightyCPC said:

But here's a snippet of what you never hear.



So the individual who claims that they found proof of predetermined ballots in favour of Biden was found to be lying?






A trove of newly released documents related to the Arizona Senate’s partisan review of the 2020 presidential election shows that EchoMail CEO Shiva Ayyadurai was hired to review Pulitzer’s work. Pulitzer, an election conspiracy theorist known best for an “invention” dubbed “kinematic artifact detection,” has built a rabid following in the election fraud conspiracy world even though he has no background in election work.

“Per your request, I spent time reviewing the nonsense,” Ayyadurai wrote in an email to Senate President Karen Fann and Randy Pullen, one of Fann’s liaisons to the so-called “audit.” “It was painful to read this utter rubbish.” 

Ayyadurai slammed Pulitzer’s work, saying that Pulitzer should face criminal investigation for “fraud” and recommending that the Senate not publish the report.

“It is filled with blatant prevarications that demand either a full blown criminal investigation of fraud of the author of this rubbish or at minimum complete disassociation from him to ensure integrity of the election integrity efforts and to honor those who are truly doing the real work to identify real problems,” Ayyadurai said in his email to Fann and Pullen in February. 



As for the legions of volunteers who claimed they saw evidence of vote rigging or fixing.  To a person, all of them were found to be inserting opinions and not evidence with one volunteer claiming they saw satanic patterns in the count where 6 votes were for biden 1 for trump 6 for biden 1 for trump and 6 for biden 1 for trump.  They suggested the devil had a hand in it.


So...ya....snippets of what we'll never hear.  Because sadly, they aren't true

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24 minutes ago, MightyCPC said:

There is a reason why people have this opinion



The polls!!!




Pollsters can only extrapolate the turnout rates of previous years. The last couple of election cycles have seen record turnout across both sides of the aisle, especially with younger voters, lessening the value of already-displaced historical precedents.

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Unbelievable. Eric testified today and basically just lost the entire case. 1) After testifying he “never heard” about the Trump org statement of financial condition until recently, he later admitted that he knew about it in 2013. 2) After saying he never worked on it, he was showed an email where employees were told he was working on it. They lie so much, they can’t even keep track of their own bullshit. Sounds like perjury is on today’s menu

Edited by nuckin_futz
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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

The polls!!!




Pollsters can only extrapolate the turnout rates of previous years. The last couple of election cycles have seen record turnout across both sides of the aisle, especially with younger voters, lessening the value of already-displaced historical precedents.

Yeah I know about the record turnouts, I hear some Democrat ridings were getting more votes than they had voters even. Remarkable.


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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

Unbelievable. Eric testified today and basically just lost the entire case. 1) After testifying he “never heard” about the Trump org statement of financial condition until recently, he later admitted that he knew about it in 2013. 2) After saying he never worked on it, he was showed an email where employees were told he was working on it. They lie so much, they can’t even keep track of their own bullshit. Sounds like perjury is on today’s menu

What's unbelievable is the sudden interest of our intellignece agencies in protecting banks from themselves, if this about trump's real estate valuations.

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6 minutes ago, MightyCPC said:

Yeah I know anout the record turnouts, I hear some Democrat ridings were getting more votes than they had voters even. Remarkable.


Fascinating.  Voter fraud or irregularities cost Clinton and won the state for Trump.


I agree.  This should have been investigated more


An insane amount of irregularities.  77 precincts were 1 vote over.   62 were 2 over.  man....those numbers are insane


Who’s responsible for errors?

Last week, Baxter told The News 87 optical scanners broke on Election Day. He said many jammed when voters tried repeatedly to stuff single ballots into scanners, which can result in erroneous vote counts if poll workers don’t adjust counters.

Former Detroit mayoral candidate Tom Barrow, who has challenged the city’s elections process for years, said blaming workers is a cop-out. According to city protocol, all precincts are supposed to be balanced when the ballot boxes are sealed at the end of the night, he said.

“The city is responsible. Janice Winfrey is responsible,” Barrow said. “This didn’t happen because of crazy, dyslexic senior citizens who are working as poll workers, like they want to portray this. That’s people who are trying to deny responsibility.”

Detroit’s mismatched votes

Here is a breakdown of the irregularities in Detroit’s 662 precincts:

■236 precincts in balance — equal numbers of voters counted by workers and machines

■248 precincts with too many votes and no explanation (77 were 1 over; 62 were 2 over, 37 were 3 over, 20 were 4 over, 52 were 5 or more over).

■144 precincts with too few votes and no explanation (81 were 1 under, 29 were 2 under; 19 were 3 under; 7 were 4 under; 8 were 5 or more under)

■34 precincts out of balance but with an explanation

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

So the individual who claims that they found proof of predetermined ballots in favour of Biden was found to be lying?






A trove of newly released documents related to the Arizona Senate’s partisan review of the 2020 presidential election shows that EchoMail CEO Shiva Ayyadurai was hired to review Pulitzer’s work. Pulitzer, an election conspiracy theorist known best for an “invention” dubbed “kinematic artifact detection,” has built a rabid following in the election fraud conspiracy world even though he has no background in election work.

“Per your request, I spent time reviewing the nonsense,” Ayyadurai wrote in an email to Senate President Karen Fann and Randy Pullen, one of Fann’s liaisons to the so-called “audit.” “It was painful to read this utter rubbish.” 

Ayyadurai slammed Pulitzer’s work, saying that Pulitzer should face criminal investigation for “fraud” and recommending that the Senate not publish the report.

“It is filled with blatant prevarications that demand either a full blown criminal investigation of fraud of the author of this rubbish or at minimum complete disassociation from him to ensure integrity of the election integrity efforts and to honor those who are truly doing the real work to identify real problems,” Ayyadurai said in his email to Fann and Pullen in February. 



As for the legions of volunteers who claimed they saw evidence of vote rigging or fixing.  To a person, all of them were found to be inserting opinions and not evidence with one volunteer claiming they saw satanic patterns in the count where 6 votes were for biden 1 for trump 6 for biden 1 for trump and 6 for biden 1 for trump.  They suggested the devil had a hand in it.


So...ya....snippets of what we'll never hear.  Because sadly, they aren't true

Well the article I submitted is talking about 200,000 ballots not 12, 000. But there are tons of issues. No mention of this Ayyadurai guy that i saw.

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3 hours ago, MightyCPC said:

What's unbelievable is the sudden interest of our intellignece agencies in protecting banks from themselves, if this about trump's real estate valuations.

We may be in agreement here.  I feel there are countless companies in NYC and elsewhere committing the same crimes Trump is accused of.  Go after all or none I say.


Oh, there is also the one about the payoff to a porn star.  That one had some pretty shady accounting too.

Edited by Satchmo
typical typo
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29 minutes ago, MightyCPC said:

Well the article I submitted is talking about 200,000 ballots not 12, 000. But there are tons of issues. No mention of this Ayyadurai guy that i saw.

But, there's no proof on the now year old story.  As well almost universally the recounts and investigations have shown that it is republicans/conservatives caught committing these crimes and that the recounts and investigations have in fact found in favour of or more votes for the Democrats.


Fancy that

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6 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Yes....because they're gullible morons....

Well you also have one party that decided to try to overthrow them lawfully elected government through domestic terrorism.  I'd certainly consider that to be a form of cheating, albeit an extreme one.

Edited by King Heffy
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3 hours ago, MightyCPC said:

Yeah I know about the record turnouts, I hear some Democrat ridings were getting more votes than they had voters even. Remarkable.



You hear that?


I "hear" a bunch of clueless dipshits will believe anything they "hear", as long as it supports their bullshit theory that the election was stolen...

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17 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


'I can't testify at my family's massive fraud trial because I have school'.


Someone is totally desperate to either A) not rat out Daddy and his House of Cards B) not have to perjure herself


Tough cookies Toots.

Lock her up for contempt of court.

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49 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


'I can't testify at my family's massive fraud trial because I have school'.


Someone is totally desperate to either A) not rat out Daddy and his House of Cards B) not have to perjure herself


Tough cookies Toots.

If testifying during the week is such a hardship, then what the hell was she up to working for Daddys POTUS administration?

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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


You hear that?


I "hear" a bunch of clueless dipshits will believe anything they "hear", as long as it supports their bullshit theory that the election was stolen...

I "know" that anyone who thinks they "know" if the election was fraudulent or not, is mistaken .

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7 hours ago, MightyCPC said:

I "know" that anyone who thinks they "know" if the election was fraudulent or not, is mistaken .


Yeah, no you don't. You "think" that. (although I use that term loosely)


There have been numerous studies, all of which put the number of actual fraudulent votes at minuscule levels. Nothing remotely close enough to swing the balance of a national election. Even partisan right wing audits were unable to produce evidence of widespread voter fraud.


You've either been suckered by a lie, don't want to hear the truth, or both.....

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