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13 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


You've fallen for a grifter. His persona isn't "real" is a fucking act. 

If it is he's much better at hiding it.. Kamala needs some more training in that department I guess

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Just now, Bob Long said:


Actually you do. You can't see the bullshit and it's sad.

Right back at you I guess lol....


Like I said. Agree to disagree. Just bickering like 6 year Olds at this point 😅


Like I said. At the end of the day we all just want to live our lives as peacefully as possible. Atleast the majority of us lol

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:



This thread reminds me that sometimes people do actually fall for pyramid schemes.



I admire Gators conviction, but truly wonder why he can not figure out why he is surrounded by people that do not think Trump is good for the US, humanity children, women, Ukraine, economics, or the world.


I mean, there are some conservative people on here, that still would not vote for Trump if given a choice....I am pretty sure that collectively, on this thread it is probably, a 100 to 1, against Gators opinions. 


This is where Critical thinking must take place....Gator needs to ask himself.....why are there so many people against Trump up here? Gator needs to understand that we have no skin in the game, and are looking at this objectively, and for the most part, are just weighing the 2 candidates, and their words......it is pretty easy to see, when you stand back!


Like I repeatedly say...I am more conservative than liberal, but "THIS" is a no brainer!

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1 minute ago, JIAHN said:

I admire Gators conviction, but truly wonder why he can not figure out why he is surrounded by people that do not think Trump is good for the US, humanity children, women, Ukraine, economics, or the world.

You go into a MAGA crowd and argue for Harris. That is the equivalent of me endorsing Trump in this thread

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41 minutes ago, Gator said:

Serious question though.. If Trump loses how many more times is he going to be the republican candidate? lol.. Maybe it's best to get his last 4 over with now for the haters? lol


I'm sure he will have his MAGA crowd in 4 years too. Atleast he can use the 4 years to ease tensions in the middle east, and then he can't run anymore. Win/win for all, no? 😅


Trump will be 82 by the time the next election rolls around and his idea of exercise is climbing in and out of his golf cart. He'll be physically unable to complete a term. (He's already mentally unable)


He will also be a two time loser, against opponents that were beatable. I think the Repugs will finally bite the bullet and pull the plug on him. It's not like his cult followers will run out and vote Democrat, just because he isn't on the ticket. Some will probably stay home, but sooner or later, the GQP has to rip the band aid off....

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


Trump will be 82 by the time the next election rolls around and his idea of exercise is climbing in and out of his golf cart. He'll be physically unable to complete a term. (He's already mentally unable)


He will also be a two time loser, against opponents that were beatable. I think the Repugs will finally bite the bullet and pull the plug on him. It's not like his cult followers will run out and vote Democrat, just because he isn't on the ticket. Some will probably stay home, but sooner or later, the GQP has to rip the band aid off....

Fair enough

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30 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Yes he SURE did a great job of doing that while in office.  None of what he did regarding Israel or Iran possibly helped set the stage for what happened in October at all




Saudi Arabia's King Salman told Mr Trump by telephone on Tuesday that the relocation of the embassy or recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital "would constitute a flagrant provocation of Muslims, all over the world".

On Thursday, a Saudi royal court statement called Mr Trump's decision "unjustified and irresponsible".

"The US move represents a significant decline in efforts to push a peace process and is a violation of the historically neutral American position on Jerusalem."

Those views were echoed by Egypt's President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, who warned against "complicating the situation in the region by introducing measures that would undermine chances for peace in the Middle East".


The Arab League called it "a dangerous measure that would have repercussions" across the region, and also questioned the future role of the US as a "trusted mediator" in peace talks.

Iran said the decision risked a "new intifada", or uprising. Its foreign ministry said the US had clearly violated international resolutions.

Meanwhile, Jordan's King Abdullah called for joint efforts to "deal with the ramifications of this decision" and a Jordanian government spokesman said Mr Trump was violating international law and the UN charter.

Lebanon's President Michel Aoun said the peace process would be set back decades, while Qatar's Foreign MinisterSheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani said the move was "a death sentence for all who seek peace".




“Taking such a step is tantamount to throwing the region into a ring of fire. Hey Trump, what are you trying to do? What kind of an approach is that? Political leaders are supposed to work to bring peace, not stir things up. Now, Mr. Trump’s remarks are aimed at stirring things up, not bringing peace.”

"I even requested to talk to the Pope. I will speak with him tonight or tomorrow morning, because Al-Quds is also a sanctuary of Christians and I need to talk to him about this matter.”

"Regarding the US President Trump’s decision, I will speak with President Putin of the Russian Federation, as well as leaders of Germany, the UK, France, Spain.”


Lets also not forget his tearing up the Nuclear deal with Iran and then assassinating one of their Generals, on Iraqi soil....

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:

Trump says he's greater than Elvis....





On the surface, this claim seems ridiculous, but as someone who has the "privilege" of owning 4 guitars, I feel qualified to weigh in....


Firstly, both men were/are obese....check.

Both men made a lot of money off of something that someone else wrote. (songs / bibles).....check

Neither man is currently able to speak coherently.....check

Both have a lot of 60+ year old fans.....check

Both are more popular in the South than the North....check


So which of the two is "greater? I think this one thing puts Trump over the top.....he's the better dancer:



As Alf woud say 'you are dead to me'. Ok I am over 60 but Elvis had the greatest voice, ever! 

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

You go into a MAGA crowd and argue for Harris. That is the equivalent of me endorsing Trump in this thread


You see this is where you have it wrong Gator.


"IF" you go to a MAGA convention, where all MAGA people have gathered, then you are going to find everyone agrees with you. It basically says...."Welcome to a place of common beliefs!" Enter! You are with friends!


But this site, has no welcoming mat, nor any signs that say Conservatives get out.....it is just a meeting place where anyone can voice an opinion. It is very seldom that people are asked to leave. It is only when you can not communicate respectfully that you are given a time out. You my friend, which I actually like in our Fantasy Hockey, always talk respectfully, even if you have an opposing view.....which proves, it is an open forum and thread, and not "JUST" for anti-Trump people. 


It is just, for the most part, people do not like Trump or what he personally stands for.....and we are doing this objectively....I think????

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33 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


The trouble with most Trumpers is they lack critical thinking skills.


IMO, Jimmy, my dislike is not with the Republican party itself, but with Trump and his power brokers. All the moderates know what is going on is wrong, but they are making alot of money off of Trump and his BS, and there is a 50/50 chance, they might make a heap more!


The problem is with reality, and the fact that the USA is getting browner. It scares the hell out of the white, bible belt, as many of immigrants are not Christian, and the Christian's  see their way of life evaporating. The trouble is with that fear, although maybe partially right, is that Trump's conduct, and their own support of him, is eroding Christian beliefs, faster than the immigrants are.


Again, this is a lack of critical thinking problem


The problem with that Jan, is that the bulk of the Republican party knows Trump is unfit, yet they back him anyway because they want to cling to power. This is a textbook case of putting party over country......A country they swore an oath to serve.


How many of them condemned Trump and his actions, only to turn around and become supporters? It's a huge list and IMO, they're all complicit in the damage he has caused, making all of them unfit for the offices they hold.


I would leave a few out of that equation, (Collins, Murkowski, Romney) but just barely....

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14 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

I admire Gators conviction, but truly wonder why he can not figure out why he is surrounded by people that do not think Trump is good for the US, humanity children, women, Ukraine, economics, or the world.


It's actually pretty clear to me....


Look at his "evidence / proof".....it's all videos. Videos are absolutely useless, because they can be manipulated, edited and out of context. He's obviously oblivious to that fact and takes them all at face value.

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6 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

As Alf woud say 'you are dead to me'. Ok I am over 60 but Elvis had the greatest voice, ever! 




Elvis himself said it was Roy Orbison..... (My vote would go to Streisand)


BTW: I'm not anti-Elvis....but it's true that he didn't write his own songs.

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12 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


I admire Gators conviction, but truly wonder why he can not figure out why he is surrounded by people that do not think Trump is good for the US, humanity children, women, Ukraine, economics, or the world.


I mean, there are some conservative people on here, that still would not vote for Trump if given a choice....I am pretty sure that collectively, on this thread it is probably, a 100 to 1, against Gators opinions. 


This is where Critical thinking must take place....Gator needs to ask himself.....why are there so many people against Trump up here? Gator needs to understand that we have no skin in the game, and are looking at this objectively, and for the most part, are just weighing the 2 candidates, and their words......it is pretty easy to see, when you stand back!


Like I repeatedly say...I am more conservative than liberal, but "THIS" is a no brainer!

I am a fiscal conservative and neither Trump or Harris meet my standard for support. They epitomize the gambling culture that drives the USA these days. They don't even discuss the challenge they face with debt. Both are spewing out promises they know they cannot keep. The hell with reality. I really question the Trump position on Ukraine. I give cred to Biden and hope that Harris continues USA support for Ukraine. 

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17 minutes ago, Gator said:

Right back at you I guess lol....


Like I said. Agree to disagree. Just bickering like 6 year Olds at this point 😅


Like I said. At the end of the day we all just want to live our lives as peacefully as possible. Atleast the majority of us lol


You've consistently refused to look at factual information about abortion. You reply with videos instead of your own thoughts. You think trump is "real" when even a cursory glance at his life screams the opposite.


Sorry my friend, this time it is you. 

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Like this is the type of media shit I'm talking about.. Like are they endorsing Kamala or Trump? Because they do a very good job convincing me to vote Trump with this crap lol


Trump is a lot of bad things I'll give you that, but to me is he really bad, or have I just fell victim to believing some of the BS from the media blowing things way out of proportion?.. Like as soon as he started to make a point she tried interrupting him and changing the topic 🤦


You NEVER see that crap when a mainstream media outlets is interviewing Kamala or Biden. That bias is playing right into Trumps hands imo.. Maybe that's why I've become blind to the things you guys see about Trump. It's just become too hard for me to believe it when the media clearly has their head up Kamal's butt

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21 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


I admire Gators conviction, but truly wonder why he can not figure out why he is surrounded by people that do not think Trump is good for the US, humanity children, women, Ukraine, economics, or the world.


I mean, there are some conservative people on here, that still would not vote for Trump if given a choice....I am pretty sure that collectively, on this thread it is probably, a 100 to 1, against Gators opinions. 


This is where Critical thinking must take place....Gator needs to ask himself.....why are there so many people against Trump up here? Gator needs to understand that we have no skin in the game, and are looking at this objectively, and for the most part, are just weighing the 2 candidates, and their words......it is pretty easy to see, when you stand back!


Like I repeatedly say...I am more conservative than liberal, but "THIS" is a no brainer!


Some people just can't. My brother fell down the evangelical well 20 years ago, he sounds very much like our friend here.


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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:




Elvis himself said it was Roy Orbison..... (My vote would go to Streisand)


BTW: I'm not anti-Elvis....but it's true that he didn't write his own songs.

OK, for sure Roy is right there. The doc on the 'Travelling Wilburys' is a must watch if you haven't seen it yet. 

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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:




Elvis himself said it was Roy Orbison..... (My vote would go to Streisand)


BTW: I'm not anti-Elvis....but it's true that he didn't write his own songs.

Let's not derail this thread anymore than it's already been derailed but:




And yes, Elvis could really sing.  So could Roy.

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8 minutes ago, Gator said:

Like this is the type of media shit I'm talking about.. Like are they endorsing Kamala or Trump? Because they do a very good job convincing me to vote Trump with this crap lol


Trump is a lot of bad things I'll give you that, but to me is he really bad, or have I just fell victim to believing some of the BS from the media blowing things way out of proportion?.. Like as soon as he started to make a point she tried interrupting him and changing the topic 🤦


You NEVER see that crap when a mainstream media outlets is interviewing Kamala or Biden. That bias is playing right into Trumps hands imo.. Maybe that's why I've become blind to the things you guys see about Trump. It's just become too hard for me to believe it when the media clearly has their head up Kamal's butt

You mean why don't we ever see liberals making videos with sensational titles and captions like this?  We don't need to.  All we need is for Trump and Vance to speak on camera.


This Vance dude needs to own up to the trouble he has caused in Springfield.  By the way, that  is something you've refused to comment on though you've been asked to.  What's your take on the bomb threats and the closure of schools and city hall that have taken place there?

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10 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

OK, for sure Roy is right there. The doc on the 'Travelling Wilburys' is a must watch if you haven't seen it yet. 


Haven't seen it, but I'll keep an eye out. We actually do two of their tunes, so I'm a fan. (Harrison was my favorite Beatle)

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I believe this video perfectly sums up why people hate Trump, and why people want Trump in office.. Sure he's a scumbag, but he nails it on the head with the "politically correct" statement. Today everybody is too "fake/politically correct".. It's not authentic and to me it's very phony and untrustworthy. How am I suppose to trust people that don't have faith in their own views? If you have to fake it to make it I don't want you there

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Not that I expect anyone to actually believe these radically leftist media organizations when they can just watch some guy on Youtube....


Fact check: 12 completely fictional stories Trump has told in the last month







Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years






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11 minutes ago, Gator said:

Like this is the type of media shit I'm talking about.. Like are they endorsing Kamala or Trump? Because they do a very good job convincing me to vote Trump with this crap lol


Trump is a lot of bad things I'll give you that, but to me is he really bad, or have I just fell victim to believing some of the BS from the media blowing things way out of proportion?.. Like as soon as he started to make a point she tried interrupting him and changing the topic 🤦


You NEVER see that crap when a mainstream media outlets is interviewing Kamala or Biden. That bias is playing right into Trumps hands imo.. Maybe that's why I've become blind to the things you guys see about Trump. It's just become too hard for me to believe it when the media clearly has their head up Kamal's butt




Vance is not answering questions, and he is lying when he says he did not insight 


You can Google Vane's comments on FOX....where he says Haitians are eating Cats and dogs, then repeats that he is just repeating what his constituents have told him, which is a lie. The major, and many others have come on TV and stated there is no factual evidence.....Vance know this.


It is true she was animated, but over his refusal to address facts. He just pushes the repeat button and does not change coarse, no matter how much evidence is given.


Vance in no way admits that his and Trumps comments have insighted these threats.........but no one has said this but those 2, and they continue to repeat, and use the results politically, even as far as to say the immigrants are in the USA illegally. Now he may disagree with the Democrats decision, but the immigrants have been given temporary permission to be there. That, as she put it, is not illegal. But Vance continues to push that narrative.


In this entire interview, Vance bulls his way through, never trying to defuse the issue................exactly what type of leader is that?


Yet, you are more upset with her demeanor, that is trying to correct a wrong, than the man that is actually trying to exasperate it! To me, you are looking for issues to not address the problem. The problem is, they are creating issues...much like yourself.......come on man!





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8 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

This Vance dude needs to own up to the trouble he has caused in Springfield.  By the way, that  is something you've refused to comment on though you've been asked to.  What's your take on the bomb threats and the closure of schools and city hall that have taken place there?

There was a bomb threat at a school in Cape Breton a few months back. Trump at fault for that 1?


People have been calling in bomb threats to schools and work places for years to get a day off. Idk why lol, but it happens. 


Better yet. Explain this to me please....


Trump says the people are eating pets.. People call in bomb threats to schools and you link those together and blame Trump.


Biden says "we got to put Trump in the cross hair" and 2 weeks later someone quite literally does and we almost witnessed an exploding head on live TV.. Yet somehow that's not all over the news blaming Biden and the media for their dictator rhetoric.


All your doing with the blaming Trump for those bombings is proving my point lol. The bias is so incredibly evident, yet you just willingly turn a blind eye to it. It truly baffles me

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