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14 minutes ago, DSVII said:


They never forgot how Trump and his son in law hoarded PPE supplies from them because they were a democratic state. 


From a technical perspective, this administration is not qualified to handle a crisis that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths.  Another Policy failure. Though failure implies an honest effort to try and solve the problem.








According to one attendee, Kushner then began to rail against the governor: “Cuomo didn’t pound the phones hard enough to get PPE for his state…. His people are going to suffer and that’s their problem.”


What actually transpired in the room stunned a number of those in attendance. Vanity Fair has reconstructed the details of the meeting for the first time, based on recollections, notes, and calendar entries from three people who attended the meeting. All quotations are based on the recollections of one or more individual attendees.

Kushner, seated at the head of the conference table, in a chair taller than all the others, was quick to strike a confrontational tone. “The federal government is not going to lead this response,” he announced. “It’s up to the states to figure out what they want to do.”


One attendee explained to Kushner that due to the finite supply of PPE, Americans were bidding against each other and driving prices up. To solve that, businesses eager to help were looking to the federal government for leadership and direction.


“Free markets will solve this,” Kushner said dismissively. “That is not the role of government.”


The same attendee explained that although he believed in open markets, he feared that the system was breaking. As evidence, he pointed to a CNN report about New York governor Andrew Cuomo and his desperate call for supplies.


“That’s the CNN bullshit,” Kushner snapped. “They lie.”


According to another attendee, Kushner then began to rail against the governor: “Cuomo didn’t pound the phones hard enough to get PPE for his state…. His people are going to suffer and that’s their problem.” 


“That’s when I was like, We’re screwed,” the shocked attendee told Vanity Fair.


The group argued for invoking the Defense Production Act. “We were all saying, ‘Mr. Kushner, if you want to fix this problem for PPE and ventilators, there’s a path to do it, but you have to make a policy change,’” one person who attended the meeting recounted.


In response Kushner got “very aggressive,” the attendee recalled. “He kept invoking the markets” and told the group they “only understood how entrepreneurship works, but didn’t understand how government worked.”


Though Kushner’s arguments “made no sense,” said the attendee, there seemed to be little hope of changing his mind. “It felt like Kushner was the president. He sat in the chair and he was clearly making the decisions.”



“We had so much potential to commandeer against this,” said one person who attended the meeting. “We had a real system for contact tracing, the world’s best mobile engineers on standby. There was a real opportunity to have a coordinated response.”


That attendee said he remains “angry” over the federal government’s intransigence in stockpiling supplies and feels certain that people died because of it. “At the time I just thought of it as blind capitalism and extreme libertarian ideals gone wrong,” he said. “In hindsight it’s not crazy to think it was some purposeful belief that it was okay if Cuomo had a tough go of it because [New York] was a blue state.”


According to another attendee, it seemed “very clear” Kushner was less interested in finding a solution because, at the time, the virus was primarily ravaging cities in blue states: “We were flabbergasted. I basically had an out-of-body experience: Where am I, and what happened to America?”

Jared is a crook, just like his old man and his father in law.
As the proverbial saying goes “the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” 

When the circus settles, time will come to investigate his sweetheart business deals that he got through DT.


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42 minutes ago, Gator said:

Doesnt matter what she was talking about. Censorship is Censorship. And the point was Elon bought Twitter because of the "rules".. Go move to China if you're for Censorship. It goes against our freedom of speech. 


You guys really don't see the extremes of the left lately? Censorship, forcing vaccines on people, locking of bank accounts due to protest.. And people defend it?.. idc what side of the political fence your on, we gotta push back on this stuff or we're going to slowly lose basic human rights and become "Western China"


Ironic she wanted to discuss the spreading of lies and misinformation when she does that on a national stage pretty much everytime she speaks though lol.. Want to talk about spreading false and misleading information look no further that all this dictator talk that almost took Trumps life twice now. 2 people are already dead due to the lies and misinformation. When will that stop? Pretty hypocritical, no?




You don't seem to respond to me much........


But let me ask you this anyways.........


If Musk issued your address and phone number on "X", how would you feel?


Would you feel like, he should not have done that? What about your families faces? 


My point is, that we have many types of censorship already, that you actually support! 


For instance.....do you think it is ok to speak filthy words, about children?


Do you feel it is ok, for someone to speak about sexual acts and an innocent woman on air or the internet?


Now these are extreme points, but illustrate, that in fact, most people support some type of censorship


Now to my point about Musk and "X"


For the most part, "X" broadcasts, interesting things, things that do not garner hate, propaganda, or lies(mis-information)


When they do, and it happens quite often, then, it should be censored, when, it feeds lies, hate and manipulates people.


What can possibly be the motive to anger so many people? What good can come out of it?


Imagine if the news, broadcasted that your friend  was a child molester, and his address


There are some people in this world that would be inclined to deal with him in a violent way....


How can that possibly be allowed in a civilized society? 


Now imagine it is because i want him to sell his house, and I think I can get him to sell it cheaply and quickly


How did it all start? Well, someone spewed bull shit, and he suffered because of that...


In the case of "X" and Musk, they have an agenda, to rile up the Republican base, and in particular, MAGA


What good does that do? They are already 100% Trump people, so what does it do? What purpose?


I find it difficult to understand that you do not see this.....

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Let us see if you are against censorship.............


Consider "IF" this was directed at SOMEONE HERE


IT is NOT! .............It is just a point............AND IT IS BEING SAID TO SOMEONE ELSE, NOT YOU!





NOW, IMO, there is no room for talk like that in any type of medium, as it is demeaning and rude.


But, supporting my using of these words, by supporting freedom of speech..............AND OBJECTING TO CENSORSHIP.......you actually support any type of wording


Now, imagine how worse the words can be, and how you would have to support those words also.......


It is just wrong, man! People will actually believe that shit!





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18 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

You do realize you guys are mostly arguing with professional trolls that are only trying to sow discord by contrarian arguments. 
‘Cheapest way to destabilize democracies especially when you have billionaires who grew up thinking they had a rite to be in charge enabling them. 

I see your point but I don't think it's the case.  We are currently arguing with a guy who has been a forum member for years and has been active in the fantasy league thread. At some time in the recent past he decided to join the MAGA fantasy league.  (And he calls us blind and brainwashed.)

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47 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I caught a bit of a show the other day.

It was on about division and tribalism or at least this us vs them stuff we humans do.


Anyway, it stuck out to me that when they studied sports fans...

They found that supporters on a team got more joy out of seeing footage of a rival team missing a goal, than they got from seeing their own team score a goal.




Sad stuff. Be better, humans. 


I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist/forensics expert, but from my layman's perspective, it's probably because the fan's own team scoring a goal is "expected" and mostly in "their" (ie. the team's) control, while the rival team missing a goal (whether or not the other team the rival is playing is their own) is success denied and less within "their" realm of control. 


People can be very petty in that manner - put in other words, even if I can't succeed (through actions within my control), I will find pleasure in you also not succeeding (divine intervention? will of the people? tilted rink? having an off day?), as if somehow your inability to succeed is justification for or validation of my fandom towards my team.  These politics threads are pretty good examples of that.

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34 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

You do realize you guys are mostly arguing with professional trolls that are only trying to sow discord by contrarian arguments. 
‘Cheapest way to destabilize democracies especially when you have billionaires who grew up thinking they had a rite to be in charge enabling them. 


2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I see your point but I don't think it's the case.  We are currently arguing with a guy who has been a forum member for years and has been active in the fantasy league thread. At some time in the recent past he decided to join the MAGA fantasy league.  (And he calls us blind and brainwashed.)


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47 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Jared is a crook, just like his old man and his father in law.
As the proverbial saying goes “the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” 

When the circus settles, time will come to investigate his sweetheart business deals that he got through DT.



That billion dollar gift from Saudi Arabia comes to mind.


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4 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist/forensics expert, but from my layman's perspective, it's probably because the fan's own team scoring a goal is "expected" and mostly in "their" (ie. the team's) control, while the rival team missing a goal (whether or not the other team the rival is playing is their own) is success denied and less within "their" realm of control. 


People can be very petty in that manner - put in other words, even if I can't succeed (through actions within my control), I will find pleasure in you also not succeeding (divine intervention? will of the people? tilted rink? having an off day?), as if somehow your inability to succeed is justification for or validation of my fandom towards my team.  These politics threads are pretty good examples of that.



I dont think I have mentioned before but I think you are a very smart cookie.


I think you have nailed it here. Thank you. 

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Just now, bishopshodan said:

I dont think I have mentioned before but I think you are a very smart cookie.


Thanks for the kind words, but I'm an engineering grad who had to appeal my Dean's Vacation in order to complete my degree, and never got employed in my field of schooling.  I don't consider myself smart - street or book - I just like to observe things, and occasionally comment on them.

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:


I caught a bit of a show the other day.

It was on about division and tribalism or at least this us vs them stuff we humans do.


Anyway, it stuck out to me that when they studied sports fans...

They found that supporters on a team got more joy out of seeing footage of a rival team missing a goal, than they got from seeing their own team score a goal.




Sad stuff. Be better, humans. 


Eh, to an extent. I took great joy seeing Boston lose the Stanley Cup twice on their home ice since winning it on ours.


I would still choose us winning it in 2011 over that every time.

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New York Mag’s Olivia Nuzzi on Leave After ‘Personal’ Relationship With RFK Jr

New York Magazine’s star Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi has taken leave after it was discovered she recently engaged in a “personal” relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the magazine said Thursday.


According to Oliver Darcy, who broke the story Thursday night, the magazine only learned of the relationship recently, and before Nuzzi disclosed it.

“Recently our Washington Correspondent Olivia Nuzzi acknowledged to the magazine’s editors that she had engaged in a personal relationship with a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign while she was reporting on the campaign, a violation of the magazine’s standards around conflicts of interest and disclosures,” a spokesperson for the magazine told Darcy in a statement.


“Had the magazine been aware of this relationship, she would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign. An internal review of her published work has found no inaccuracies nor evidence of bias. She is currently on leave from the magazine, and the magazine is conducting a more thorough third-party review. We regret this violation of our readers,” the statement continued.


In a statement Thursday night, Nuzzi, 31, denied that the relationship was ever “physical,” describing it as “some communication” that “turned personal.”


“Earlier this year, the nature of some communication between myself and a former reporting subject turned personal. During that time, I did not directly report on the subject nor use them as a source. The relationship was never physical but should have been disclosed to prevent the appearance of a conflict. I deeply regret not doing so immediately and apologize to those I’ve disappointed, especially my colleagues at New York,” she said.


It’s unclear how long the relati0nship lasted, but Darcy reported Thursday that “a person close to Nuzzi” insists it did not begin until after the publication of her November, 2023 profile of Kennedy. Darcy also reported that 70-year-old Kennedy “boasted” about the relationship privately.

Kennedy has been married to “Curb Your Enthusiasm” actress Cheryl Hines since 2014, his third marriage. Nuzzi and Politico Chief Washington correspondent Ryan Lizza announced they were engaged in September, 2023.


Representatives for Kennedy didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment from TheWrap. Hines could not be reached for comment.





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