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3 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

So, according to the Springfield, Ohio City Manager, the Trump-Vance campaign were told that the Haitian migrant pet eating story was "baseless" before the debate. They knew it was a lie, (despite their claims to the contrary) but went ahead and claimed it was true anyway.....




Bomb threats. School closures. Event cancellations. All because the Republican ticket deliberately spread a false, and racist story....

I'm sure a certain local reptilian Trump supporter, will be eager to tell us why we shouldn't criticize the two liars for this....


That's the Republican playbook since Trump. Never admit any fault and double down on everything no matter how ridiculous. Case in point they're all in on Mark Robinson. He should have been deposited into the nearest dumpster but they're rallying behind their guy and it's going to cost them North Carolina.

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


At least she was honest here.  And pretty much ends the debate of abolishing the 2nd amendment...

Quite frankly, the 2nd Amendment has been obsolete for over 200 years or at the very least when the US National Guard was formed in 1917.  The whole point for the 2nd Amendment was to ensure that people had guns that could be used in the militia system to secure the state.  You know, the first part of the 2nd that gun nuts ignore.  Hell, the actual Constitution has a section dedicated to Militia  (Article I, Section 8, Clause 15).  Washington led militia forces during the Whiskey Rebellion).  

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21 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

There are plenty of families in the US who want kids, but need help conceiving one.  One party (and POTUS candidate) want to protect these families ability to use IVF.  One party is playing politics and has membership who want to ban it.  


Naw, we need more detailed policy from Harris before we can make a decision.  LOL





Statement from Vice President Harris on Senate Republicans’ Vote to Once Again Block Nationwide Protections for IVF


Every woman in every state must have reproductive freedom. Yet, Republicans in Congress have once again made clear that they will not protect access to the fertility treatments many couples need to fulfill their dream of having a child.
Congressional Republicans’ repeated refusal to protect access to IVF is not an isolated incident. Extremist so-called leaders have launched a full-on attack against reproductive freedom across our country. In the more than two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, they have proposed and passed abortion bans that criminalize doctors and make no exception for rape or incest. They have also blocked legislation to protect the right to contraception and proposed four national abortion bans.
Their opposition to a woman’s freedom to make decisions about her own body is extreme, dangerous, and wrong. Our administration will always fight to protect reproductive freedoms, which must include access to IVF. We stand with the majority of Americans – Republicans and Democrats alike – who support protecting access to fertility treatments. And we continue to call on Congress to finally pass a bill that restores reproductive freedom.


Kaitlan Collins got into a big argument with Tom Cotton about this. (Okay, Cotton was the one arguing and losing his cool. Collins just kept asking him the question he didn't want to answer) The go-to response from TC was that IVF was already legal and "in no danger"....


I know it's not something that a journalist is supposed to do, but I kept hoping KC would respond with, "Abortion was once legal and in no danger as well, but here we are"....


Of course she didn't go there, but she made Cotton look the fool nonetheless.

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6 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


That's the Republican playbook since Trump. Never admit any fault and double down on everything no matter how ridiculous. Case in point they're all in on Mark Robinson. He should have been deposited into the nearest dumpster but they're rallying behind their guy and it's going to cost them North Carolina.


Happy to hear it. Maybe they can bring back Roy Moore while they're at it....

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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Who says I only post Truth Social stock results when it goes up?  🤨

@nuckin_futz  Today was the first day insiders could sell. Any way to find out who is selling?  Volume is almost 14 million so far. 



You can find the information here https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/djt/insider-activity but the information will be in arrears about 30 days.


If that chart was a ski slope it would be named something like "Devil's Gulch".

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3 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Kaitlan Collins got into a big argument with Tom Cotton about this. (Okay, Cotton was the one arguing and losing his cool. Collins just kept asking him the question he didn't want to answer) The go-to response from TC was that IVF was already legal and "in no danger"....


I know it's not something that a journalist is supposed to do, but I kept hoping KC would respond with, "Abortion was once legal and in no danger as well, but here we are"....


Of course she didn't go there, but she made Cotton look the fool nonetheless.

My response would by then why not vote for nationwide protection?  If it isn't in danger, then this is just symbolic then, right?  If there is a chance of danger, then it explains why the QOP don't want to protect it.  That is the point.

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1 minute ago, nuckin_futz said:


You can find the information here https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/djt/insider-activity but the information will be in arrears about 30 days.


If that chart was a ski slope it would be named something like "Devil's Gulch".

I am nowhere good enough for those black diamond runs.  Snowboarding or downhill mountain biking.  Beginner/intermediate runs for me.  

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1 minute ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

My response would by then why not vote for nationwide protection?  If it isn't in danger, then this is just symbolic then, right?  If there is a chance of danger, then it explains why the QOP don't want to protect it.  That is the point.


The problem for Cotton and his cronies is, Repugs don't want IVF protected because of the Evangelical vote.....they just don't want to admit it, because it's an electoral loser with everyone else.

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7 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I am nowhere good enough for those black diamond runs.  Snowboarding or downhill mountain biking.  Beginner/intermediate runs for me.  


6 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


Beers in the lodge for me. 🙂


I stay home - it gets too cold outside and my wife doesn't like it when I drive in the snow, especially if it's for beers.  :classic_ninja:

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6 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

I stay home - it gets too cold outside and my wife doesn't like it when I drive in the snow, especially if it's for beers.  :classic_ninja:


Same. I stay on the ice with the blades strapped on....


Like Canadians are evolved to do....

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3 hours ago, Gator said:

Doesnt matter what she was talking about. Censorship is Censorship. And the point was Elon bought Twitter because of the "rules".. Go move to China if you're for Censorship. It goes against our freedom of speech. 


You guys really don't see the extremes of the left lately? Censorship, forcing vaccines on people, locking of bank accounts due to protest.. And people defend it?.. idc what side of the political fence your on, we gotta push back on this stuff or we're going to slowly lose basic human rights and become "Western China"


Ironic she wanted to discuss the spreading of lies and misinformation when she does that on a national stage pretty much everytime she speaks though lol.. Want to talk about spreading false and misleading information look no further that all this dictator talk that almost took Trumps life twice now. 2 people are already dead due to the lies and misinformation. When will that stop? Pretty hypocritical, no?



lol.  Now it "doesn't matter" that Harris was not talking about shutting down X and taking away Musk's private company, but was instead talking about just one of its users, who had a pattern going back years, of abusing others, spreading falsehoods.  Not just anyone, someone who had a large following and who's falsehoods could harm others by accepting them at face value.  You guys pivot so much when you get caught lying my head is spinning


The left wants censorship?  Curbing racist, sexist, pornographic, and dangerous information is 'censorship'?   But banning classic novels, banning black history in schools, banning women from abortion clinics. Threatening jail for doctors who give reproductive health service to women is fine and dandy?


Musk was miffed, before he bought it,  that government officials were tagging the most egregious posts related to COVID and vaccine deniers and spreaders of false information that would deter people from getting the vaccines......in order to save American lives. Isn't one of the elected government's jobs to protect its citizens?  Officials were simply pointing them out to Twitter and suggesting....suggesting, for the sake of saving lives and stopping misinformation they should consider removing them.   But it was still  up to Twitter, being a private company. But for the most part Twitter agreed and before Musk, they did remove those dangerous misinformation posts. Of course the great Elon opened it up to as much vaccine disinformation as possible.  Indirectly killing more Americans.


Don't you want some kind of standards on a communications platform? Do you really want anything goes? Is that the kind of "free speech" you want to see?   Child porn.  Revenge porn. Violent threats to public figures? Stalking and  sexual extortion of young people? Any wild conspiracies no matter how disturbing? All foreign enemy trolls only there to spread falsehoods to anger and  divide the country? No restrictions at all?  Maybe you do. I know there are free speech absolutists out there. 


Kind of funny though, talking about censorship.  The right wanted to ban some rap for having bad words, before that Rock bands for being Satanic, video games for being too violent.  Dress codes for young women. But for their favourite platform....anything goes and it is about "free speech".





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15 hours ago, Gator said:

Censorship coming if Kamala gets in... Elon wasted $44,000,000,000 to try and save our freedom of speech if she gets in 😅... Slowly becoming China over here on the west. On both sides of the border.


Before I can engage on this, can you explain to me what censorship means to you? Define it for me, because I know people view the meaning differently

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3 hours ago, DrJockitch said:

You do realize you guys are mostly arguing with professional trolls that are only trying to sow discord by contrarian arguments. 
‘Cheapest way to destabilize democracies especially when you have billionaires who grew up thinking they had a rite to be in charge enabling them. 


They might be.  But more than likely just a few other gullible fools who are angry and resentful and the far right gives them an escape valve.  A hollow one based on lies, but one nonetheless. An excuse to be as racist, sexist as they want, and entertain the most bizzare conspiracy theories to back up their bigotry. Especially now that prominent leaders like Trump are championing hate speech too. A billionaire who wouldn't be caught dead mingling with them.


But whether its the former or the latter, I respond to these morans posts not to sway THEM.  They seem like lost causes. I feel pity for them mostly. 

No, I respond here and other message boards or Youtube comments etc, for any lurkers who may be reading. Others who may not be as up on politics.  Maybe no fault of their own, busy lives etc.


Also if they are paid trolls. Paid to leave a false impression in peoples minds with disinformation, there is at least a counter argument, and the real facts with sources, for those folks to consider. Thus debilitating those trolls purpose.  Making it worse for them actually because now more other readers know they are just liars and trolls.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I always wondered how Elvis would look at 78 years old.  Now I finally have it figured out...   😊


I did pull some old pics off the internet, this is what Trump is probably referring to, a much younger version of himself...





hehehe. Years ago my mom asked me to drop in on an age old friend of hers who was hospitalized in a city i was visiting, and mom was on the other side of Canada. 
I delivered her flowers and best wishes, but started with "Hello <name of old family friend> do you remember who I am?" and before i could give my moms name she brightened right up and tried to sit up in bed with a big big smile "Oh of course, Kiefer Sutherland, I would recognize you anywhere!"

face palm... I wish in my best moment I looked like Kiefer Sutherland at that time, hahahahaaa.... So no doubt Trumps mom told him he looked like Elvis one day when he was feeling particularily unlovable. Something to cheer him up. "there there Donny, you take this million dollar bill, make sure everyone sees it, and you march over to that pageant and get yourself a girlfriend, with your Elvis looks and that bill in your hand, you won't fail!"

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Just as the tread on your tires wears away over time, the cartilage that cushions your joints can break down, too. It's a condition called osteoarthritis. And without enough padding, your bones will hurt when they rub against each other. Frayed cartilage can't heal or grow back.

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