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Currenly reading 'The Umpire Strikes Back' a book published in 1982 on the life/career of MLB Umpire Ron Luciano. Before my time, but so far (pg 108/258) it has been good for some laughs, funny stories, and a unique look at the game. Another recommendation from my Father in Law. 

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I really shouldn't, but I think I'm going to seek out this book and buy it if I get the opportunity to:




(my wife will probably disown me if she gets wind of this, given how many books I have at home that are as yet unread - and she considers books on history to be boooooooring)


There was a good piece about it in the CityNews website:



Dueling prime ministers: A new book recasts the era-defining Diefenbaker-Pearson rivalry

John Ackermann sits down with John Ibbitson, author of The Duel: Diefenbaker, Pearson, and the Making of Modern Canada is published by Signal Books.
John Ackermann sits down with John Ibbitson, author of The Duel: Diefenbaker, Pearson, and the Making of Modern Canada is published by Signal Books. (Signal Books)

Posted October 21, 2023 7:50 pm.


“To understand our times, we must first understand theirs.” So begins a new book about a tumultuous and transformative era in Canadian history. The Duel: Diefenbaker, Pearson, and The Making of Modern Canada looks at the epic battles between Conservative Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and his Liberal successor Lester B. Pearson.


“This was the biggest political rivalry in the history of the country,” explained author John Ibbitson. “Two leaders, over four elections, 10 years, fighting it out for power, for control, and coming to despise each other in the process until the country itself became rather sick of it.”


The two did get along at one time — back when Pearson was external affairs minister and Diefenbaker was the Opposition critic. But it wouldn’t last.


“Well, I mean, part of it was inevitable,” said Ibbitson. “If you had a leader of the Conservative Party and the leader of the Liberal Party, both in there in that position for a decade through four elections, they’re not going to be the best friends at the end it.”


Each came from humble beginnings. Pearson was the son of a preacher, Diefenbaker the son of a teacher. Pearson would become the likable, athletic history professor turned diplomat. Diefenbaker would make his name as a small-town defence lawyer “representing little people caught in the maw of the justice system.” But their respective positions would put them on a collision course that would change the country forever.


Their first faceoff in the polls came during the 1958 election, after Diefenbaker defeated Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent the previous year.


That vote remains the greatest electoral landslide in Canadian history. Diefenbaker’s Tories received 54 per cent of the popular vote which translated to 78 per cent of the seats in the House of Commons.


Ibbitson says the country is still living with the consequences of the `58 election today.


“Prior to that, the West had been largely Liberal territory,” he explained. “But there was an increasing disaffection among Western farmers, and among Westerners in general, towards the Liberals who they thought were taking the West for granted.”


“John Diefenbaker came out of the West as a populist, already famous as a crusading defence attorney before he entered the House. And he embodied that sense of ‘This is our time; this is our place, and now we are going to speak with our own voice.'”


Ibbitson says that led to a crushing defeat for the Liberals in Western Canada which, with rare exceptions like the Lower Mainland, has become permanent.


Much has been written about the Diefenbaker years, most famously in books like Peter C. Newman’s Renegade in Power and Rogue Tory by Denis Smith. But Ibbitson feels both are guilty of “[letting] the foibles of the man obscure the accomplishments of his governments.”


“Those two books are very fine books, but they paint a certain picture of John Diefenbaker as an erratic, temperamental, unpredictable, [and] in some ways, incompetent prime minister,” he said.

Ibbitson says he wrote The Duel to challenge that narrative.


“As a journalist, I kept coming across innovations, changes, reforms that happened on Diefenbaker’s watch. And it occurred to me that maybe we need to rethink, maybe we need to take a second look at the Diefenbaker years and if we did take that look, we might find something quite different.”


Ibbitson argues that, despite their enmity for each other, Diefenbaker and Pearson ushered in Canada’s modern age, with one continuing the work of the other. For instance, national Medicare was first floated under Diefenbaker and then realized under Pearson.

John Ackermann sits down with John Ibbitson, author of The Duel: Diefenbaker, Pearson, and the Making of Modern Canada.

“That’s what I mean when I say that the two of them, in essence almost govern together in spite of their tremendous rivalry,” he said.


Ibbitson also cites ending immigration restrictions based on race, skin colour, and country of origin among Diefenbaker’s accomplishments. The enfranchising of First Nations also happened under his watch, as did the establishment of Canada’s first Bill of Rights, a key precursor of the 1982 Constitution Act.


Pearson would force Diefenbaker out of office in the 1963 election, a defeat that almost came as a relief. As Ibbitson observes in the book, “[Diefenbaker] was probably happier in Opposition than in government – attacking them for their missteps rather than constantly having to explain his own.”


One of the greatest battles between Diefenbaker and Pearson culminated in Canada adopting the Maple Leaf as our national flag in 1965.


“For Diefenbaker, a flag without the Union Jack was a desecration and he fought endlessly, relentlessly, to prevent the Maple Leaf flag from becoming Canada’s flag,” Ibbitson explained. “He failed, and as I said in the book, he deserved to fail. And it showed how, in the end, Diefenbaker could not look forward to the future. He could only look backward to the past.”


Pearson, a former diplomat who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in resolving the 1956 Suez Canal Crisis, had come to realize Canada needed to develop its own national self-identity apart from Britain. The Maple Leaf was a logical extension of that thinking.


As Ibbitson observes in the book, the Flag Debate showed “the single greatest difference between Lester Bowles Pearson and John George Diefenbaker was their ability to grow.” Pearson could, Diefenbaker couldn’t.


The Duel ends in 1967, Canada’s centennial year, when Diefenbaker is forced out as leader of the Conservative Party. Pearson would resign the leadership of the Liberals the following year, triggering a race that would be won by Pierre Trudeau, his former justice minister.


Ibbitson says his other goal for the book was simply to tell a good story. And he most certainly has.


“It wasn’t just a political fight,” he said. “Despite the storms and the tempests, Diefenbaker and Pearson forged the collective welfare state we enjoy today. They gave birth to the modern Canada.”


He says there are lessons here for our current crop of politicians – one in particular.


“Many people worry populism is becoming a more polarizing force, a force based more on pure resentment, perhaps a force that seeks to tear down rather than to build up,” Ibbitson explained.


“If Pierre Poilievre does become prime minister, and if he becomes a populist prime minister, I hope he remembers his predecessor John Diefenbaker, and remembers that what Diefenbaker always sought was not to destroy but only to build.”


The Duel: Diefenbaker, Pearson, and the Making of Modern Canada is published by Signal Books.



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I've been on hardcore nerd mode and been reading fanfiction. Its just my escape from reality and for whatever reason I can't bring myself to read the handful of physical books I've had on my shelves for the past year. Even if they are all from my favorite author. Sigh 

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I read the 'Beefs' only of the Beefs & Bouquets and the Obits.

Its how I keep up with my friends these days; or don't, as the case may be.


There's only a few of us left now and we sing,

"Those are people who died; died

They were all my friends, and they died."

There is something life-affirming about out-living everyone you know.

It is also lonely.

Mostly I read You Guys On CDC CFF, my favorite authors on my favorite subject:



You collectors should come over and clean out my basement.

Wall to wall collections of magazines (complete National Lampoon e.g.), books, LPs, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, Super 8, DVDs, computer games, old computers that still work, radios, stereos, secret collections (don't tell my wife) of newspaper clippings from the first 2 Canucks playoffs that went to The Cup, etc, etc.

Wife says I have to throw it all away.  (Her first; I kid, I kid. But..)

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  • 4 months later...
On 10/30/2023 at 3:05 PM, gwarrior said:

Next on my list, I'm going to re read Theo Fleury's book. Never been a flames fan, but his book is a good read. Some parts are so heavy. But then I was almost crying laughing at some parts.

Reading it right now. Lots of great stories. Hated Fleury as a player, but now have a lot more respect for him. 
A great read. 

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I'm currently reading More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation by William Hendriksen.


I've always had an interest in theology and mythology, so this is somewhat of an outlet for that.


Next on the list is Karl Popper's The Logic of Scientific Discovery.

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Not currently reading anything, but I do want to check out Ray Kurzweil’s The Age Of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence. Gonna head to the library this weekend and see if they have a copy. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 3:34 PM, 112 said:

I'm currently reading More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation by William Hendriksen.


I've always had an interest in theology and mythology, so this is somewhat of an outlet for that.


Next on the list is Karl Popper's The Logic of Scientific Discovery.

I finished the first book yesterday and am onto the second one. It was neat to learn about the symbolism in Revelation and I feel like I got something out of the experience of reading. It was staunchly pro-Christian, which is to be expected, but the ideas and arguments were elucidating as to the purpose of different components in the scripture.


I'm about 20 pages into the second book I listed and it's quite dense, which is also to be expected, but well-presented and thoroughly thought-out at the same time. It's going to take me a while to reach the end of the book, if I do. I'll probably go for some lighter reading after this.

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Finished Jean Jacques Rousseau's

Of The Social Contract And Other Political Writings

A few weeks ago. 


While the first few words of this book were written nearly 300 years ago

" Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains " 


They make me question how free we actually are, in regards to decisions made by the people we elect to govern us.



While this book is  political, I find its themes of justice, and his view that nobody has a right to sovereignty intriguing.


He puts forward his belief that that instead we should have a " social contract ", and that this should be the basis of governance.


I always have some fantasy/science fiction on the go as well. 


I have slowly been collecting Steven Erikson's 

Malazan Book of The Fallen series, from the second hand book stores I frequent.


10 books, 1000 pages.


Finally managed to get the first one, have 7 of the other 9, missing the last two.


The first 4 are really good.

100 pages into the fifth book. 


This series is just as good as the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan IMO.

The world building is brilliant, and the shear amount of interesting characters and " races " is just as good as anything else I have read in this genre.

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The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Michael Parenti


The general idea around the killing of Julius Caesar is that he was a wannabe dictator who was taken out by a group of liberty loving Romans who wanted to preserve the republic.


No so fast, says Michael Parenti.  As he sees it:


"In the highly skewed accounts of what is called history, Cicero, Brutus, Cato, and other oligarchs come down to us as the defenders of republican liberty; while Caesar-who tried to move against their power and privilege and do something for the poor-comes down to us as a tyrant and usurper."


And he sees Caesar's death as another in a line of murders of other Roman political leaders who tried to do something for the general Roman population.


Recommended for those who are interested in ancient Roman history.



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Just finished The Magus by John Fowles. Holy moly what an amazing book. One of my top 10 faves. 

Anyone read Thomas Pynchon, specifically Mason & Dixon? I'm only 30 pages in so far, but wondering if someone has read it and if they bothered using any resources while reading it or just let it wash over you?

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6 hours ago, Jester13 said:

Just finished The Magus by John Fowles. Holy moly what an amazing book. One of my top 10 faves. 



One of my favourites, too, even though, after several readings, I'm still not sure what the point of it is.

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23 minutes ago, UnkNuk said:


One of my favourites, too, even though, after several readings, I'm still not sure what the point of it is.

Oh, man, the nature of reality and the search for meaning, all within a nutty psychological thriller. 


Side note: I couldn't help but notice some influence The Magus must have had on that twisted movie called Saltburn, where the guy fucks the grave (in TM Nicholas fucks the ground). Good stuff 😆

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On 5/11/2024 at 3:38 PM, UnkNuk said:

For those who are interested, something from the Merriam-Webster website:


Famous Novels, First Lines Quiz


Can you identify these novels by their famous first lines?






Decent, I guess......:classic_unsure:

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