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[Article] What does the Vancouver Canucks’ lineup look like if Aatu Räty makes the team?


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if anything Raty is a 4th C....bumping suter or Aman...seems tricky but very likely that he will get a chance in the lineup due to injuries...we also have Dries, Studnicka and Bains in the run...

Edited by Mrwipeout
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Suter and Blueger have winger experience and are listed as part time LWers online. And in the video games if that matters to you. So if Raty made this team, I would 100% play him at center and move one of them to LW. I know the NHL is not a development league, but if you want him to develop as a future center, you keep him at center. Hell, you could even maybe move Suter to 2nd line C and Miller back to LW. But that seems like a very risky move. Lol. Detroit fans said Suter was asked to do too much there and we probably shouldn't step on that rake. I doubt Raty at 2nd line center is an option either.


With all that said, it's easy to forget how young Raty is cause he was hyped up at a young age, then fell in the draft. And it just feels like he's been around a while. But the dude is just turning 21 years old in November. I want to see him in Abby playing 1st line, 1st unit PP, and 1st unit PK. It's better than 3rd/4th line in the NHL, 20-30 seconds of PP time on the 2nd unit, and likely no PK time. Unless he's top 6 ready it's just not worth it for his development to be getting 12 minutes a game at the NHL level.

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I believe he is good enough to make it to the bottom six, and easily should in my opinion. Now, if he does this year or next year is anyone's guess, I would encourage the management to do it sooner than later. Nothing would be worse than making him hate the team for making him wait while lesser players eat his supper, so to speak. 

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