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[Article] Canucks will be comfortable family not a dictatorship, says new captain Hughes


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On 9/25/2023 at 8:21 PM, Coconuts said:

Some folks are never going to be happy with anything short of prime aged Shea Weber or Jarome Iginla as captain. Some folks want big, tough, willing to hit and fight, great at both ends, able to pile up points, able to deal with the media, basically able to do everything. Simply put, some folks want a unicorn. 


Quinn is an excellent choice, he was the right choice. He shows up, takes responsibility, leads by example, owns his play, and he's respected. Captains don't have to be able to fight, they need to be able to lead. They need to be able to command the respect of the room, to be there for each player, to be able to connect with each player. They need to be able to handle the Canadian media in a professional manner. Quinn can do all of this. 

Yes, I would like the unicorn too😀


What you said reminded me of Gretzky and his Oilers dynasty and him being the Captain

He led them all to become better players while inspiring them with his desire and commitment to the game and winning

Them playing with the best, didn't make them think they'd be Gretzky, instead  it made them become the best they could be as a player, with a role and as they grew, so did the confidence and leadership in the room to be the best team they could, I bet Sather never had to go in the room to motivate them, they were a family like Hughes talks about wanting and the Oilers had more fun keeping the gas on the pedal and spoke openly and pushed one another (RT mentioned wanting the room doing this in the off season)


I was a playing coach, manger of my men's Baseball and Hockey teams. I would never keep the same lineup unless it was earned, Guys loved it and jokingly razed the players who fell, while they moved up- ex. If the lead off guy went 2-7 no runs scored, he would be moved to the bottom or near it and know why, when I passed out the score sheets with the next lineup, everyone (and myself) would be moved to how they performed. Both my teams before I took over were at or near bottom of league, then almost went undefeated each year and dominated up and until a new job got in the way and I couldn't do it and the teams folded a year later  (and why if i see a lame pp with lil effort on 2 efforts, why not reward the 2nd unit to start (ok to keep the 1st unit players who performed added to the 2nd unit and hopefully score and create competition between the 2 units to compete and score?


How you handle the players and get them involved, competing, accountable and having fun with one another will go a long ways in building a team improving

I hope Hughes can inspire and create a room where they care for the good of the team and enjoy competing against other teams and friendly fun competition among



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