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[Speculation] Canucks Rumors: Ilya Mikheyev Trade Chatter Heating Up 

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We have $26,578,333.oo in cap space. Why do we have to give MIkky away and include another asset? Is it so we can overpay for other UFAs? People cry endlessly about losing picks but seem willing to do so just to give away a player they decided they don't like. I bring up Boeser and Garland again.



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1 hour ago, RWMc1 said:

We have $26,578,333.oo in cap space. Why do we have to give MIkky away and include another asset? Is it so we can overpay for other UFAs? People cry endlessly about losing picks but seem willing to do so just to give away a player they decided they don't like. I bring up Boeser and Garland again.



You’re both right and wrong at the same time. I don’t think we dislike Mikheyev so much as he was very ineffective and a bad fit for our top 6 this season. He had a 34 game goal drought and after he finally scored he finished the season with another 20+ game goal drought (playoffs included). To pay a guy that much and put him in a top 6 role for him to score 1 goal in a 50 game stretch is not a winning formula. He could potentially bounce back but the probability of him being ineffective for another year is far more likely. 

At this point he’s essentially a waste of money that could be used to improve the roster. Now, I agree because I genuinely don’t want to move another asset out to replace him and move his contract. At the same time, management has to find a way to remove as much of his salary as possible to try to improve. Ultimately it’s a double edged sword. If you keep him, you risk an opportunity to improve one or two roster spots. If you move him, and have to use an asset to do so, you risk losing potential for a productive piece in the future (the asset).


I also agree that overpaying a UFA after moving Mikheyev isn’t necessarily a guarantee to be the right move either. Overpaying free agents is part of the game and sometimes you get it right and other times you get stuck with immovable contracts and lackluster players, Mikheyev being a prime example. But without question management needs to find ways to improve the team and Mikheyev’s money could go a long way. 

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6 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Gee I dunno. Maybe because he has a cup ring, and this could be a huge payday, and he can play with one of the best young forwards in the game?

As for Utah, Arizona was 11-12 wins back of making the playoffs. They have some good young talent as well.

By your logic why not take a huge pay cut and play for Florida?

These teams arent going to sign JG to a 10-12m dollar deal just because they can and JG isnt coming to Van to play for free. Gee I guess you really dont know. Players dont win 1 cup and say “my job here is done, lets get a fat payday and sail off into the sunset”. These are athletes that want to win as much as possible. 

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11 hours ago, RWMc1 said:

We have $26,578,333.oo in cap space. Why do we have to give MIkky away and include another asset? Is it so we can overpay for other UFAs? People cry endlessly about losing picks but seem willing to do so just to give away a player they decided they don't like. I bring up Boeser and Garland again.



  Because next year Brock and Demko will require raises. We have cap penalties… we have 12  roster spots out of 23 to fill I think. And every defensman that has a good year seems to think they’re worth 6-8 and every forward with a decent campaign seems to think they’re worth 4+. You also add in that we have a 4.5ish cap penalty and the average contract in the nhl is 3.8m or so… something has got to give unless we can get about 7 players in that play way beyond their expectations on league minimum. 

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3 hours ago, Northern_Nuck said:

  Because next year Brock and Demko will require raises. We have cap penalties… we have 12  roster spots out of 23 to fill I think. And every defensman that has a good year seems to think they’re worth 6-8 and every forward with a decent campaign seems to think they’re worth 4+. You also add in that we have a 4.5ish cap penalty and the average contract in the nhl is 3.8m or so… something has got to give unless we can get about 7 players in that play way beyond their expectations on league minimum. 

15 roster spots. Cap going up. Young players will be coming in on ELCs. 26.5 million isn't enough though. We're somehow still in a cap crunch. I don't buy it. Seems like a stupid media narrative.


I think if we do move Mikheyev, it will because Allvin and co. have a deal lined up already. Otherwise it doesn't make sense to give away assets for a maybe.

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21 hours ago, RWMc1 said:

We have $26,578,333.oo in cap space. Why do we have to give MIkky away and include another asset? Is it so we can overpay for other UFAs? People cry endlessly about losing picks but seem willing to do so just to give away a player they decided they don't like. I bring up Boeser and Garland again.



I don’t believe we have to give up an asset at all. Retain 1M and it will be easily done. 

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2 minutes ago, Grandmaster said:

I don’t believe we have to give up an asset at all. Retain 1M and it will be easily done. 

cap space isn't an asset?

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11 minutes ago, Grandmaster said:

1M sacrifice for about 4M space. Well worth it. That gets you a good third line centre as opposed to a winger with stone hands.



which third line center?


that said, I wasn't saying it was a bad idea, I was just saying retaining salary IS giving up an asset. 

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17 minutes ago, Grandmaster said:

I don’t believe we have to give up an asset at all. Retain 1M and it will be easily done. 

And this is why we will trade Garlsnd. He was healthy and had a good enough year to make him tradable. Mik will come back healthy and be good in our top six and on the pk. Two things a healthy Garland couldn’t do. 

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