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White-Only Moms and Tots!?


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On 9/27/2023 at 8:13 AM, -dlc- said:

I honestly believe that some of what we're seeing in the US is making it ok for closet racists here to fly their flags. Not that they're creating what we have here, just that they're helping to expose it.


It feels like we're going in the wrong direction with some of this crap seeping through the cracks. Calling clean up in the tri-cities. 

Racism and division will always be around as long as governments act the way they do. Look at the pandemic. The prime minister pinned Canadians against Canadians. There was a story out of Ontario while it's not a racism thing but a religion that the government built townhomes and only Muslims could live there. I remember a story Probably a decade back about a guy in Richmond Complaining because the strata board wanted him out because they were all Chinese and he wasn't. The only time we ever see people do something is when white people are being racist, but when minorities are being racist nobody says anything. Governments always like to keep everybody divided because then people need to look to their leaders for direction.



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