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(Trade) Tanev's UFA Rights to Toronto

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Just now, Bure10Kuzmenko96 said:

Yes, that's exactly what it means

So Tanev is under no greater obligation to sign in Toronto if he doesn't want to? So why would toronto do this? I would think Tanev would simply say "thanks for the early offer, but I'm going to wait 48 hrs and hear what else is out there, and I'll let you know."


Same as he would if toronto made their offer on July 1st

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38 minutes ago, JayDangles said:

So Tanev is under no greater obligation to sign in Toronto if he doesn't want to? So why would toronto do this? I would think Tanev would simply say "thanks for the early offer, but I'm going to wait 48 hrs and hear what else is out there, and I'll let you know."


Same as he would if toronto made their offer on July 1st

Correct, Tanev is under no obligation at all to sign with Toronto, but considering Toronto is his hometown he might sign with them. Treliving is the GM of the Leafs so Tanev has a past with him

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1 hour ago, JayDangles said:

So Tanev is under no greater obligation to sign in Toronto if he doesn't want to? So why would toronto do this? I would think Tanev would simply say "thanks for the early offer, but I'm going to wait 48 hrs and hear what else is out there, and I'll let you know."


Same as he would if toronto made their offer on July 1st

It's totally true, but the reality is teams that trade for rights are more often successful than not. It may have something to do with it being a demonstration of how much the team values the player. Also, the ability to pitch the player exclusively, without any competing offers muddying the waters.

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1 hour ago, JayDangles said:

So Tanev is under no greater obligation to sign in Toronto if he doesn't want to? So why would toronto do this? I would think Tanev would simply say "thanks for the early offer, but I'm going to wait 48 hrs and hear what else is out there, and I'll let you know."


Same as he would if toronto made their offer on July 1st


You would think, but these trades result in a signing quite often, feels like a clear majority of the time.

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3 hours ago, JayDangles said:

OK. Someone help a less contract knowledgeable fan out.


Does trading Tanevs right simply mean that Toronto gets a head start on contract negotiations before July 1st? Or does it mean something else?


Any team can begin negotiations with pending free agents of other teams on June 25th. Trading for rights used to be to get a head start, now it's more of a show of commitment.

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No bonuses - just aggressively low later years in salary (which is never expected to be played) and all the real money up front. Runs the risk of cap circumvention penalties, I’m sure. But I don’t know if cap circumvention is a bright line test or an icky feeling from Bettman. As far as I can tell it’s perfectly within the rules to sign a deal like this. 

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7 hours ago, JayDangles said:

So Tanev is under no greater obligation to sign in Toronto if he doesn't want to? So why would toronto do this? I would think Tanev would simply say "thanks for the early offer, but I'm going to wait 48 hrs and hear what else is out there, and I'll let you know."


Same as he would if toronto made their offer on July 1st

If they really will offer him a 6 plus year deal, or even create a rumour saying this, other teams might say fuck this noise, that's retarded, not going to waste a second trying to compete with that, and sign their own guy, or focus on other guys coming up.    No team is going to offer Tanev a deal that takes him to 40-42, that's actually followed his career anyways.    Im not even sure the league would accept the deal at 8 years.   He's a dozen pucks away in the wrong spots, to Robidas Island.    3 years is risky.   4 well yikes.  


  Can't help himself and it's why teams like him,  the ones who really follow him, know bad things happen.   Did for Dallas, sure he came back but was he ok?  Nope he wasn't ok.    
He's a warrior and an inspiring vet.   


JB why the fuck did you think OEL was the answer?     Whoops.   Excuse the colourful language.   At least we won't have to worry about a QH's Tanev re-union.    Would much rather invest that sort of money into Zadarov.    And play him with QH's.   If Schenn could do it...

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8 hours ago, tas said:

which for the last half decade has been "almost always".

He was injured after Brock went down and Toffoli's "awesomeness" didn't help our cause,  we lost the majority of those last 10 or so games.   Tanev was out for the remainder of the season at that point.    Lucky us, they pushed the playoffs into the future.   That was 2019-2020.  


Then he signed in CAL and why not,  JB offered him a little less and two less years.   


For two years he played all available regular season games, one was pretty short though.  But he did finally do it once in his  14 year career, played 82 games.   Canucks fans, well holy moly!    

Then back Tanev's regular thing, missing significant time, played 65 games and 75 games (which for Tanev career wise, is actually very good), that's not "almost every available game the past half decade".   It's missing significant time  50% of the last four years.    Again, he was down and out the remainder of 2019-2020.    Covid gave him time to heal, the fans were questioning whether he'd be available for the regular season if it came back.   Serious injury. 


If you think that a 34 version of Tanev is going to play most games because he did it once 3 years ago,  are you being honest to yourself about him?    Blocking 150-200 shots a year.   You'd think if you followed his career,  you'd know the risks involved.    Like Salo, when he played, it was difficult for the team to adjust when he was out and when he came back the team got a boost.   Someone was in and out of the lineup.   It was frustrating as a fan to see Salo limp off the ice after some contact.    With Taney, aside from his first couple seasons as a bottom pairing guy, our team sucked.   Not exactly a sentimental period. 


Maybe if we had more help, and didn't have just two top four guys,  Tanev would have stayed out of the infirmary.   Reality is, as soon as Edler or Tanev went down in the JB era, so did our playoff aspirations (most of those year it was a foolish hope too).    Personally remember those times, it wasn't long ago in hockey years for me.   Part of the worst core progression i've ever seen, worse then the 80's, at least other teams loved our players and couldn't wait to get their hands on them (loaded with character players),  went to the final with them.   


His value based on his comp's is 4.5 x 2 years.   I bet there are several fanboys on this site, that would do 6 x 4.   And later regret it.    He's a solid defensive defensenan still, he going to be 35 next December.    I'd have a tough time paying 4.5 x 2 when we could probably get Dillon for 3 x 2.      He plays a grittier more physical game.   Dropping infront of every shot doesn't always work out.   And it's not exactly fun watching a guy take a puck to the face or in the groin. 


If Zadarov is off the table, maybe a deal with Tanev would be ok.    Who's he playing with though?   Soucy Myers is a pairing.    Maybe we could sign Dillon.   Dillon Hronek,  QHs Tanev.    Soucy Myers would be ok.    Still rather have Zadarov.  


At this point, sure hope they have a plan to split QHs and Hronek.   That pairing might work in the regular season, sure didn't in the playoffs. 

Edited by IBatch
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