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11 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Anyone hear about the new internet censorship  bill? If you have a pod cast you'll have to register with the government. Orwellian times for Owellian people (double think, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, technocracy, oligarchy)

A podcast with over $10 million of Canadian revenue that is.

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Just now, the destroyer of worlds said:

Alberta Conservatives getting criticism is not just attacking Alberta. 

I'm well aware of JT's shortcomings as well as the issues where I live.  Here, I'll give you a valid criticism of JT.  The first Truth and Reconcilliation Day, JT went on vacay and did some zoom calls.  Instead of going to Kamloops, where all the big unmarked graves things broke that summer.  A huge swing and a miss.

You know what I totally agree with you, but if I were to jump on the other website I wonder if I'll actually see any criticism towards him about that. Maybe a couple posts? But you are right. I think what he did to JWR would be right up there as well. I think is ethic violations are pretty bad and I mean let's be honest many that voted for him likely put the environment top of their list. I would imagine they would have to come out and admit how disappointed they are. Because his handling of the environment has been absolutely brutal.

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30 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

He was essentially told to shut his mouth the moment it was all but set that he'd be leader post O'Toole.


Look at his former activism with canada's two largest christian right to life groups.  His history is well recorded both voting and personal.  That happens with roughly 2+ decades in public office.


Still curious as to how people want to answer how he's a man of the peopel knowing that his net worth is this


What is Pierre Poilievre’s net worth in 2023?
Pierre Poilievre’s estimated net worth in 2023 is $5 million.


While also telling us how his net worth dropped from just over $8 million in 2020 after he announced how proud and happy he was to be investing in and trusting bitcoin and crypto currency



not a fan of either trudeau nor pp.


PP is not innocent, far from from it. But it's either going to be either him or JT (again) in the PM's seat soon enough.


On the other hand, JT: 


- paid tribute to fidel castro (brutal dictator) 

- committed blackface on multiple occasions (seriously?),

- decided to go on a family vacation to tofino on the inaugural truth and reconciliation day

- the WE charity scandal...etc. 

- the current state of canada


there's a reason why so many people are turning against trudeau and the liberals, even the millenials and gen-z. just look at the news.

even news channels/papers that you might consider more left-leaning are admitting this. 


it should show you that people are not happy with the government and the proof for them is the everyday life they are living literally right now. 



Edited by HuggyCareBear
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8 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Actually I think I did wasn't the question. When does a government ever make things cheaper or lower prices? I mean that would make things cheaper.

1) you have a point except the difference I see is that you slam PP but always come to Trudeau's defense and then say but you don't support him.


2) So let's stick with the status quo because it's working so well?


3) So first of all the g8 hasn't existed since about 2015. The comparisons though are irrelevant because I don't live in those countries, but I doesn't mean I support taking on massive debt in the country I live in. But again I never brought up any of that. But I mean it's like comparing yourself the people that are worse off than you doesn't really solve your problem though, does it.

No you didn't.  A reduction of the GST did nothing to lower prices here anymore than repealing the HST mess did.  Once those prices were fixed in it didn't get cheaper.  I asked you to show me what PM managed to make life appreciably cheaper because the thing is, things never actually do get cheaper.  Things were cheaper under Harper.  OK.  But they were cheaper under Martin, then cheaper under Chretien, then under Mulroney ish 


Things never actually decrease in price.  Savvy?


1.  I don't support Trudeau.  You've made that claim for years, or that I support the NDP or that I am far left or whatever but I just ask questions and instead of getting answers I get accusations.  So again.  How is Poiliverre any different than Trudeau?  he claims he is.  he claims he knows what people are going through.  Claims he isn't an elitist and Trudeau is.  But how is he different than him?  OMG he made a comment about him being a teacher omg it was epic.  But at least trudeau was a teacher and paid taxes on a real job.  Pierre can't claim the same so why is he somehow different?  That's a question worth answering because it deserves to be addressed.


2.  No, the status quo hasn't worked since the mid 90s once NAFTA and outsourcing started kicking our industry while it was already down.  In a decade Canada lost over a million jobs to the US, Mexico and overseas to China and asian markets.  The status quo is absolutely not working but I have yet to see how a new PM or party that has thus far only campaigned on anger would make it better.  So; How will he/they fix things?  I have read their plans and platform as it sort of exists as well as their convention votes as to what the direction of the platform will be and I see no answers.  So how will they fix the problems they say exist?


3.  The g7 or G8 and G20 are actually incredibly important because it's easy to look only in your own house and claim dad is an abusive alcoholic or neglectful or hates you.  But the truth is.  The entirety of the globe suffered under some serious issues from early 2020 to even now.  Inflation is rampant, supply chains broken, automation costing everyone jobs and the conflict in Ukraine/Europe as well as OPEC games have been beating the nations in the G20 relentlessly.  So it is essential to look around outside of our own house to see how bad things really are and see how we are doing in comparison.  To say it isn't important is to ignore how well Canada is doing in comparison.  people laud Harper for surviving the financial crisis based on laws and legislation put in place a decade earlier; in which they say canada survivied better than all of these other countries.  but then refuse to apply the same metric and comparison right now.


So yes sir, knowing how our neighbours and peers are doing is vital to understand how canada is in fact doing because the world is where we live; not just within the walls of our national borders.


These are critical questions that need addressing, for me by people who simply want to vote in a aprty to vote one out, or because hair guy bad or whatever.  but more importantly, for the moderates; these are critical questions that need answering because if a party is being voted in just to vote one out and they don't have a plan or are telling people that what's happening in the rest of the world and how canada is doing in comparison isn't important tan that party is avoiding the very issues they say they will fix without telling us how or why



5 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Maybe Canadians are just trusting him with what he's saying. I mean in all fairness we got a number of Canadians that trusted Trudeau that he was only going to run a $10 bill deficit when in turn it was three times that in the first year

I said it once, I'll say it again.


Every single time a politician opens their mouth about budgets and balancing budgets and about our $ I know I am about to be lied to.  In Trudeau's first year the budget and the money spent was very clearly indicated and the reasoning for much of it was justified.  Don't forget how many things were cut or slashed and what needed to be adjusted.  While I don't agree with any politicians spending habits I also am not ignorant of the what the how and the why.  This is without mentioning how oil absolutely tanked in late 204 and what it did to Alberta and the Nations finances.

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3 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Is this a lot different than the radio and TV regulations? 

To be honest I do not have the slightest clue. I am not familiar with any media regulations.


The gist that I got from the article is that regulations are coming, but we are not sure what they are.

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12 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:


I've never been a right winger, centrist, realist.

Bill Maher said there's a left and a dumb left. JBP is a gadfly of the dumb left.

Bill Maher one of YOUR guys said that when he had JBP on.

Your posts your statements and your laughing at people and being emotional about the degradation of minorities and the marginalized say very clearly what side of the spectrum you're on.  

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

You know what I totally agree with you, but if I were to jump on the other website I wonder if I'll actually see any criticism towards him about that. Maybe a couple posts? But you are right. I think what he did to JWR would be right up there as well. I think is ethic violations are pretty bad and I mean let's be honest many that voted for him likely put the environment top of their list. I would imagine they would have to come out and admit how disappointed they are. Because his handling of the environment has been absolutely brutal.

Nobody is perfect.  Few, if any politicians are perfect.  To be honest, you would hope that people actually look over all of the policy positions that a particular party has, and then pick the one that most closely aligns with the policies you want.  Are there going to be perfect alignment.  Probably not.


Thing is, the CONs in no way align with policies that I want.  The fact that there is a rather significant Social CON presence is a no go for me.  So ya, I'm going to be very critical of PP and Alberta CONs and Doug Ford if I choose.


At some point, the negatives add up.  JT is at that point and it is showing in the polls.  He had two elections where he failed to get a majority and barely held off the CONs.  He has shown no interest in stepping down, and hes taking the party with him.

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2 minutes ago, HuggyCareBear said:



not a fan of either trudeau nor pp.


PP is not innocent, far from from it. But it's either going to be either him or JT (again) in the PM's seat soon enough.


On the other hand, JT: 


- paid tribute to fidel castro (brutal dictator) 

- committed blackface on multiple occasions (seriously?),

- decided to go on a family vacation to tofino on the inaugural truth and reconciliation day

- the WE charity scandal...etc. 

- the current state of canada


there's a reason why so many people are turning against trudeau and the liberals, even the millenials and gen-z. 

it doesn't matter to me, because i think they're all one in the same tbh (cons,libs). 


but it should show you that people are not happy with the government and the proof for them is the everyday life they are living. 

Well said my friend! I'm a little bit confused by some thinking. I mean for those who say they support the liberals I can get on board with that. I mean I would wonder to myself why? But at least they're coming out to say they do. Warhippy on the other hand constantly says he doesn't like Trudeau but he comes to his defense time and time again. And now he's shifted his argument again to be one of well PP would be worse. I mean could it be worse than this? So this is just the reality. Obviously we need change so I don't understand what this argument is or how bad he is. It's like ignoring what's going on. 

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9 minutes ago, HuggyCareBear said:



not a fan of either trudeau nor pp.


PP is not innocent, far from from it. But it's either going to be either him or JT (again) in the PM's seat soon enough.


On the other hand, JT: 


- paid tribute to fidel castro (brutal dictator) 

- committed blackface on multiple occasions (seriously?),

- decided to go on a family vacation to tofino on the inaugural truth and reconciliation day

- the WE charity scandal...etc. 

- the current state of canada


there's a reason why so many people are turning against trudeau and the liberals, even the millenials and gen-z. just look at the news.

even news channels/papers that you might consider more left-leaning are admitting this. 


it should show you that people are not happy with the government and the proof for them is the everyday life they are living literally right now. 



Undersatnd I have no difference in suggesting one of these turds is less disgusting than the other.


On the contrary I am trying to decide why people think one IS shinier than the other.


One IS the current PM and we know all about him.  the other WANTS to be the PM and is campaigning on things that are not exactly the most accurate and is relying on pissing people off to accomplish it.


I have well over a decade of posts asking every potential PM camp hopefus the same questions.  What's their plan, how are they different, what makes them better?


With the current hopeful he is trying to suggest he is a hard working man of the people.  A man of principals and of conviction.


The truth is he's never had a job.  He campaigned on very loud and significant social issues that were part of his beliefs.  When tapped to be the leader he turned his back on those beliefs and convictions and while holding major cabinet positions of minister or employment and minister of housing he in fact failed miserably at both  by spending hundreds of millions on housing that was never built and by rigging and changing EI structures that in fact harmed numerous people in the prairies and energy sectors after the downturn in mid to late 2014.  


So I ask the same questions I have before.  how is he credible?  how is a person of conviction?  How is he different?

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Well said my friend! I'm a little bit confused by some thinking. I mean for those who say they support the liberals I can get on board with that. I mean I would wonder to myself why? But at least they're coming out to say they do. Warhippy on the other hand constantly says he doesn't like Trudeau but he comes to his defense time and time again. And now he's shifted his argument again to be one of well PP would be worse. I mean could it be worse than this? So this is just the reality. Obviously we need change so I don't understand what this argument is or how bad he is. It's like ignoring what's going on. 

You're doing it again.


Obviously "I always come to his defense" by asking the same questions I always have.  This is the same tact you've taken with me for years mate.  Just because I demand that a person who says they'll be a better PM than the one we have prove their worth doesn't mean I defend the one in power.  it means I want proof and in this instance there is none.


O'Toole was the better option but his party screwed him. He had conviction.  he had experience and a background to justify his claims.  Poiliverre doesn't.  


In 2015 Trudeau was voted in because "we needed change" and look what you say has happened.  By your own metrics shouldn't we deserve more and better than voting in just for the sake of voting out?

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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

No you didn't.  A reduction of the GST did nothing to lower prices here anymore than repealing the HST mess did.  Once those prices were fixed in it didn't get cheaper.  I asked you to show me what PM managed to make life appreciably cheaper because the thing is, things never actually do get cheaper.  Things were cheaper under Harper.  OK.  But they were cheaper under Martin, then cheaper under Chretien, then under Mulroney ish 


Things never actually decrease in price.  Savvy?


1.  I don't support Trudeau.  You've made that claim for years, or that I support the NDP or that I am far left or whatever but I just ask questions and instead of getting answers I get accusations.  So again.  How is Poiliverre any different than Trudeau?  he claims he is.  he claims he knows what people are going through.  Claims he isn't an elitist and Trudeau is.  But how is he different than him?  OMG he made a comment about him being a teacher omg it was epic.  But at least trudeau was a teacher and paid taxes on a real job.  Pierre can't claim the same so why is he somehow different?  That's a question worth answering because it deserves to be addressed.


2.  No, the status quo hasn't worked since the mid 90s once NAFTA and outsourcing started kicking our industry while it was already down.  In a decade Canada lost over a million jobs to the US, Mexico and overseas to China and asian markets.  The status quo is absolutely not working but I have yet to see how a new PM or party that has thus far only campaigned on anger would make it better.  So; How will he/they fix things?  I have read their plans and platform as it sort of exists as well as their convention votes as to what the direction of the platform will be and I see no answers.  So how will they fix the problems they say exist?


3.  The g7 or G8 and G20 are actually incredibly important because it's easy to look only in your own house and claim dad is an abusive alcoholic or neglectful or hates you.  But the truth is.  The entirety of the globe suffered under some serious issues from early 2020 to even now.  Inflation is rampant, supply chains broken, automation costing everyone jobs and the conflict in Ukraine/Europe as well as OPEC games have been beating the nations in the G20 relentlessly.  So it is essential to look around outside of our own house to see how bad things really are and see how we are doing in comparison.  To say it isn't important is to ignore how well Canada is doing in comparison.  people laud Harper for surviving the financial crisis based on laws and legislation put in place a decade earlier; in which they say canada survivied better than all of these other countries.  but then refuse to apply the same metric and comparison right now.


So yes sir, knowing how our neighbours and peers are doing is vital to understand how canada is in fact doing because the world is where we live; not just within the walls of our national borders.


These are critical questions that need addressing, for me by people who simply want to vote in a aprty to vote one out, or because hair guy bad or whatever.  but more importantly, for the moderates; these are critical questions that need answering because if a party is being voted in just to vote one out and they don't have a plan or are telling people that what's happening in the rest of the world and how canada is doing in comparison isn't important tan that party is avoiding the very issues they say they will fix without telling us how or why



I said it once, I'll say it again.


Every single time a politician opens their mouth about budgets and balancing budgets and about our $ I know I am about to be lied to.  In Trudeau's first year the budget and the money spent was very clearly indicated and the reasoning for much of it was justified.  Don't forget how many things were cut or slashed and what needed to be adjusted.  While I don't agree with any politicians spending habits I also am not ignorant of the what the how and the why.  This is without mentioning how oil absolutely tanked in late 204 and what it did to Alberta and the Nations finances.

So you got to ask the questions and everybody else has to give you the answers you want to hear while you are back. Door defending Trudeau and attacking conservatives. I mean if you don't think your position is pretty clear to anybody reading it, you're only fooling yourself, my friend. And again, are you suggesting that the status quo is okay? By the way, again, the g8 hasn't existed since about 2015 so I don't know why you mentioned it again. And no, what is going on in other countries isn't necessarily our concern as far as economics here and while you think having a 32 billion deficit when you were promised, the 10 billion deficit is justified because what it went to that's your opinion and nothing more because to be perfectly honest. He won two minority governments after that so we went from a majority to two minorities so it would suggest Canadians didn't actually feel the same way you did in calling it justified. As for life getting cheaper, if you lower the GST, life gets cheaper for people. I don't know how you do not understand that. If you're trying to pin me into a corner and say is it enough? No, it's not in my opinion, but if you can't see how that makes life cheaper then I guess you don't buy much.

9 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Is it? How so? 

Because you have to go to the government to see if you're accepted or not. Sounds a lot like Nazi Germany or North Korea or the Soviet Union.

5 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Nobody is perfect.  Few, if any politicians are perfect.  To be honest, you would hope that people actually look over all of the policy positions that a particular party has, and then pick the one that most closely aligns with the policies you want.  Are there going to be perfect alignment.  Probably not.


Thing is, the CONs in no way align with policies that I want.  The fact that there is a rather significant Social CON presence is a no go for me.  So ya, I'm going to be very critical of PP and Alberta CONs and Doug Ford if I choose.


At some point, the negatives add up.  JT is at that point and it is showing in the polls.  He had two elections where he failed to get a majority and barely held off the CONs.  He has shown no interest in stepping down, and hes taking the party with him.

Absolutely. You should speak up about the things that you don't think are right and criticize them for the things that you believe they need to be doing better. But what I would say is when I do that about Trudeau I get attacked. When you guys do that about conservatives I let you do that. I do agree with you about alignment though. That's why I feel like I best align with the libertarian party, but let's be honest they have no chance.

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6 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Nobody is perfect.  Few, if any politicians are perfect.  To be honest, you would hope that people actually look over all of the policy positions that a particular party has, and then pick the one that most closely aligns with the policies you want.  Are there going to be perfect alignment.  Probably not.


Thing is, the CONs in no way align with policies that I want.  The fact that there is a rather significant Social CON presence is a no go for me.  So ya, I'm going to be very critical of PP and Alberta CONs and Doug Ford if I choose.


At some point, the negatives add up.  JT is at that point and it is showing in the polls.  He had two elections where he failed to get a majority and barely held off the CONs.  He has shown no interest in stepping down, and hes taking the party with him.

Agreed, he needs to step down for the next election, which isn't coming some awhile yet.  But, I think they need to go with a new face.......that said, he's got pretty thick skin and can deflect a lot of heat from the people making the decisions.


Of course tte opposition party is ahead on the polls, voters aren't in election mode yet, when they really look at what direction they want the country to go 




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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Undersatnd I have no difference in suggesting one of these turds is less disgusting than the other.


On the contrary I am trying to decide why people think one IS shinier than the other.


One IS the current PM and we know all about him.  the other WANTS to be the PM and is campaigning on things that are not exactly the most accurate and is relying on pissing people off to accomplish it.


I have well over a decade of posts asking every potential PM camp hopefus the same questions.  What's their plan, how are they different, what makes them better?


With the current hopeful he is trying to suggest he is a hard working man of the people.  A man of principals and of conviction.


The truth is he's never had a job.  He campaigned on very loud and significant social issues that were part of his beliefs.  When tapped to be the leader he turned his back on those beliefs and convictions and while holding major cabinet positions of minister or employment and minister of housing he in fact failed miserably at both  by spending hundreds of millions on housing that was never built and by rigging and changing EI structures that in fact harmed numerous people in the prairies and energy sectors after the downturn in mid to late 2014.  


So I ask the same questions I have before.  how is he credible?  how is a person of conviction?  How is he different?


well yeah, i agree.


how IS he credible? how IS he different? 


i don't know either. their true colours will only get revealed when they are in the PM's seat, and by that time it will be too late. 


they're typical politicians. 

In my POV it's either this scumbag or that scumbag. 



Edited by HuggyCareBear
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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

You're doing it again.


Obviously "I always come to his defense" by asking the same questions I always have.  This is the same tact you've taken with me for years mate.  Just because I demand that a person who says they'll be a better PM than the one we have prove their worth doesn't mean I defend the one in power.  it means I want proof and in this instance there is none.


O'Toole was the better option but his party screwed him. He had conviction.  he had experience and a background to justify his claims.  Poiliverre doesn't.  


In 2015 Trudeau was voted in because "we needed change" and look what you say has happened.  By your own metrics shouldn't we deserve more and better than voting in just for the sake of voting out?

No my friend. It's always you doing the same thing over and over. You are asking questions. You are right but when it comes to the conservatives you make accusations and attack. But when it comes to Trudeau you ask questions rather than point out the things that he's done. If you can't see that difference, that's on you, but you are not equal. I fully recognize you didn't vote liberal you have told me you vote NDP in BC and federally That's fine. I don't share the liking of them but they align with you so you do you. That's fine. I do believe you run a small photo business, so I imagine an NDP government might be your desire. That being said, if we go over to the other forum we can see multiple times where you have done a back door way of defending Trudeau. 

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

Agreed, he needs to step down for the next election, which isn't coming some awhile yet.  But, I think they need to go with a new face.......that said, he's got pretty thick skin and can deflect a lot of heat from the people making the decisions.


Of course tte opposition party is ahead on the polls, voters aren't in election mode yet, when they really look at what direction they want the country to go 




Yeah I don't think Trudeau has a chance lol and you have no idea how long the election is away because if the NDP start to surge in the polls they will pull the pin on that coalition if it means being the official opposition.

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

So you got to ask the questions and everybody else has to give you the answers you want to hear while you are back. Door defending Trudeau and attacking conservatives. I mean if you don't think your position is pretty clear to anybody reading it, you're only fooling yourself, my friend. And again, are you suggesting that the status quo is okay? By the way, again, the g8 hasn't existed since about 2015 so I don't know why you mentioned it again. And no, what is going on in other countries isn't necessarily our concern as far as economics here and while you think having a 32 billion deficit when you were promised, the 10 billion deficit is justified because what it went to that's your opinion and nothing more because to be perfectly honest. He won two minority governments after that so we went from a majority to two minorities so it would suggest Canadians didn't actually feel the same way you did in calling it justified. As for life getting cheaper, if you lower the GST, life gets cheaper for people. I don't know how you do not understand that. If you're trying to pin me into a corner and say is it enough? No, it's not in my opinion, but if you can't see how that makes life cheaper then I guess you don't buy much.

Because you have to go to the government to see if you're accepted or not. Sounds a lot like Nazi Germany or North Korea or the Soviet Union.

Absolutely. You should speak up about the things that you don't think are right and criticize them for the things that you believe they need to be doing better. But what I would say is when I do that about Trudeau I get attacked. When you guys do that about conservatives I let you do that. I do agree with you about alignment though. That's why I feel like I best align with the libertarian party, but let's be honest they have no chance.

Sorry friend, but you’re missing the mark. The regulations are for pod people earning 10+ million each year up here. 
I don’t understand where you’re coming from on this one. 

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Just now, Alflives said:

Sorry friend, but you’re missing the mark. The regulations are for pod people earning 10+ million each year up here. 
I don’t understand where you’re coming from on this one. 

You have to register with the government. Does that sound like freedom of speech? Which means the government can say no. We don't want to hear from you. We won't allow it!

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30 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

 I like how Stawns says it's all right to wish death upon people that we deem aren't good people. Who decides that?

Well in more conservative states, the government.   As a utilitarian, I think it's pretty hard to argue that there aren't people who would make the world a better place by dying.  

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11 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Well said my friend! I'm a little bit confused by some thinking. I mean for those who say they support the liberals I can get on board with that. I mean I would wonder to myself why? But at least they're coming out to say they do. Warhippy on the other hand constantly says he doesn't like Trudeau but he comes to his defense time and time again. And now he's shifted his argument again to be one of well PP would be worse. I mean could it be worse than this? So this is just the reality. Obviously we need change so I don't understand what this argument is or how bad he is. It's like ignoring what's going on. 


well politics is complicated and everyone has their own beliefs. rightfully so. 

but even from someone like me who doesn't really consider myself political, you can just see that canadians are fed up with the liberals and the government.

i just see it day to day. you also see it all over the news.


that doesn't mean the conservatives will fix these issues, but it doesn't change the fact that the majority of people are not satisfied with the job the current government is doing. 

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

You have to register with the government. Does that sound like freedom of speech? Which means the government can say no. We don't want to hear from you. We won't allow it!

It does? Doesn’t it mean those who earn 10+ million with their Internet shows have to follow regulations similar to radio and TV? 

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6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

So you got to ask the questions and everybody else has to give you the answers you want to hear while you are back. Door defending Trudeau and attacking conservatives. I mean if you don't think your position is pretty clear to anybody reading it, you're only fooling yourself, my friend. And again, are you suggesting that the status quo is okay? By the way, again, the g8 hasn't existed since about 2015 so I don't know why you mentioned it again. And no, what is going on in other countries isn't necessarily our concern as far as economics here and while you think having a 32 billion deficit when you were promised, the 10 billion deficit is justified because what it went to that's your opinion and nothing more because to be perfectly honest. He won two minority governments after that so we went from a majority to two minorities so it would suggest Canadians didn't actually feel the same way you did in calling it justified. As for life getting cheaper, if you lower the GST, life gets cheaper for people. I don't know how you do not understand that. If you're trying to pin me into a corner and say is it enough? No, it's not in my opinion, but if you can't see how that makes life cheaper then I guess you don't buy much.

Because you have to go to the government to see if you're accepted or not. Sounds a lot like Nazi Germany or North Korea or the Soviet Union.

Absolutely. You should speak up about the things that you don't think are right and criticize them for the things that you believe they need to be doing better. But what I would say is when I do that about Trudeau I get attacked. When you guys do that about conservatives I let you do that. I do agree with you about alignment though. That's why I feel like I best align with the libertarian party, but let's be honest they have no chance.


We already saw that game.  CONs cut tax.  Revenue to the government goes down.  CONs use drop in revenue (likely deficit increase) and use it to "tighten the belt".  Do they slash subsidies to big oil?  Nope.  They cut things like Veterans offices, like they did to the one here in PG (re-opened when JT beat Harper).  They cut Coast Guard.  Cut funding.  And yet, with all of that, you never really see those lost tax revenues back.   Ohhhhh I get a few buck back, but the Veterans office in my community get shut down.  Not a win win.


I can provide many many more examples where CON tax cuts DO NOT PAY FOR THEMSELVES OR TRICKLE DOWN.

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