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45 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Anyone hear about the new internet censorship  bill? If you have a pod cast you'll have to register with the government. Orwellian times for Owellian people (double think, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, technocracy, oligarchy)

Yes I heard about that. What a joke. So now I have to register my podcast so Trudeau can watch and critic my every move?  Disgusting…

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Well in more conservative states, the government.   As a utilitarian, I think it's pretty hard to argue that there aren't people who would make the world a better place by dying.  

Well to be fair, if we put you in charge of that you would have NHL players, politicians possibly me all lined up and gunned down.😬

1 minute ago, HuggyCareBear said:


well politics is complicated and everyone has their own beliefs. rightfully so. 

but even from someone like me who doesn't really consider myself political, you can just see that canadians are fed up with the liberals and the government.

i just see it day to day. you also see it all over the news.


that doesn't mean the conservatives will fix these issues, but it doesn't change the fact that the majority of people are not satisfied with the job the current government is doing. 

This is just that even if they did a smidge bit better it would be better than what we have. So I don't understand the excuse of well They won't do any better when things have never been this bad in this country since his dad was prime minister. It's almost like just give up and don't try mentality. Seems bizarre to me.

1 minute ago, Alflives said:

It does? Doesn’t it mean those who earn 10+ million with their Internet shows have to follow regulations similar to radio and TV? 

Well yes it does mean that as well. But it also means the government will decide who's acceptable and who isn't. So again, it's a hindrance on free speech. But then again that's been going on under the Trudeau regime for some time now and for whatever reason people are supporting it on his side of the aisle. But in all fairness, when you look around the world left wing governments are taken away rights quite quickly. To be honest that used to be a conservative move to do those things, but I guess the liberals want to copy that.

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23 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


Thing is, the CONs in no way align with policies that I want.  The fact that there is a rather significant Social CON presence is a no go for me.  So ya, I'm going to be very critical of PP and Alberta CONs and Doug Ford if I choose.

That's the bottom line.  Until the CPC makes it clear that they understand that their barbaric social policies aren't acceptable in civilized countries, they need to be kept out of power no matter what the cost is.

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12 minutes ago, HuggyCareBear said:


well yeah, i agree.


how IS he credible? how IS he different? 


i don't know either. their true colours will only get revealed when they are in the PM's seat, and by that time it will be too late. 


they're typical politicians. 

In my POV it's either this scumbag or that scumbag. 



And that's the thing.


Which scumbag jives with your beliefs?  At that point in time you have to decide which party has the better platform or least repugnant individual make up.  When you look at the comments, voting records and histories of standing MPs on various issues that matter to you; you can start deciding.  Because it is a party that governs, not a person.


I refuse myself; personally to vote for a party because I don't like the polarizing mindset that follows that line of thinking or near worship.  But I can say as a small c type; money and spending matters; but I also care about the party that will just let others live their lives and thus far both get failing grades.  So I just vote for the best person in my riding.  The one I'd be ok having a drink with.  Simplify it and it gets easier

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Just now, Warhippy said:

And that's the thing.


Which scumbag jives with your beliefs?  At that point in time you have to decide which party has the better platform or least repugnant individual make up.  When you look at the comments, voting records and histories of standing MPs on various issues that matter to you; you can start deciding.  Because it is a party that governs, not a person.


I refuse myself; personally to vote for a party because I don't like the polarizing mindset that follows that line of thinking or near worship.  But I can say as a small c type; money and spending matters; but I also care about the party that will just let others live their lives and thus far both get failing grades.  So I just vote for the best person in my riding.  The one I'd be ok having a drink with.  Simplify it and it gets easier

well said. 

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4 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


We already saw that game.  CONs cut tax.  Revenue to the government goes down.  CONs use drop in revenue (likely deficit increase) and use it to "tighten the belt".  Do they slash subsidies to big oil?  Nope.  They cut things like Veterans offices, like they did to the one here in PG (re-opened when JT beat Harper).  They cut Coast Guard.  Cut funding.  And yet, with all of that, you never really see those lost tax revenues back.   Ohhhhh I get a few buck back, but the Veterans office in my community get shut down.  Not a win win.


I can provide many many more examples where CON tax cuts DO NOT PAY FOR THEMSELVES OR TRICKLE DOWN.

Hey you aren't wrong about that and I guess the only difference would be is the liberals don't cut taxes and then make all these cuts anyways. 


I mean military spending under Chretien, Harper and Trudeau has been pathetic. The only one that tried to increase it quite a bit was Paul Martin. The thing about Paul Martin was he was liberal that conservatives could get on board with. 

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16 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

So you got to ask the questions and everybody else has to give you the answers you want to hear while you are back. Door defending Trudeau and attacking conservatives. I mean if you don't think your position is pretty clear to anybody reading it, you're only fooling yourself, my friend. And again, are you suggesting that the status quo is okay? By the way, again, the g8 hasn't existed since about 2015 so I don't know why you mentioned it again. And no, what is going on in other countries isn't necessarily our concern as far as economics here and while you think having a 32 billion deficit when you were promised, the 10 billion deficit is justified because what it went to that's your opinion and nothing more because to be perfectly honest. He won two minority governments after that so we went from a majority to two minorities so it would suggest Canadians didn't actually feel the same way you did in calling it justified. As for life getting cheaper, if you lower the GST, life gets cheaper for people. I don't know how you do not understand that. If you're trying to pin me into a corner and say is it enough? No, it's not in my opinion, but if you can't see how that makes life cheaper then I guess you don't buy much.


That;'s a lot of words to repeat yourself.  Could have just said ditto or copied and pasted your originalstatement because nothing here changed.


You're attacking conservatives why do I have to answer you


You support trudeau even if you don't admit it


G8 doesnt exist it only matters what happens here not in other countries


Lowering the gst lowered prices

Work smarter Strome, not harder.

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13 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

You have to register with the government. Does that sound like freedom of speech? Which means the government can say no. We don't want to hear from you. We won't allow it!

We don't have freedom of speech in Canada.

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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

That's the bottom line.  Until the CPC makes it clear that they understand that their barbaric social policies aren't acceptable in civilized countries, they need to be kept out of power no matter what the cost is.

So what are those barbaric social policies? Because I know what some people have said but I also know under the Harper government that nothing was done to change rights to the LgBTQ or to a woman's right to choose. So I would like to know about these barbaric things. I know that the true dog government wanted to take some barbaric comments out of stuff because people coming from middle Eastern countries found that offensive. So if we want to stop barbaric things, maybe you need to look at the Prime Minister.

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

That;'s a lot of words to repeat yourself.  Could have just said ditto or copied and pasted your originalstatement because nothing here changed.


You're attacking conservatives why do I have to answer you


You support trudeau even if you don't admit it


G8 doesnt exist it only matters what happens here not in other countries


Lowering the gst lowered prices

Work smarter Strome, not harder.

Okay, let's try something different. Why does Trudeau deserve to stay in power?

2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

We don't have freedom of speech in Canada.

Actually we do hate speech however is not allowed. But I know that those on the left are itching to get rid of free speech all together

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40 minutes ago, HuggyCareBear said:



not a fan of either trudeau nor pp.


PP is not innocent, far from from it. But it's either going to be either him or JT (again) in the PM's seat soon enough.


On the other hand, JT: 


- paid tribute to fidel castro (brutal dictator) 

- committed blackface on multiple occasions (seriously?),

- decided to go on a family vacation to tofino on the inaugural truth and reconciliation day

- the WE charity scandal...etc. 

- the current state of canada


there's a reason why so many people are turning against trudeau and the liberals, even the millenials and gen-z. just look at the news.

even news channels/papers that you might consider more left-leaning are admitting this. 


it should show you that people are not happy with the government and the proof for them is the everyday life they are living literally right now. 



Don’t people normally pay tribute to their father?   😌

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Well to be fair, if we put you in charge of that you would have NHL players, politicians possibly me all lined up and gunned down.😬

This is just that even if they did a smidge bit better it would be better than what we have. So I don't understand the excuse of well They won't do any better when things have never been this bad in this country since his dad was prime minister. It's almost like just give up and don't try mentality. Seems bizarre to me.

Well yes it does mean that as well. But it also means the government will decide who's acceptable and who isn't. So again, it's a hindrance on free speech. But then again that's been going on under the Trudeau regime for some time now and for whatever reason people are supporting it on his side of the aisle. But in all fairness, when you look around the world left wing governments are taken away rights quite quickly. To be honest that used to be a conservative move to do those things, but I guess the liberals want to copy that.

Shouldn’t a government regulate radio, TV, and other ways of presenting to mass audiences?  An Internet person who makes 10+ million will certainly have a big following. Should they not be responsible and accountable for their words and actions?  

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6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Yes I heard about that. What a joke. So now I have to register my podcast so Trudeau can watch and critic my every move?  Disgusting…


Get over yourself. Trudeau doesn't GAF about your theoretical podcast.


I don't think "The Gubmint" is worried about podcasts that only family members tune in to....:classic_rolleyes:

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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

Shouldn’t a government regulate radio, TV, and other ways of presenting to mass audiences?  An Internet person who makes 10+ million will certainly have a big following. Should they not be responsible and accountable for their words and actions?  

So you don't support free speech first off. Second you ask shouldn't a government regulate it? Well how do they decide that? Oh like a left-wing government wouldn't want to right when show or a right-wing government wouldn't want to left-wing show. What a brilliant idea you have. I mean it sounds like the Soviet Union I get it alf. I understand that you're 100 years old but we don't want to go back to the Soviet Union.

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18 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

No my friend. It's always you doing the same thing over and over. You are asking questions. You are right but when it comes to the conservatives you make accusations and attack. But when it comes to Trudeau you ask questions rather than point out the things that he's done. If you can't see that difference, that's on you, but you are not equal. I fully recognize you didn't vote liberal you have told me you vote NDP in BC and federally That's fine. I don't share the liking of them but they align with you so you do you. That's fine. I do believe you run a small photo business, so I imagine an NDP government might be your desire. That being said, if we go over to the other forum we can see multiple times where you have done a back door way of defending Trudeau. 

When it comes to the Conservatives and the man who wants to be PM who claims to be better, who claims to be different who claims to be something new.  I ask questions and that is "attacking"


Shame on me for demanding accountability and proof as to how things will magically improve by placing a new butt in the seat without an actual visible plan to make things better who is currently campaigning on emotions and anger.  Much like the platform before when O'Toole ran or the person and platform before when Scheer ran or the platform before where instead of just stating what he didn right, attacked and engendered anger and claims of division and inexperience under the former PM.


As a taxpayer, a voter and a citizen I have the right to demand this, I have the right o demand proof and accountability and more importantly.  With the hypocritical claims and statements of I only make accusations and attack, I again ask how I am acting different than the man who wants to be PM and claims to be different and better.


I'm a guy on a hockey forum doing little different than the one who wants to be PM but at this point in time I am being held to a higher standard than he is by you.  You who are making the same claims, who are saying the same things but still not answering any of the questions I am asking as to how your chosen pony is better than the oaf we have or how he will make things better.


Asking for accountability or how said person is different is not an attack.  Pointing out that the current movement is based on the same platforms and directions of the last 3 consecutive Conservative brand runs in federal elections which all failed and asking how it's gonna be better is not an attack.  If you feel that way fine.  I won't argue that because almost a decade ish later you're still circling the drain with the same 5 points and responses and I am genuinely just not up to repeating myself while you insinuate whatever it is you have to in order to justify your position, or to try to make my position somehow vilified or to promote the idea I am purely anti conservative and back door trudeau supporter.


Just don't have ti in me mate.  Carry on doing what ya do though.

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Just now, Ryan Strome said:

So what are those barbaric social policies? Because I know what some people have said but I also know under the Harper government that nothing was done to change rights to the LgBTQ or to a woman's right to choose. So I would like to know about these barbaric things. I know that the true dog government wanted to take some barbaric comments out of stuff because people coming from middle Eastern countries found that offensive. So if we want to stop barbaric things, maybe you need to look at the Prime Minister.

Homophobia, transphobia, racism, infringement on a woman's right to choose, recriminalizing of marijuana.  I'm not going to trust a leader on record as calling the indigenous "tar babies" and has a record of voting against the right to choose.  Harper wasn't exactly innocent of catering to these bigots either with his snitch line.

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

So you don't support free speech first off. Second you ask shouldn't a government regulate it? Well how do they decide that? Oh like a left-wing government wouldn't want to right when show or a right-wing government wouldn't want to left-wing show. What a brilliant idea you have. I mean it sounds like the Soviet Union I get it alf. I understand that you're 100 years old but we don't want to go back to the Soviet Union.

Our Charter has limits to free speech. Plus, if a Pod thing is watched by a great number of children for example, should the adds on it (if it has sponsored adds) be okay to be anything?  Should the podcast person be able to say things that go beyond what’s protected by freedom of speech in our Charter? 

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


Get over yourself. Trudeau doesn't GAF about your theoretical podcast.


I don't think "The Gubmint" is worried about podcasts that only family members tune in to....:classic_rolleyes:

I had over 3000 views on my last podcast with my team. It’s in the Apple Store and Spotify.

You’d be impressed Rupert. You’d be equally impressed if you knew who I really am…   😊

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7 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Homophobia, transphobia, racism, infringement on a woman's right to choose, recriminalizing of marijuana.  I'm not going to trust a leader on record as calling the indigenous "tar babies" and has a record of voting against the right to choose.  Harper wasn't exactly innocent of catering to these bigots either with his snitch line.

All of this is fear-mongering nonsense and is backed up by no facts. So ppl like @Warhippy @Alflives @RupertKBD would say these are nothing burgers and just your opinion. Or at least it's what they should say because it's what they say when it comes to Trudeau. Also, the only racist I know in Ottawa is the prime minister he even admitted what he did multiple times was racist.

2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Our Charter has limits to free speech. Plus, if a Pod thing is watched by a great number of children for example, should the adds on it (if it has sponsored adds) be okay to be anything?  Should the podcast person be able to say things that go beyond what’s protected by freedom of speech in our Charter? 

I mean if you believe that's why they are doing this, then there's no changing your mind. But you should really open your eyes up when the government says we are going to regulate what can be said. And no, we don't have limits to free speech.. hate speech, however, is illegal and should never be considered free speech in the first place.

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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I had over 3000 views on my last podcast with my team. It’s in the Apple Store and Spotify.

You’d be impressed Rupert. You’d be equally impressed if you knew who I really am…   😊

I don't know about that. I think he's only impressed by Donald Trump. I mean he must be. He's got probably 10,000 comments about the guy lol

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2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Our Charter has limits to free speech. Plus, if a Pod thing is watched by a great number of children for example, should the adds on it (if it has sponsored adds) be okay to be anything?  Should the podcast person be able to say things that go beyond what’s protected by freedom of speech in our Charter? 

1) I'm sure the Podcast/advertisers would have a good understanding of the audience's demographic.

2) If children are listening to an "inappropriate" podcast for their age, that is on the parents and not the podcasters IMO.


I was listening to PMT and they had an advertisement for Zyn a smokeless nicotine product. I was shocked that advertisement was allowed. I'm thinking that the incoming regulations will put a stop to that.


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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

All I would say is we don't need to open the door to potentially allow for wrongdoing to happen. Like you and I think agree criminals will always be criminals, but we certainly don't need to give them easier access. Like the felon in the United Kingdom who said he was trans and got put in a female jail and rape them that never should have happened in the first place.


Sorry, I'm still very confused as to why that should effect equal rights to trans people (or anyone else)?  That's like me suggesting that white men shouldn't have equal access to guns, due to them overwhelmingly being the perpetrators of mass shootings. 


Criminals doing illegal things should be dealt with appropriately through the legal system. It should have no barring on law abiding people, of any kind, being equal citizens with the rest of us.

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8 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

So you don't support free speech first off. Second you ask shouldn't a government regulate it? Well how do they decide that? Oh like a left-wing government wouldn't want to right when show or a right-wing government wouldn't want to left-wing show. What a brilliant idea you have. I mean it sounds like the Soviet Union I get it alf. I understand that you're 100 years old but we don't want to go back to the Soviet Union.

I’m confused. Do the Cons want the government and the CRTC to have some control over what Canadians see or don’t they? Can’t ask them to regulate speech and shit on them when do. Pick a lane.

….and yes I agree with the Conservative MP. 


Conservative MP urges Ottawa to ban Chinese state broadcaster from airwaves


A Conservative MP is renewing calls for the federal government to ban authoritarian state broadcasters, including the China Global Television Network.

"CGTN, China's authoritarian state-controlled broadcaster, is still operating here, spreading disinformation, propaganda and violating international human rights laws," said Michael Chong, the Conservative foreign affairs critic, during a parliamentary committee hearing Monday night.

As the Toronto Star has reported, the international human rights organization Safeguard Defenders lodged a complaint with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) back in 2019 against China Global Television Network (CGTN) and China Central Television's Chinese-language international channel CCTV-4.

During Monday's committee hearing, Chong asked Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino why the federal government hasn't issued an order under section seven of the Broadcasting Act, which permits the government to issue general policy directions to the CRTC.


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Just now, aGENT said:


Sorry, I'm still very confused as to why that should effect equal rights to trans people (or anyone else)?  That's like me suggesting that white men shouldn't have equal access to guns, due to them overwhelmingly being the perpetrators of mass shootings. 


Criminals doing illegal things should be dealt with appropriately through the legal system. It should have no barring on law abiding people, of any kind, being equal citizens with the rest of us.

Actually wouldn't the comparison be to make it easier for people to get guns? Something I hear lots of people on the former CDC complain about.

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